Handplates Season 4 The Movie (Undertale Comic Dub) (Season 4 FULL)

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do you remember what asgore said about the watery place mm-hmm you said to just keep going straight did he say anything about grass like lots of really tall grass um no I don't think so it's already gives you a we are feeling though doesn't it well maybe but there is no need to be afraid of grass and and to prove it to you I will take your hand to make sure you will not be afraid of it this doesn't feel right sometimes now don't worry brother you said to keep going straight so that's all we have to do excuse me yes you you do something about your friend what my friend do you mean sands your friend the one behind you with the creepy smile smile isn't creepy that's just his face bro hmm we're just random to go bro let's go I want to get out of here wait what do you mean by that bro come on the Firestone sands sands I mean ah hello because you didn't scare me at all hi Timmy hi I'm papyrus um have you seen my brother he looks like me but not stalled and around geez what happened I only let go of you for a second look sans I thought someone maybe she was the one with the creepy smile Oh let's go sounds it sounds like fun I mean I guess we can wouldn't mind being around some more people right now anyway they're on sale sans I don't know so what's the history but what is it history you don't actually know it do you don't worry we know exactly how you feel good do we sure we do we can't remember our history either right huh at least we're not the only ones right Timmy do you think maybe we hatched from an egg sans I don't think Timmy has even hatched from eggs bro mushroom dance mushroom dance whatever could it mean it means you have no high fate to support you what's a hyphae it means you have no roots thank you next time we'll have more months for you you see how they talked yeah I did no normal monsters could talk like that other monsters yeah that's what I meant but they didn't know where they came from either so maybe we're not that strange maybe hey that must be the turtle shop she was talking about yep just keep on heading that way you'll find the birds are looking for in no time then it'll be a straight shot right to Snowden can't miss it thanks pal I appreciate it oh wait you seem like you know a lot about monsters and history and prophecies and symbols you could say that do you know what wdg let me see that we've been trying to figure out what it means we just woke up with them on us yeah I can't remember a thing about him you don't come off though yeah I bet they wouldn't what do you mean you just woke up with these Anya amnesia huh so we can't remember uh mostly everything not since we woke up but we're trying to figure out what it means and you put them there it might be the solution to our puzzle do you know anything about it let me give you kiddo some advice what you got on your hands there that's not normal and whoever put those things on you is bad news I guarantee it you're better off not tangling with someone who'd do something like that something like what you know what it means or not hmm like I said it's nothing good but I don't know what those letters stand for if that's what you're asking right Thanks come on bro let's go [Music] you okay asked or looked at them the same way do you really think they're bad haven't seen anyone else who had him it's not that weird is it I don't know I don't know he looked at me like Oscar was up tip my nap come on bro we're almost home can we got more important things to think about huh a scar packed this journal with a note saying that writing things down can help you figure things out maybe even help us remember what happened to us I don't think that's ever gonna happen but it's worth a shot I guess I asked papyrus if he wanted to do it baby he said no I think writing for too long hurts his eye sockets or something so I guess I'll do it we're in the house now a scar said it's been abandoned a long time but it doesn't really feel like it a few months maybe but not years and it wasn't a lot of food though I guess a score I left some money in my bag so we went out and got some everyone here seems real nice so far they all talk the same me and papyrus are the only ones that look different we've been going through all the stuff here papyrus is having fun cleaning the place whoever lived here had so many mugs he also had a lot of scarves that made the buyers happy he really likes this old red one it's a good color on him papyrus also found these things you can put on to cover your hands clubs I think so he's been wearing those a lot lately there's a lot of papers here what I can read seems pretty technical mostly it sounds like someone asking someone else for money but in really fancy ways there's a lot of journals of monster science or something tons of them and they all look the same even though they're dated differently and they're total gibberish maybe whoever lived here collected them they take out but ton of space so I think we're just gonna toss him there are some cool looking books here though I definitely want to read those there was this weird machine in the bedroom that's connected to the wall and it's got a lot of buttons not sure what that thing does I bet there's directions for it around here somewhere the other room is just full of broken junk so we've been tossing that out but there's a lot of it it smells like smoke in here papyrus says it makes him feel tense but in a good way I just feel tense but it does smell familiar papyrus was right this is our house I didn't even need to see myself either I'm not sure exactly when I knew maybe when he did but last night when we were falling asleep it felt really real we've cleared out enough stuff that there's finally started to be room for us how it's supposed to be fine sounds dumb this germ thing will never work [Music] thank you for coming dr. ralphus are you doing well yeah