This War of Mine Board Game | Day 1 | Full Solo Playthrough | Learn How to Play

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[Music] hello everybody welcome to totally tabled my name is shaggy and today i'm doing a full solo playthrough of this war of mine [Music] i want to start off with a little bit of a warning this is a game about innocent citizens trying to survive in the middle of a war-torn city the subject matter is mature and the stories are often violent and disturbing [Music] unfortunately the horrific conditions described in this game are all too real for so many people throughout the world most recently and currently in ukraine [Music] this game was made to honor the victims of war to honor their struggle and their stories and that is why i'm playing it today and and i hope that's why you're watching if you don't feel like this content is for you right now please go watch one of my other videos and skip this one with that said let's jump into the game [Music] one of the great things about this war of mine is the rule book basically says hey just start playing don't worry about the rules we'll teach you everything as you go which is exactly how i like to teach a game so we're gonna do that we're just gonna follow this journal page by page and it's going to tell us exactly what to do we start in the morning and it just tells us to draw an event now at the beginning you have this sort of chapter event chapter one when the civil war broke out many people thought it would only last a couple of weeks it's been a year since the military surrounded the rebels in the capital cutting off all supply lines the civilians still trapped in the city suffer from hunger disease and the constant threat of shelling it's another day of desperately waiting for the end of this terrible war so this card just tells us to set up our objective deck which i have already done you get two objectives and then sort of the final objective which is just to survive have one of your characters one of your starting characters survive and then you get two other at random at the end of chapter one which is uh four days long i believe we're gonna be judged based on this objective staying fit at the end of the chapter all characters hunger must be zero so if we can get all of our characters hunger down to zero then we'll get a reward clear mind draw two additional narrative action cards or we'll get a penalty if we fail broken morale raise all characters misery by two food is going to be a priority for this at least for this first chapter we then just discard the chapter card and draw a real event for the first day oh no food shortages oh wow okay oh this is just this is the exact opposite of the robin caruso playthrough got super lucky there and this is incredibly unlucky okay so the first thing we do is we look up here it says to add three cold tokens into the cold space it then says food shortages remove the following tokens from the box um and put them into the waste bag basically put them out of the game so one canned food two raw food and three vegetables so the food tokens are uh peace limited and what this means is there's gonna be less food in the world for us to get it's gonna be harder to hoard food which is a shame because we have an objective to have all of our characters have zero hunger so those don't go well together at all we're gonna take these food tokens and we're gonna put them out of the game that was the morning phase down here it talks about how our characters are able to move around our house here or the shelter that we found but then we move on to day actions so we randomly get three characters for this play we got bruno the chef katya the reporter and marco the firefighter a new day begins outside is an outgoing conflict and sniper bullets for us we cannot leave the safety of our shelter but there are improvements to be made we should make this place feel more like home we can use beds a stove or even a radio but first we'll need to clear some space hopefully we might find something useful in this rubble so during the day it's too dangerous to go outside so we're holed up inside this bombed out house it has holes in it and rubble all over the place and we can take actions in here to clear off some of these cards search some of the rubble and these heaps and find some things and then as we clear off these spaces we can build fittings they're called that will let us do more action we have a maximum of three actions for each character but most of the time we're not going to be able to use all three of those let's just jump right in and start doing some work in the house here let's have marco come over here and start clearing some of this rubble and it says here on the rubble that it either takes two characters to do it or one character with a shovel and we start with a shovel so he'll do that job we'll have uh katya the reporter maybe come here and try to lockpick this closed door and yeah we can just search that heap there maybe that'll be bruno you can sort of see here it might be hard to see but there's this ladder coming down here but this is this furniture is blocked by these bars which require saw blades to get through so we can't go that way yet there's a closed door blocking this rubble in this heap and there's rubble up here blocking these two closed doors which have furniture in them and this rubble is blocking this furniture there we need to clear some of this rubble out before we can sort of expand and search the rest of this house all of