HAMBURG TRAVEL GUIDE | Top 10 Things to do Hamburg, Germany on a 24 Hour Visit! 🇩🇪

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hello and greetings from the northern port  city of hamburg germany this is where sam   and i kicked off our recent trip across germany  and while we only had one full day to explore   we hit the ground running ready to eat see and  do as much as possible after a solid night's   rest we seemed to have kicked the jet leg and we  spent our day exploring the red brick warehouses   of spiderstadt touring the port by boat eating  our fill of pickled herring taking part in a   chocolate making workshop and a whole lot more  the following is our hamburg travel guide and   in this video we're going to be sharing 10  things to do in hamburg during your visit we just had to stop and pose in front of the  coffee bean because you're a major coffee   lover right i had four cups this morning so  that's how you get over jetlag my friends   and we're just loving walking around  the city in the morning it's quiet   it's calm so we're just getting a feel for what  hamburg's all about it's pretty impressive so far okay so right now we are walking around the area  known as schweicherstadt in hamburg and that means   city of warehouses and as you can see around me  we're seeing a lot of red brick buildings it's   a very historic part of the city an old part of  the city and this was actually built as a free   port where people could transport goods without  paying customs so yeah we're really enjoying it   just walking around seeing the architecture even  though it's a very gray day and it's kind of rainy   i feel like the red brick buildings really  stand out and you can enjoy it even more so   later on we're actually going to be taking you for  a boat tour so you can see the city from the water   but so far excellent first impressions  we're having a great time here in hamburg   is located within the huffin city  corridor and it's probably the image   of hamburg germany that comes to  mind when you hear the city's name   the buildings here date from 1883 to 1927 and  they are works of art these warehouses have   towers alcoves and cranes that were once  used for loading goods on and off boats   they stand on timber foundations along the canals  and they're about as magical as warehouses get hello so this is the most impressive view that  i've seen so far from the port area i just   can't believe the diversity of boats you can see  here you have everything from small river boats   to working cargo vessels to even  a few different american style   there's a mississippi river boat here so you  kind of have a little bit of everything going on then it was time to ride the ferry  which if you're on a budget is a   pretty great way to see hamburg from the water so right now we are riding the ferry just around  the harbor to kind of see the city from the water   we're on line 72 which kind of does  like a triangular route so you can   stay on and get off at the same spot  if you want to and also it's based on   the honor system so you buy your ticket  but you don't actually show it to anyone   maybe sometimes somebody will come on board  and check but otherwise you know just get your   ticket get on board enjoy the journey and no one's  really going to bother you and yeah so far so good once we got off the ferry we walked over  to the entrance to the old el bay tunnel   this place was quite the sensation when it first  opened as it connected central hamburg with the   docks and shipyards making the commute to work in  one of the world's biggest harbors so much easier so we just finished crossing the old elbe tunnel  which goes underneath the north arm of the elbe   river and yeah it's a pretty cool unusual  attraction they have these massive elevators   with wooden doors it dates back to the year 1911  and it's actually open 24 hours a day for cyclists   and pedestrians you can actually also get vehicles  going across also there's like spiral staircases   in there so you can kind of admire the structure  of the elevator taking passengers up and down   so yeah i really liked it it's an unusual  tourist attraction but worth visiting if   you're kind of like in the harbor area and  you want to get to the other side of the river then it was time for lunch and you know how much  we enjoy sampling the local cuisine when we travel   no trip to hamburg would have been complete  without trying a pickled herring sandwich   lunchtime here by the water today's lunch is all  about the fish specifically herring today we went   for one marinated and fried herring sandwich  so yeah i'm gonna take my first bite of this   my fried marinated herring this is that this is  the one that the guy recommended when i was like   what's your special team so here we go oh the crunch i really like that wow i haven't had herring  in so long yeah mine is like sweet and sour the   perfect mix of sweet and sour so i'm just  so excited to try the bismarck pairing we   first tried this at stralzen like four or five  years ago absolutely loved it it was i think   the official food of the city there classic  dish in the northern part of germany where   you're close to the sea can't wait to try this  first bite guys i want to get some onions too there's just a lot going on with that flavor  first thing i want to mention is just the   quality of german bread so good then you sink  into the fish nice and sour actually the onions   add a little bit of sweetness to it overall  delicious lunch and if you're coming to hamburg   make sure to have one of these sandwiches  before you hop on ferry or any kind of   tourist boat see the city yeah which is just  going over your shoulder that's kind of cool   we'll be going on that next  actually about 45 minutes to wait   and we're on a boat we sure are we are gonna be  taking a one hour tour with bark hassan meyer   and we're going to be seeing basically all the  attractions that you can find along the river   there are 46. look at that i feel like this is  going to give us the complete layout of hamburg there are numerous boater operators  to choose from so you'll have lots   of options depending on your budget and  how long you want to be out on the water   we ended up doing the classic one  hour tour with barcos and meier   they have one daily departure in english from  april to october otherwise the commentary isn't   german but they do give you a booklet that has  information on all the landmarks along the route i can tell you my favorite part of the river  cruise hands down was getting intimate and   up close with the working port now we got so  close i could actually see the cranes loading   and offloading the containers it was amazing  and my goodness those ships were enormous like   when you get that close to them you just feel  like like an end standing next to goliath   all right guys a bit of a different activity now  we have arrived at choco bersom where we're going   to be making our own chocolates essentially i'm  pretty