Handplanes 101 - beginner level (part names + assembly)

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hey guys we're going to show you today how to take down a hand plane what the parts are called and basically how to reassemble so you'll have a basic 101 level knowledge of hand planes and how they work and what the parts I know it's very confusing when you get started out with hand planes I know I was there you know a couple of years ago and learning just the basic terms what the parts are called and what they do and you'll be able to basically work with any plane that you find because they're all pretty much the same they've been copying these you know designs for well over a hundred years now so if you figure this how you're well on your way to understanding these and getting an idea now typically what you're going to hear when we refer to a plane is is either a model number or a size this one here doesn't have a model number it's a Fulton brand which they often made hand planes for Sears so I'm all likelihood this is something that was probably sold in the Sears at some point probably pre 1960s more likely from looking at it probably between the 30s and the 50s your basic parts of the outside of course are going to be your front knob your rear handle which is sometimes called a tote you'll hear it called sometimes you have your sole which is this metal bottom part the mouth or throat you guys some time here at cult which is s the part where the blade comes out of then you have your adjustment knob here in the back and then you have your lateral adjuster here here under the iron now we'll go over real quick what these things do first of all your knobs of course are for hanging on to the soul is what rides against the wood you're gonna bring it across the wood in a scraping motion this lateral adjuster here in the back adjust the angle of the blade so if you it basically goes back and forth side to side like you see here and what it does you can see it's moving the blade and that gives you a different angle on your blade so if you want it to be deeper on one side see a little bit see it moving kind of back and forth so you can adjust say if you want your cut to be a little bit of skew you can do that that's the purpose of that it's very simple and it doesn't come off either so that's one good thing to see it's pretty much permanently on this adjustments will in the back here the adjusting knob will adjust the depth of the blade one way will bring it closer one way will bring it out and it pretty much just turns this one here needs to be adjusted of course so you're not seeing much movement but yeah it will bring this blade either further out into the the mouth or further back for storage so that's what that does next we're going to remove the lever camp which is this black piece here and these are basically what tensions and puts tension on the blade and the cap on top of the blade these attach primarily through tension you're going to see there's a screw here and if you're fixing up an old plane I would probably give that a little you know see if it'll loosen up nice and easy and if it does it's give it a little lock loosening because these cast iron parts can get brittle and basically you're going to pull that little knob forward and that's pretty much the same in almost every hand plane out there you're gonna see some that don't have this but this provides the tension you Bisby push that up and put the tension back you can see the lever caps tight again now it's loose so it's held in place by that screw here which you can you know of course you want to just lightly tighten it you don't want it to be super tight because your tension is actually coming from this device which as you can see put the tension on the blade below it these if you're gonna restore you wanna make sure you clean this up because you just need to get a lot of junk in there but you want to make sure it's nice and flat this black coating on here is called Japan is almost a guitar or an asphalt it's really tough it stays on for a long time and you want to keep that out if you can is that your plane has any collectability the more this is on it the more desirable it becomes and plus it's really difficult to replace these can crank like I said they're cast-iron so you'll see these things crack or break from people over tightening them a lot of these are interchangeable between models the big thing is just to find out the width and you can interchange it maybe with a stanley or a miller falls or something like that they're all very very similar next is your cap iron sometimes you hear referred to as a chip breaker sometimes just a cap you know this primarily is attached to the blade so when you pull this out now it's going to be attached to the blade via a screw and that screw is always in the back it's always usually a little uh slotted screw sometimes these can be really seized up over time so we're gonna take that out we're gonna actually put the blade back when we talk about this you can kind of see it as we go along this basically is a piece of metal that allows even tension on the blade as it enters into the plane so that the Frog isn't just pushing and put in tension on one spot or two this allows for a nice even pressure you can see it's kind of rounded up here at the tip and what that does is it helps guide the shavings away from the blade up and up and away which is kind of an important function as well it's got a hole in it for that screw we just showed you it's got this big hole here for that screw and then it's got this square which is where your adjuster rides into and then adjuster that we pointed to that brass adjuster knob that is the end of it right there as you turn this it will bring it up and down so men's you can see that will help you understand the function a little better okay so as we turn this you can see this moving up and down what that does when everything is attached you can see how that goes into that hold there it will use the cap iron as a way to move this blade up and down and you can see there's a slot in the blade so you have a lot of room for adjustment up and down on your blade as you go along back up these when you're cleaning them you're gonna want to get all this junk off you know smooth them out generally just like a quick roam of the water brush maybe some like really fine sandpaper not much to them they generally don't break they're usually easiest part another thing you do is make sure that this part here this part here is making good contact with the edge of the blade near the bottom here make sure it's making good flat contact next is your actual iron you're cutting iron as it's often referred