This Hunting Horn Guide Will Teach You Everything | Monster Hunter World

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welcome class to hunting horn 102 the reason why this is 102 is cuz I did one of these about 2 or 3 years ago but I have a little bit of a better setup and I've learned a lot more since then so we're going to go ahead and do this for 2024 cuz I'm surprisingly a lot of people ask for this uh this will be kind of a tutorial on how to learn the weapon uh and solo monsters because yes you can solo Fatalis with a hunting horn that that's a thing so to start we're going to go over the buttons which are the neutral button butons when you're not moving so uh and I will be doing this off of based off of Xbox buttons so if you're playing PlayStation Y is triangle and B is circle so while not moving your Y is your left swing your B is your right swing and if you push them both together y + B is your back swing your um basically you're you're throwing your horn backwards now if you're uh moving or in motion uh your y now turns into a forward slam uh the B button now turns into a flourish this is really important because I will come back to that move later and now your backs slam now turns into a super pound um and those are most of your essentially your normal weapons or normal buttons but there is another one this is a cutting uh this this move does cutting damage which is your Hilt stab now your Hilt stab anytime you do any type of Swing you hold back back and hit either y b or y + B and you will insert that note immediately so if you look at the musical scale in the top left corner let's say I want to do y and then y + B I would do y pull back y+ b or and if you're depending on which direction your Hunter is facing uh you hold back towards whichever your Hunter's back is facing my hunter's back is facing left so after I swing hold back hit Y or whatever note that you want to uh put in there is your secret note which much like with the uh Hilt stab you can only do this after you've swung your weapon so let's see we do y and then you hit left trigger that's your secret note uh that gives you access to the bottom two songs on uh the top right corner uh which is where your song list is and then if you look even further to the right it shows you all of the notes that you have on your current horn now each horn has different songs and different colors so uh just because this hunting horn has this for um its song list each horn has different song so make sure that you pay attention now we're going to start to focus on uh the songs now the most important song you have is your self-improvement song which it starts with uh movement speed up right now this is how fast I move so if we hit the right trigger to play that one song song and then roll out of it I now can move a lot faster I'm I'm I'm a fast boy Speedy speed boy I'm pretty fast now um but now if you notice the rest of those movement speed UPS have now changed into attack up plus deflected attack prevention essentially Mind's Eye and we get about a 10% um buff as well uh these are called encor encour can happen whether you Encore the song that you played or if you just play the same song uh twice in a row it doesn't even have to be in a row just essentially twice so uh now if we play the song again right now my attack is 348 so let's go ahead and play the song again what happens I'm now at, 1550 so I got my attack buff I also have mine's eye so I will not be bouncing off of nothing I do wish it was a way I can take off the combo thing that's on the this part of the screen I I don't don't like that I feel like that's like cluttering up the screen a lot but I if you know a way how to get rid of it cuz I I didn't uh the one way I had to get rid of it got rid of my song list and I don't want to do that for this tutorial um now essentially to play your songs you match up your buttons with your song list so attack up large would be purple blue I swear I'm not color blond it' be purple red blue and then purple again that's your attack of lardge song and that's how you queue it up and you might be wondering but Uno that took a long time is there a fast to yes that this is where uh this move comes into play uh during that second swing you can put in another note so if you notice you saw how on my musical scale it went I'm putting in that second note uh the timing is kind of strict so what I like to do is just start mashing so like you start off with uh that move which is while you're moving you hit B while you're moving and you'll do the double swing so while moving let's say I want to put in y for my secret note while moving you start to do it just mashing and it'll be there while moving just mash it it'll there you go you can even mash the same button if you want two B's that's how that works so a faster way to queue up attack extra large would be left Wing the flourish into your secret note Hill stab and then that's how you can queue up multiple songs really quickly um now if you notice you can stock up to three different songs if I do another song it will get rid of the song on the bottom to make room on the top for your new song you can also play them in whichever order you want um starting from the first one so if I wanted to play that attack up song on the bottom first I would hit B in the right trigger and then it'll move up so like so whoops so like so so like so thank you and then it moves up and then it goes to the next one that that's how it goes um in order um but uh not sure if you didn't know this but your Encore and your performance does do damage so if you wanted to do this and then Encore it that does do damage this is why uh hunting horn we you do not want to be Corner horning Corner horning is if that's the monster which is the pole if you're all the way over here and you're dancing and you're doing all this stuff and whatnot and you will fill this class we don't do that we don't do that you need to be up you need to be up at the monster you're not a bow user you're not a ranged weapon you need to be up in the thick of it into the thick of it you need to be there um but I will say that there are two different types of encores there's the short Encore which you