our characters now have something to do so now we just resolve them in whatever order we want so let's search this heap and see what we get five components and five wood there's a little spot over here that says sort of times five so that one piece of wood counts as five wood and that component counts as five components we'll just have to remember that those are there and then you just discard this card okay so now we got a bunch of stuff that we can use to maybe uh build some stuff over here we have this rubble we're gonna dig through it get the shovel back and then you flip this over and uh the rubble isn't quite gone yet we have to do this two times in order to clear the rubble rubble is kind of a pain but at least we made a little bit of progress there and now we're gonna try to lock pick this door and to do that we have to roll this evil evil d10 a four or higher means that we've successfully locked picked the door all right we rolled a seven so we lose the lock pick but we open the door and what did we find on the other side oh a mechanical part and one wood and there we go that was our first day action now we get to do our second day action and if we look over at our characters you can see on those hunger meters each of them has a white spot in the leftmost dot so that means they're able to do one action in the second spot they have another white dot so they're able to do us a second action but then in that third spot it's a black dot which means they're too hungry to do that third action if we were to feed them a little bit so they were less hungry you can see that opens up that third action for them to be able to do so that's going to be our goal is to remove some of that hunger so that they'll be able to do more day actions in the future but they can each do a second day action and so we can do that now i say we probably want to explore that heap maybe start taking care of just get rid of that rubble but we also want to do something with some food i think let's see what are some things we can build that will help us with our food situation so we have this deck of fittings these are things that we can build and we also have another deck over there the red deck which are ideas as an action as a day action we can come here and have some new ideas where we'll just get to choose two cards from that red deck and add them to our fittings deck so those will be new things that we can that we could build there's a bunch of stuff in here that does all sorts of things when it comes to food the crude stove here is a useful one the problem is it takes two mechanical parts five components and three wood we only have one mechanical part so we can't build this crude stove but you can see it'll let us cook dinner essentially using a raw food and a water and a wood to make two raw food that will be useful in the future but we can't build it now what else could we build god the yeah the deadfall trap too where we could like trap some animals also needs two mechanical parts so we can't build that as well but that will let us possibly catch some raw food so it looks like we can't deal with our food situation at the moment now we also have a cold situation we have three cold tokens and we have a few ways of dealing with that one is we could build this simple heater and we definitely have these things five components and three wood and then as an action we can come on to this card and for each two wood that we spend or a book we can discard one of the cold tokens that might be a high priority since we already have so much cold there's also this herbal garden we could build that one mechanical part which we now have four components for wood this would let us make herbs and make cigarettes and make sort of herbal medicine which can help us heal making cigarettes might be something that we want to do because if you look over here at our characters you can see bruno has a bit of a cigarette habit and at certain times in the game he might be jonesing for a cigarette and if he doesn't get one that can make him a little unhappy in the future too if we can make these herbs we can use those i think to make food yeah with the crude stove we can use two herbs a water and a wood in order to get a vegetable building a bed is also would make sense and building this metal workshop is kind of high priority as well because this is how you create a hatchet with a wood two weapon parts and two components you can build a hatchet and marco is a firefighter and he's great with a hatchet a hatchet is a weapon that we can use to defend ourselves but he can also use a hatchet as a lockpick to knock down some of these closed doors right now we don't have a lockpick or anything so we can't do anything about those closed doors so that is also a priority although we don't have weapon parts or anything yet and the other way for us to deal with the cold is to build this workshop and then we can make board up tokens that can go on to these whole spaces that are there's three of them right there those can help us deal both with the cold and also with um these events these night raids that can happen it can help us defend better defend our shelter that also takes a mechanical part so the question is do we want to build the workshop or do we want to build the herb garden let's build the herbal garden so we're gonna have katya just come right there to that action spot it says place a new fitting so we'll get to place one of these fittings let's have bruno search that heap and we'll just finish off this