Hairdresser Reacts To People Dying Hair Blonde To Bright Red

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hi beautiful you are looking so good today like every day you are the sh yes yes you are thank you for being here today we're watching some people go from blonde to red red hair has been really giving me everything lately i don't know what it is about red hair right now but i really want it when x model color comes out with red hair you know i'll be doing it so yeah i don't know i guess i'm just trying to live vicariously through these people today and hopefully it'll uh help me get over my craving for red hair and also just watching some people have some beautiful transformations hopefully today but first today's video is sponsored by skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for creative and curious people you can explore new skills get lost in creativity and develop existing interests i have the coolest job ever and i love my job but sometimes i get in a creative rut and the only thing that really helps me get out of that rut is taking a class andy j pizza has an amazing class on skillshare called find your style five exercises to unlock your creative identity this class is awesome because it helped me identify what my creative style is andy speaks about everything in such a clear simplified way that my adhd can actually handle i know times right now are really weird the best thing to do for yourself is learn something new so fend off boredom learn a new skill and become a better person through skillshare skillshare is the place to keep you learning the first 1000 people to use the link in my description box right below will get a free trial of skillshare a premium membership and after that it's only around 10 a month so thank you skillshare for sponsoring today's video and keeping me inspired i really appreciate it and now let's watch some people go from blonde to red let's do it first video is by the agent diaries and this is called dying my hair red at home big hair transformation do you ever wake up in the morning with like the strongest urge to do something and you're like oh my god i gotta do it literally every single day of my life i wake up with some stupid urge to do something awfully stupid and do i do that stupid thing yes i do because you know what life's too short if you wake up one morning and you decide i wanna paint my nails glittery blue you do it because what else are you gonna do i don't know and i've just done a couple of instagram stories and i feel like you guys are gonna make this decision for me listen i know i said when you wake up and you just feel the urge to do something you should just do it this is one of those things where maybe you should think twice when you want to go from blonde to red it's a big deal you can't just rub the nail polish off if you know what i mean you just can't get it out of your hair it's all going to be stuck in that for a long time but hey do you yeah it's my hair what is that when the heck did you dye your hair blue yeah what is that i dyed my hair purple and it's just faded to like a really weird color it's really gray which makes sense because your hair is probably yellow you put purple on it they cancel chiller out and you made gray so this is the current state of my hair you should color it red i do feel like red is gonna look really good on her because her skin tone is very pink very cool tone i hope she has like a little bit more of a cool tone red or something neutral i feel like it's gonna look divine on her i can't wait to see here what is this aisle what is this how dare you make me watch the video of you going into the color aisle you crazy you're trying to kill me or what are you trying to bring the demon out of me because it worked i'm scared now i love this hair dye brand i've used this so many times for like my blonde hair like my darker roots it makes your hair really shiny and really lovely yes it's box dye so her ends are super compromised and super porous you can tell putting permanent color on that is gonna be a lot something with like a 25 30 volume probably 30 volume with this or even higher is gonna be a lot for those ends to handle and it's gonna cause a lot more damage that is not necessary for something like this you could do like a permanent color on your roots with a higher developer a high lift red color that way you get that really vibrant red but then on your ends you can do a very permanent color that way you don't add any more damage you're actually just conditioning your hair and making it feel better it's a lot to do to your hair and i'm worried about it the ammonia content in this box the developer and just how she's gonna apply it to her head really is what i'm worried about here we go so yeah if i want to go dark then i'll have the red base already in my hair because blonde hair if you dye it like back dark sometimes it gets like a green hue or it fades greeny or a bit bluey so you need to use like the color wheel yes okay that was really good she's like you need to use the color wheel on my turn green you're gonna fill with red first before you go dark someone knows what she's talking about except why are we using that box color when we could use professional color what's the point tell me she's glowing she's going she's going she's going she's going oh my god [Music] why are we starting at the root why why y'all know what happens at the root nothing good happens actually sometimes a lot of good things happen um however you know what's gonna happen her roots are gonna end up lighter than her