can only do either with your self-improvement or any of your secret note uh songs so let's do for example let's do echave impact and I'm going to show you the Encore I'm going to hold forward and Encore it again I swung twice there now let's do attack up large and do that Encore and hold forward and do the Encore one two three that was three different attacks each with their own different shock waves um with uh the performance and The Encore you can Encore in whichever direction you want to you can do your neutral Encore you can Encore to the left you can Encore to the right you can Encore backwards doesn't matter you can even Encore um after certain moves to make the Encore faster or to make your radal faster so I see a lot of people where they're using the hunting horn and they're holding forward and they'll do this that took forever that that took forever uh but another way to do it instead of holding forward and just running you can swing hold forward recital we there throw it back and that's how you want to do your recital uh depending on what attack you did uh for uh right before your UH recital would a turn how you essentially recital if you heal stab into a recital you'll swing up uh if you swing forward and decide to I don't know hold back in recital or hold sideways in recital uh you'll do something like this if I hold back in recital which I mostly just do that for style points you don't need to know that but sometimes there are situations where you might uh want to do it not too many situations but sometimes it just looks cool like my favorite is to do this and then just style points hold left to the recital and then we're over here uh that about covers it for all of the main uh button Combos and all the shortcuts and all that good stuff so usually when I start into a match I'm like okay I'm going to get my selfimprovement and then we're going to do this that would that would be usually my two songs that I want to stock up uh I actually want to actually let's check I'm at 1827 now with my attack by the way that is with my attack large um which you Encore into extra large because if you play a song twice you will buff it even further or you will at least extend the time of what the buff [Music] is now th this is this segment is going to be you don't really need to know these things but they could possibly uh come in handy because you never know depending on which song you play as in which order whether you play the first one the second one or the third one that you have saved up uh the horn will sound different so for example and then if we do y trigger and then if we do regular each song will sound different uh this next one this is from my teacher uh I wish he did more mon hun her stuff but he uh doesn't make monster on stuff anymore but uh this is called the grifted and the grifted is essentially this you're probably thinking what is that that that is that is a different move I have not seen that move before um that is a reverse backs slam uh essentially what I'm doing is I'm running forward immediately turning around and then I'm doing y plus b but you do it all in one motion so it's like which looks cool and could have some practices where you can do uh Echo wave impact which is a very strong shock wve uh from your horn that does massive KO damage so you would you could do stuff like into your recital and then throw it back you can also move while you're uh with while you have your hunting on out and you kind of jam around and stuff uh this next one I don't know many scenarios for you to be able to do this but for some reason that hits behind you it it hits behind you I why does it I don't know but it does so you can kind of do like a run pass and just just for style points that that's mainly that's mainly it uh but I think that about covers it for the hunting horn portion uh now we're going to head over to the Armory I'm going to show you uh some skills that uh you could put in that will help your hunting Horn uh flourish and shine a little bit more so because this is my uh PC playthrough this isn't my Xbox playthrough where I have over 3,000 hours I don't have all of the rare decorations and amazingness stuff that I would normally have so this is the build that I have currently uh right now I have a Safi Jaa um blast hunting horn which Mah is really good I still haven't upgraded it all the way yet but some skills outside of you know like the attacking and and criticai add to all that crit boost weakness exploit some skills that will really help first and foremost sonris is a staple it makes your songs last longer uh it also lets you um heal a lot more if you do have a uh Healing Song on your hunting horn um evasion and evade extender both of these uh if evade window and evade extender really good especially evade window because you want to treat your hunting horn when I when we go out into the field almost like an infighter boxer where you're weaving through moves and immediately just counter punching that's the I think the best way to uh use a solo hunting Horn uh of course if you like essentially you want to tailor your build to how your play style is um if you're a little bit more risky with your stuff you might want to spec a little bit more for um the Divine protection or use the Divine protection horn um evade window obviously um evade extender obviously stuff like that um part breaker if you want to break parts you're in the guiding lands put some part breaker on there why not you also can expect 4 KO Jewels because since hunting horn is a blunt weapon you can KO monsters so if you want to KO a little bit faster slap in some KO Jewels why not why not uh you know all other Staples Health boost three stuff like that um but when you're checking and this is the part where we're going to look at some uh haunting horns when you're checking horns uh what I like to do is I like to check the sharpness and I like to check uh what the songs are and you know like the stats and stuff um so I think a song that's pretty decent literally out the gate for master rank you can't really go wrong with this um it does have hidden paralysis but you can just throw on an elementless Jewel and you're rocking a pretty strong hunting horn it