I'm fine um Metatron's really doing well yes I've noticed I'm glad very success and yours I don't want to put pressure on you particularly if you already have projects that you're working on but I would like to make a request I've been thinking about the barrier and the plan yeah yeah admittedly I am NOT a scientist but how much research have you done on a human soul dr. ralphus always go to you I don't remember I know it may be futile but if I lent you the human souls do you think you could find some other way to pass the barrier a way that won't involve me you you'd let me I trust you dr. ralphus I I mean I some of the plans I found I mean I've had I've been working on uh they do um speculate about the properties of human souls and uh there are theories that I could explore if I had real Souls to work with but I can't I can't promise that I am willing to do anything at this point to find another solution I don't want to continue this path unless I have to I've just been thinking a lot lately well I'll see what I can do [Music] so here's the prototype it should be able to safely store and protect his soul without any danger of absorption when a human falls that should keep the soul stable until the appropriate time [Music] yes sir what will happen to me when I absorb all seven Souls it's difficult to say there's very little surviving information on the process there is a chance that the seven human souls you take may live on within you previous records of soul absorption seemed to indicate that the monster maintains ultimate control in these scenarios but the absorption of this scale at magnitude I I know you want answers but it's difficult to say at this point gasps sir yes your majesty if I go through with this if I do this and change will you stay with me until the end even if I lose myself even if I destroy everything there is nothing that you could do that would make me leave your side as long as you will have me I will stay thank you thank you a score came by to see how we were doing he liked the lights outside a lot he couldn't stay too long because he had some kind of thing to do at the local school or something it sounds kind of boring but papyrus thinks we should go since we haven't hung out with asgore in a while and he's probably right I can work on this computer think some more later [Music] now responsibility means that whenever you make a decision you must accept the consequences of that decision even if those consequences are good or bad and it also means that when you are trusted to take care of something like these flowers or someone you care about which you do everything in your power to take care of that someone especially if they are weaker or smaller than you I wish undyne was here instead she'd show us some cool moves whose undying oh man you don't know who undyne is she's only the coolest person in the whole underground the coolest yeah there's no one cooler than her and she's the strongest too and she goes around beating up bad guys and she never loses how did she become so cool I'm asking for a friend oh geez she's always been not cool she's been the head of the Royal Guard for as long as I can remember longer than I've been alive even the Royal Guard yeah they helped the king look out for humans they're the strongest and coolest guys in the whole underground and Undine is the coolest and strongest of them all no one gets to be a royal guard unless she says so excuse me please sorry mr. dreamer man if you ever meet Undine you'll see what I mean sans have you heard about the Royal Guard the what the Royal Guard sans there are a group of the coolest and strongest monsters that work for the king and everyone loves them they're the most popular the most popular huh good for them no sense you don't get it I have to become a Royal Guard I have to why because I have to be popular sans I am great and special and unique and not weird at all and I need to show everyone how great I am so they can tell me so that I already do that don't I it's not enough sans it'll be real coming from them they're more I mean that's not what I meant no it's okay I mean you're right I always come up short sans wait so it Amin more coming from people who are worth something that just makes sense anyway I gotta go I got stuff to do wait [Music] I'm sorry what for I didn't mean to make you feel like you want wet something you're the most important person in the world to me you've always believed in me and I'm not enough I'm not that's the long and short of it the me and you of it huh I'm sorry sands I'm sorry I'm like this I don't want to hurt you you are what you are I am what I am just gotta accept it what is it that you want that I can't do might help us figure out what to do about it I want them to see what you see I want them to love me I want them to be proud of me and look up to me and say I'm good that I'm smart and clever and good and they'll give me hugs and kisses and all the things people who are good get and who's they [Music] I I don't know everyone I guess you think John in the Royal Guard will do that everyone thinks the Royal Guard is really cool I heard it from a very reliable source so if I become a royal guard then I'll become cool myself it makes perfect sense okay so how do you join who's the leader of these guards anyway someone named Undine I think she lives in waterfall why don't we ask her to let you in probably won't be that easy but it's worth a shot yeah sans are you okay yeah you know me I'm always okay no you're not I can tell look I just want you to be happy that's all why cuz you deserve to be happy duh I don't what about - you you don't I saw that you hesitated you hesitated do you not think you don't deserve to not wait do you not not ah you deserve to be happy - sans I want you to be happy I'm happy when you're happy from himself huh but look if you want to make it up to me then just drop it we both got something wrong with us big deal that's life can't do anything about