this rubble so we can search that furniture later let's see what we get in this heap whoa we got an electrical part a water which is fantastic and three more components so wow we are drowning in components that's great okay bruno clears out this rubble this just goes away and katya is going to build this herbal garden it's going to take our mechanical part it's going to take 4 wood so i'll just bring this over here and 4 components let's bring this over here and we can set up this herbal garden wherever we want in one of these spaces that we've cleared uh let's put it right there doesn't really matter and like i said because everyone's at a level two hunger they are too hungry to get a third action so we're done with day actions we move on to dusk where each character needs to drink some water and eat or there's going to be penalties now luckily we started with two water and we found a third one so luckily everyone's gonna get to drink water tonight if one of the characters couldn't drink water we'd have to roll the the evil black dye and we'd either raise our hunger by one or raise their misery by one but they all got to drink now they need to eat we start with three raw food so they can all eat and the raw food lowers their hunger by one canned food would actually lower their hunger by two vegetables make it stay the same and if they don't eat then their hunger increases by one fantastic that's the dusk phase now we go into the evening phase each of these characters is going to be assigned to one of these four different available tasks now if we had made a bed one of our characters could sleep in it to completely reduce their fatigue now none of our characters have fatigue right now so we don't have to worry about that instead if since we don't have a bed they could just sleep on the floor and that would reduce their fatigue by two again we don't have any fatigue so we don't have to worry about that the other job is to guard the house you really want to have one of your characters stay here and guard your shelter or else people are going to come in and steal your stuff and then the last thing you can send people out to do is scavenge right now that it's night time it's safer to go out and scavenge for supplies both guarding and scavenging is going to increase your character's fatigue by one which is just really unavoidable the question is do we want marco or do we want bruno to guard i think we're gonna have bruno guard for the night and we're gonna send marco and katya out bruno stan guard that's going to increase all of their fatigue by one the question is do we want them to bring along the shovel and in fact they could bring the electrical part too if they wanted in order to trade it both of these have a weight of one marco has an inventory of five and katya has an inventory of three so they're going to be able to bring back eight weight worth of stuff from their scavenging they bring along this shovel that's gonna cost a weight so then they'd only get to bring back seven things but the shovel might come in handy depending on which of these three locations they decide to scavenge so let's take a look at our locations you have a location that's sort of near to us that's sort of medium distance away from us and that's far away from us three different distances the closer something is the more exploration you can do you're going to get to draw 14 exploration cards whereas if you go far away to scavenge it's taking so much more time you have less time to explore so you only get to draw 10 exploration cards but each of these different locations has sort of different things that you might be able to find the location that's close to us is the city hospital i'm really i think we're gonna go to the city hospital honestly because we want chems we use kim's in order to plant stuff in our herbal gardens so the hospital makes the most sense for us to go to you can see in the special findings area it shows that if you roll a four to six you'll be able to get some chems there yeah i say we go to the city hospital now if you look up here it shows that things that we might find in the city hospital closed door basement entrance and bars well if we start a lock pick left we might want to carry it with us because we might run into a closed door that needs opening and we probably could have used the lockpick there's no rubble here or anything so i'm not sure that the shovel is really going to come in handy so i think we're going to leave the shovel behind if we had weapons and stuff it might be uh something that they'd want to carry with them but we don't have any of that so we're just going to explore empty-handed let me shuffle up this exploration deck again just to make sure and we're going to draw 14 cards out of here one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen so this deck here is now the deck that we're using to explore with this represents us exploring the city hospital and trying to find stuff to carry back and this is an incredibly dangerous part of the game so the first thing that we do is we just flip over the top card here and see what happens and i'm just going to place it right here it says you may ignore this card or search the heap return two exploration cards and raise the noise by one or raise the noise by one and roll for noise so we have a choice here of how we want to search the heap and then that will let us draw and resolve one card from the findings deck using the heap chart right now we've made very little noise so returning two