comes with the same songs that I currently have um which is more so for solo play but I'm pretty sure no one's going to be mad if you're bringing an attack up large and making uh that great sword user buff their so uh their attack even higher uh now I come from a more solo play style cuz I don't really play too much um Co-op or multiplayer but essentially you can take the same skills in the multiplayer it's fine now uh zogre hunting horn a little bit more uh um honestly a little bit more friendly for everyone you get sonic waves which is the same thing as you throwing a Sonic bomb so yes you can use sonic waves to trap a Diablos that's the that's digging on ground this has earplug small which is more for small Roars which you can upgrade uh when you oncore into earplugs uh large I believe blight negated things of that nature um some really good standout horns uh volcanos horn really good ice horn uh glavenus is probably your main fire horn unless you do a Safi J One um aeic glavenus is okay but you're going to need to spend a lot of handycraft to really get it into uh White and or purple and then probably you're going to have to go Master's touch frostwing beroth is a really good one um namiel is probably your really good water uh water horned and it comes with the same ones as the zogre because some horns do have similar similar songs um but I think if you wanted a allpurpose like I just want I just want to make this one and go from there uh my recommendation would either be teosa either the Taos shorn or even better I would go with uh rag and breads it comes with purple sharpness it comes with a lot of sharpness you don't even need handycraft it it it's out of the box already really good hunting Horn uh comes with some really good support skills even scoutfly power up if you're in the guiding lands or you can't find a monster throw that up there all ailments negated everyone's going to love you for that and divine protection even speed boost and evade window for your secret notes you can't really go wrong there uh some builds that uh you could probably make not going to show you too much builds cuz I do want you to kind of find your own build and tailor it to your play style uh but when I used in master rank uh this is what I used to beat the final boss uh this is what I went through with um nothing too crazy it it did its job it did it job uh after I beat the final boss I swapped to this uh you can change you can switch up the horn to whatever you want but I ended up using this for a while and stuff until I got the kill queen hunting horn where I didn't need handycraft anymore inspect more so for this um I believe this one I was like experimenting because I finally put Master's touch on it so then I really didn't need uh any type of uh handycraft once again and then now I'm using the current build that I'm using right now that I will still need to there's still some upgrades I can do if you have better decorations you can make something better uh but with all that out the way we're now going to move on to the final segment where we're going to take a field trip out into the field and I'm going to show you what it's like to solo monsters using h on okay so we're out in the field and I'm going to fight a narak cuga I'm going to leave my Pico uh at the camp just to sort of more so focus on how good the hunting horn is um I decided to choose naruga because this is a faster uh monster and I think that uh a better showcase for the hunting hor is to fight something that's really fast to show how to deal with really fast monsters now typically this is the part where you would do all your Buffs and play all your songs and stuff but there are scenarios that you will just get dropped in to the to the monster and you won't have time to do your songs and stuff uh beforehand so what I'm going to do is I'm going to jump down start this fight not uh without a flint shot and just show you how you want to handle um like dealing with getting your songs up uh what I advise is to make sure to get your speed boosting song up as fast as possible because without it as you you see I'm moving incredibly slow incredibly slow let's see if I can get this up real quick okay everything else you can you can kind of you know that is secondary but the main thing you want to do is get that speed one up then as you're fighting them just kind of just kind of sit there and get your other songs up and then maybe you're like okay let's see if I can sneak ow let's see if you can sneak in a flint shot or oh wow good old clutch claw I think I'm going to just and then go ahead but otherwise if you didn't get a flint shot you can kind of just like just sneak in your songs very slowly but I kind of want to be a little bit sweaty so what I'm going to do is and then I'm going to play that song first because like I said before since it has a shorter Encore I can play my song's a little bit faster go ahead and give me a nice little Roar all right next thing we want to do since this is narak cuga we want to break the legs we want to break the legs so we're going to tenderize those and then we're going to focus on uh each leg because that'll give us a clean little knockdown uh so like I said you want to play kind of like a a counter puncher where you're you're barely just weaving through you're just weaving through the attacks and as you weave through the attacks you just keep focusing just keep focusing on them parts and eventually you'll get a knockdown and then that's when you go ahead and start punishing I will say much like the great sword well I feel like much like any weapon monster knowledge amazing really good really good to have monster knowledge on this one I will say that uh can I get a griped you are doing this move a lot I don't don't know why but fine by me now that that's gone we're going to go ahead and tenderize the head because that's really good hit onone Mo just tenderized the head uh I would say what are some combos that you can do I guess it depends do you need to proc another uh song to go up well I just hait it R off uh do you want to proc another song I would say while the monster down go ahead and get you another song going up or oh okay well or the bread