Half-Life Source is a BAD remaster... change my mind

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half-life source i don't remember playing this i'll try it out what's the worst that can happen some backstory first of all in 1998 valve released half-life considered one of the most influential games of the time and for good reason it had the best environmental storytelling of any game at the time some absolute ball and music and intricate level design it was completely different from any fps games at the time and tried a lot of things that people thought were dumb now half-life was made in the gold source engine which is actually just the quake engine but they changed a whole load of stuff and boom half-life became a huge success of gathering a very small eight million dollars in two months you know just a little bit of cash and of course if a game becomes immensely popular there's gonna be demand for a sequel and then most of the time a third one most of the time at least now for the sequel valve made the source engine which was another engine that was quite ahead of its time realistic water amazing actual good lighting incredible ragdoll physics i'm sold but half-life 2 wasn't the first game to release on the source engine i knew there was counter-strike source which came before it it was half-life source at least according to their steam pages i don't know i might be completely wrong a supposed remaster of the original game but in a better engine now imagine for a second being in 2004 and hearing that there's a remaster of half-life what would you visualize a game with some epic new graphics smarter ai and an experience that feels just like if not better than the original i'm concerned that we get a conclusive game of the year now a remaster by definition is the same game with updated visuals and sounds so in half-life's case it should be half-life in the source engine with higher quality textures and better sounds in reality valve literally just drag and dropped half-life in the source engine they also hit it with a hammer a few times and then i guess some monkey brain at valve played it and thought yep everything's fine put the same price tag on it so um that didn't go quite right but you know what i'll give half-life soros some credit because it's not all bad it did make some good improvements but at the same time it made three times as many un improvements we'll start with the good parts the main menu now has live backgrounds just like an half-life 2 which i think look a lot better unless you get the scene from blastped because the guard can't even be killed by the tentacle so it's just a loop of this the water looks like actual water with the real splashes and stuff there's ragdoll physics perfect for those who want to pin guards and scientists to walls the overall lighting is sometimes better especially the flashlight which works like an actual flashlight instead of sometimes working like a flashlight there's full 3d sky boxes now instead of those 2d images except for zen and when you first see the tentacle monster with the scene where it grabs the scientists it actually looks like he's grabbing him which in the original is a bit delayed so he looks like he's just floating [Music] and the best thing of all time you're able to uninstall it and that's pretty much it unless i miss something that's the only good stuff in half-life source now for the bad stuff you might want to grab a drink for this by the way i'll start with the little things this scientist just levitates above his chair clearly he's leaks above the other scientists some shadows also go through objects which i don't even know how that happens the lighting while it is better in some cases it also seems broken in others like in this hallway if you enable the hdt models the scientists break their neck but i mean who uses the hd models this tank can't even turn i think the grunts might need to get in your brain and speaking of grunts when you shoot their helmet it's supposed to show the bulletproof decal but now it shows blood so you think you're dealing damage but nope the helmet still protects them the barnacles tongues don't even reach the ground so you'll just get grabbed unexpectedly when you fight the gonarch the acid leaves behind a black decal for some reason a lot of your weapons especially the crowbar look so shiny that you'll just get flash banged if even a minuscule amount of light touches it and no matter what you're hitting with the crowbar it always plays the sound of hitting metal immersion ruined now that was just a little stuff now onto the big stuff this was only a one time thing hopefully but the most important one is when i went to uninstall half-life source it also deleted half-life 2 with it what some of the guns now feel different when you shoot the mp5 there's this weird up and down movement for i don't know why i thought gordon was a highly trained professional i mean he survived the second hazardous course after all and besides the weird movement it also deals a lot more damage so you can wipe out the grunts quicker but so can they which i guess in some way can be a balance for the up and down movement but that just makes both changes unnecessary then at this part of the game the grunge just completely ignores the scientists and goes running after you which may not seem like a big change but remember when i said half-life was the king of environmental storytelling well this is the one important scene that's supposed to tell you that grunts are bad because you see them kill a scientist right yeah well not anymore in the conveyor belts and residue processing the whole map just decides to die what though all the textures are literally the same not even upscaled or anything just straight up ported so they look a bit out of place in the source engine if you're used to gold source and speaking of out of place i know i said that the water looks actually good now and it does but i also think it looks out of place surrounded by comparatively low quality textures and remember when i mentioned that broken background scene from the main menu yeah well that's still persisting game the guard is just invincible if he even has the brains to go out there and it's not just him you can't even die from it at least that specific one you can still die from the others and there's probably a million other broken things that i didn't mention there's this website that lists a whole lot more so if you want to play actual half-life don't play this supposed remaster unless you want to laugh from all the absurd stuff then by all means go ahead that's the only reason i'd play it along with the physics and this is where black mesa does a great job at actually remaking half-life in the source engine now i haven't actually played black mesa yet so i can't say i know it's perfect for a fact from what i see it's compelling but i should also say that black mesa is a fan made remake so it does have a hell of a lot of changes to things like the level layout and how the weapons work but this is more than replication but if you want the classical experience just play the original plus if you want to play any mods there's like a total of five mods for half-life source so final nail in the coffin and that's why half-life source is a bad remaster change my mind until then bye [Music] my
Channel: LamWarp
Views: 517,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: half, life, half life, half life source, source, remaster, bad, bad remaster, half life source is a bad remaster, analysis, commentary, subtitles, history, funny, stupid, hilarious, montage, editing, jump cuts
Id: Z6409apz4js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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