Day in Stealth Van Life - Where I Parked, How I Work, What I do During the Day

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good morning couple things here number one rarely you guys are gonna see me without a hat on I actually don't sleep with a believe it or not I wanted to do this vlog because I wanted to show you guys as hopefully as real as possible i throughout the entire day this is going to be typical day or a regular day and stealth van living I'm gonna get up right now cut the camera I sleep in my boxers on the t-shirt so that's the Sica I just don't want you to see it I'm sorry I'm going to get up and I'm going to put the camera right back on as soon as I put some pants on I'm gonna walk outside I'm gonna show you guys where I parked and then we're gonna go about my day and I'm gonna talk about that I will take the camera right now and I'll spin around real quick so you guys can see the inside of the van it's a little dark right now and it's like 8 o'clock in the morning so I'll show you guys this all right to get up show you guys some stuff that's going on outside happy new year by the way I'm actually shooting this on January 1st all right guys I'm up and I have some pants on the only reason I have some pants on is because I don't think you guys wanted to see that I am gonna turn on some lights right now for all you so you guys can see actually how I put the bed up you know there we go it is 8 o'clock good morning it is sunlight outside I'll even show you see there's plenty of sunlight with my window with my window covers on you know it's pretty blocked out in here at night so let's just get this going so you guys can actually see how this all works which is just my folding over the bed in the morning that's why I put pants on cuz there's no way you guys want to see me pant without pants on crawling on my bed that's just weird and that's it that's all she wrote put the other cushion back here now here's my seating area I got my table and put on the lagoon right now and boom that's it I need to get my life situation let's see what do I want to wear the days typically you know change however you on how I at least go about my day whether it's going to gym first whether it's going later in the day to the gym but I'm trying to get back into better shape I've lost a little bit of weight I'm trying to lose a lot more or at least tone up my body tone up my body even getting back into eating healthy the last few months and as well as working out so I'm trying to do all that talk about where I parked here in a minute but before I even get into all that I'm going to put away some dishes that I did last night which is right there you know I had a little bit of a mess here I got a long day a big day today so right now I'm actually just gonna pack my gym bag full of change of clothes my towel I'm gonna take a shower there kind of get ready for the day while I'm there I'm not gonna get a big heavy workout in because I have actually a lot a lot a lot of things I have to do today figure out what the heck I'm gonna wear and then I will take you guys outside I can contribute out shirts or you know whatever down here is actually where I keep like a lot of like heavier clothing sweatshirts long sleeves I got some pants down there some jeans whatever whatever a pile of clothes that I just haven't put away yet right on top of my bathroom shower that'll be on in a minute so let me pack this bag up and then I will cut to walking outside and I will show you guys where where I parked up for the night how's that I'm just putting away my cannot so let's go to the point that you guys are pretty much all been waiting for where the hell I parked for the night turn the light house is gonna get dark and we are gonna open up the curtain now I do not go out the side door parking stalls motor and streets with the gym bag front right now I usually will get out and kind of inspect the van before I do leave make sure that nobody slashed my tires you know make sure there's nothing really in front of my van homeless person sleeping in front of it I'm in like a suburb of San Diego which by the way vehicle habitation in San Diego I believe is uh not allowed I'm also pretty much giving up my spot here so I can not park in this spot like it's might might not be easy for a lot of you to find out where the heck it was I have roughly I don't know seven spots around where I am right now now I've just given away this one it's now public and I can no longer park in this spot it's you know that's okay I wanted to do a good video and so I'm gonna step out now and it doesn't look like really anybody's around I'm literally I'm right next to a freeway though our highway which is right over there that's it Cosette it's pretty bright out right now now I think now it's like eight twenty something eight thirty so the van is behind me as you can see some people are up walking dogs and stuff so I gonna be someone careful I want them to know that I was here but this is the street I'm on as you can see there's actually an RV down there I do have some rules