it but we can do something about this guard thing so let's do that fine but I'm not going to forget huh are you sure it's a good time to be doing this if it's midnight then we'll be sure that she'll be home I mean that's true but hi can I join the Royal Guard she must be going to get some papers for me to sign or something huh maybe you know we could come back later no she'll be back any minute sands we just have to be patient just gonna throw this out there but you seem to have this under control so you mind if I head home and take a nap sands are you tired already you know me I'll come back and check on you later huh fine even your perpetual exhaustion won't budge my faith that she will open the door again any second hang in there bro are you seriously still here absolutely I can't leave before you give me an answer wait have you been standing here all night haven't moved a muscle which I do not have well sure are determined I'll give you that why do you want to join the guard anyway to be popular well not like any of the dogs have a better reason you think you got what it takes yes whatever it is I'll go get it for you right away no I meant whatever what's your name papyrus all right then papyrus let's see what you can do oh you're actually pretty good papyrus really actually pick up really good where'd you learn to fight like this you taught me cuz Gor did you know I tried to take him down myself too but I couldn't land a hit on him yes that happened to me too Wow anyway you've definitely got the skills to be in the guard and you can take a hit too so that's good but before I let you in I've got to know what's in your heart I don't have a heart actually no like what makes your blood boil you know your guts I don't have those either no okay where do you want more than anything for Pyrus love and affection I was looking for justice but okay if you're a Royal Guard people are going to be counting on you to protect them what are you gonna do if a human falls down here if a human was coming right at you what would you do uh I did engage them in combat to see the bullet patterns humans don't have bullet patterns papyrus really how do they spar then they just use their fists what are you gonna do if a human comes at you with their fist papyrus ah I try not to get him with their fists I used my magic to stop them okay then then after we're done I'd ask them what they thought of my patterns have been calibrating them for ultimate friend potential you don't want to make friends with a human papyrus why not do you know what the Royal Guard does cool and popular things can you give me a minute geez geez this guy it's gonna get eaten alive so I just checked our papers and we don't have any positions open right now but but the minute something opens up I'll call you okay you're at the top of my list I promise oh but in the meantime why don't you come over anyway and I'll give you lessons lessons yeah um cooking lessons huh great warriors need to know how to cook how about that do you like cooking I love it thank God you scared me to death why I was just taking a nap pretty sure you see me do that before for two days yeah well I guess that's why I'm so hungry sad this is no time for jokes it's not a big deal you don't have to freak out about it I do this sometimes remember do you because I'm pretty sure this is the first time I I feel like I have but I don't remember now that you say that but I did didn't I oh sure I did and if I'd done it before then that means each time I woke up right so I can't be that dangerous even if that's true I don't know what woke you up what if there is something I did sans what if it was my job to wake you up and now I don't remember how and I can't do it and then you never woke up again sans Shh bro come on it's okay look I'm awake and everything's fine you didn't do anything right I mean did you I can't remember it cuz I was sleeping come on bro chill I'm okay no big deal just another weird thing we do huh did you attack down tight sands come on I'm Way behind on current events apparently I did talk to her she thinks I'm really strong but I didn't have any positions open yeah sorry bro not much you can do about that she said she'd called me when a spot opened up so we'll need to get a phone and she said she'd give me lessons until a position became available so it must only be a matter of time lessons what kind of lessons in what cooking lessons she says all great Warriors have to learn how to cook so at least I'll be learning important skills that would serve me later when I inevitably become papyrus the gardius of the Royal Guards because it is inevitable yeah cooking sounds like it'll be kind of fun at least yeah it should be did anything else happen while I was out or were you waiting the whole time of course I was waiting what else was I supposed to do sorry about that I mean it scare you I don't know what happened how are we gonna do if that happens again sands something happened to you I I'm not worried what how can you not be worried I'm not worried cuz I got you looking after me while I'm sleeping so I know I'll be safe until I wake up again huh oh you were frustratingly good at knowing what to say sometimes so I've heard ah come on you've been in bed for ages and are gross you're getting cleaned up and we're getting back on schedule I know you're there how did you you don't get to be captain of the Royal Guard if you can't tell when someone's sneaking up behind you what's up well I wasn't trying to sneak up on you it's just kind of a side affective that's beside the point what I really wanted to talk to you about is this certain someone you've been hanging out with lately oh you're papyruses dorky brother aren't you yeah he's told me all about you you're like all he can talk about actually though I gotta say you look a little different than when I was picturing but I haven't really seen any skeletons before anyway so what do I know right so what's up sands you don't