cards would would really you know would mean that would get less exploration right once this deck runs out we're forced to leave what's better for us to do right now is just raise the noise by one and roll as long as we roll higher than our noise level we haven't alerted anyone to our presence okay cool roll to six so we're fine and now we get to draw from this findings and we'll resolve the heap chart and there it is right there heap so this is the stuff that we found this is actually really great we found a book and two mechanical parts let's put all this stuff in our findings pile over here and then it shows that black dye we get to roll this and resolve it based on the special findings chart [Applause] rolled a nine oh we found meds there we go has a value of 10 if we wanted to sell those those are very valuable afterwards we shuffle this back into the findings deck and that was a very successful first explore so we just put it here in this discard pile and it also says we could end our exploration now if we wanted but nope let's just keep going so this is a map card it says up here to look at the upper right of your location if it says rubble up here then we would find some rubble that we could then dig through but it doesn't say rubble here at the city hospital so instead we just discard this card and move on it's like it didn't exist oh no draw a new card from the exploration deck sorry so we get to replace it basement entrance okay we have another map card we do have a basement entrance so we do resolve this card so we have a choice here we enter raise noise by three and roll for noise oh we don't have a choice we have to do this oh no so one two three we've made a ton of noise entering this this basement now we need to roll a six or higher oh we rolled a nine [Laughter] so we didn't alert anyone yet shockingly and after entering add five cards from the exploration deck to the unknown deck which is this one also you may discard this card during this scavenging to draw and resolve two finding card instead of one amazing so we'll add five cards one two three four five we now have a huge amount of exploring that we can do and we can hold on to this card and we can discard it later to resolve two findings instead of one amazing amazing all right well let's keep going now the problem we have here is our noise level is extremely high the more we explore and the higher that noise gets the more likely we are to alert someone to our presence and have some sort of encounter which can be pretty bad oh i like this though return two exploration cards to save this card and we can use it any time in order to hide and avoid meeting someone we are absolutely doing that so we just take two exploration cards from our unknown pile and put them back on top of the exploration deck and now we can save this we can use this after rolling for noise you may discard this card to ignore an encounter or to perform a backstab and sort of surprise combat somebody that we meet that's gonna be super helpful oh man this this this scavenge is going very well i may have just jinked myself by saying that i think i saw something oh boy okay so return as many exploration cards as you wish and roll the black die add the number of the returned exploration cards to the result and on a result of one to five draw and resolve a residence card i really don't want to run into anybody here and we have a lot of cards so i think we can afford to discard four yeah i'm gonna go i'm gonna discard four in anything but a one and we're fine okay a three hoo-hoo so we managed to still not alert anybody but i think i think they're catching on to the fact that we're rummaging around this city hospital okay so we can ignore this card or we could poke about return one exploration card or roll for noise uh to choose one finding from the special findings chart oh this is great we will definitely return one exploration card rather than rolling for noise even though we have the hiding spot we'll save it and let's get two chems i mean we could we could get bandages obviously bandages would be really useful but these kims are gonna let us plant stuff in our garden i think that's absolutely what we want to do that worked out very well let's keep going okay bars well there are bars of this location we can saw through the bars if we had a saw blade but we don't we just got to ignore this we'll just ignore it oh a hideout you may ignore this card or hide out return as many exploration cards as you wish and lower the noise by the same amount i don't think we need to do that because we found a hiding's place so i think we'll just ignore that and keep going i really want another finding okay we don't have a jammed door so we'll get to draw a different card stairs down look for another way return three exploration cards or enter raise the noise by three and roll for noise okay i think since we have this hiding place we are gonna do this rather than return these cards we're gonna enter we're gonna raise the noise by three and we're gonna roll for noise four so we made noise so normally what we would do is draw a resident and we'd encounter somebody but instead we're going to do this hiding place which says we can ignore an encounter do not draw a residence card now the cool thing is when you make noise you return your noise marker down to one so we get to return our noise down to one someone comes searching for us we use our hiding place to avoid them and we're all good we really i really want to find another ah here we