Spahn Ranch - Charles Manson Family SERIAL KILLER Locations

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welcome everyone I'm in Southern California today with step Shay from abysmal entertainment hello and we are actually at the old spawn Ranch the Manson family ranch that they lived at for a couple years in the late 60s want to see what remains join us shall [Music] [Music] you [Laughter] [Music] I never told anybody to do anything other than what they wanted to do what you do is up to you this is Santa Susanna pass this was the road that in the late 60s the police officers over 100 deputies actually showed up and actually raided the compound and spawn Ranch is right down there you pulled here right off of this main road Road and there was a dirt road that went to the other side of this pole and you would actually drive straight down down this little embankment onto the ranch itself all the famous photos of Spawn Ranch a lot of them were actually taken at the top of this Little Rock looking down into the valley so I'm going to try to actually climb up there got to get to the top of this start by just basically walking up the side here it might actually be not a good idea to get up here but let's try right down there would have been spawn Ranch all through here the famous mountain range in the background the bridge over there the Ravine down at the bottom the horse corral over here in that corner pretty [Applause] crazy what you're looking at now is where the actual movie set of Spawn Ranch was where the Manson family actually hung out and lived the horse corral was over there all of this in 1970 burned down and the city or the state came in with bulldozers and push down the remnants of what actually remained down into this little Ravine this little Gully down right down here at the bottom of the hill and there are still chunks of memories of the Manson family and spawn Ranch all around here now you just have to imagine back in the day this was all dirt a dirt driveway and there's a famous photo of Susan Atkins standing right here in her bell bottoms and in the background was that famous mail boox right against the road right over there now over time this is this embankment has actually been pushed up the dirt has been pushed up a little bit higher back in the 60s this embankment was not as strong as it is now and right in here somewhere in this exact area was where the mailbox was right in here where are you mailbox right over here is probably the largest and one of the last big pieces left from back in the day if you take a look right here at this old pole this was the power pole that brought all the electricity into spawn Ranch basically it veered off of these main electricity poles down to this and then onto the ranch and that is the largest Relic still out here on the property the crazy thing is it still has the fire damage from probably when the ranch burned down in the 7s look at that you got to wonder how old these nails are that are right here these are basically pieces of History now if there wasn't already enough Legend of this place after George spawn died another guy took over the property a guy by the name of Frank Retz and he actually died crossing over this Ravine his car plummeted down there into that Cavern his wife and a friend survived climbed up the side to get help but when help arrived he had actually perished all in here was where the horses were actually corraled and they actually had a business a basically a tourist business to rent horses I think I may have found part of the horse corral fencing right down here this is a relic here so basically the way this worked was the fence post went in the ground like that and all along it you would stretch wire that could have actually been here from the late 60s coring all the horses right here at spawn Ranch that is awesome this is a pretty treacherously steep area but just look down here you can see remnants of the Old Ranch you can see bed springs metal posts over here is a pipe fitting for some sort of Plumbing right there all through here are tons and tons of relics right around in here during the police raid there were some photos taken and right here you can actually see this rock formation in the background lines up perfectly and basically the cafe was right over here the saloon from the movie Ranch was all right here that creepy tree in the shot as well some sort of a foundation right here embedded in the side and then look down here at the edge of this very steep embankment you see that piece of metal this weird piece of metal right there sticking up rot iron piece of metal metal right there what the heck is that strange all this concrete here which is left over these are pieces of the building all scattered all through the property here's some shards of broken glass on the ground and George spawn the original owner of the property his house was actually right over here you can see some Boulders Behind These trees and to this side of the boulders three different Boulders over there behind the rubbery was where the house was you can see this Boulder that I am actually standing on and George Spa's house was actually right here if you look at old photos of the road that ran by the ranch you could see these three different rocks and right off to the side of it was the actual house where the famous photo in front of the front door actually was as The Story Goes instead of actually paying for rent George spawn actually just had the Manson family living here to do chores and part of those chores were some of the Manson women actually performing sexual favors on the elderly gentleman and the crazy thing is there are actually pieces of a bed right here which makes you wonder could this have actually been the actual bed where rent was paid in full we have a warning sign here it says warning to remove or tamper with safety devices is punishable by law how many safety devices do you think Charles Manson had out here probably zero to one probably what's the sign say that's it that's all it says and look at this what the heck is this doing here an alien a green alien has been impaled through that stick I knew it what did you know this this makes sense I've heard of abduction stories in this area you know maybe what if Charles Manson was actually an alien and he's come to start the Alien Invasion this is a warning to all of mankind right here now this is pretty crazy look at this there are some carvings right here in the side what do you think those mean Manson someone has even carved an arrow leading that way right I wonder what's that why is that a rattlesnake hole right there what is that hole yeah this is definitely rattlesnake country right here this brings back a lot of memory cuz about 3 years ago I actually saw a snake right down here a rattlesnake sh holy that was a snake and I actually documented it on my daily Vlog Channel youtube/ theed daily woo and this brings back a lot of memories right in here is where I saw the snake oh my God you hear it you hear it you hear it listen it's a freaking snake all along here there are all kind of weird relics look at this Barb Wire that's actually embanked up into the tree it is actually grown into the tree itself I might need a tet in a shot after touching that should be coming up upon the famous cave that the Manson family sat in that famous Life magazine photo and there it is holy cow