want to join the guard too do you papyrus said you guys practice together all the time so if you're half as good as he is yeah that sounds like a lot of work so you want cooking lessons instead I don't know if I can fit you in my schedule is already pretty full with papyrus around man that it it also sounds like work and papyrus likes cooking for me anyway even if I can't really eat it yet so if it's not that then you must be here to make sure I'm not pushing papyrus around or being mean to him right come on all the stuff he's told me about you it's obvious what's going on with you guys and I get it if he was my brother I'd do the same thing you know someone's got to so I'm not gonna hold it against you that you're here to check me out the so to speak well guess the cats out of the bag do you want if I ask you something anyway sure do you really not have any space in the Royal Guard pretty sure you already know the answer to that sans right but you know it's weird you just said your schedules pretty full being the captain and all I'm wondering if you didn't want him in the guard why don't you just tell him to get lost why are you giving him cooking lessons [Music] your brother's a little needy yeah he talks about you all the time cuz he doesn't have anyone else to talk about except himself right yeah like don't get me wrong papyrus is a tough guy like he could be part boss monster he's that good he's really determined and enthusiastic he's really fun to be around actually yeah I know right he's the best and he knows what he wants which is cool but when it comes to how to get what he wants he needs a little help with that part and my job as captain is helping other monsters so I'm trying to help him out one way or another you know what I mean yeah I know what you mean so are we cool yeah we're cool [Music] as real it is bedtime young man [Music] as real as for glory where are you bori have you seen the children have you heard from the commander the village is burning everything is burning the humans are coming we must get the children away Gauri whoa no you save me $200 [Music] the Magister who where are you I must speak to you do not hide from me I wanted to tell you [Music] know this have to he's not [Music] there's got to be some warmth and around here it's just got to I can't find the rest of it it's 15g look through this pile of garbage you know where are you you can't charge people to look through the dump garbage is for everyone Hey this pile of trash is for everyone it's got to pay first tell you what I'll even give you a discount 20g you're getting a real deal here you can't do I know you uh I don't know to be honest that's not a real easy question for me to answer much at the time I'm stands by the way sans the skeleton yeah well it's just me and my brother far as I know so let's say you're one-third right its top out there for a skeleton that shouldn't exist gotta make a living somehow why is a scientist poking around on the dump you got the white coat it's pretty obvious hey Jeb you again got a telepath iris when I get home anyway I'm looking for human tech I only need two more parts before I can finish the machine are you gonna let you look in this pile or not tell you what I'll give you a new discount how about you just give me your name oh sorry I'm dr. ralphus alright then dr. ralphus you can take a look but if you find anything cool let me know huh I'm always looking for cool stuff for my bro yeah well we just moved into Snowden so adjusting I spend a lot of time here so I know this place like the back of my claws so um if you have any questions I I could sorry that was dumb you don't need my help just just ignore me I mean you know where the human throw out all the cool car stuff I'm listening he really wants one of those what are they called cellular phones you know where I can find one of those yeah all right send it pretty bad it's four in a row you know for a record or something well the great papyrus excels at everything he does even dreaming about trying to run from indistinct shadowy figures the terrible dark places but you can't move no matter how hard you try cat sounds exhausting nothing I can't handle when you're a strong and brave as myself even the West dreams don't leave a scratch yeah let's talk about running is gonna give me nightmares bro give me your hand you're so lazy sands running is good for you even terrified dream running well you're not actually moving no way I'm gonna dream about going to sleep you watch you better not you're going to bore me to death while I'm sleeping Santa come and stop me there fine fine I will I I've been written in here in a while but I'm not sure what to say we're still alive I've learned a lot right almost all the books I say got the computer working I still can't find the key to that room out back what do you think sense that is the coolest thing I've ever seen bro I know right I can't believe on time found something this cool before we could then she gave it to you well of course I'm the coolest person she knows yeah hun Dynes been good for the virus he's been getting more and more confident even if people still don't get him maybe someday he won't need him here the coolest dude I know - and you're the sleepiest dude I know no I'm only jesting you are also the coolest brother I know I'm the only brother you know that doesn't change the facts I wish you'd stop worrying about me so much I don't matter like he does if you're reading this papyrus I'm joking don't freak out do you trust me sans what's this about all of a sudden do you trust me yeah I trust you then if I say that everything will be okay from now on would you believe me what makes you say that it's the feeling I get when I look at our house and when I look at you me yeah when I see you here with me in our house our house I feel like we did it did one I don't know but whatever it is it got done and we did it sans together do you know what I mean I do get a feeling when I look