when it comes to stealth barking like this couple rules that I have although I'm in front of apartment complex as you guys saw number one I do not park in front of people's houses number two I try try try not to park next to any other van lifer or RV R a couple of reasons for that less is more you know if you put yourself next to another van a custom van build you're sticking out more why would you do that to yourself as you guys saw that my van is pretty much looks like a van on the street I do try to find more of an industrial area so I don't get hassled as much or in front of these large apartment complexes or something of that nature where it's not that big a deal the gym is really close by I am part of Planet Fitness because you can go to pretty much any one of them in the country for cheap money not that I need to because I have a shower the recirc is not in yet to recirculate and recycling shower isn't in yet I could take a shower in the van that's more so when I go camping or when I go out into the wilderness and I have no Planet Fitness around me try to stay either near a coffee shop or a Planet Fitness I've been brewing my own coffee which we're gonna get into later in this vlog I haven't been spending too much time in coffee shops too I have coffee mmm I don't know if I have enough for the vlog that's kind of stinks I'm not gonna show you guys me driving away because I don't wanna give away too much of the spot although I'm never coming back here let me cut this for now I'm gonna put the camera away because I don't want to have my camera while working out at the gymnasium gymnasium I'll see you guys after the gym just got back into the band from from the gym here Planet Fitness yeah that's where I I just got back into the van and I want to apologize to you guys cuz I I lied to you I liked you as you can see I'm a little more awake now I had some allergies last night so I got some home sinus pressure I lied to you guys and I'm sorry I said I was gonna pour some of my coffee and I was gonna have some coffee by the beach still going by the beach however I can believe her God last night I ran out of water man life problems by the way I ran out of water in my tank I have a 22 gallon tank and it lasted me about two and a half weeks maybe three weeks I gotta go fill it up my brother lives in town I'm gonna take advantage of his water texted him I said hey coming over to fill up my water tank and I was like I offered to get him and his wife a cup of coffee he actually touched me back he's like hey man I'm actually out getting coffee right now let me grab you something and I'll meet you back then I was like perfect worked out great I'm actually headed there now to fill my tank and get some coffee and a bagel then I'm gonna head over to the beach ball at 10:15 ain't that big a deal so guys I'm here at my brother's house now I'm really happy we actually I stopped by because he said he had a package for me and I got some new hats in let me know if you guys like him here's Jeff what's up Jeff so he's getting the hose out for me we're gonna start filling up my water tanks and maybe I'll give Jeff the camera and maybe I'll do the work cuz it's kind of mean if I make my brother fill up my own tanks for me but yeah I got these new hats I wanted to test them out they're not fitted they're snapbacks I put the logo down here in the corner but I got that one and I got another one with my other logo on there you know for my comedy stuff my water tank is in the back here I don't think I did not put that up so I have this strap right here this bungee cord that actually goes across my van I'm gonna have to put it up so the reason this goes across is to actually hold pillows and blankets because the Murphy bed you know so I put this bungee cord in to do all that and I forgot to put it back up last night when I was so I'm gonna put the camera down so I can do that so now you have the bungee cord up there that keeps everything in line I'll show you guys how this all works I can see my water tank right back there how you doing but you know I'm a natural at this oh yeah still perfecting some things you want to get with a water fill man there it is that's it relax gravity baby it's a thing of beauty this is gonna take a while you wanna say anything Jeff want a beer while we wait dude it's 11 something in the morning dude screw you van laughs first in San Diego you guys want some water I got you really do not good deal yeah you're gonna charge van lifers oh yeah it's real good real cheap don't worry I guess the only other way that I would get water right now is I have this guy right up here and I can go oh maybe you can't see it that water jug it's a six gallon jug that I got from like Walmart or something typically I would fill that up at like a glacier station and then I would just dump it into that tank but you know what I get free water because my brother lives here in San Diego so I'm gonna take advantage of that I'll pick this back up when I head down to the beach I'm headed down the beach right now Jeff is not coming with me to