Sans had bad days Part 1【 Undertale Comic Dub】

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Humans, make sure you, subscribe and turn on notifications That way, you'll never miss a video with the great papyrus enjoy Hello sans, how was school ? I get the distinct impression someone wants to talk... i take your silence as a yes my child? dad.. yes my son ? Do you, love me dad ? Why is this a concern of yours? oh, well i um Because the kids at school say that you don't love us. they say, we're lab rats to you because you only care about your work it has just been kind of eating, me up ... sans .. Just sort of... sort of wanna know If what they say is true?.... sans.. so... so do you ? do you love me sans! that is enough ! i am asahmed and disapointed that you would ever begin to think that i care more about my studies tha for my own damn children! Never from the moment you were born did i ever expect that i would have to answer such an obvious question orally ! Bu... but i - i am not finished ! sans you are so very smart and mature for your, age i thought you would be strong against Some school bullies false accusations You know how awful children can be, you also know how much better you are than them Don't let their words hurt you . Can you just say it ? Out loud and directly?... to, whomever it may concern . I W.d gaster here by announce my parental love and admiration to my son . He thinks, my work, means more to, me than his own well-being .. well ... whoopsie ! ask, me if i care, sans Do you ? absolutly not . not at all ! because you are important. if this doesn't clear things up then i don't know what will. I love you sans. I love you too dad I heard something break dr. Gaster is everything, okay? it's fine. Surprise! ... did i scare you? Can we talk?.... please? what? What could you possibly want to talk about? well for starters congratulations! I came from hotlands for the graduation ceremony . Hiped up the whole lab while I was at it . You, shouldn't have done that. Well you know to be fair you probably should have been at your own graduation... They, wanted, me to, wear some stupid-ass robe I chose to pass We all have to wear them at some point it's the rite of passage in the academic community No, you got something cool, like a sword and top hat... That's irrelevant .I also, don't think that's the real problem Now, who said there was a problem? well i don't know, sans. Perhaps it's because i'm throwing snowballs at my 25 year old son, who is soaking in a decrepit tree house, and smoking whole pack of cigarillos to himself in self-pity... oh, i also found a few scorched tree on the way up her okay, that's fair i guess... how did you know, where i would be? papyrus told me about this place. you like it for its peaceful and remote nature. I also just followed the scent of ozone and depression you're, hilarious dad ... I know So, are you coming down? Or are we going to have to do this the hard way? Well i'm not coming down so do your worse. well i guess i'll just have to come up there huh ? hah, good luck! there's no ladder. Yes there is sans, i can see it up with you . good try . Nope, you must be mistaken oh quit your lying , you don't possibly take me for a fool, do you? f**k could you NOT , please? What are you ?five? Five and a bit. six in a month. just have to play on your childish level, sans. Can i come up on your own terms ? NO ! Pity, well it's compromise i'll stop if you stop, wasting those smokes all you, want me to do is stop smoking and you'll stop throwing snowballs? Yep! you're not going to smoke them are you? is this a trade off ? we'll see . Fine i guess, but are you, still gonna try getting up here after, oh most definitely oh, most definitely. Okay, old man. I'll give you the smokes but i'm not throwing you a bone you can figure out how to get up here on your own That would be unnecessary; i can handle myself. i've got to say though You've got pretty refined aim for someone who's experienced such cranial trama... Half blind with a distorted equilibrium and you could, still knock a friggen smoke out of my mouth from over a mile away. You, sound surprised almost like you don't know, where you got your name from . now throw down those smokes before a blaster get involved ... Try, me those fossils are packing as much heat as a glorified toaster oven. when was the last time you've even summoned one ? i'm counting to three, kid... as i suspected .Must be a little rusty huh ? is that a bet ? Now what kind of one-sided bet would that be ? 1...2... ah,thank you. You know for the shit you spew, i'm certainly surprised i have never made it to three. perhaps heat's not the only thing i'm paking... Don't flatter yourself pops. wouldn't want you to strain yourself. Sure, yes. let's go with that. you're a cupcake enveloped in a mirage of harsh lingo. i can apreciate that. Well, you got me there. enjoy that pack, by the way .It was a gift from grillbz... oh ?well perhaps, we need to have a chat with him as, well clearly he's holding out on me try one hotshot they, make them better now than when dinosaurs roamed the earth I you better hope i don't find a way up there, i'll give you an unsolicited spinal adjustment oh my god that actually sounds like it would be so good right now I've been hunched at a desk for almost seven years now though, i'm sure we totally have a different idea of what an