at our place really yeah what is it son it makes me feel happy oh oh I knew it I told you sans I told you everything's going to be good I don't know what else to write yeah we're happy and things are good I think you're right I got a right to sell down before I forget it something strange is going on today I was heating up breakfast when all of a sudden I got hit with deja vu like 50 times all at once for a bunch of different dreams in a bunch of different places like someone turned on a faucet and a whole load of these not memories poured into my head they're not seeing memories I know what those are like those are clear and they don't change but these new ones aren't normal dream memories either because I remember what I was dreaming about last week is me and papyrus were sharing dreams because of the nightmares I remember those dreams and he does too so where are these new deja Vu's come from when did I dream them up why am I only remembering 50 weird dreams right now today I wish I could remember them more clearly there's something weird about him a lot of them seem normal just an average day here in Snowden which is weird because usually me and papyrus dream about cool stuff especially if we're sharing dreams the guests dream sharing is weird too because a score gave us that look when we told him about it the first time at this boy not be more surprised if we found out there was something about us that was normal sometimes it really feels like we're from another dimension or something maybe that's where mom and dad are I wonder if they miss us come on focus the point is normally our dreams aren't that mundane but all these new dreams are mostly when they aren't Monday and I get this bad feeling but I can't pin down exactly why just something bad happening or something bad doing something I can't remember it clearly it's frustrating thank God papyrus has the same thing going on he told me about all these sudden deja vu not memories he got about the same stuff and it all just happened to him today too if it weren't for him I definitely feel like I was going crazy I'm gonna try to keep tabs on this something's definitely up but what how do you strange flower howdy there friend boy that's a cool looking painting you're working on there oh yes I've been stretching my artistic muscles lately in a figurative sense cuz I don't actually have any muscles my latest projects have been landscapes painted on actual landscapes I may be ahead of my time but that's the price you pay for being a true genius that's what sands always said oh the other day he was sleeping on the couch again like telling him that we need to finish the frame for his own bed but keeps putting it off and it's even more annoying because he was so enthusiastic when we were making the cool car frame for my own bed when you sleep you have to sleep on a bed that's what normal people do he always gets like this whenever it's something for him and it drives me crazy he thinks I don't know what's going on but I do even if he says he's just being lazy I know boy you look really interested do you want to hear more about sands you bet wowie this is the first time anyone's listen to all my stories I could listen to you all day papyrus Wow did I tell you my name you sure did silly don't you remember I guess you might have forgot since you were talking for such a long time but that's okay cuz I remember for you that's what friends are for right friends wait are are we are we friends of course we're friends papyrus can't you tell oh my god I never had a friend before this is the greatest day of my life yeah it sure is new and exciting huh don't worry I'm happy to teach you about all kinds of things papyrus maybe we'll even be best friends hey bro who you talking to oh I was just talking to this amazing flow were oh like an echo flower I thought they only grow in waterfall no like it was a moving flower with the face he could say his own words and everything how did he go okay well anyway your show is on you want to come watch or what yeah sure and then sans wouldn't tell me how he was feeling he always says he's okay even when I know he isn't like he thinks I don't know what's going on with him it drives me crazy yeah secrets are the worst when two people really trust each other they can tell each other anything thank you and me papyrus what you aren't keeping any secrets from your good friend are you you can tell me anything like I don't know why you always wear gloves all the time it can't be because of a secret right because friends always tell each other their secrets especially best friends and we're best friends aren't we papyrus uh well we are a friends yes that is definitely true I think but um there is a reason for wearing them that is very good and not a secret or suspicious in any way and I will tell you this reason as soon as I think of it gosh you're so silly sometimes you don't have to make up stories all you have to do is show me your hand then I'll know you aren't keeping any secrets from me and that we're best friends you want to be friends don't you papyrus yeah and friends show each other their weird hand whoops looks like your glove fell off sometimes I'm so clumsy boy what's that in your hand there fire nothing nothing important just something very normal for skeletons that I don't have any kind of issues about whatsoever so we don't have to talk about it anymore since that's all there is to it say does your brother have one of these too since this one says you're number two so there must be a number one right uh I know we're really good friends but I really don't think you should ask sands about it he doesn't like taking his gloves off as much as I do sometimes when people pull my gloves off because it doesn't bother me at all especially when it's by my friends which I have many of including you gosh I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable papyrus I was just cure I feel just awful about doing that boy if only