excited about this i'm a huge chocolate   lover it's a 90 minute experience and first you  kind of go through the history of chocolate learn   about the cocoa bean and then you actually have  the opportunity to make either milk chocolate   or a dark chocolate bar we're both going for  milk chocolate yeah and with three special   ingredients a fun experiment because  we got to choose three ingredients each   so yeah we're going to show you the  process and it's our turn let's go wow yeah you know what the hardest thing  was choosing the three ingredients   they all look so good so i ended up  i'm gonna dump it on here and show you   so i got white chocolate coconut and the  special ingredient of the week was ginger   so the cool thing is you just grab it and  sprinkle it on if you wish and it's good to go shredded coconut cranberries and a maritini i  think it's like some kind of cookie now that   sounds decadent tonight  now i'll show you mine here   mine has white chocolate chips coconut and ginger after creating our own personalized  chocolate bars we continued with the   tour and got to sample chocolate  at different stages of production   hamburg's chocolate museum is a super fun  experience for anyone with a sweet tooth all right guys dinner time we're actually eating  here at our hotel because they have an on-site   restaurant called nemi and it's an israeli and  middle eastern inspired restaurant but they also   have like typical dishes like a hamburger since  we're in hamburg visiting we are in hamburg sam   has gotten a hamburger but in the meantime  we're enjoying some delicious rustic bread   with lemonade which is a really yummy like  yogurt sauce with olive oil and spices   and olives it is delicious the  perfect little starter here   okay so my main dish is here i am super excited  for this this is the jerusalem platter we've   basically got a bed of hummus spread across the  plate some roasted red peppers a chicken that   smells delicious we have tahini we've got spices  you might even have onions in there there's a lot   of magic going on and my mouth is just watering  looking at it so let's dig on in what a combo huh so good transports me right  back to our trip through israel   back in 2013 eight years ago a couple years  back crazy okay sam hey i'm in hamburg   how could i not have a hamburger the birth of  the hamburger was here in case you were wondering   great reasoning yeah well let's take a look at  this baby so i'm going to show you what's under   the hood first look at that we got lettuce we've  got it's pulled beef here a whole beef burger   yeah that is a beautiful burger everything is  just so soft and a little dab dab for your lips   all right let's try this what  appears to be sweet potato fries cooked to perfection right to perfection  i should say it was a good meal after dinner we went for an early  evening stroll around hoffen city   meandering the canals and checking out all  the different types of vessels on the water   eventually that led us to the elbe  philharmonic hall also nicknamed the alfie   we wrote the elevator up to the plaza  level for panoramic views over the city okay so for today's sunset we decided to come  to the el philharmoni plaza plaza i think it   is a mouthful enough for you it kind of is it's  like the elb river philharmonic yes center it's   a place for concerts and all kinds of performances  um and apparently it's really hard to get tickets   like they're always sold out it's very sought  out to come and see a performance at this place   so we just went up to the eighth floor to enjoy  the views we figured it would be a nice place at   sunset today is a bit of a gray day so we didn't  get any spectacular colors but it's really cool   because you can walk all around and get 360 degree  views of the port area the city you can see the   ferries coming and going and also the architecture  is quite modern like as you can see it has a   beautiful glass exterior and then on the plaza  level again more like curved glasses that act   as doors and then coming down the escalator it's  just it feels like you're heading into a spaceship   so it's a really cool building i really  like it and who knows maybe one day we'll   get to see some kind of concert here but today  it's not the day let's continue with our tour we ended off the evening in this miniature world  that's kind of hard to put into words but really   you just have to see it to understand it   so we just finished visiting miniature  wonderland which is a very interesting place   so you kind of go inside this historic building  and they've got these like scale models of real   cities around the globe it's kind of like visiting  a place without really going there or like at   least getting an idea of what a city or different  part of the world looks like yeah sometimes you   have a bit of a bird's eye view and other times  a distinct vantage point where you can see   the like the layers of a bridge bridges and  mountains in the background it was pretty cool   like i really enjoyed the scenes from switzerland  or like down in bavaria and it was like ah   i'd like to visit some of those places  so yeah it was a really interesting spot   i think also it's probably a lot of fun if  you're visiting with young kids i feel like   they would definitely enjoy it and there were lots  of families with young children and they're just   loving it and they even have trains like model  scale trains going around through these cities   fun for the whole family fun for the  whole family that was our evening activity   last but not least during our visit to hamburg  germany we stayed at the altus hafenumt which is   part of 25 hours hotels the hotel is located  in a historic neo-gothic red brick structure   that also happens to be the oldest building in  huffin city but inside the rooms are completely   renovated and super modern and that is our  travel guide to hamburg in 24 hours we hope this   itinerary gave you a few ideas of the things  you can see eat and do during a short visit   if you have any other suggestions of things  to do in hamburg germany feel free to share   those with fellow travelers in the comments  below and lastly if you enjoyed this video   don't forget to like subscribe and we'll see  you soon with more travels in germany cheers
Channel: Samuel and Audrey - Travel and Food Videos
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Keywords: hamburg, hamburg travel guide, hamburg travel, things to do in hamburg germany, hamburg germany, hamburg things to do, hamburg city guide, hamburg travel video, visit hamburg germany, hamburg germany city tour, top 10 things to do in hamburg, hamburg tourist attractions, best things to do in hamburg, germany, places to visit in hamburg germany, what to do in hamburg germany, travel, hamburg travel vlog, hamburg germany travel vlog, hamburg germany travel guide, Hamburg tourism
Id: fwmA-2xIWT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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