the beach but he's got a wife and kids and stuff you know it is nice by the way during the daytime in San Diego what is it 70 degrees right now it's January 1st like I've already mentioned I mean our lowest is in the high 40s but your boy here has got radiant floor heating so I wake up to nice toasty toes in the morning all right hitting the road again I got my coffee now thank you to my brother Jeff appreciate you filled up my water I'm not spent a lot of time at my brother's because you know they've got they've got their own lives going on and everything else and I've got to edit a video I gotta go I gotta get down to the beach not because I have to go to the beach but it's nice to like work in nice views I'm meeting some people down there we're gonna hang out we're gonna have some lunch stop off at the store real quick I'm gonna pick up some I need some more coffee because I'm gonna make some more cold brew tonight every day is different you know things pop up you don't know what you're gonna do this is not a daily thing for me I don't like obviously go around and do all this stuff I do not save all of this stuff to do today for all of you guys I just happen to need water I picked up my hats I had no idea those even came in these were tests to see if they even work which reminds me if you guys are new to the channel consider subscribing plan on doing more interactive wall like this where I'm kind of out and about and doing my thing and I'll be having more people on here etc and so forth as well as I still plan to bring the informational vlogs like I did I think it was last week about the toilet and my opinions on that or that's worth an option I also started another channel the reason is oh I got a film in today I got a film an introductory to that other channel crap and I'm doing a live at 6 o'clock tonight you guys are gonna see all of this alright guys so I just got to the beach and I went to the market for just some some food and some some things that I needed I do some some prep some prepping that I need to get done I do some prepping that I need to do Wow to like you know so I can be comfortable here at the beach button I'm in a parking lot right now it is a public beach I don't know if it's a state beach it's just a public beach and now I am just going to pick up some things I'd get some stuff together so I can so I can enjoy you know the comforts of just the beach and put some groceries away and all that good jazz by the way if I wanted to I could put my bed down into the bed position and I'd have a view out the back I might do that later around sunset time right now just going to keep it up turn around my swivel seat over there you guys might remember that video ripping in the bed so you guys will see all that what I do to kind of get it ready all right so that's a you know took a few minutes I mean I kind of situate everything and now I am now sitting at my desk here let me show you guys an image of really what this exact view would look like with the bed down and then maybe I'll show you later but so I put this guy up right here because the Sun is literally beating down on me and while I edit videos it's nice to have not a glare in my screen so I have no obstructive view to having a beach view and maybe it's not coming through all that well on camera lens right now but I have a beautiful shot of the beach it's a busy day because it's a it's a holiday so it's it's January first it's news day so it is a holiday today everybody's off of work so typically it's not this busy here but it's all good doesn't bother me at all I'm gonna set up shop I'm gonna answer some emails and I'm going to start editing one of the videos actually it needs to be out for tomorrow we'll catch back up with you guys a little later maybe one of my friends get here and kind of show you guys what else they do and I'm gonna probably cook a meal later I got this this shot cuz I'm not feeling very well the reason I answer so many emails by the way everybody that's like oh you don't have any work to do you just edit a video first of all editing videos can take anywhere between three to eight hours or maybe longer depending on what video you're doing this video if I were gonna take me about four I got a lot of footage to go over and I can explain my process to you guys later and maybe in a later video but it's it is a process and it takes a while plus I need to upload it which I'm probably not gonna do tonight and I'll explain that later so I'll have to record the introductory video to my other channel the email answering is a lot about consulting I do consulting on the side for a van design I do not like it's not that I don't like to build in as I love to build vans it's just that I will put you in touch with the ones that are probably better than me if you want to do it yourself is a DIY build then I will try and assist you the best that I can with a design layout or products or things of that nature may be within your budget you know how far you can go or how big you can go or how little you can go and that's what I'm there for I am