I'd known you were keeping a secret like that he wouldn't have asked oh don't feel bad I should have told you I don't know why I did it but don't worry I know a way I can make it up to you sans sans don't sleep on the floor ah it's not the floor it's a mattress it's not a bed get up you said don't sleep on the floor not don't not sleep on a bed this is really important sans what's up do you remember that talking flower I told you about is this like that imaginary flying dog friend you had for a while this one's real and don't malign star woof woof thank you but the flora told me something important all right you he told me that there's a secret locked door in Hartland and that no one's ever been able to open it huh weird so I asked him to show it to me and it's really there it's real and I think it has something to do with these wait what are you serious how do you know I think it would be easier if you saw it yourself okay can we take a shortcut this should be close oh there it is huh well it's definitely a door don't tell me you don't see it see what there's no doorknob sans okay sans I know you're better at puzzles than that there's no doorknob don't you remember when we were with özgür he had to teach us about doorknobs and that means that we didn't know about it before exactly but that's not all fans look watch this it wouldn't turn on for him only for me nah nah something's not right why would this flower guy even know about this why would he bring you here what did you tell him we should tell Undine about this I don't want to talk to Undine about this stuff I know everything else he's told me has come true I think she was right I think this is why we came from what do you mean everything else how would this flower even know who is this guy fans come here and try it I can only get one light to go on but maybe you can do more I don't know about this I got a real bad feeling about this what if I don't know what if we're better off not knowing you know this isn't normal nothing about us is normal sense and I'm sick of wondering why I want to know I want answers come here and put your hand on the thingy only one light bro put your hand on it too [Music] are you sure about this we can do it sans we can finally solve our puzzle all right let's go you enter number interesting fine today a human speculative fiction book that theorized about creating artificial beings in a human's image homunculus clearly impossible particularly with how vague the book was about the process it does make one wonder why humans would be interested in such a thing perhaps they lack purpose without lesser creatures to lord over it's impossible to say entry numbers still need to adjust the cause output levels I keep returning to that humans idea among Kuehl I would such a being have a soul and wasn't mentioned entering our souls are consistent in that shape if a soul is like a biological cell then there appears to be a standard internal structure between humans and monsters containing that entity's power if a similar structure or container were created artificially could a powerful saw when we transferred from one being to another could a soul survive a theoretical transplant how much of a soul could survive that process with the barrier consider a transplanted soul a living thing would it be possible to use the artificial container to change the properties of that being and the soul outside it how exactly does the barrier determine whether something is animate or inanimate is it based on the soul or something else entry number and are the human dead that makes five internet I need to stop thinking about this I can't focus entry number it can be done kind of dark in here huh a little does it look familiar I mean it's dark it kind of looks the same doesn't it yeah I was just hoping we'd remember something you might have to look around a bit longer for that well then let's look everywhere starting with this room sans come over here and put your hand on the thing don't you think this is kind of weird what is that all these doors are locked with this weird hand reader thing and we can't open them alone it needs both of us like why are we not enough on our own there oh that gives me an idea sans you know how we can do really cool attacks when we hold hands yeah like recharging each other up maybe that's what we need to do we should charge each other up and then touch the thingy will be so powerful all the doors will open at once I mean I guess that makes sense but I'm sure it will work come on sans here we go are you okay yes I'm fine and my plan worked after all all the doors are open yeah I guess they are another totally intentional victory for papyrus come on sans let's keep exploring [Music] trainability I've run every permutation of every variation on my theory and all the simulations lead to the same conclusion it is possible using the same principles from the capsules remodeled into the proper shape and size with the correct starting material in the proper environment to encourage growth life can begin for beings created will be formless and on sapient but their soul will be capable of channeling and amplifying magical energy due to the artificial soul structure if I can get the human souls from ask or to augment the flow the potential power channeled through this being could be enough to break the barrier to set us free not to mention the new life form in and of itself would be completely invaluable an unprecedented breakthrough in the field of magical biology the amount of information that could be learned from this new life form would be immeasurable the possibilities thrill me I've forgotten what this feels like entering on I can't do this you know when the flora told me there was a secret door that had explained everything I was sort of picturing not this many empty rooms yeah right there's nothing here even all the papers are blank what's that about we just have to keep looking sans I'm sure it will all make sense to