OTARU TRAVEL GUIDE 🍺🤪 | 10 Things to do in OTARU in One Day (Before Leaving Hokkaido, Japan)! 🇯🇵

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we had one day in otaru a whole 24 hours to  explore this Northern Port City in Hokkaido   before hopping aboard a ferry to continue our  journey across Japan so yeah we just got here   in the nick of time so in this episode we're going  to hit some of otaru's main attractions that means   visiting kichi Hall which is illuminated only  by petroleum lamps we have come to the coolest   Cafe feels very medieval sipping local otaru beer  that's a mighty fine pint friends sampling some   sake that is very sweet wow I had no idea sake  could be that sweet and a few other surprises   along the way so join us in otaru Japan for 24  hours first things first we decided to go in   search of lunch and we ended up at a beef cutlet  restaurant so we're going to share that meal with   you before diving into the sightseeing we  thought it was pretty fun since we got to   cook her own food shirro shirro beef hamburger C  [Music] okay so this is the set Sam order there   you go there's the Hokkaido beef cotlet and the  fun part you get to cook your own meat isn't that   so cool little little uh candle underneath there  I guess you cook it like this it's going to heat   it up and in case you're a confused foreigner  like we are cuz you can e raw huh they have   instructions here in English thank you care the  hotest okay okay thank you that's very hot here   is the the hamburger one it's a cheaper hamburger  that's the shiry the set comes with looks like   like potato and a salad of course some miso soup  and then over here maybe some radish radish and   rice nice and some Mobi and dipping sauce that is  going to be so much fun and all the instructions   are right there yep like even how how to eat the  meat y like with this little thing here how cool   is that listen to that music look at that meat  Meers see how it's coming oh that's done it yeah   it's not pink anymore no Wasabi for you about  this [Music] time oh my gosh that is so tender   how's that H kaido beef delicious it's so crispy  on the outside super crispy and then super tendy   nice like big thick pieces you're going to like  it a lot that is very nice beef it's not good   foror me yeah mhm and you think there's levels  here we didn't even get the the finest finest   yeah can can level up to this the W you look 7,000  yeah we paid 2,200 all right let's try hamburger CET it's pretty good mhm it's still tasty  but no comparison to that though that's a   star this is decent that's outstanding next we  explored otaru's Warehouse District which is a   beautiful part of the city you have all these  old stone and red brick buildings covered in   Ivy promenades along the canal and countless  shops selling glass because that's one craft   this city is known [Music] for [Music] so otaru  japan is a destination that is well known for   its glass makers and that means you can buy all  sorts of really cool souvenirs revolving around   glass and I mean you can buy jewelry like we were  just in a shop that had necklaces and earrings and   they even had a little workshop where you  could make your own jewelry then they also   sell like beautiful cups and ornate V boses so a  little bit of everything it is pricey but it is   beautiful handcrafted glass so if you're into  that sort of thing uh you won't be bored here   especially if you come down to the warehouse  District because it's all just rows upon rows   of little glass shops and souvenir shops thoughts  exiting a glass and crystal store well I remember   we were both talking inside saying we just have so  much respect for Japanese craftsmanship there's a   real dedication to the craft and there's all it  also comes with a price T though and as we were   walking around it's like if we had a little slip  and were to slip on one of those displays that   could be like a A2 or $3,000 mistake if we uh came  smashing into one of the display cases yeah so be   careful inside those stores guys enjoy but be  mindful of your yeah spatial awareness to the max we then decided to visit otaru beer located  in otaru warehouse number one this converted   Warehouse dates back to 1924 and it now  serves as a brewery and beer haul it has   an impressive timber frame interior with large  Brewing kettles that sit right in the middle   of the room and the whole place has a very  strong German feel why does it feel so much   like Bavaria you might be wondering well the  thing about uer is that it uses traditional ger   Brewing methods as per Germany's Purity law  of 1516 that means beers are produced using   only four ingredients malt hops yeast and  pure otaru water are we back in Germany we   share our otaru Brewing house and PP oh they  have a vice beer Vice beer Vice beer D beer dark this literally is like being back Munich  and I remember I remember specifically having   the vice beer on the Munich Beer Tour we did  about two years ago yeah well friends this   is kind of surreal we have found a little  taste of Bavaria here in Northern Japan in   Hokkaido we were not expecting this it's so  crazy like just look at the scene behind me   with the banners the giant beer Vats back there  and we were just perusing through the menu all   German food they have the Curry worst actually  all types of worst worst all types of sausage   they have they have the pork knuckle I mean  whatever you could be craving from Bavaria   you're going to find it here as well as a wide  selection of beers I went for a fruity uh Berry   beer I'm getting the dunal friends dunal  beer dun beer so dark beer yes all right   medium medium all right so we wait spro spro on  that Dunkle beer oh yeah how's that Ah that's   a mighty fine pint friends that's a great beer  and we've got of course the pretzel the German   pretzel with the coarse pieces of salt highly  authentic got to love it I'm going to try some   oh it's warm guys warm and fresh