there to consult and work with you through design consulting or through layout or whatever maybe I'm there to give you a hand I have to answer all of those emails so I do a lot I do a lot of things going on I'm also writing comedy so I do a lot I continue moving and I continue striving for everything that I'm doing here so that is what I'm doing at the beach it's just a very nice peaceful place to do it whether I'm at the beach or the mountains oh yeah I can do both because I live in a van all right guys let's pick this up a little later it's later in the day right now my boy Ian just came by the Sun has set just a little bit more as you can see only you know what sounds like 3:30 yeah 340 340 we are cranking so this is the part of the day where I have my second couple call here's am by the way guys he was on a lob with me a little while ago alive with me a little while ago and as well as you do some crazy stuff yourself I almost said some crazy stuff you saw what do you do brah blending a lot of different modalities in for like a total health and wellness like a lifestyle yeah dude movement one breath work meditation possibly find you Ian Myers wellness on Instagram Ian Myers on YouTube and Facebook is Ian Michael Myers nice by the way Ian here is the guy that is renting and living out of shaytans van so if you guys have been following my page recently Shaden van was the bright star the 23 year old gentleman right that is now in Bali right now with his girlfriend but Ian here is renting it out and living in it right that's been amazing yeah almost 20 days and it's been a been a great experience all right so I just poured myself a cup of coffee right here but I ran out of my cold brew I don't like drinking hot coffee I know I'm weird I don't like drinking hot coffee so I got some ground grounds grounds grains grains I don't know coffee grounds at the at lazy acres earlier you gotta get them course because of how I'm doing the brewing this is a cold brew method I got this little guy off the Amazon I think was like 20 bucks 25 organic coffee by the way so there's no pesticides being I have to say all that stuff cuz Ian's right here but ya know I really did get organic coffee though it's just part of my day guys so yeah now it's just in there then this guy right here and then I got my brutal filter boom and they just pour it right in there it's gonna seep through that and you let it sit in the refrigerator for I try to do it about 15 to 20 hours depending on how rich you want your coffee but right now it's gonna come out a little light brownish and after you let it sit and seep through there then the more like I said the more rich and the more it comes out I guess I don't know I don't know I just know that it's good I already changing yeah it's already coming out the extraction is began and that is how I do my coffee in my van everybody's a little different Ian and I were kind of tossing around an idea and maybe you guys can comment below and let us know what you guys think but Ian and I were talking about do a cooking like vlog vegan style Ian's style and actually show how much you can actually cook inside of a van even if it's vegan and you were thinking about doing that with me right absolutely yeah I think it would be fun so let me know if you guys like would like that idea yeah I think would be a lot of fun actually just to show what's possible yeah you're in a tiny space 80 square feet or if you're in a home I like to operate just on simplicity I love food I love challenging myself to see what I can prepare in a very short time right to say like 10 15 minutes max if I'm going form a but you'll be amazed on what type of like dressings and different dips and different sauces that you can create and in ten minutes and there's so many different recipes you know all that in ten minutes so we're gonna try and do that with good old in probably next couple of weeks I like that idea I really want to you know cuz I'm trying to eat healthier it's not just you know the 2020 goal it's a goal just in general you know trust me the older you get the more you feel I just turned 40 December 6 it's 40 years old and I'm just definitely I really well by the way just put this in the fridge after you're done one thing I will share is you know like 12 years ago back in 2011 I was 250 pounds and I was suffering from heart disease high blood pressure I was a borderline diabetic I had acid reflux terrible acne I was like I was a I was a mess and I was I was 29 years old geez you were how much weight when you said it a hundred fifty what do you know three two three yeah he's doing pretty good now is it big difference just to be clear he's not here to sell veganism you know he's here to just sell the aspect of healthy living exactly I don't like to classify things you know people say are you a vegan it's like well I don't like to classify myself yeah anything yeah but if you were to look at my diet yeah what it looks like it's more it's being yeah because I don't need animal products I don't need cheese anymore I've been truly fortunate to be