to this one here is beveled down so as you can see it's actually with the chiseled edge was facing down towards the sole just has a cutout so it's adjustable you see it's got the stamp on there usually the stamp is up on top it says Fulton warrant it which is the company and one thing it is to know you do want to know whether you're your plane was designed to go with the bevel up or the bubble down and you'll typically know based on where the stamp is that stamp will usually go up if there's no stamp you know generally you can tell if you put it in and it doesn't seem to fit right in the mouth usually you have to reverse it around but most larger size hand planes are with the bevel edge facing down sharpening these you want to clean them up of course you see this one here has some drunk on it you can clean that up with some sandpaper maybe a buffing wheel you know even a wire brush whatever and these are pretty easy to sharpen to you really only need just to make sure that your back portion here is nice and flat you know you got a lap that I'm some kind of a flat abrasive and then just sharpen your angle to make it nice and sharp so these are real quick you can do it like 20 minutes this is that screw that we showed you that puts them together battery's running low so I gotta move it along here this piece here is called the Frog and it's usually held in place with two screws you can see them there we're going to take these I don't real quick you don't have much time left on this battery show you and the cool thing is you can loosen them and adjust this frog so if you need to move it you know maybe your blades getting older you sharpen it one too many times you can move this frog when it comes to tuning your hand playing and that's for another video but we're gonna take this out and call it a day in this video because my battery is about toast we did a lot of filming today these can be wait long at times some of them are no short summer real long you'll find out as you go along down there so they're both out okay the Frog is out the big thing with these of course is to make sure this area here all this kind of gray area is very flat there's any junk you want to clean that off maybe give it a little late sanding to make sure it's good and flat you want to make sure that the blade when you're restoring these that the blade sits who's good on camera you want to make sure that blade sits very flat on these you don't want upsetting at any weird angles there to be spaces so you may need to do a little lapping of the Frog to make sure it sits and that this blade sits very flat against it like I said it's got this adjustment knob in the back for adjusting the height of the blade and then the lateral adjuster which you can see is a very simple device which pretty much just uses friction only to move that blade side-to-side there you go and here you see more of that black Japan like I said you want to leave as much of that as you humanly can that is very tough and it's very difficult to replace as well I typically just go in there with like a wire brush clean it out real good with like a solvent or something like that and try and keep that as original as you can you the more you can clean up there's gonna be a lot of sawdust and junk in there get as much out as you can so you can see now you got your note in the back or your rear handle usually held in with a screw in this case it's a nice brass screw your front handles held in with the school as well usually it's rounded off and you can see where your frog goes in usually there'll be two holes for your frog most always two holes you got your here mouth to your throat there usually there'll be some kind of stamping in here or maybe then under the Frog that might tell you the manufacturer or the model number or anything like that and that's it that's as simple as it gets and if this video cuts out I'm not going to bother editing it guys we're just going to put this thing back together real quick but if we don't make it we don't make it okay putting this in as as simple as putting the Frog back in and we're gonna go quick here guys sorry keep looking at this and that battery's going quick so thank you right kid on the baby monitor he just woke up from a nap so I really gotta keep going for he starts wailing okay so you're gonna adjust that of course you're gonna use the plane right down same cockeyed but we're moving along and make sure that as you put this in you want to make sure that the blade is sitting flat to the the Frog right now there's a little gap down here at the bottom because it's not in there right but I would make that kind of adjustment with a tune up okay you're gonna take your cap iron and your blade of course this is beveled down you want your your Fulton on top or whatever Brandon is on top you should be some kind of marking and you're gonna bring it down kind of like that so just look a little bit of that I just showing Google is in the bottom remember not the top so we're just gonna start that in by hand and those two of them that only has to be snug it doesn't have to be like I said you look in here you don't need a ton of room there and we'll go over that more on the tune-up video that goes through that hole and like I said your adjuster now should be sticking out through there see the adjuster knob goes through there that's the end of that screw that goes through very simple and of course the last piece is the lever cap which we're gonna put on stir it on the big move it down a little I'm gonna loosen it up a hair so you can get that down just kind of you just gonna want to very loosely you don't want to very tight this member you can snap these and oh yeah I should have been op sorry guys when you put that in you want to leave that up I just this so it's just you know you wanted a little Wiggly so you can make some adjustment so that way if you need to adjust your blade or anything like that you can make your adjustments and then that should tighten everything back down which now it is nice and tight lateral works you can see that moves the blade nicely you got this adjustment knob works it's nice and free and there you go that's take down and put back together all the part names next video will do hopefully within the next little bit will be about how to tune these and actually set them up for proper use
Channel: Bushcraft412
Views: 55,036
Rating: 4.6378269 out of 5
Keywords: handplane, basics, beginner, tutorial, assembly, disassembly, parts, hand, plane, stanley, bailey, vintage, tool, woodworking, wood, block, miller falls
Id: -CLk7vbwPgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2015
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