HALLOWEEN - Filming Locations - 1978 John Carpenter Horror Classic

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welcome everyone this is Tyler Evans Rock journalist and we are here somewhere special where are we haddenfield Illinois or are we no it's supposed to be fall in Illinois so make sure you get some leaves so we can get the accurate intro shot get some good ones man pick up some good ones working on it man actually we are at the 1978 horror filming locations of the John Carpenter classic Halloween and directly behind us is the opening shot all right I'm going to lay here on the ground and get the actual shot okay you're going to drop the leaves in front of the camera so that we can people will think that we're not in Southern California okay drop the leaves here we go let's get started okay join us shall you [Music] [Music] [Laughter] the the movie starts off in the pouring rain under the shadow of Nightfall Lumis driving straight down this road and you can see a lot of this Barb Wire Fence and this concrete barrier at the bottom just trying to understand what we're dealing with here Dr Lumis would have arrived on site in the pouring rain he would have looked around here and seen all the Escape patients he would have went over to a phone right over here right in the corner just about he would have picked it up there's a light shining down that was mounted right here and while he was busy making that phone call Michael Myers would have jumped on his car and stolen it this is the road Lorie stroe lives on in fact her house is right here but over on this side of the road it actually looks a lot different there's a library here that they've actually expanded onto so the sidewalk has changed and you can see there's consider more cars and more traffic through this [Music] [Music] area hey can you drop the keys off at the Myers house be sure to leave it under the map promise one thing I notice is pretty cool check out this crack you can actually see this in the concrete in the 1978 film when Lori walks right past here as well as that so that and that are actually here for over 3 and a half decades [Music] [Music] coming over tonight check this out this circular little water M thing in the middle of the road right here where Tommy and Lori were crossing the road before they get to the stop painted on the street Lori would have been crossing the street right towards us right from there she'd be going to the Myers house which is right over here as you can tell most of this area has been completely changed in the years since the movie A lot of the trees and the Shrubbery and even the sidewalks have been torn out or replaced and these houses have actually been bulldozed and replaced by condos now Myer's house used to actually be located right behind me now it is all condos and apartments that have all been built here but where is the location of the original Meyers house it's actually right there do not knock on those doors cuz you never know what might happen Lorie Strode walk directly where we are turning and going up to this door which was the Meyers house door before this building was built sliding something underneath the door Tommy Doyle would have been standing right here at a decrepit sidewalk that went this way scared to death that The Boogeyman would get her and the way you can tell that we are in the exact spot are those two houses in the background this house and this house and if you watch the movie there is a house that looks exactly like this one next to these two identical houses and those two trees right there oh yeah in the movie never go we are standing exactly at the original location of the Myers house since we've now established that the Myers house would have been across the street the beginning of Halloween 1978's original Halloween started with one fantastic shot behind a tree it swoops past the darkness and actually unveils the Meyers house what tree was that that started the whole Halloween phenomenon this tree right here it started on this piece of bark This Is Halloween history right here splinters you're telling me that Halloween started at this tree and then panned over to start the movie at the Myers house that's what I'm telling [Applause] you a couple other ways to prove that that's where the Meers house was is when you're looking through the window as the shape startles the audience and they're looking across at this house here you will actually notice that in the background you can see this little stairway this tree and of course this water main box which is actually located exactly across from the window scene the screen door scene where Michael Myers would be staring directly at us right now you got a staring problem no not you I'm talking to Michael I'm sorry I didn't mean to disturb you ma'am as Lori walks down this sidewalk which has been redone she starts to sing that song I wish I had you all alone Just the Two of Us wish I you all Al then you can actually see a sign very similar to that railroad crossing sign up there on the left off to the left of where she is [Music] [Applause] walking we are now at the spot where Lumis makes the phone call at the pay phone and also discovers the truck and finds the rabbit in red matchbook cover and you can tell this whole area has actually grown up a lot since the late' 70s when they filmed the movie but you can see that this was the Crossroads and the power lines back there are still the same and if you actually pan this way the foam Booth would have been right about in this area here and then Luma says it's your funeral comes out