around this guy for now what two three weeks now yeah and I've learned so much from him and he's been he's been a true inspiration I get some of those coaching for free I guess just being around him now he's in shaytans van and we're gonna be doing a vamp well I'm not but he's gonna be doing a van build in the next couple months after after shading as one cheetah gets back really you're gonna get started so we are going to I'm gonna start doing work I'm doing work right there as you can see I think I think Shane's coming down I think so and Christian is not coming how about Alicia she coming a little bit yeah this is girlfriend yeah so possibly later on maybe I don't know we'll see what's up I'll turn the camera back on to catch you guys catch the sunset because it's gonna be it's gonna be a nice one with them clouds coming in oh it's gonna be a nice sunset alright guys I gotta get back to editing people are looking at me now with a camera that's weird I am I'm still the VIN obviously still editing I'm actually editing our van quests a video tour or van tour but look could you swap die I don't maybe you guys don't know what this is but that is Shane beautiful sunset behind him we're actually doing a video tour of it she won a closing video tour we're doing a van tour of Shane's van probably in a couple weeks he also has a Murphy bed just like just like me just like our are the Buddy Shaden the one that Ian Batman that Ian's living in pretty cool right man of many woods Shane everybody yeah he's got two pups the live of him they're actually like dogs dogs they're like adult dogs all right one is named Millie the other one name is Bucky they're great dogs you can follow my man Shane here on it's Shane Dennis on the IG I might take a little break from video editing right now I think Shane and I are just going to capture this awesome cool sunset right now you think I mean we've seen so many since we've been down here that's a good point first one is good job [Music] [Music] [Music] so hey guys all right so now I am kind of rushing a little bit because I got five minutes I have to get ready for a livestream that I'm doing I do every Wednesday at 6 p.m. I'm considering on kind of slowing that down a little bit because of the new page and I'm starting up but I'm setting up for that now I actually have YouTube up on the computer and I kind of just set it up on the table here and you're gonna see how that whole process is done these lights right here my my upper cabinet lights actually give me enough light to kind of for the van like I don't like if I put my my like my big brights on I'll do it right now for you like it's bright in here and it's I do it for filming mostly but these guys are fine slowly look at ya every week do some QA help out anybody that wants to get into van life etc etc yada yada yada contraptions to make this all possible by the way for Wi-Fi I get asked us a lot for my Wi-Fi I get I use hotspots right now I'm using my phone on my phone on spot but I also have I also have this hotspot right here which is just a verizon hospital but I got videos sometimes offer them not all the time I got about three minutes live happy new yeah when it is time I got about two minutes a live you know and you doesn't be able to see it how's that all right let's go alive and that and that's seriously that's it and that is really the reason I'm talking into this camera right now is I'm actually doing a vlog that'll come out on Sunday that is super weird that that is happening but and now I'm gonna cut this so I can talk to people here oh man that that actually takes so much out of me because I just have I'm always full of energy when I do something like that I was just on for 36 37 minutes a lot of good questions today though a lot of good questions so I really can't complain too bad too badly my phone didn't frickin stop beep in this whole damn time so I don't know who it is I think it's probably people reacting to the sunset photo I just post so yeah I do that every Wednesday usually about 45 minutes I'm gonna go back to editing the our van quest video I'll see you guys on the flipside I don't know I might upload morning I haven't decided yet so when I do decide you guys will find out how's that alright guys I am now uploading excuse me I'm not even uploading I just finished editing the video it's now 8 o'clock at night I did not spend all day on this I was doing a bunch of other things probably upload this in the morning I'm feeling a little under the weather I have not been getting enough sleep I am going to actually call this a night very early I am in the parking lot of I moved because for the livestream I was in a location that I wasn't very happy with so there was somebody playing loud music so I moved I'm still in that parking lot I will show you guys when I work before I leave here but I am going to be parking somewhat near here I'm not gonna give up this spot or I can't show you guys that spot but really it's an industrial it's in an industrial area nearby so I can't tell you that much yeah that's pretty much