Handcrafted Campervan VAN TOUR made for Adventures

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what's going on guys i'm actually doing a tour which i'm super excited about and it's a tour that a lot of you have been waiting for really as i'm recording really he starts brushing his teeth as i turn on the camera we're doing a tour with dave this guy right here uconn we're the reason i'm starting inside usually i start on the outside it's raining it's raining where we are right now so we're gonna do a lot of the filming inside does that work for you buddy perfect oh boy here we go you may want to restart that one because dave was so adamant about me starting outside and walking into the van so if you guys see any droplets on the lens it's gonna let's blame him i said we should shoot inside it's cool oh my goodness the one the only dave pibbs all right dave we got we're finally in your van it's been uh a long time coming yeah are you gonna be awkward on camera super awkward you can walk with this whole time yeah why dude you're with me man just have a conversation all right we'll see how it plays out oh my goodness dude you're like a a really good builder you should not be awkward on camera i know that didn't make any sense whatsoever correlated um you did a fantastic job in your van and uh i want to like not only do i want to know but the people here want to know man they want to know what you did cool all right where should i start we're going to start where am i in work our way back because all the glory is in the back right um yeah so like leading out you probably notice a bike mount right here in the door jamb i'll spin around so everybody can see the bike mount this basic steel tubing straight up with a fork mount what was your reasoning behind because you wanted a bike in the van obviously uh yeah i wanted the dinette style but i also wanted the bike and this allows me to do both and you didn't want to like hang anything off the back like a like a hitch no it's kind of too expensive a bike to do so right heard some horror stories of just people stealing yeah are people attempting to steal yeah less moving parts gotcha so you came up with this instead yeah it's underutilized space um having the benches in the back i didn't need the swivel i have separate holes to install for like a mountain bike if you want a larger frame in there it pivots 90 degrees on the door jamb does it really yeah it does loosen it a little bit and swing it around that's insane so yeah if you wanted to add like a swivel down the line i guess oh okay preference everything with this van is actually for sale oh yeah so my baby is for sale um this is you know i'm probably gonna comment about this is like i feel like everybody sells their van like they everybody thinks that like they they feel like they're selling their vans but it's always around the springtime that a influx of vans become available for sale we've lived in them for x amount of time and it's not that we're ready to move on because what are you doing after you sell your van because a lot of people are gonna be like why are you selling this is a beautiful thing in my driveway this was within the past uh what would you say past two weeks i've overhauled and refurbished the entire event you did every single piece um i installed the new floor everything it's essentially factory new but it has been road tested for about a year and a half and obviously a moderate obsession so are you going to start building these out we we shall see okay but potentially dukes is trying to get his ball for you trying to get the ball buddy what do you want oh get the ball oh he knows where the ball is yes he has a plethora of balls in here so yeah i mean i'm open to the idea of replicating my design um simultaneous we shall see all right so then how would people get a hold of you right now um again three i can add my contact in later all right so you'll give me a website or something and you'll be like do you want me to put your instagram in there yeah might as well we'll throw up dave's instagram which is just pibs it's one of his nicknames as a kid i guess college because college i guess you were a kid yeah we got i guess we're not that close close friends know when nicknames come from yeah starting from the front to the back um before you actually go into that what van do you have i have a 2017 ram promaster 159 uh roughly 60 000 miles i guess we'll start off electronic um i installed the pioneer 8200 okay gps backup camera the whole nav there's additional sets of speakers obviously in this custom inlaid piece which is kind of crazy but yeah this is all one piece right from speaker to speaker it's a three-dimensional piece if it's a contour of the headliner not everybody is that crazy to do something like that yeah i mean it's obviously again obsession everything is finished everything's perfect rounded over uh furniture grade finished up to 600 grit lots of teak oil lots of polyurethane lots of fumes um but somebody actually just emailed me recently because there's a big like foam block here normally yeah and you rip those out obviously yeah so there is not just that but there's also a contour to the inner rib that's a challenge and as well as a contour bow to the whole thing and the initial shelf is there's a gap if you remember it there's a yeah there's more foam on the left so i basically kind of rebuilt this kind of like i did in cess fan and so this opens up and it's you know fully extended closed in it's a continuation the headline of fabric i use it's fully insulated up top so you rip the headliner down to insulate it yeah i had a little happy mistake with a little spray foam okay yeah so um we'd like a good happy mistake but i i basically expanded that and