Hammond and May Take Clarkson's Eurocrash Car Around The Eboladrome | The Grand Tour | DRIVETRIBE

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Nice, that’s the kind of bonus content I like to see.

Now if only they started releasing deleted/extended scenes like in the old days, or more interviews, with Mr Wilman for example

Edit: wait that’s an actual Amazon Prime account who posted this wtf

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 79 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/michaelloda9 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Good to see they both acknowledge the fact that May was a bit too detached, to the point it wasn't funny, so probably they will not go with 20hp car for a roadtrip again haha

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LuXe5 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is the 2nd "post special" thing they've done, after the Scandi Flick follow-up. I'm really digging these bonus content kind of things, it's fun to see these two just shoot the shit about the trip, the cars, how they got on etc.. I hope they continue this kind of thing for any remaining specials.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sleepy_C πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

"It's also suitable for Jeremy's status as a British National Knickknack."

That line got me.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jzn110 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was really really fun to watch. They summed up the new special, gave a bit of backstory and were still funny without being forced. I love this!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/downey01 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

hey Mods can we get "Horizontally Tall" as a flair pls?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TacticalAcquisition πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 21 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

One of these was on sale in Vancouver 6 hours ago. It's since sold.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/miserybusiness21 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 20 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] is this a start line yeah this is the start line This is the Ebola drone and the track and I remember designing I remember when we all came up with ideas remember doing the drawing I'm wondering about old lady's house yeah remember what she'd come out one thing though we used to go that way yeah we did yeah but this is sure yeah we went oh yeah because of the barrier it doesn't matter we went that way um point is we are here I'd be in Poland room awaiting the arrival of our esteemed esteemed colleague yes who's literally never late fat colleague fat collie he's not here what did you call him horizontally tall but we will be here I presume any moment now so will you come from that way because that's do we used to go around there we did didn't we that was the final like on the circuit final bit you weren't paying attention well I could never remember race tracks hang on text Mr Willman oh no he's not telling us to run over there on unicycles well I was covered in bees it says um oh Jeremy oh Jeremy is not coming today he can't make it well that's a wrap everybody disappointment you can't make it but you'll be glad to know he's sent his car in his place his car his car oh the mitsuoka yes sorry I thought you meant you sent his car to give us a lift home you mean he sent his special card he sent his special car here for us that thing is hideous let's find it because anytime I'd rather see his car actually might be right now [Music] oh wow it's still horrible know it's actually got worse it has that is actually worse than I don't remember how much it sticks out here like that I've forgotten how much the back wheels are not at the edge of the car they're in a part of a smaller well which it is in fact a smaller car and this has got nothing in it hasn't it am I right no this is this because he discovered it after you'd stolen uh Wheels which I don't want to remember because that was cruel but yeah it's just fake this is fake fake fake I don't do anything real also real I don't remember did we bring him up on the fact that that's a sort of entirely made up mascot isn't it it's just yes I hadn't thought about that but it is but The Pedestrian safety is being considered if you've got past the feet trumpet tea exhaust and all these lights you won't be castrated by that yeah good news everybody so if you shattered your spine don't worry you won't break a nail so you're supposed to do it in an imaginary way leg leg hip yeah feet shoulders rib cage cases okay yeah it is poorly isn't it so from primary and it would be better as a Premiere what was he thinking as is not here we can really push that question what was he he was thinking correctly a car that nobody would choose which was the brief wasn't it but that nobody should have included him but this car shouldn't really have existed these are the um Arrow holes oh yes because this is I've just gone in there it would have gone straight through and that's the original door that's the original door so that that is still but these bits are canoe aren't they yes yes they are just canoe material I was staggered when they arrived I do remember them weirdly I remember seeing them and thinking immediately immediately that's hideous what kind of Muppet would choose I've only ever seen one of these other than this one and that was in Japan when I did a story about mitsuoka yes and then you would actually see one then if you went to see where they make them I'm going to do something that feels a bit weird but I'm going to commend you oh yes because your modifications to this car I mean your modifications of my car were cruel yes inexcusable spiteful and suggested bitter a little bit spiteful a little bitter just they were they were poor cross there was yes well they made me cross [Music] good safety feature James May these though the candelabras on Jeremy's I have to say of all the modifications we've ever done I think it genuinely looks better with them up I do it suits the car and it also is appropriate for Jeremy's status as a British national knick-knack yes [Music] [Applause] have we ever driven one another's cars on or following any of our specials no we haven't I can see where you're going yes I've never driven we've never done it in 20 years I've never driven a car that you've had especially not after you've turned it upside down generally not then no but I've heard you go on and on and on about