us eventually what is it does this room give you a weird feeling it does it feels like something's missing right yeah something important there must be a reason for all these rooms right our reason why they're all empty I don't like this room yeah let's go another empty room huh it's got stairs I don't know what this was used for whoever it was that ran this place your ad space despair well what you doing bro huh I could have what is it I don't know I just got the feeling there was a puzzle here like a nice spike trap or a colored tile or a trapdoor or something like that floor looks solid to me that feeling must mean something right that means we're remembering right do you remember what you're looking for in this room I mean no but it must mean something right I bet if we keep looking we'll remember eventually it will all add up come on sands okay you know I keep asking myself what a human would do in this situation what would a human do to try and protect someone they loved to find an answer to find freedom they don't believe in limitations entering on ago I do not believe in fate there is only a lack of options andrina drawing up a list of the requirements for this experiment I find that I am not only the ideal candidate but the only candidate only I can do this even if I had a willing assistant to allow me to use their soul only a powerful soul will be able to withstand the procedure and even learn survival is not a hundred percent certain I am the only one left with a strong enough soul that is an option it must be me even my physical body is uniquely suited to donate material to this course there will be an emotional cost as well of course and even in that regard I am best suited when a hypothesis is proven incorrect one must take the new data and construct a new hypothesis based on new evidence this applies to all things even the concept of the self events have proven that I am selfish cold and incapable of true emotional connection with any living being given previous data it is not unreasonable to assume that I have not achieved the limits of my own capacity for cruelty my level of violence prevents me from feeling anything for anyone and makes me uniquely suited to what this experiment would require logically I am the only one who can do this and the best suited to do this it may cost me my life but I never ended in the first place [Music] yes definitely with this room our memories will be fully unlocked and will become fully realized skeletons who have finished our cathartic journey of emotional growth yeah just boxes again well we just have to keep looking sans but you can't give up now we're so close right hey bro check it out there's some kind of machine in this one Oh intriguing is it a computer it looks too big to be a computer is it a boss computer I don't know maybe yeah looks like it's not working I wonder what it does maybe it's all skeletons what their histories are yeah and we're really out of luck that it's not working huh huh what what's this hey what it it's gone is this us it sort of looks like us right sorta but then who's this person it is a person right I can't really tell and why is there only one of them everyone has two parents that's what has four said no no no was it why did that thing have it I don't know but do you remember drawing this no well neither do I but I'm sure it will come back to us with all these clues we must be getting closer than ever sans we can't give up now I guess entry number before I begin this project I need to understand the costs if I have even a fraction of a doubt about any of this and I lack the conviction to continue and the project is doomed from the beginning I can't do something like this unless I'm willing to see it through to the end otherwise it will all be for nothing to get the material required I will have to mutilate myself physically and permanently it will likely be excruciating although simulations I've been running suggest I won't suffer any loss to dexterity getting the sole material runs are not insignificant chance of death I've left a ten percent margin of error but even a small mistake would easily kill me if I'm going to do this and I must be willing to pay with my life I must be realistic about the end result even in the best case scenario even if everything goes exactly to plan and everything works out in the most ideal way for everyone no one will ever forgive me for what I did to get us there the experiments and tests I will run on this being or beings the environment I will keep them in creating life to use as a tool for others ends that is not something that can be forgiven even if salvation is found for everyone else there will be no salvation for me the king will never forgive me alphys will never forgive me my name will be condemned I'll be stricken from the historical records banned from pursuing my life's passion ever after definitely imprisoned possibly executed and that is the best-case scenario all for the possibility of a solution not even a guaranteed success [Music] I must be willing to maintain a strict level of emotional and physical distance from the pings at all times to prevent any risk of doubting myself or my course of action and they have to do reprehensible cruel unbelievable things to another living being over a sustained period of time to determine its limitations in potential as a tool I will have to turn off every emotion I have and focus solely on my goal I'll have to become entirely human in my thinking and approach to the beings I cannot show any signs of weakness I cannot turn back until it is done I need to understand this I need to understand and know this before I can begin I cannot do this unless I understand I cannot do this if I doubt but I cannot do this if I'm not willing to pay the price I can only move forward if I am truly determined to do whatever it takes to achieve my goals there is no point in further speculation until I've made my choice there has to be something around