there's no gaps and there's no metal um it's all protected fabric i enclosed it to store bedding so i can do you know a king side two king size pillows a blanket i have my sleeping pad my sleeping bags up here there's like more stuff oh wow so it fits everything it's a lot of storage yeah i don't have to worry about like dust and debris and stuff getting into my bedding um it's a good idea the speakers and stereo system is on a two-way toggle switch operates between both batteries yeah you were we were hanging down in san diego and you like we were playing music and your van is awesome i mean there's bumps but like yeah the simple switch right here you switch it turns it on so you wait you took out your cigarette lighter port oh no you uh it's the the other port and you just put a little toggle in there wow that's pretty smart huh yeah so it's a three-way position off on and so wait a minute wait a minute you like an adventure van that you can be out in the wilderness and you could just be bumping tunes bumping beats meek mill you know yeah i know how you roll um everybody knows i'm a big meat guy yeah you are your attention to detail because i was able to go up here just now your attention to detail is um second to none like there's a lot of things in here that i can't even show on camera because of your detail work yeah so all the wood um is a lot of the wood is jointed um if if you know the insect cuts in it's all edge like this trim pieces as well in the trim throughout the whole van uh you have a black walnut countertop here we're gonna go all over the place i guess with this yeah we're gonna just continue going back um i guess some these are like kind of pain points where you build the van because of the contour of the frame i just decided to come off of it i did the same with the back yeah and make a usable space i forgot where i saw it but somebody had a little shelf there that they had just to kind of cover up that jam and it's like the most usable space especially when you have a dog who's obsessed with balls you keep all of his toys up here right yeah yeah so typically i have like my wind chime and then these are just like blackout curtains that like reflect x this goes in there the other two have uh magnetic and then i have velcro like seasonal window shades here as well as again thermal insulated so when you when you do sleep at night do you cover those windows up or are you just like it depends where i am and how much ambient light is out there when i'm in a city yes sometimes no i again yeah depends how tired i am during the day these are fully tinted windows um i installed them uh they are cr lawrence i have a fixed window there and two uh side windows here with the vents yeah all these two vents open up as well as those two there is definitely you know the drawbacks of having it in terms of privacy but i love it it opens up the space yeah i mean it feels like a new van like we were sitting in there way before we even shot this and we were i was just looking out and i was like these windows make such a big difference majestic it's majestic majestic can i use that in the title majestic transcendent quintessence quintessence yeah oh all right let's stick with the uh the kitchen over here when kind of everything started everything started um we were all in encinitas finish incest build um i built them the cabinets i loved yeah i had the glorious spice rack here if you remember it i do it's over here now yeah i mean you see how many spices are i do yeah so you took that down and you put this this this guy yeah parking lot a couple parking lot cabinets pretty straightforward i just wanted to have more storage so i didn't kind of impact the towns about decent sierras um yeah so these are all on that that's insane and this is all this is all the tongue and groove cedar yeah tongue and groove mortised in the supports and rounded a little bit oh i see how you did that that's interesting that is um not easy to do good job yeah parking lot was fun and then you look at all that look all that storage you got up there guy yeah less spices a lot of vitamins and candles some australian dream massage pain relief okay whatever floats your boat hey sometimes you all right if you already have it there's a shout out to seth yeah you're welcome buddy so you installed that upper cabinet and this upper cabinets behind me will be over there in a minute but why would why'd you uh install the upper cabinets after knowing you for months i just needed more storage and i also just wanted more bangers you know i'm a big instagram guy so like no you're not a big instagram guys bangers up about the wazoo no i mean again i thought about it and then i finally added it and in hindsight it's something i should've done a long time ago but it is what it is so these are all brand new um i love it everything in the van is continuous grain so you notice that whether it's hair whether it's hair even wraps around on everything's on the 45 degree angle you don't see any end grain except the very back door yeah you're very proud of this yeah it takes a lot of work to do that it does it does show you on contours craftsmanship is important so i guess my main philosophy or intention with the van was a massive reduction in weight so everything is like 16 gauge steel and then this is 16 gauge aluminum so it's as structurally sound as it gets so the frame of it the frame is it so everything is modular right um everything is bolted in okay or everything all what you see aside from this but like you can see the inner workings of that is inland so everything is attached by angled like angle aluminum like brackets i have a suspension drawer system in which i don't have inner cabinetry i have a divider where my water is you see