that's it this is it this is the actual Manson cave where nine of the family members sat and I'm sitting basically here in the same position and to the right of me would be the other eight family members that life m magazine came out here and took the photos this is pretty crazy to be sitting right here where it actually happened obviously the girl that was sitting here a little tinier than I was so me scrunching up in here is not the most comfortable but it's pretty awesome to be sitting here the two trees that the hammock was actually dangling in front of and all the family members there got their picture in front of that hammock the really cool thing is the trees still match up and right over here was where the hammock this tree that's basically splitting up into a fork there the hammock went straight across that's the spot oh look at that one that's scary that's kind of like a scary face some more barb wire right along here okay this is really interesting look at this piece of like metal like wire like rebar wire there mounted in the tree wonder what that was used for straight ahead is what they call the Manson rock this was where Charles Manson would actually sit on this rock and play guitar right here they would probably have a bonfire set up at the top of the hill was the Manson Ranch they would walk down that hill and Manson would sit right there now the people off property the people that own the church off property have actually come down here and cut up this rock and the reason for that is supposedly Charles Manson carved his name in that section of the Rock and they have removed the rock for whatever reason someone has come down here and gotten rid of half of the Manson Rock removing the Charles Manson signature back on this tree behind me you'll notice that there are actually bullet holes they would shoot into this tree if you look closely you can see how there are embeddings in this tree all throughout here that looks like a chunk of metal that's like somehow rusted inside of the [Applause] tree right in front of me I'm pretty sure this is another spot from those famous Life magazine photos tell me what you think right here was the spot where the family was sitting on these rocks someone was sitting here a girl was sitting here the water was going through this little rock formation a lot has changed over the Decades of course but tell me what you think is that the spot right there decades later what the heck is this off the side of the road that is a little spooky behind me is the Old Stage Coach Trail from way back in the day and down at the very bottom very bottom way down there is spawn Ranch now the Manson family were actually car thieves and they stole a lot of cars and they would dispose of basically the shells of the vehicles so they obviously cast them off the side of the Coach Road or they dropped them off the side of this hill basically stole the cars and just pushed them down into this bottom area so there's one way over there there's three or four right over down that way there's a lot of glass here too so if you fall the broke the glass you know the soften you're fall if you fall don't put your hands down right just fall straight on your back whoa whoa I don't have the best shoes on for this yeah me neither I don't have the best shoes shoes on for this holy cow look at this yes this is awesome look at that pretty awesome off over that Hill is spawn Ranch so just off the spawn Ranch property was this tree that the legend is told that Manson himself used to sit in this tree perched in this tree playing guitar but that is not what this spot is known for this spot was actually where the Manson family murdered and cast the body of shorty Shay the body was buried into the side of an embankment about 150 ft off the Santa Susanna Pass Road 1 mile west of Tanga Boulevard this is the spot the murder of Spawn Ranch local shorty Shay now trying to find a spot called the baby caves which is basically Manson would send the women down with the babies to hide from the police Manson The Ranch all over there spawn Ranch was right past that bridge and right down here are the baby Caves at the bottom of this super Steep Ravine who whoa so we're going right over there just watch out for [Applause] snakes wa my foot got caught who who you all right good okay I think we found it man yeah right over here looks to be the area where the baby caves are oh yeah look here's the caves yeah no joke these are straight up hidden caves so obviously the police would not know anyone was hiding down in here like who would know this was even down here look at that wow it goes all the way back in there deep really like way back in there yeah look at this wow look at that that's crazy and it's very Sandy the ground is like super super Sandy should I go up in there see what's back in here wow this is like a perfect Hideway though man you would never know anyone was back in here mm- crazy amazing it's nuts there are some like drawings like carvings like hieroglyphics in here almost that could have been back from back in the day or now supposedly the one of the Manson girls Sadie carved her name somewhere in here this her name is actually written somewhere in these rocks here's some other carvings like embedded in the side of the rock here as well trying to use this as a grip and actually climb up let go back up to this rock up here right up here okay I found where Sadie Susan Atkins actually wrote her name it would have been right here in this carving it kind of looks like a face now but this was actually the E where her letter the letter e it's a last so s a d i e and actually one of the locals who live around here do not like people who come down here to visit the Manson spots came down here and actually buffed this out and got rid of her signature that was right here in gray that is pretty crazy right there sexy Saad that is that's some history right there if you're going to do something do it well and leave something with you leave a sign to let the world know that you were there have a good day thanks for watching Everybody thanks also to Steven Shay from abysmal entertainment who actually helped me out today he's actually filming with his new fangled camera I I will be inserting some of the footage if you saw some footage and you were like wow who filmed that I also want to send a big shout out to two YouTubers who do a lot of videos out here one of them is called Michael's back porch I'll put the link down below and there's another guy by the name of Stoner van hton he actually has done a lot of videos out here and I would not have been able to find a lot of the stuff if it was not for him so I'll put the link to his videos down below as well all right see you guys later bye why is that question mark there not sure okay this might be the most treacherous climb yet Stephen we have to go right down there it's pretty scary are you game let's do it just like Manson would have wanted
Channel: adamthewoo
Views: 624,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: charles, manson, charlie, spahn, ranch, movie, adamthewoo, adam, the, woo, rock, cave, song, murder, serial, killer, killers, california, abandoned, scary, haunted, caves, evil, death, graveyard, tree, cars, stolen, 2016, chatsworth, interview, quote
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2016
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