whatever you're driving and Jeremy so yeah the big ape's not here but the big Apes motor is and give them where we are can you remember the way round yeah he delivered it [Music] I don't know I don't have to move it is it electrical good job we're not motoring chair let's gonna say it's a bit embarrassing of course we know how to move the seat I might have to have a look what this levers like externally that goes backwards that's the rake oh no and then I upholstered them it's bolted to the floor right you'll just have to do you want to come in have a bit of a gangster lean on but I think I'll be all right I'm looking over some candelabra they are rather good the end of it's miles away [Music] God driving from this angle is very strange I might have to go quite slowly I would I'm nervous as it is I thought it's got a lovely ride it's shocking yeah who buys one of these Jeremy Clarkson apart from Jeremy Clarkson but it's basically a kit car isn't it yeah but that's assembled for you how did he drive with your candelabra at I suppose he's higher up I mean right now you go down here and it goes round to the right well we can see that I'm relying on James May for directions round the track the only thing I will remember when we were here is sometimes this bit could be two-way right that nearly got me the first time I was here the fire engine was coming is that where we used to have I think that's a pulley yes that's a pullover replace yes we used to have get sandwiches there according probably and sometimes you see like deer running about and things another right and this is very Broad and then it runs out and then you go into the room to let the car run out yeah but don't do that why not because you can't see right oh no no you go down then you go around the loop do I go in here yes yes oh do you no yes yes you do yes and this is a fairly tight wasn't he trying to get the back end and all cool around there you're a bit close to those tires there did you see them not really no I didn't what time first time right okay right now hang on this is the bit where it's risky because you're on the same bit that you're on just now but going in the other direction yes and you don't know this is what I got to hear and there was a fire engine because no one had told me that well what about our fire engines so you know just don't buy your own fire okay wasn't those it was just some I don't know they were testing a fire engine or something can I say yeah the ride on this car beautiful isn't it no it's not actually that bad [Music] it's nice and direct left left I've got I'm going left uh now this is where it gets very easily on so it's not down there no that would be a catastrophe where's the old lady's house so it's in here yep so in there is it in there yes yes you're right they're not oh no oh yes yes no yes no it's this bit because then you slithery around it yeah I know you're right yeah Taylor action old lady's house yes and then caning it down the back straight thing it's a stupid circuit it's really dangerous it is incredibly dangerous and then you go left here do you no you don't no no I'm wrong I'm wrong you keep going you got it no it's left at the end oh yeah that's parking that's just where you park in front of that hanger quick crap aren't we absolutely rubbish always have been always shall be this is the truth of it right and into this final turn and with a flourish and I'm gonna say it as well take it off the road I'm gonna say are you gonna say it yes I'm gonna say it you're gonna say it yeah it comes and across the line right that's a lap so another one yeah while I'm doing it um you can feel this car flex a bit can't not off don't get cocky and carried away because you still can't see it was a funny special that one it was a really different experience well I miss most of it to be honest I mean I'm surprised I'm in the film this is unpleasant being in this car because I think it's going to snap how has that slight Snappy feeling it mustn't snap because after this it goes back to Jeremy's place because he's keeping it is he for what I don't know keep chickens in it probably because you wouldn't want to drive around in it I don't know he's keeping this I've kept my truck have you yeah do you know I haven't kept the Crosley well that was my days I've sort of throwing it in a canal but it's just it's not even funny but you were so fond of it when you got it I remember before we set off you said you loved what you had you really had to and I did think it was you know a genuinely interesting yeah from a historical perspective it was an interesting car because of that oh you mad man but it is amazing how bad a car can be that's what that thing I can't say anything that's what that car proved yeah it did I mean the the reasoning the thinking was actually very modern thinking because he was saying cars are too big they take up too much space they use too much fuel you know when he was thinking that in the 1940s so spot off but what he produced as a result was awful it was just I mean 724 CC it's not enough is it not no I mean it's not really enough now and engines and you know so did you really hate it oh God yeah I was you know when we set off yeah we left the port but before we had left the port you hit that barrier yes I mean just to stress that was a genuine action no no it was completely I wouldn't have done it but the windscreen wipers didn't work you know yeah so I couldn't see and I genuinely didn't see the barrier and I only clipped the end of it which could have actually I mean it sprang back and it could have sprung back through the window and smashed my face in but fortunately it didn't but it gave me a massive shot even though it was a you know a 10 mile an hour accident because it went bang and I thought what the bloody hell was that it was the worst start we've ever had to a special nobody has ever crashed before we'd actually technically really begun yes but as we began if we think of the starting point as the barrier yeah you crashed on the starter I crashed into the start I once crashed at the finish line on a Swiss Phantom you did you crashed at the start line of this one I know I did feel a bit of a tip to be honest well you were I really couldn't see I couldn't see a thing so we learned um that your car was over my car I did I never do my truck genuinely did I know who wants a two-seater convertible pickup truck that's a that's a fair question but I don't know if I told you this at the time probably not because I never saw you but I actually went on the launch of that car did you yeah in L.A it was on a day when I went to