here some more usable storage uh 12 gallons of fresh and then just a two gallon gray that i'm hardly ever half full you use all biodegradable you can just dump it and call it a day exactly like i i eat pretty clean you know chips and candy bars you know it's a cedar so this boy weighs 20 pounds it's just an inch thick so i'm uh all my countertops were reconditioned just salvage wood this black walnut that redwood and then cedar here i just have a velcro cutting board this is also vented this area as well so i have full flow airflow for my uh electronic system through my fridge through everything through the gray water everything is vented out as well as if i wanted to add a hot water heater i could easily do so and i would not have to worry about it not be invented right as you know i can break this down and not even a couple hours and have the whole entire van empty yeah you could i mean it's pretty amazing that all of it is just it's so module and it's and it's but it's it looks like it's a i mean everything's custom but it looks like more of like everything stuck in place which it technically is but you can remove it all right is what you're saying are you kind of again weight was everything all my wood for the most part is plain down to less than half an inch you can see it on these doors inner hardwood frames appealing this is even quarter inch material these are adjustable just have to pop this bracket and you can set them how you want it you can see that i see that the tubing right there where my foot is yeah that's just that's just the steel tubing that's that's actually aluminum and there it is here we have a safe that you have to remove this whole entire thing for is it is it bolted in it's bolted in and then obviously a toilet and then there's a little shelf up here that holds frying pan dishes nice um crazy amount of usable space in here well this is one of my favorite features what you're i'm hoping you're about to show yeah so then just made this uh butcher block out of like kind of black walnut tailings from the shop and it was really nice um it goes all the way over sets in there i like the camp stove because i can cook indoors and outdoors there is a line i forgot to install it which no it's there it's there there's you just haven't hooked it up yet hooked it up because of the refurb but yeah i can cook in here i can move it out here and cook here um i can take it outside so it's like multi-purpose also you've cooked me many meals on this thing i cook a lot of mush yeah yeah so and then a little inlay drawer like tray there i don't know like utensils and yeah some other things you may still there i don't know oh no inside joke oh boy here we go so the spice rack that has i guess probably given my claim claim the fame well here's the thing i did a uh i was at a um i was at a festival with you yeah and at that festival everybody that came in your van just so happily just brought up your spice rack well it was on friend's center before but now it's like i mean i've lost a little off my fastball i'll miss a few spices but uh oh no what is this and then you added another one over here buddy ah there that i think that was there before and there was a small little cabinet here and then this is kind of a crazy yeah you did a bunch of shelving inside of your you know inside of your cabinetry yeah i mean it's kind of crazy i i'm crazy i mean at least you can admit it yeah i know i mean it's again usable storage i will go pound for pound with anybody even with a garage fair enough what's up with this what's going on here uh so i did a through hike a few years back prior to that i was in finance and kind of changed everything that sent me on this path and uh no i guess is that an actual pacific crest trail also that's my friends down in um the central coast of california uh wild craft collective he made it for you yeah he does high-end replica signs oh cool and that was gifted to me those are nice of them yeah they do fantastic work and you do the whole thing you do the whole trail i did i threw like the whole trail continuous footsteps uh how long taken uh just over four months so just over four months yeah i didn't think the plan was to sell the van due the cdt this year but yeah with everything that happened you can't really do that right now we're gonna switch around so i can uh i can now show you guys from this angle isotherm elegance 85. oh nice thank you that's the lower version of your stainless steel version yeah but it's still it's the same exact volume it's just not a stainless steel as well so same with seth's van custom-made fabrics they're not stained and just wet from the dog um four inch uh memory foam and you can lift it up just move the back a little bit and you don't have to worry about moving any of the cushions it's just mortised in with the offset off the back i also want to point out that you lifted that and you let it go which means it's it's on stage it's on like a cabinet stay or it's on a hydraulic yeah it's on it's on two gas struts 200 newton each and then there's my solar system what is your solar system now that we're here 400 amp hours of uh sealed lead acid agm and then a 500 watt with a 3000 surge inverter that's over there okay right behind my seat that way i have my ports here but i also can plug in stuff from the outside yep um i still need two usable ports and then i'm connected as well to my um alternator with a smart isolator yeah so and right underneath here these slide um is battery access and then if you really wanted to switch out to lithium it's right there you have that entire cavity to make into a battery system like if you wanted to make that switch yeah if you wanted to switch over to lithium which obviously you have plenty of room for it