check that  out big old piece like that freshly baked   salty warm goodness perfect thing to have with  the beer and we got the main dish coming still   all righty friends my turn so this is actually  Vice beer with raspberry syrup so I'm excited   for this one cheers cross it's beautiful looking  bro in the eyes remember the CR man had to grab it how's that ooh interesting oh our Curry  wor oh look well well we're just in time   so a very modest portion um some fries  it's got the curry powder and then we   have two Vice foror white sausages with the  curry sauce on top so a little different in   terms of the presentation but we're going  to enjoy it regardless we will so the food   wasn't amazing the white sauce isn't what you  would normally use to make this dish and the   fries portion was a little bit meager but hey  we're not in Germany and the Ambiance made up   for [Music] it after after dinner we went for  a walk along the otaru canal and we noticed   there was a canal boat who were departing  shortly so we bought tickets right on the [Music] spot this is our [Music] ride the canal is an important historical and  tourist attraction here it was constructed in   1923 and it played a crucial role in the city's  Port operations facilitating the transportation   of goods from large vessels to warehouses along  the canal however with the development of modern   dock facilities that allow direct unloading from  larger ships the canal eventually became obsolete   in the 1980s there was a plan to fill in the  canal but thankfully locals opposed the idea   and instead it was beautifully restored today  the former warehouses have been repurposed into   museums shops and restaurants making this a  really nice part of the city to explore on [Music] [Music] foot it's especially nice once the Sun  starts to go down as the area is illuminated with   old gas lamps another cool detail about this  city all righty so we just got off the boat   we did the otaru Canal tour which was really nice  about 40 45 minutes yeah it's a great way to kind   of see the surrounding areas of the downtown  part of otaru japan it's fascinating because   you do go through the canals but you also go  through some of the former industrial areas   where there were know canning centers Giant  canning factories warehouses warehouses and   a lot of the buildings have been repurposed  now the seems to be more of a tourist town   one little fun fact I learned about the the  vessels we took for this boat tour they use   biodiesel so they basically buy the oil from  restaurants that make tempura and other fried   foods and they use that to create their fuel so  I thought that was really interesting we woke   up the following day are ready to explore again  with the remaining hours we had before catching   our fairy we were staying at the plum house so we  walked a few blocks to a nearby convenience store   grabbed a few breakfast items and walked back  to the guest house where they had free tea and [Music] [Music] coffee this communal room with to Tommy  floors was my favorite spot in the whole guest   house soft morning lights streaming in colorful  fans and painted boses adorning different parts   of the room and a bright kimono hanging on  the wall what's not to love we only spent   one night here but it was the cutest little  guest house with the sweetest [Music] hosts   [Music] after breakfast we walk back  down to Saka Machi Street which is the   main tourist area where you'll find most  of U's top attractions our first stop was   the steam whistle clock and we arrived just  in time to watch the clock Strike [Music] 10 [Music] [Music] all righty so if you happen to be in  otaru japan when the clock strikes the hour   you need to visit the steam clock it's really  cool inspired by Vancouver's Gast Town steam   clocks so yeah we just got here in the nick  of time 11:00 a.m. and we got to see the the   steam clock blow and now I'm hearing some little  bells I don't know if it's the same clock or if   there's another one nearby that's making some  music for us also on the hour so yeah that's a   quirky little activity checking out the steam  clock so we decided decided to follow our ears   and it turns out the music we could hear was  coming from the ult music box Museum now I   will say this place is more of a large Music  Box Shop than a museum just letting you know   because I walked every inch of the store looking  for an official Museum but it's still a really   cool spot to visit inside the shop there were  tens of thousands of music boxes and most of   them were open and playing music at the same  time it sounds pretty magical when you first   set foot inside but I don't know how the staff do  it all day long but anyways if you're looking for   a unique souvenir for that special someone it  doesn't get any more classic than a music box   from otaru Okay so we've entered another historic  building made entirely out of wood I am loving   the architecture here in otaru city and we're  actually going to be visiting a music box Museum   although it's also a shop it's a store where you  can buy all sorts of music boxes and intricate souvenirs what do you think of this place it's  pretty magical it feels festive a little bit   Christmasy yes the music makes it seem like  it's Christmas yeah there's so many lights   this is a a little photography fact when you  have a place that has this many lights going   off it trips up the automatic Focus I've  been having to manually focus my lenss here   look we found a little a little souvenir  a little ornament that looks very Canadian   very reminiscent of the Rocky Mountains the  big bear the elk Deer Forest and they have   loads of other animals like they've got  wolves what else do they have bears and [Music] [Music] wolves [Music] what do you think [Music] all righty this is where we're planning to head  next here we go next up we walked over to kichi   Hall the one place I really wanted to visit with  her brief 24 