what I do on a day-to-day basis tomorrow I'm gonna take this video there's a library here that's in the the city that I'm in try to go to libraries a little bit more than I do coffee shops although I'm brewing cold coffee and now that I'm thinking about it might be better to go to a coffee shop see this is out this is kinda how I live I kind of live minutes a minute I think I'm actually exhausted and I just really need some good sleep some good good sleep for like three days in a row so this roughly takes about 7 to 10 minutes for it to export onto my computer and then if I run it through a hotspot it takes about an hour but if I go to the library tomorrow it'll take 15 minutes but I am gonna go find a place to sleep tonight it's just to kind of relax I hope you guys enjoyed really what the day and varan life is all about I do want in the video this way though although this is kind of how a day in life of me I will say that when I was in Portland I didn't live this way so every single day is different every week is different every month is different it really depends on the city that I'm in I am very fortunate right now that I am in a city that is a beach city I am near the water so I don't hang out on beaches all that much but when I am in these cities I do my brother is actually about 30 minutes away from here so when I'm up in Portland for the most part if I need to get worked in my van I will find usually a parking lot to do work in and you know I'll do another day video like a day-in-the-life a video and I'm like not on a beach or and I'm working out of my van and to be honest with you it's not that glamorous like sometimes I'll go to like a planet Fitness's which is where my gym is I will work out of the gym I'll work out of the gym part one is what I should say that's if I'm doing work that day if I'm not doing work I'll try and find hiking to do I will try and do an activity of some sort and then when I get into comedy I am gonna be doing you know stand-up calling them to be going to the you know open mics at night or I'm gonna be going to a comedy club at night or something along those lines as I just went off literally every day is gonna change I'm gonna be getting into that podcast soon so it's like all this stuff let me show you guys I'm strolling a lot I'll show you guys where I'm at you know here I don't care if I'm open my dog as you guys to see it's pretty dark out there's really nothin even out there I said it's like 8 o'clock at night but all my friends have left they're all going to do their things whether it's hitting the gym guys hopefully this has been somewhat helpful I hope to do some more interactive vlogs like this that day-to-day life of what I do who knows but I had a good day I had a fun day got to see some friends I got obviously an epic sunset I typically do not camp at campsites the only time I stay at campsites is if I'm with friends or if I'm out traveling or if I'm out adventuring I'll stay at a campsite or not a campsite but like a dispersed camping which is like an area designated for like off-grid vehicles like this one or if you have a generator of some sort like that then you can do off-grid living in a dispersed camping and dispersed camping is all over typically there you know you could find them on iover Lander apps or things like that so the van life app there's a couple other apps out there that you know free campsite stopping or garnett or something like that whatever that site is I don't typically do that I do stealth park I do live honest I do I flip on the streets so weird 130 thousand dollar van but I live on the streets yeah that's how I kind of live and how I kind of park about to leave and then and then this guy comes back Shane goes back to the parking lot with his pups what am I gonna say no to these guys I'm like under the weather I'm about to go take some nyquil I'm gonna have cookies apparently now yeah before we even do an actual tour of Shane's van I'm gonna just pop over there check this out you guys ready for this I don't even touch the ground neighbors this is Shane's van everybody yeah we have like no lights or anything but would you get four cookies man spoils me look at these two alright guys now we're calling it a night Shane wants a good night everyone happy new year later [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jarrod Tocci
Views: 171,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digital nomad, how to work in vanlife, nomad, van life, jarrod tocci, ghost van, how to stealth park, how to live in a van, van life vlog, van life janelle, real van life living, van life ideas, vanlife, how to live vanlife, how to work, how to work on the road, day to day van life, stealth parking, stealth van living, daily van life, van life beach, sprinter van, sprinter van conversion, work and living in a van, van life possible, where to park van life, home on wheels
Id: XwNrbYGgSUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 30sec (1950 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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