of the foam booth and actually walk towards the truck that's actually right here on the right hand side and you can see this building off to the left as well as some of the power lines down there that still look exactly the same this pole is one of two poles that you could see in the original shot just to the right of it would have been the truck this is the exact spot where the truck would have been why are you yelling are you excited I am lumus would have reached down picked up the rabbit in red matchbook what he doesn't realize is there's actually a dead body right there who runs off this is the spot the actual Elementary School where Tommy would have been walking along with the pumpkin those bullies tripped him he smashed his pumpkin the interesting thing right here is Adam's actually parked in the exact spot where the shape would have been parked right around there right outside the elementary school let's take a closer [Music] look how wi pumpkin right behind that gate is where one of the bullies runs down shape grabs him and the cool thing is that this metal pole walkway that actually heads down the stairs is actually the same from the movie the shape follows along the chain link fence which has now been changed to this more sturdy and durable fence the tree you're looking at was actually in the movie and Tommy walked over in the distance straight over there around the corner and out through the gate and walks along the side of this building while the shape follows along in his car you can actually see the windows all look the same and the hedges underneath the windows look exactly the same which is cool considering it's been decades the flag pole still there and very unusual this weird round cylinder thing you can actually see that in the movie as well although this real life Elementary School was also used in the movie as a high school this would have been where Lori was sitting in class where she looked out this window right across the street to about where that white car is now and saw the shape different from that you can see it's changed dramatically over the last few decades they've actually added this basement garage down there and they've actually resurfaced this house but Michael Myers would have been standing right there and the way you can tell this is the exact spot is this house was actually there in 1978 and take a look at that air conditioner unit in the movie it was in that window maybe that house cools down better if you slide over the air conditioner one window who knew the high school looks a little bit different now than it did back in the late '70s they built this whole new awning around the front and you might think this could might possibly be the high school where the girls walked out to walk home but it is I assure you they built some stairs here and it's actually elevated since it was when the movie was filmed but if you look straight down here this might actually look familiar where the girls were walking away from class they turned and walked past these doors and straight off this direction and the thing that's cool is these bricks that are right here are still the same bricks that were in the movie and they were lockers all along this side they would have walked this direction passing these double doors you can actually see the haddenfield sign which would have been right here and it looks considerably different totally and the only real way to tell that this is the spot are these houses this house is exactly the same but the most unusual one that you can actually line the shot up too is this one over here in the corner this house with this very unusual odd shaped window up top so the haddenfield high school sign would have been right here with those three houses behind the sign so then this would have been the exact spot that Lori and Linda would have come from when they left school they would have come right around this corner to walk home it's a dead giveaway that it's the spot because this little rock wall stack at you corner and this tree look almost exactly the same it's like walking right through cinematic history I not smiling I'm never smiling again as the girls walk up this driveway they suddenly realize that they are being followed and there is a car turning the corner and from this exact spot all this was grown up with foliage here and over there and around the corner comes the shape and he's driving a car [Music] hey Jerk speed kills hey Jerk speed kills you can see where over time they've actually cut down some of the limbs that actually were seen in the movie both of those limbs have been removed and of course the most famous limb was actually right here and you could see where the limb protruded right out of there and it went across the sidewalk as the girls walk underneath it and around it and head down the road oh come on Annie Bob and I been planning on it all week all right the walles leave at 700 I'm babysitting the doy it's only three houses down we can keep each other company oh terrific I've got three choices watch the kids sleep listen to Linda screw around or talk to you you'll notice when the girls cross the street on both sides of the street it's littered with Ivy and red brick of course it's been nearly 40 years since they filmed that movie it's been a little gentrified a little cleaned up but you can still see a couple remnants of the Ivy and then just over here the last little speck of red brick what was John Carpenter like Lori Linda and Annie continue to walk home down this route towards the Hedge Linda stops about right here to go to her house she