hours in otaru ki is the name of a   well-established glass company that started out  in 1901 primarily selling oil lamps and that   historical connection is reflected in the Cafe's  interior which is illuminated using 167 petroleum   lamps creating a very romantic and dreamlike  setting I read that if you come early enough you   can actually watch the lamp lighting ceremony that  takes place at 8:45 a.m. when the cafe first opens   and it lasts about 15 minutes after lighting the  lamps the chandeliers are then raised back up to   the ceiling so maybe consider going for breakfast  if you want to experience [Music] that [Music] we   have come to the coolest Cafe dimly lit feels very  medieval and what's interesting about this place   is that it is entirely lit by gas lamps we have  gas lamps on the table but also the chandeliers   like up on the ceiling it just looks so magical  like these twinkly lights in this historic   building I am in love with the place the menu is  quite simple it's mostly cakes coffee that sort   of vibe you can get a few different dishes but we  opted for something sweet and yeah super excited   to be here and you can smell that this place is  like lit illuminated with gas lamps there's that   little smell those lamps produce taking me back in  time back lovely lovely dessert there I'm going to   try the gate Chocolat that was one of the tea  that came here ooh nice dense chocolate I can   tell this is not the Japanese style I don't  think it's normally fluffy I could feel it's dense oh yeah it's really good kind of reminds  me of Austrian cake to be honest oh well well   High Praise very good it's has a nice chocolate  taste it's not overly sugary very nice cake and   the thing that I like about here you covered  the lighting situation my favorite part of   being here are the high ceilings it makes  me feel like we're like kind of in a old   medieval ship or something it's really cool  environment and um this is maybe the favorite   thing that we've done here so far in this uh  in ultu to be honest I I love it here it's   just it's got such a unique environment I think  we're going to stay for a little while and eat   our cake slowly sip on our iced coffee slowly  and just enjoy the experience of being here [Music] we kept walking down Saka Mai  Street and at one point we went into a   shop that was offering free Sak tastings  do we know anything about sake no but we   thought it'd be fun to try and potentially  buy a bottle to take home as a [Music] souvenir tasting limited sale in [Music]  okay okay so Sam here is going to try a   sake limited sale to pido so cool they have  a tasting station and they have I don't know   maybe five or six different options so  I don't know much about sake so I went   for the limited edition yes and it's time  to try it that is very sweet wow I had I   had no idea that it could be that sweet yeah  I've never tried one quite like this um it's   nice it's just I'm surprised honestly Blown  Away Blown Away the sweetness yeah all right   I'm going in for a little sip as well I  know nothing about sake I'm a wine girl so that is surprising that is like syrup yeah it  is very very sweet honey like but it also reminds   me a tiny bit of a cough syrup cuz it's so so  sweet so we can each get a sample so I'd like   you to go get the traditional one please so let's  try what a traditional sake tastes like you're   next hey Audrey I got another kind very aromatic  but it also has like a smokiness to it interesting   harder than the flashing lights friends that  is also sweet might have be sucking this is the   thing with like not knowing Japanese they could be  serving me anything is saki that's I've only tried   saki once before I haven't I don't recall it being  that sweet no what the heck are FAS maybe there's   a special FES of sake or lack of sake awareness  and knowledge is coming through guys if you want   to buy Sak you can come here they also have wine  Regional wine from yeah whiskey so why your booze   here all righty now time for some final thoughts  on our visit to U well I'm really glad that we   came here to be perfectly honest our main reason  for being here was to get a fairy ticket to leave   Hokkaido this is our final destination in Hokkaido  we absolutely loved it here on the island and we   loved it here in otaru japan now we didn't I  didn't know that much about the place before   coming here it's about 30 minutes away by train  from sapporo so it makes a nice Charming Coastal   getaway from the big city uh there's so much to  do here very friendly place to just walk around   there's tons of museums and fascinating souvenir  stores you can explore great food you can take   a little Cruise along the canal a nice place to  go with the family on a date whatever we really   enjoyed it you only need about a day to properly  explore everything everything is Compact and and   right focused on the center so we really had a  good time we'd recommend coming here if you're   based in the saporo area and a nice place for  us to finish off our trip in Hokkaido and guys   if you enjoyed this video please give it a  thumbs up leave a comment and subscribe and   stay tuned because we have that Japanese fairy  ride we've been talking about coming up [Music] next
Channel: Samuel and Audrey - Travel and Food Videos
Views: 27,507
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Keywords: otaru travel guide, otaru, otaru japan, otaru hokkaido, otaru travel, otaru things to do, things to do in otaru, otaru day trip, otaru vlog, japan otaru, otaru attractions, otaru sightseeing, otaru tourism, otaru places to visit, otaru what to do, otaru what to see, otaru day trip from sapporo, otaru itinerary, otaru canal, otaru music box museum, kitaichi hall, places to visit in otaru, otaru canal cruise, otaru shi, otaru travel vlog, japan, travel guide, otaru city
Id: rTY1oY5meS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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