go search the heap this is what we were looking for we could have returned two exploration cards and raise the noise or we can raise the noise and roll i say let's do it anything over a two and we're fine and we rolled a two [Laughter] that person i guess didn't give up even though we found our hiding spot they were on us they knew we were here we got to draw the top card of the residence we got to meet somebody and we've met some survivors okay so we need to determine the number of survivors encountered roll the black die we rolled a four so there's two survivors okay so now we gotta we gotta draw from this token bag we're gonna determine sort of what these survivors are armed with okay so we did a c oh man this guy has a pistol okay and an a he has a knife so i'm going to put these over here so these are basically people we don't want to have a fight with it says to place this card on the exploration slot until you leave this location whenever you take anything from the pantry furniture roll the black dye and on a result of one or four they probably shoot us in the face now we may return one exploration card to talk to them or to trade with them and at the end of this scavenge shuffle this back into the deck okay we only need to roll that die if we're searching a pantry or furniture and right now we're just searching this heap so they don't care about that that does not bother them we're gonna get to draw and resolve a finding and because of this basement entrance thing we can discard this to resolve two findings instead of one and we will so here's the first one oh wow we found a broken pistol and some ammo broken pistol and we get to roll this we rolled a four on the special findings that's two more chems okay that was our first finding and now let's do our second oh my goodness okay an electrical part a filter and a shell filter is great that would let us collect rain water and special finding a four again that is all the chems in the world that was incredible you know we might want to trade you know like do we really need a broken pistol i don't know that we do we could trade that pistol the ammo and the shell for more mechanical parts or food what's cool is katya has a special ability that relates to trading usually there's sort of a trade commission there's sort of an amount that you have to pay to even trade at all but when she's around that trade commission is zero so we can trade just straight up one for one value that's really handy we have three more exploration cards here we can leave at any time so we could we could leave right now if we wanted with our haul i say let's return one exploration card and try to trade with these survivors and you know hopefully hopefully that's not a bad idea so it says right there to c723 so we go into our book of scripts and we turn to that passage seven two three here it is you may buy any of these tokens ammo shells weapon parts broken pistol we can buy bandages meds herbal meds herbs or chems please be have some food we can buy books lock picks jewelry here we go vegetables and vegetables vegetables coffee cigarettes moonshine and the trade commission would be one but because of katya's special ability it's zero well i think we want to definitely get vegetables and i also think we want to get some coffee and cigarettes because katya has a coffee addiction and bruno has a cigarette addiction so having some of those on hand would be very useful as well so here's our vegetables now again because of the food shortage we only have three of these vegetable tokens and i think we might want to get all three ultimately now you can see here they have a value of five so that would cost us 15 value we'd have to trade in order to get those vegetables the cigarette is one and the coffee is one i think we want to trade the broken pistol the ammo the shell but that only gets us to nine i'd say we could trade this book that gets us to ten that only gets us two vegetables we have an electrical part so we may not need that and we may not need all of those chems that we have although i would like to sort of keep them i don't know everyone i'm thinking we might need to trade those meds we can hold on to the book well what is that that's nice 19. so we have 19 worth of stuff here that we're trading we're getting 19 stuff back and we have two of these left honestly i think this is about as good as we could hope for i don't know that risking this anymore is really worth it and so we're gonna leave and now we can decide what we're gonna try to carry back with us to our shelter and like i said before these two characters have a total of eight um weight that they can carry now luckily all of these chems the vegetables the coffee the cigarettes all that stuff is weightless we can even the book we can carry as much of that as we want the stuff that has weight here are these two electrical parts i mean the electrical part the mechanical part and the filter was the only thing with weight and that's four now we can also carry back as much water components and wood as we want we definitely want to carry back three water each of these has one weight so right now we're at four five six seven weight and we can carry one more thing back i'm gonna carry one more water because we need a water for our herbal garden so that's all the stuff that we're going to carry back with us that we found on this amazing scavenge that was a really couldn't have gone better honestly it was exactly what we needed i guess if we had found a hatchet lying around that