steps up through the yard into there and Lori and Annie actually continue walking on when Lori sees [Music] something hey creep oh Lori dear Lori dear he wants to take you out tonight he wants to take you out tonight after they realize there's nothing to be seen on the side of the Hedge they start walking towards Annie's but watch the movie and you can actually see over the top of that hedge there are actually two young men who are actually enthralled with the filming of Halloween and they're actually peeking their head Over the Hedge standing on that porch did you ever notice that after they pass the second hedge Annie actually walks directly towards her house and Lori continues to walk looking back at the two Hedges very confused and actually right here bumps into Sheriff bracket all right is that good is it terrifying enough hopefully it's terrifying enough the people watch this are completely scared to death right up this hill is where Judith Myers would have been buried Dr Luma shows up with a cemetery caretaker they pull right up here and find that her headstone has been [Applause] removed it's right over here Myers julith Myers I remember her couldn't believe it such a young boy as they walk through the cemetery they're looking for The Headstone in the grave why they always do it he's gosh Dar kids why do they do it the head Stone's gone The Headstone was right here they do anything for Halloween they would have dug a hole right here in the ground symbolizing The Headstone of Judith Meers that of course Michael Myers removed and right here is where Luma says that famous line he came home so as we talked about the original Myers house was just right down the street right there and most of those houses were demolished but luckily the Myers house was moved just about a block away right here where we're standing now it's really crazy to think that all those other houses were destroyed but somehow this one is the one there remains is it a coincidence or is it a Halloween Miracle as the movie starts you see the house and in the window of the front door you see the sister and her boyfriend making out and then they move into this front living room here on the bottom floor this window is completely open there is no drape and you see on the couch them sitting and kissing and they decided to go up the stairs and up to the top bedroom you see the light turn off in the front window signaling the fact that they are actually doing something in the dark they should not be doing this does not please Michael Myers as a child so he actually goes around the very back of the house he walks in immediately to the right grabs a knife out of the kitchen drawer and then heads up the stairs trick or treat trick orre kiddo thought you had GRE Superstition the people that live in the St house now are actually really really nice they leave pumpkins on their front porch all year long so you can just go grab one and recreate the scenes right here on the street it's kind of interesting in a little bit of Hollywood trickery but when Lorie is looking at the trick-or-treaters down this way she's actually looking at the houses that are in view from this house but when she looks to her left and looks that way she's actually looking at a street that is Miles Away who knew when Annie picks up Lori there's two different segments of Road they drive on this is the first segment if pass by this house in this intersection and the shape is following them is that the shape you can still watch it's probably all he can do as they approach the hardware store you'll notice the tree on the right is the same tree from the shot and the building over to the far left is the same also this little rock formation there in the middle you can also see as they drive down this road and take a look at this right here on the ground used to be the manhole cover to the sewers that has actually been covered up you can actually see where they have concreted over the manhole cover now that's pretty cool behind us is the hardware store this is where Annie and Lori actually were smoking they got startled because Annie's father Sheriff bracket was actually right over here at the hardware store which got robbed it's now a restaurant the car pulled up they had a conversation with Annie's dad right there then they drive off Lumis is actually parked right over there as well walks up to talk to sheriff bracket as Sheriff bracket goes back into the hardware store Lumis is standing over there looking very be wiered and confused and he does not realize that right here in this car Lane is Michael Myers pulls out into traffic and drives straight off behind him Sheriff bracket we're looking for you the second section where Annie and Lori are driving at night is actually down this road and this was kind of a hidden spot to Halloween fans for a long time the the way you can tell it is the road is because of the kind of like the rainwater drainage area that is here in the middle and of course they're driving off as the sun is going down off in the Horizon the unusual thing is as it dead ends up here we'll actually turn to the right and the very next shot is actually back on the road we were just on Hollywood craziness [Music] ah the sights and sounds in the hubub of Sunset Boulevard who would have thought that Haden Field Illinois the small community and the final scenes the babysitter houses are actually right down this road a veritable Stones throw away from all this this is it the road where it all happened does that sound anything like the theme song well more or less enough to not enough to