yeah because how many batteries do you have in there i have two 200 amp hours you have 200 amp hours and those are pretty big footprints so you could easily fit lithium's in that that space oh yeah you could probably stack like six crazy if you want to go crazy but i mean what's nice is you actually have uh i've talked about this recently in a couple other vlogs that i've done is you have you know a good power system but you you use a lot of propane uh for your cooking yeah i mean and you're what a lot of good chefs don't use induction cooktops oh boy uh what's the other thing that you use propane for uh my heater so underneath here i mean it's like a goldwing mercedes uh this a big big shout out i mean everybody we talk to especially the dog the blower it actually works wonderfully it revolutionizes the van clean up system um as well as blowing up stand-up paddle boards oh yeah you can hook it right up yeah okay yeah i mean this is nothing i mean this is again i'll join the material that you can just break down there's no screws holding any of this in um and then and to uh hs2000 propex heater so there is a thermostat in here so you can set it whatever you typically want and then the heat will just kick on the heat will just kick on and then i use a little it was a 10 pounder yeah 10 pounder yeah and split so like if you wanted to do like an inlay stove top right there that would work that's pretty cool you were in bend for a little while but you've also been all over with this van have you used your heater oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah you get soft i mean but also it's i call it sp we spoil ourselves you know because i didn't have a really good eater in my first one my first fan and now i like i love to use my heater i have a two-stage heating system i know where this is going um so the thing is yeah so i installed the remote start and most people say why would you do that when you live in the van is a and you just killed it with the thing too oh wow it's also a very high end um security system that is motion sensored and noise censored so if you touch the van yeah i've set it off i know yeah that kicks off if you just set the heat into the high or the ac you can just do it from bed so that's your staging it's there was a proprietary third stage i was working on but usable storage i mean everything is like little trays here that just knick-knacks i also noticed that you did two different like depth as in like this is right here and then this is right there so your your good point should i get that i'll get this are those the leafs those are the leaves so the bed system is staggered um 80 by 25 and 70 by 21. so why the two different depths why they do different sizes so two people who are comparable size up to like six two with three could sit adjacent from each other and not bump knees because like we do we have had round tables we're like cooking pizzas and like six seven people and you don't wanna be bumping these this is the same size as my air pad i can just crash on this by just moving this cushion and call it a day i don't have to like break the whole bed down that's camp that's you said that's camp pad size right there yeah like a wide camp headset yeah if you think of it we're 72 across 80 70 and then there's a carry and that's all bad this table swivels look at that whoa whoa what is the table made out of because it's a beautiful table oh yeah just salvage redwood and then some walnut trim here for the edges yeah it's again i love this table yeah you spend enough time on it yeah i mean i like the sand what can i say table goes down what is that and that's just a pedestal yeah uh so it's telescoping it's funny i actually did a video recently on uh on bed systems and i believe you are the i'm not i'm not the most thrilled about the dinette style however you are one of very few that i know that does this every day because it does not take you that long no it's pull these in pull that over that's a huge bed man yeah and there's a lot of room for activities okay dave febs everybody like playing with the ball the dog yukon going to town typically he has all his toys out you know yeah this is a bad do you put the bed down every night i do i do sometimes i double up but like outside of that no it's uh it gives me one more thing to do yeah cargo nets here great option for people yeah why did you opt out of not having the up because originally you don't have any upper cabinets at all so you put these in so why yeah why'd you not wasn't doing that there um you wear stuff well past expiration yeah so it's a good crop rotation system for clothes that you're going to wear like semi-wine and like warm or wet is that a van life hack right there yeah like a life hack i mean plus is like if you have an if you have like unnecessarily expensive blankets yeah i was gonna say it may have stopped raining and you have some really cool features on the back do you want to kind of walk out back and yeah let's make it happen i'll be right back buddy while we're walking outside dave yeah why don't you talk about a little bit on the outside because honestly your outside is is freaking amazing so again we have a light here floodlight what's it do there i'm just um we'll slide into it with the slides shoe storage hooks everybody likes hooks and shoe storage i love hooks it's a motion sensor light in there you've seen it go off if you want it also let you know improves so this is a custom welded up passenger side ladder which i don't think they make i don't know actually i don't know if it's done illegal i'm just kidding i know i'm sure it's fine but you but you custom did it right yeah custom did it so it sticks back here with the wheel well and goes and you got a you got a deck up