ends so she's gonna get hot roots i'm thinking as well when i've got my darker roots it might give me a bit of an ombre red situation definitely no going back now there is no going back you are going full on deep red i actually do like the color she chose though it's a very neutral red a little bit more on the cool side but neutral and it's really really pretty such a pretty color is there sectioning going on no do i hate that yes do i wish she was sectioning yes am i that picky yes i want that to happen from now on i mean it's definitely getting red it is looking candy apple red and i am kind of liking it a lot so far and fully saturate everything because this is exactly what a hairdresser would do what she could have also done is added a mixture of conditioner and water and shaking it up in a bottle and then applied to her ends first that way the porosity of her hair is equalized in the ends because the bottom of her hair is so porous you want to kind of fill in those porous holes in the hair and make a nice smooth surface for the color to latch on to or else it actually might pick up darker on the ends rather than lighter like she thinks is gonna happen usually when your hair is more porous the color ends up being a lot darker than what it's supposed to be one two oh my god i love it i feel like ariel oh my god look at the color whoa i really like it i think it makes me look like quite tanned look at the color okay wow i mean she looks incredible with this color so much better than the blonde i mean she did a really great job lately i've just been like really baffled by how good these things turn out i don't know why like what's going on but it looks so even her roots look amazing that was the perfect color for her and somehow she didn't get hot roots i don't know i swear you guys it's a real thing i know you guys have seen it in my videos before it's it's real you can get hot roots but this time around she somehow made her hair look absolutely flawless and healthy i mean just be careful with the damage you know you don't want to be applying that over and over and over again on your hair or else it's going to cause a lot of damage let's move on to the next video this next video is called dyeing my hair red at home l'oreal paris colorista sunny permanent hair color and this is by angela boss we know you you did the whole blonde thing it was quite the process looks like we're completely going red over that blonde that took you forever to do which is kind of sad but we'll see what happens so now i am going to go in with the same brand the l'oreal colorista semi-permanent hair color but in red when you open it it comes out in a tube just like this you want to make sure it's nice and smooth your hair is looking long and healthy i'm so proud of you and we're sectioning i'd love to see it i'm just so nervous about how it's going to come off on blonde hair since it did say don't use it on blonde hair i have no idea why they told you that you can't use that on blonde hair that makes no sense to me and i feel like it's just going to be extremely dark and vibrant i can't wait for the first part to go on her hair that's the most satisfying part oh my god that is going to be a lot a huge change oh she's doing beautiful gorgeous sectioning and you can tell that that color has a lot of orange in it it appears to be more on the warmer side so i don't know it's kind of looking pink in the spots too so maybe we are doing a cool tone red i'm just glad she's fully saturating every single hair strand because that's me super important when she's going over that blonde hair to make it super even and noticeable and healthy and all the good stuff her skin is actually looking more vibrant and healthy with the more warm tones on it i just washed off the mask and i am really really really really loving this color it's like a deep dark red and i absolutely think it's so gorgeous whoa making me want to dye my hair red but it's making me want to dye my hair like a dark like brownish red you just did dye your hair red what do you mean it's making you want to dye your hair red um i'm going to let this dry and then i'm going to show you guys how this looks like tomorrow so now oh my god my hair is looking and it's very wow very very vibrant this is the definition of rihanna red i mean this is fiery this is wow this is a little bit warmer than the last girl this is gorgeous i like it i do however think that the more brownish red that she's talking about is going to look a lot better this is intense but she's killing it she's rocking it i mean i do like it better than the blonde i think she looks healthier and glowier i don't know more like herself i guess i wasn't expecting to be that good in that red kind of impressed let's move on to the next video this next video is by naturally sunny and this is called i dye my hair blonde to burgundy red so i picked up two different colors so i got magenta i got two boxes of magenta and i got one box of red and then i also got some 20 volume two boxes of magenta and one box of red oh we are going for a extremely maxed out red and i'm here for it i'm going to use 20 volume developer because uh you're using 20 volume developer because you want lift anything above 10 volume is gonna provide lift anything below it is not going to so when you're trying to go really really bright red you want that lift to happen you want that hair fiber to open up release its pigment you want the color to eat the pigment out of your hair and then add new pigment in there so that way your hair is bright bright red i'm about to detangle