adjustment is at the moment... awww, well that's the case for this erratic behavior, you should come on down and let me help you with that. i'll play nice nope Didn't think so but it was worth a try. thought maybe you couldn't resist the thought of a hardy massage from your old man That's the last thing i want to do right now, Right next to having a hearty conversation with my father about my emotional state. Well one of those is preventable. the other is inevitable, So i suggest you rip off the band-aid and start talking. How come i can, never just be moody in peace ! Forgive me i was unaware one could be "peacefully upset". you young folks baffle me sometimes. Fine, whatever. Stay a while ,if you want, i don't care care, oh and i hope you enjoy that without a lighter cuz, i'm not sharing that . If i didn't know fire magic i wouldn't be the man i am today. Perhaps you should expand your magical horizon by learning a few new, tricks it could save your ass. Pretty, sure defense magic. Is the only thing capable of saving my ass, there's not a lot of room for error Perhaps that's, why, you're so insufferably overbearing I'm over, better than them because i care, about your health and safety, and apparently i care more than you do when you pull stunts like, this i'm allowed to be worried about you . I feel, like many of the conflicts you've faced in your mind could easily be solved through conversation yet you continue to insist on masking your problems with humor. though i could sit here and play on with this misleading demeanor and pointless bickering all day ,i can't help but to become frustrated . i know i translates my emotions poorly, So let, me put it into the perspective... What if this was the papyrus right now? how Would you feel? That's an impossible scenario... Don't like to think about it, huh? Because it would never happen. But if it one day did happen, maybe he felt down and took off into hiding rather than telling you what was wrong How, would that feel ? like.. i failed him somehow ... how? like i wasn't there for him... but you were? You insinuating that- no!i'm asking in theory Pyrus is a children of strong will dexterity and unbelievable confidence It may take a lot of force to knock him down but trust, me when i say that it's can happen , and when it does he has no difficulty in sharing his problems with others. That's because he understands that showing emotion is not a weakness, it's a strength not dealing with the underlying issues is what hurts you and your family the most I... How would it feel, sans. how would you feel if this was papyrus? sad... confused... frustrated... and disappointed in myself, i guess. and do you want that for him ?Do you, want that for yourself? well of course i don't ! you know that! well then why, would you want that for me, sans ? Did i do something that puts me below others? it's difficult seeing you like this it's infuriating that i don't know what's wrong, frustrating that i'm not in control of a situation and... it's painful to not know how to help you. Even though it is you refusing help . just forget about me and go home i can figure this out on my own. i always do... Pretending you are fine is what scares me the most This "lone wolf" bullshit, has made it so bad that i can no longer distinguish between a fake laugh or a genuine smile Please try to understand that i don't want to aggravate you further i'm just so tired... Then come home and rest. I'm not just that kind of tired. Well then let,me help you .i know how. You feel as well, trust me, i do. it's normal you're stressed and you just need a break from all of this . I AM TAKING A BREAK AND YOU ARE RUINING IT! I don't feel like talking and i never will, so why don't you go make yourself useful elsewhere and find a way to get out of the underground? why can't you put that bright mind to good use and focus on getting us out of this damn hole instead of bothering me? don't you have a core to improve on or the determination projects to be starting?nope? nothing Obviously you're, not working hard enough if you're here standing around, i mean what even good are you if you are not doing the science things ? pretty useless righ?, better get back on it if you, don't want people to forget, who you are ! Why, don't you get it? i'm not worth it! Focus, on what's important! and do something that matters to the people. help the people who matter! the people who need, you more than me. Don't waste your time on me, okay? help others who need you, i don't matter. I think you matter sans... You matter more to, me than the well-being of the underground, of the monsters ,the "science thing" , the core ... hell you matter more to me than myself. You and papyrus are my everything ,and i don't know, what made you say all those things about your worth, But i want you to know that my life, isn't dedicated to the service of the underground... My life is dedicated to raising you,boys, Everything i do i do for you ,the entire underground and purely by proxy. So i must ask again sans ... can we talk? substittles made by love for you , by missgames
Channel: Sans Comic TV
Views: 1,706,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, Undertale Comic Dub, Comic Dub, Sans have bad days?, Comic, Sans, Sans Comic TV
Id: TLH398sxYdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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