would have maybe been better sweet so now we are done with our scavenging and now we go to the night raid before these guys can come back with all their stuff we're gonna experience a night raid on our shelter and that's why bruno is here guarding things so we draw the top card of the night raid deck and see what we're facing hobos what it shows here is how much damage that they're gonna do to our place and right here it says any three tokens slash resources but they're gonna start with the most expensive ones they're gonna take our most expensive stuff and this might have been a reason to have those guys take the shovel with them luckily though they're not gonna do any wounds bruno can sort of fight back against this intrusion and if they had a weapon of some sort they would get to roll these dice you know if they had a firearm they could roll this red dye which is really good if they had some sort of melee weapon they could use that unfortunately the shovel is not a melee weapon since they're unarmed gonna have to roll this black die their prowess is how many rerolls they're gonna get bruno has a prowess of one so we'll get to roll this twice okay so we rolled a blank so we'll use that one re-roll and blank again okay if he had gotten a couple of fists there like say that one and gotten two fists we could have lowered this damage for each one of those fists he swung and missed i mean he's a chef that uh that's understandable we're gonna lose our shovel we're gonna lose our electrical part and then these are of equal value so let's lose a component luckily bruno didn't take any wounds that's good oh also if we had some board up tokens that would have also reduced the amount of damage for each one of those it's another reason why building those board ups is is pretty good and now it says with each passing night the situation is getting more grim this crime wave means we need to shuffle in some more difficult cards into the resident deck or the night raid deck we got to do two of them i think i want both of these cards to go into the residence deck this is a slightly bigger deck so we have more of a chance of not seeing those bad cards and because we don't have any weapons to defend ourselves with i i really don't like these night raids i don't want more difficult night raids and now we have the dawn phase the scavenging party returns with all of our awesome stuff so much stuff i can hardly even bring it all in here we go crazy amount of stuff there at this point we could assign meds and bandages to people who were injured luckily we all got out completely unscathed there that was pretty cool and now we have to draw a fate card raise the illness of all ill characters who did not take meds or herbal meds by one luckily we don't have anybody with any illnesses so that was lucky okay if cold tokens minus board ups equals four or more raise the illness of three chosen characters by one wow luckily our cold is at three so there's no illness but that shows you how dangerous cold can be it then says to exchange the nearest location so we take this location that is the nearest to us when you exchange you slide everything down and then replace whoa a military outpost then it says to resolve weight tokens certain actions require you to put weight tokens on them this would let you take those off and activate them and then it says resolve spirit a on all character cards afterwards shuffle this card back into the fade deck so we go to our characters and we look at their spirit a's and we see exactly what it says so let's start with bruno that's his habit he needs to discard a cigarette or he would gain a misery luckily we traded for some cigarettes so he is fine katya is the same thing her habit is coffee we have to discard a coffee or she would get a misery but we've taken care of that and marco he would be upset if anyone was hungry at hunger level 3 but that hasn't happened either well that went about as well as it could have gone huh there we go and the last thing we do in dawn is we draw two narrative action cards read them choose one of them and then shuffle the other one back into the deck we have duty and resourceful so resourceful says play when crafting any fitting ignore the requirements for one of the resource or token types wow that could be super useful and then you just discard this so it's a one time use and duty says play during the day action phase raise one chosen character's fatigue by one to automatically remove one rubble without losing an action so they gain a fatigue but we could get rid of like that rubble for instance and search that heap i think i like the resourceful so we're gonna keep resourceful there we go that's it we are ready to start a new day let us look back on the past day how did we do what will we need next what must be scavenged or traded what should we build and let's see what tomorrow brings us that was day one of this war of mine and honestly it went way better than i could have ever hoped we have things relatively under control at the moment hopefully we can use this good start to our advantage maybe survive a little longer than i thought we would anyway stay tuned for day two thank you so much for watching and goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Totally Tabled
Views: 23,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: a36NN9uAF0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 5sec (2405 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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