Halloween in Tokyo! What Trick or Treats to Expect!

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[Laughter] hey guys welcome to take your creative play it's Halloween [Music] it's me Emma and I'm here with Jionni right yeah we're gonna be celebrating Halloween today by eating some delicious Japanese Halloween themed candies and snacks so let's get started let's start off with the drink that we've left here for a long time yes okay so we ordered a drink awhile ago from Starbucks and it has been a while since that time it's so sad that it's the creamy pumpkin for our Patino yeah Frappuccino anymore there's like whipped cream chocolate sauce and support they were supposed to be almonds but they ran out of almonds so they touched us 20 years yeah so in Japan we don't have any pumpkin spice themed stuff that just doesn't really exist so I think this is the next best thing that you can get a creamy pumpkin Frappuccino so while we're trying all the snacks I'll be letting you guys know a little bit of information about Halloween in Japan because it's a bit different to everywhere else in the world it's very interesting because in Australia we don't really do like sweet pumpkin desserts or anything that's not really a thing and so to taste a sweet pumpkin like a candy pumpkin it kind of messes with my brain a little bit just as I was telling anything maybe other people don't feel that way how do you feel about it I think it's really sweet it's very sweet was very sweet very creamy so how do you feel shitty I can taste pumpkin pumpkin yeah me too me too as well as some other awesome flavors so they sell out really quickly they've been around for maybe like a weekend they're gone now yeah other flavors like caramel a pear other one is so good yeah we tried it on a talk video you wanna go watch it and then another one crispy potatoes sweet potatoes have you had it Japanese people love pumpkin and sweet potato in autumn I guess these aren't really like super Halloweeny flavors but it's more autumn yeah you kind of merge together yeah yeah next item is Halloween take care they have these from don't you okay yeah yeah and on the front it's called Halloween break and there's a little cute little Halloween II characters but the flavor itself it's just caramel pudding I don't think you can open them in from good I can't I'm in a bar okay thank you oh they each individually have camera they each have a little character on them oh yeah and talk yes this is going in this is happy be awesome it's teaching you different hand gestures wait what is this I'm like oh yeah it's hot dog it's really educational and a honda book it's new one it's more like to come in your care with hand I'll try yeah by name yeah why this okay that's explain what yup is it's like oh my god I think it's a very Japanese playing like did you see it I thought it works well with oh my god it smells good it smells like Disneyland oh this is one of the best flavor I've ever had right hey rich tastes very rich rich No sorry strong together we have hokkaido cabochon or mon brand green kind of pumpkin bomba usually the chestnut chestnut yeah crab oh okay who wants to try first okay not that yeah okay Oh [Laughter] again the for you guys the sweet pumpkins a bit strange oh it doesn't taste like sweet he's more sleep like normal blue is it okay they're not sure I don't like it no there's a we're like gritty sandy texture I know it's not Monday but it's not it's easy I think that flavors don't work well together there's something going on my mouth that I'm not happy with Billy really missed the mark on this one what do you think shooting mmm this one I cannot taste pump again what do you taste like me milk then that's really pretty right mmm it's okay but I wouldn't buy pants I don't live by the more it seems like yen please yeah when they have this little like bit of pumpkin in it it tastes like that okay okay this is my mom we have Michael Chan Halloween cookies it's so cute itself in a Halloween gear gun like oh you know how she do so yeah we should get a cookie with a little Halloween face on it but it does say Sheila you made you just means it might not look exactly like that oh not bad pumpkin seeds in it Oh soft yeah Oh mmm it tastes like a little less impressive subway cookie yeah but I don't explain subway cookie quality from anywhere there's no subway in Japan it is but we don't have coconut oil this is the texture of that kind of cookie shot in the mall density but I think the flavor itself is quite bland I can't taste the pumpkin I mean this a little extra something it's not super plain I like it and I like that seats in Japan you don't really celebrate Halloween in the way that you go trick-or-treating a lot of the Halloween stuff is just you buy costumes and candy is a lot of merchandise for Halloween they do a huge Halloween festival parade kind of thing in Shibuya and everybody gets dressed up the streets get really crowded with your friends beaches are everywhere yeah yeah see lots of pictures yeah there are so many next trip bus it's time for being like a bit sexy it's extra sexy yes what do you do for Halloween surely these things do you think it's the most popular costume maybe something related to anime yeah or if you want to go for a bit sexy kind of thing nice nice slowly sexy Mario's epic tomorrow yes Oh a sloppy policeman maybe I should make hole here why do you want to wear this year I've never celebrated Halloween ever in my life because I grew up in Singapore I wasn't a culture for us to do trick-or-treating so I mean I've never had to stress out about what I was gonna wear for Halloween so maybe this year I thought it could be fun what kind of question happy ever thanks I also was a prison girl oh this is outfit I wore heels because I was a lady prisoner you know what I mean okay next we have is hanged owl King girl can you hangers like strange face right yeah [Music] it's a yummy candy but I don't see I don't think people actually died I mean it's fun for kids it tastes really good it's gonna great you know great candy it's good be fun for kids huh psyche recently the Halloween usually for demonic without a pamper recently yeah the kids kids costume it's more cute cute Adam a doubt although you can be in Turkish costume but that's cheaper to I guess not thank you how many Martha that a hot dog I didn't even show you guys today okay though come with John Ortiz it batted ball so it's a hokkaido pumpkin she's taught oh it's really soft too I gonna feed me she can do so much better than the the pudding why should I can meter it's very creamy and the pastry crumbles just in the right yeah it's so can I do dance dance there you go thank you doing food reviews and keep using the word thick and I'm just editing it like dance that sounds so much nicer no okay so we have my final sweet hi Emily we have been given some chocolate marshmallows and we also get a chocolate pen so we can draw a little faces on the marshmallows that sounds once again go for it me oh say mo I do like Nana coconut what do you do I'm gonna do old pumpkin Sasuke in Japan the Halloween became a huge event so even the normal snacks they make the special package I think it looks kind of messy oh you don't I bet yeah yeah good drawing [Music] Pasi toaster oh no oh this is true friendship the chocolates really coming through linking it here that's not good I can't I can't take it anymore I'm so sorry oh that's good that's good you just gave me good luck though hahaha so what were your favorite snacks I would still say my favor yeah I also have to say karaoke K alright yeah I would say the cheese spelt cheese tarts that's how we forgot to mention Tokyo Disneyland there's a lot of Halloween themed stuff and they also change one of their rides to be a nightmare before christmas arrives so definitely go and check that out if you're here during halloween but i hope you guys get to try some of these snacks get to enjoy took you on Halloween and bye-bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tokyo Creative
Views: 33,253
Rating: 4.9542856 out of 5
Keywords: Tokyo Creative, Tokyo Creative Play, Tokidoki Traveller, Tokyo Creative Talk, Japan, Japan entertainment, funny, humor, super fun, halloween Shibuya, halloween tokyo, japanese snackes, japanese food, halloween
Id: 1flMoNLb_k0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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