get sued even though it's assumed that Lumis is actually on the same streets as the babysitter houses at the end of the film he's actually a couple miles over on this road Lumis would have been walking right along next to this tree Sheriff bracket would have actually pulled up almost hitting lumus who would have been standing right about here you can actually see the trees the same and that wooden fence back in the background it's dark out here it's a little hard to tell but lumus would have come out right there right next to the tree and the parking sign you can see the red paint leading up to the sign is exactly the same as it is in the film you would come out you would see kids running and screaming out of this house but the funny thing is it's not this house it's a totally different house on a totally different street weird behind me are the exteriors of Tommy Doyle's house looks very similar as did in the movie including the brick pillars the trees and of course the balcony on the top floor but the Interiors for Tommy Doyles were actually not inside this house where were those exactly directly across the street at this house right here now I want you to notice something in the movie when they walk in the doyle house it's actually a large gap between the door and the window that Tommy doy's standing behind the curtain saying Lindsay Lindsay that is because it was actually filmed in the Interiors here you can see the front door and the massive gap between the window unlike the exterior shots which are right across the street right over here where the door and the window are super close to each other very interesting behind me now is actually Lindsay's house they've actually remodeled it quite a bit it used to not have a garage it just had an overhang carport but this is actually the house where a lot of the action happen happened and also when Annie brought Lindsay over to meet Tommy Doyle while Annie tried to go off and visit her boyfriend and then got stabbed to death in her car all that happened here at least the exteriors the Interiors however once again were not inside this house the Interiors were actually at that house right there now notice in the movie every time that someone walks into Lindsay's house they walk in the front door and immediately to the right is a living room how is that possible because looking at the exterior there is just a wall there is no living room why because the living room is actually right over here the Interiors in the living room that PJ souls and her boyfriend were on the couch and Lindsay was watching TV were right in there there were a combination and a total of four babysitter houses not two as most people assume that the movie shows four total houses interiors and Exteriors that about covers it we have hit all the Halloween filming locations from Halloween 1978 the John Carpenter classic yeah so great thanks to Tyler for tagging along and helping film check out my other channel it's called The Daily wo I do a different unedited Vlog every single day youtubethe daily woo and I will also post some other horror film Links of filming locations that I have done over the last few years I have done the Exorcist filming locations I have done Dawn of the Dead film these are all the original OG original OG Romero Dawn of the Dead I have also done Evil Dead the evil de cabin and that whole area as well and a bunch of other things look down below chainsaw Mas dude Texas Chainsaw Massac 1974 those Classics I have done a lot of horror filming locations I will put some links down below see you guys in the next video please subscribe and you subscribe finally Please Subscribe I mean I might all right look into if Tyler subscribes then you guys should subscribe yeah my my mom only gives me 15 minutes online tonight so I might not get all right you get a free pass you guys subscribe I'll see you guys in the next video goodbye so Michael Myers would have killed his sister right up inside of there wait a second who's holding the camera right now who's holding the camera right now Michael Michael he came home join a little wiggle with my friend pumpkin spice Lori there is something around the Hedge a beach ball oh the horror oh the horror what are you doing man it's looking for my matchbook yeah yeah yeah sure Michael uh dispel some myths you nice fellow right not a word not a word this doesn't translate well to podcasting it does it does good for video but since Michael Myers the cat has his tongue he's just still looking at me so uh I I I do I I saw you earlier without your mask and you're a fine looking fell and I swear I saw you talking but uh why go stand behind the head you're freaking aide if you're ever in South Pasadena and you visit the Halloween locations especially the Strode house make sure you check out this bench and right underneath this bench is actually a little placard a memorial to Mustafa akad who is known as the Godfather of the Halloween film franchise [Music]
Channel: adamthewoo
Views: 1,361,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halloween, john carpenter, filming, locations, filming locations, location, 1978, trailer, scare, kills, music, intro, ending, michael, myers, death, adamthewoo, adam, the, woo, michael myers, mask, tyler, evans, rock, journalist, behind, scenes, secrets, bloopers, jamie lee curtis, scary.haunted, house, original, horror, scary, movie, film
Id: AqgNumot-Qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 24sec (1704 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2015
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