it i haven't washed it in a week okay so her hair is already really light blonde the 20 volume is fine if you want permanent color that way it lasts as long as possible totally fine i always just recommend a semi-permanent or jenny permanent color when you're doing red honestly it's just like most people want to take it out soon after they do it um or just change it up often usually people don't stick with red for a long amount of time you know why wouldn't you want it to fade that's where i stand on that oh and we're sectioning we're doing four sections and then subsections on those four sections so this is gonna look so good because she's actually taking her time to do it okay so what i freaking learned was i shouldn't have put this bright red mixed with the magenta i shouldn't even use the magenta i should have used a darker burgundy because my hair as you guys can see it's blonde so it's already lifted and it would have took you know it's going to take the color well that's so true when she did the magenta i was like damn okay you're going for like neon red here which i don't think is going to quite work for her skin tone because her skin is very warm and she's putting a very cool toned color on her hair i just don't think it's going to make her look good it might make her look a little sickly because it brings out those cool tones like in the under eyes the purple it just it's gonna look kind of wack all right so i'm about to put my cap on and then and we're adding a little incubation with the cap to add heat what in the world what was i thinking it ain't it i would say this is more magenta rather than red and it definitely is not the right color for her i'm about to wash this conditioner out and then i'm gonna put this on top so we're doing more assigned permanent color which is totally fine you can do as much as you want in one day except at some point your hair will just stop taking it so i guess you can't really do that two or three times is probably the max um before your hair just stops being able to take color all the little porosity holes in your hair are all filled you can't just keep filling them up and filling them up this is already looking a lot better she's going darker thank god this is not the appropriate color for her hair by any means i think she'll be a lot more happy with this and she's using plenty of color which i love to see oh this is so much better it works with her skin tone so much more however i would still like to see it more warm rather than pink the pink is a lot so after i washed out my hair i just did some bantu knots and then i put it up into high puff she made the right decision she was permanent color which is fine yes if you wanted to last a really long time and then she put some permanent color over it i'm glad she didn't go in with more permanent color so that was a great decision right there and i'm glad she she made it work it looks good um just do a more orangey tone next time more fiery red i think will compliment your skin a lot better so those were the blonde to red hair transformations for today all came out pretty damn good i'm so proud of you guys not all the right decisions were made but the end results were fabulous make sure you guys follow me everywhere else here on my social media handles all around me go for it make sure you guys click subscribe right down below make sure you hit the bell icon and the like button to be notified every time i post a new video and the like button is just like a thank you to me that'd be great if you guys don't already know i do have a haircare brand it's called x model hair we just released hair color and you guys are loving it i'm so happy you can shop x mondo hair down below at or you can head over to our instagrams at xmen o'hare and at xmongo color to see more about the brands make sure you guys text me at this number it's really a number of mine yes it really does get my phone yes i see all your messages this will just keep you notified whenever i post a new video or do anything of that nature and if you text me right now i will text some of you back today's instagram shout out goes to luis and she says hey brad my hair is naturally curly and auburn ginger color i was thinking of doing a similar idea you did for charlie by doing the red underneath of my hair and then maybe get a brighter ginger for the top layer or do you think something else would be more that is such a cool original idea i think that would look amazing on you and spice things up i say absolutely go for it next what i think you should do the darker red on top and the more gingery color on the underneath because then you can really see that pop of color underneath when your hair moves if you do a darker color it kind of blends in a little bit more that's all for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to live your extra life and i'll see you next time bye guys [Music] [Laughter]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 1,900,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, Hairdresser Reacts To People Dying Hair Blonde To Bright Red, blonde to red, red hair, bright red hair, dying hair red, how to dye hair red at home, how to dye hair at home, how to color your own hair, red box dye, red to blonde, transformation, Hairdresser Reacts To People Dying Hair Blonde To Bright Red, diy hair, hair fail, box dye, hair stylist, fall off, hair dresser, gone wrong, how to, bleaching hair at home, hair transformation
Id: mq8Nq2jd4Yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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