here huh what's this whoa calm down bro it's just a drill it's dangerous that noise it makes it's obviously a warning signal it doesn't even have a bed it's fine humans use it too did they use it today don't care what they use it for I don't want you hurting yourself with it come on bro I just you had me sadist stay away from it whoa calm down calm down fine I'll leave it alone okay I've gotta blow your top or anything I'm not I'm not going to blow any tops I'm just a little concerned a little on edge is more like it the the great papyrus is never on edge unless it's on the edge of popular consciousness as an unmatchable role model an inspiration to hundreds particularly after I finally achieve full memory recall of my very illustrious past come on okay okay okay okay what sorry XO now for a second did you see something I haven't seen anything since we went in here yeah me neither well there's still a few more rooms to go surely the answer will be in one of those [Music] do you remember anything yet not since you last asked me five minutes ago I don't get it sans we're here this place must be where we came from but I don't understand why it still isn't working for doing what we're supposed to aren't we this is the last room the answer has to be here so much nothing so little time hey check this out bro cool huh what huh what an oddly colored cube I think you can spend the sides around I think it's a puzzle see does it make you remember anything no how about you well I'm gonna hang on to it might be fun to mess around with later sorry to say it bro but I don't think there's anything else left in here to find you know I was hoping it worked too but there's nothing here and I'm not really remembering anything maybe we should just give up and call it a day we can think about what we got and see if we can come up with any ideas at home huh Pyrus okay okay deep breaths bro you okay the great papyrus is always okay huh now I know how you feel when I say that what's up you seem a little upset about something I don't get it sans get what this I don't get this we're here we're right here this has to be where we came from this has to be it and I still can't remember anything I can't remember anything I'm trying and trying and all I can remember is as Gore's house I know the answer is here we're doing everything right we should be remembering but we're not it's not working makes me feel it makes me feel dumb but I can't figure it out even with all the pieces in front of me you're not dumb I can't figure it out either right it's not you it's both of us I don't understand sans what does any of this mean what do all these little pieces mean I don't know maybe nothing why did they abandon us what did we do wrong I don't understand as course that parents are supposed to love their children yeah but you know so far most supposed to S don't seem to apply to us I just want to know who they are I want to know why we weren't good enough for them hey don't think like that okay who even needs those bums anyway they're the ones who ditched us in the first place it's their loss right I keep feeling like it was my fault like I've just done something differently even if it was and I bet it wasn't what kind of jerk would kick out their kids for making a mistake I'll tell you real scumbags that's who and we don't need any scumbags all we need is each other does it really not bother you that you can't remember now drives me nuts but we did everything we could here to fix it and we can't so it's like if we can't change it we just gotta accept it you know it's just how things are you really are so lazy yeah I'm an expert you feeling any better sorry about getting so angry usually I can control everything but this time I got to try harder bro there ain't no one in the world that tries harder than you all day every day don't feel bad about getting mad it's worth getting mad about it sucks and if you want to mess up all the rooms I'll be right there with you we're in this together thanks cents no problem of all the things I don't understand I don't know why they abandoned you the most yeah I don't say things like that you're the real star we both got something wrong with us yeah but we're the ones with a cool house and an awesome skeleton flag so who cares we're doing better than them wherever they are yeah I don't see any skill flags in here yeah yeah that's true alright alright let's go and over over and over again I have stood by and cowered helplessly while people I loved suffered and died in front of me I watched families be destroyed and said nothing did nothing to prevent it the dust is on my shoulders again and again I have stood by and watched these tragedies happen unable to care enough to try and prevent them time is rapidly running out this will be my last chance to try and do something to justify my continued existence at others expense I am capable of doing something it may not succeed but I can still act doing so will destroy my life but I can still make that choice I'm running out of time am I willing to risk everything on this one long shot either way in the end I will do this what I love is it better to try and fail OTO that tragedy take its cause I can't sleep in Trin no turning back you you
Channel: Calysto
Views: 2,104,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: handplates, handplates movie, handplates season 4, handplates movie season 4, handplates season 4 movie FULL, handplates season 3, handplates part 35, unexpected guests, sans, papyrus, gaster, asgore, best undertale comic dubs, best comic dubs, handplates the movie, Handplates Season 4 The Movie, undertale, undertale comic, undertale dub, undertale comic dub, undertale comic dub compilation, dub, dubs, comic, comics, comic dub, comic dubs, vade, vade undertale
Id: AbTmOmkkib0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 43sec (4243 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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