LA for the day right and what did you think of it I thought it was ridiculous but actually quite nice I liked the way they I think they used to refer to it as the console waterfall or something you know the way the bit of the back Falls and yours was yellow and I do like the yellow card so I was sort of I was quite jealous because I got the impression you were having actually quite a relaxing Drive in what is if you're in a half decent car actually a great idea for a road trip it's really interesting fabulous that really worked yeah we had a very very I don't know we've ever had more different experiences of the same trip as on that one I genuinely didn't see you from one day to the next time it's the LIE right do you want to go yes but you've got to back up because I need to start from the start oh okay thank you who's got reversing and across the line backwards right there you go in position thank you you may have the help I may have I have control well no no you will have in a minute not now you will yes sir thank you [Music] right go foreign [Music] ERS do make an annoying noise which is which was the idea um is it can I just well the mods you did to my car yes took ages really were the thing is when we do right cranky mods to run another's cars if they're good ones it's actually it's a pleasure because you think oh no that is actually really funny I get that I see what you feel like when you wired up my horn to the break in the Rolls Royce and at first I did with my as soon as I touched the brake and I heard that oh I know who's been at work here that was quite funny but it's it's when you layer it noise upon noise when I had the horns going off at the ending yeah [Music] yeah that was particularly bad it was is it this is this right okay it's like you really welcome well I couldn't see them and then you wait a bit and then you turn it in here fast in backwards out but actually yes you can't really see can you no and the steering wheels do feel a long way away because they are yes I find myself thinking of what are you saying about the wheel Arch the pretending wheel holders I thought were the front wheels but they're not it's really difficult isn't it it is impossible so the front of the car is a long way away and you can't see it anyway yeah and there goes left I will say yes it's just quite tight left oh God doesn't it yeah and then you've got the type right coming off I would put it down as a trip don't forget it's right yep oh you're not leaving it spiritually late yes [Music] sorry you were going to say I would put the whole trick down actually as by and large with the exception of your car um a success because we set out to go on a road trip no one's ever thought of doing in cars no one's ever thought of going on a road trip in yeah and I think we pulled it off I would say that oh Jesus Maniac sorry I forgot that the car was in another car yeah the front of the car another one coming up go around foreign there's lots of lovely things to look at but also let's be honest if I hadn't been in a terrible car I would have regarded that as actually a bit of a holiday yeah I would have thought we were cheating we'd have gone and seen loads of things I'm interested in yeah did you get much time with our new team member either did you no all right Lads virtually basically I could see what's happening here we brought in to replace the old one pretty much at it I'm ready to step in oh now we had to come off do you think that's what he thought do you think he'd actually taken my job because I wasn't there yep well he used to be three of them there's only two of them now watch joined it's me get a proper driver on the squad no idea yeah no I know about going back I genuinely would do that trip again and you know we have to do the pr you're talking to newspapers and press about the show talking to people in Poland or anything else um it was really easy because they were saying you know what did you think of our country and it was easy to just stop standard yeah that's quite broad Tree Lane Avenues where we had lunch and dinner when we had that bit of time to have a nice meal it was fabulous and is it also not true I know you're a bit younger than me but it is fixed in our minds that that part of the world is black and white and has electric standing on an oil drum but actually sharing with some Dockers it was beautiful I would happily go back yeah very colorful as well surprisingly I mean not just not black and white but colorful in the way that in India's clothing is colorful really bright that was a beautiful part of the world turning in like a madman I left that too late didn't I that was yeah you did um [Music] the Crosley yes which I don't really want to see again ever no but that is a sort of a suitable project for your garage isn't it we could never go we could never get but what would you do with it afterwards shoot at it I hope people enjoy the show and I'd love it if somebody then goes and does the journey oh God that'd be amazing I want somebody to come up to me in the pub as they have done about the vietnames we did it yeah thank you [Music] I've experienced clarison's car now yes that's how I was enough in it it isn't it as you said at the house it is a bit like trying on another Chap's trousers it's not something you want to do for long right we've done it though let's pull up and it's been interesting over here next to these conveniently positioned cameras do not remember the front of the car goes out a long way yep remembered like comment subscribe I think that was worth doing though I enjoyed it um am I gonna watch the show Euro crash with renewed interest uh having had a little insight into just what a crate Clarkson was driving around and I'm going to look at it slightly differently if you enjoyed that then please do watch the show Euro crash on Amazon Prime if you didn't enjoy that please nevertheless watch eurocraft on Amazon Prime like comment subscribe you silly old gig
Channel: The Grand Tour
Views: 2,612,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James May, The Grand Tour, amazon prime video, Amazon prime video UK, amazon prime, amazon prime uk, Prime Video, Prime Video UK, the grand tour eurocrash, eurocrash, the grand tour drivetribe, drivetribe, richard hammond drivetribe, james may drivetribe, the grand tour eurocrash cars, mitsuoka le seyde, mitsuoka le seyde review, jeremy clarkson mitsuoka, the grand tour eurocrash bts, eurocrash special, the grand tour new, drive tribe new
Id: hhjHcHlmdA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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