and butter this one's easy you swing you spin the horn with left trigger that's a I think that's a ow I think that's a really good one oh I can go for another Flint shot why not um fight fight fight why I could have grabbed him but oh yeah I need to focus on the other our leg and break that cuz that'll be a uh that'll be a Koo as well yep I took too long but yeah that or not a ko. more so a knockdown go ahead you're wide open uh we'll spin twice cuz I want to make sure that he hits the wall uh give me a little give me a little juice going oh okay there we go give me a little juice going just a little bit tenderize the arm uh you can use your mantel mantel definitely help out especially uh Rock Steady cuz you only have to worry about uh having your songs get cancel because of a roar if you are not quite efficient yet with uh rolling Roars uh invaluable skill to roll Roars by the way but it also with positioning you don't really want to stand directly in front of the monster usually you want to stand you want to use your angles and kind of like stand at an angle like so and just use your Jab your jab which is just really good cuz it's incredibly fast you're definitely doing that twice you are not going to you're not faking me out sir uh I'm pretty sure my attack song is probably going to be leaving soon uh you can tell that your songs are up because they'll either be green because you didn't Encore them or they will be purple let's go ahead and Boop and then Boop uh can I get a nope grifted uh so now I'm going go ahead and super pound and then style points why not like why not I mean I can I'm going swing to the left swing back to the right and essentially that's kind of how you want to play hunting horn very very uh whoa interesting that you almost got me there this is why uh I think having some points in a vade window really good underrated weapon or underrated uh skill rather uh I do want to talk about this move uh stamina recover or stamina up and Recovery CU if you play this song you'll leave a puddle on the ground and anyone who walks over it as you see my uh stamina is incredible right now and all your dual blading friends and bow friends will literally love you will love you so if you are playing multiplayer you're doing Safi ja runs or something uh bringing one of those horns is really invaluable really invaluable go ahead and yep he he's he's slowing down ooh really it still hit me uh we're going to wait to get up because Doom go ahead and heal up a little bit like it's it's like you want to be very chill very relaxed if you start hitting buttons and and overextending yourself you will get punished especially some of the these whoa Let Me Wait especially some of these faster monsters go ahead wait one two no he attacks after that or moves one two that is not where I wanted to go but we're going to try it anyway go ahead and hit the wall um what do we want to do next uh I'm going get another attack up going show boting get all my songs up go ahead and Roar for me grift it whoa roll again but um yeah I don't know I I think it's just you you got to be watch watch your opponent it it's kind of like it whatever your other main weapon was some of those skills do transfer here here except you don't have a shield or if you were a long sword user uh you don't have a counter so I think having a lot of um evade window will definitely uh benefit you pretty well light just a lot of just immediate punish he's going to do that again yeah just a lot of immediate punishing you see the monsters doing a low or a long windup move immediately punished or or I can get punished cuz I decid the toriz there want get out the corner cuz I can't see we just just chill just Vive what you want use we just we just kind of vibe we just kind of caught a Vibe and that's really it and there goes my agitator again that's gone it's like up he's not agitated anymore you can go ahead and Flint shot if you want jump again jump again what I noticed nugi he just he uses speed just to show off cuz he doesn't actually jump around you and then like then move like really fast whoops I missed like he doesn't he jumps around really fast but then doesn't really use that speed to actually hit you he just moves incredibly fast toward you I really need to roll through that tail but yeah he just uses speed to move really fast towards you not necessarily to hit you but hey if I was that if if I was that fast uh I'd be showing off with that speed too so I I can't really I can't really fault him for that um but now uh probably prob probably about time to like really uh end this now and agitated and go ahead with echave pack uh back on the ground and that's it uh hopefully this uh gave you some information that you either didn't know or um you completely learned uh period uh once again we don't do corner horning but stop that get some help uh if you have any other questions uh leave me stuff down below or if there's a monster that you want me to take on because you're like how on Earth would you ever fight that um leave it down below within reason like if it like oh go go against extreme extremoth or like Behemoth or like ancient lean and all that stuff I'm not even that good as a of a hunter to do that it wouldn't matter what weapon um but uh one of them I do want to do is uh K tooth whenever that comes back I want to do that with the hunor uh once I get some better armor I am definitely going to do Fatalis solo with the haunting r as well but hopefully enjoyed this video uh thank you for watching y'all stay stay safe out there drink your water uh keep on duting and I'll see you all on the next video why is my camera shaking a little bit stop that thank you could at least gave me a mantle but fair enough fair enough
Channel: Uno Hunter
Views: 29,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hunting horn monster hunter world, hunting horn tutorial, how to hunting horn, hunting horn, hunting horn build, mhw hunting horn build, monster hunter world, monster hunter world iceborne, hunting horn guide, mhw hunting horn guide, mhw iceborne, endgame hunting horn build
Id: PnmGhooF7aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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