there guy yeah rooftop crow's nest as they call in the game uh some old growth pine with a cargo box how many how many panels you got up there i got 360 watts of solar mono crystalline should we give another shot out here i mean you got another again did you even know that i don't know this chick she left this um bumper stick on it i can't it's like epoxied on no yeah i can't get it off i can't i don't know it's alexa shout out to alexa her audiobook is dropping this summer yeah that's right it is yeah she sent me a sample of it yeah she's an incredible uh individual and look at you giving the plug out to alexa like that oh look at this guy he leaves you for two minutes all right so you got you got a lot going on here in the back this is a camping van like man so like yeah you can access your storage there as well as there sometimes you got the locket uh bookshelf other shelf look at you with the malcolm gladwell i just got it to show the van i can't even i'm still on like goosebumps i'm still the outsiders you know right nice book shelf though look at that that that's some work right there right here oh i just got these do you like these yeah they're great it's such a pain so what do you got going on you have a double slider yeah i threw a butcher block that sits into a cleat system a little channel here yeah it's a good workstation if you're say building vans for friends oh yeah there it is what about uh you actually know you cooked up a feast for us one day yeah i know i cook on here a lot again this will camp stove i like it so it's pretty straightforward it all comes back together so that is my van is there anything else that you can think of uh all right we're gonna hop back inside right now dave again why don't you give us uh maybe oh we've got everything is lined with oh yeah did you take that from jared toshi no i took that from me telling seth he should do that in his van he should have man uh i just lined up all my cabinets i like it but anyways oh yeah we gotta do the inlay this is a backside cutting board oh yeah do you have two cutting boards in here technically technically three and then these these knives don't come flying at you no i put them away responsibly every time i turn the ignition on oh okay cool dave how about how are these guys going to find you again because i'm going to throw up the instagram instagram pibs pi bbs no not like the soda but kind of like the soda not like the soda but now the nickname originated oh yeah centralized ports ac dc you probably saw that i mean it's i think it comes danny thanks uh all right guys find out more from dave's wondrous adventures on pibbs but uh again you got you get so you got some real cool stuff coming up so many posts i know uh you guys some cool stuff coming up you got a new build coming up i do have a new build coming up it's going to be a smaller replica to this it'll be broken dreams too so my van's name is broken dreams [Laughter] [Music] and so be broken dreams 2.0 um and that will also as well be for sale i'm gonna be taking some time off from van life are you oh yeah but you're getting back into it you can't leave this life you're gonna be leaving van life just for a minute cause you're gonna be doing some through hiking i think right that was the plan yeah but like in in the interim i guess i'm gonna i'm more concerned about starting this next chapter of my life and building vans at this complete time you're gonna build some vans and try and maybe sell them and flip them or whatever yeah so i'm gonna i'm gonna probably build depending on how crazy i get this summer three bands okay you're a little crazy yeah that's one a month also guys you guys haven't picked up the accent davis from my neck of the woods uh you're from the boston area boston went from boston area we were going to do this outside of a dunkin's but you know we decided not to that was been great that would have been awesome doing it at donkeys so yeah guys uh check out dave gonna have a website hopefully up and running pretty soon here you gonna put the thing back up for me you want me to yeah dude because i want to sit down and chill out with you man that leaf man it's pretty sweet it is pretty sweet you didn't have that last time i was with you nope i did not so yeah we're getting so it's air powered so it lifts up thanks buddy yeah so i i don't have to lift it it's which is nice saves my back saves it saves us from this angle too thank you yeah so so yeah you can sit here comfortably yeah you can i probably shouldn't sat on this side i should like switch them like hey you can sit here comfortably relax read your book your malcolm gladwell what the dog saw yeah so again a little nifty there buddy all right guys uh we'll see you guys uh i don't know i'm gonna hang out with dave probably have some beers actually you don't even drink do you no i don't drink but if you guys are interested in either this van or his other van all right guys say bye to uconn new keys all right guys we'll see you guys next time later [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jarrod Tocci
Views: 141,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: van conversion, van life, jarrod tocci, van tour, living in a van, van build, diy van build, diy van conversion, tiny home on wheels, van conversion ideas, van life vlog, professional van build, how to build a van, ghost van tours, promaster van build, promaster van tour, cabin van build, pct, pacific crest trail, aussie Shepard van life, tiny home van build, van life diaries, van life movement, rolling home, promaster van life
Id: T2UjakRwKgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 44sec (1724 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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