Hair System C4D Part 5 (Styling Hair)

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so this is the fun part this is the part that you've been waiting for this is the styling part so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to move these tools over to the left hand side for the minute we won't need that one and I'm just going to concentrate really on these two tool sets for the moment so the first thing I want to do is I'll make sure that I'm in guides mode this is basically and going to enable me to brush across the whole entire guide so I wanted to select the move tool to start with and show you what this does with the move move tool selected when you just basically drag out it will literally move it wherever you want and this can be rather handy when you want to initially set the kind of way the roots are coming out so you can go up like that and then kind of push it up with the roots are that's quite nice one thing to mention is that when you go into these tools you'll get these tools coming up on the right hand side to show you some of the options that you've got for them so I'll go to the move tool and we can turn on collisions and we can make sure that the collision radius is set so that it doesn't push it too close to the surface so as an example if I put this up to say for when we move down now it will not push it beyond that a particular radius this for centimeters okay and of course as we increase this it's going to push it further and further away it will not allow us to push it any closer you can just see there there's a nice gap there right there so that's that's pretty nice to be able to have that I'm just going to bring this down for the minute obviously the smoothness of health that these guides are basically responding is down to how many seconds we've got in the guides so if the segments are lower is going to appear to be more jagged in the way that it performs this task what I like to do is I like to just pull it out to the point of where I kind of like my guys to come out the surface like this and then I would move on to the brush tool now the brush tool is a multi a multifunctional tool if when we select the brush tool we go to here and you'll see that we've got the mode set to move we click on this we've got all of these options twist repel kinks move scale straight and delete and vertex paint so that we've got a lot of control just from this one tall within itself so what we can do is we can start to style these hairs these guides and I want you to just know just how smooth I'm able to do this it really is updating in the viewport were very very smoothly and the way that you would expect it to update and notice how the hair is updating between all of these free guides just free guides is enabling us to get a nice baseline style there so basically what enables us to do by having fewer guides is to set our base down if you're going to be working in layers which is what I recommend you do then it's good to have a base down and then start to add layers on top of the base and this would be kind of my baseline say for instance I'll just push this out on the edges here now at the moment I'm working off the basis of guides if I change this to tips then it's going to give me more control just over the tips alone if that's not control enough we can also have access to the routes as well the points as you can see here there's many points according to how many seconds we've got on there and we've got access to the vertices as well so really we've got a heck of a lot of control just at our initial settings for what we're looking at so far now in addition to this we've got a lot of control from the brush itself I'm going to put this back to the guides and we're going to look at the brush at the moment now we've obviously got the radius now we can set the radius by moving up and down assists up and down we'll set the strength and left to right we'll set the radius when we hold a middle mouse button down so we don't have to go to the options there so we just go up and down you can see that's a strength go left to right and that's going to set our radius now the shape will currently using his circle we've got access to circle box or diamond so we can basically control the shape of it which is quite handy especially for the cutting tools the pressure would be if you're going to be using say a Wacom tablet that would be quite handy and it also responds to the angle I believe as well something I've not tried out yet this selection only is handy when you've got just one or more guides selected so as an example here if I go to the live selection and I'll just select this one guide go back to our brush tool and click on selection only it means that even if the other guides are in the way it's only going to be working on this one particular guide especially useful if you've got many guides and you don't want to interact with all of them at the same time so obviously this is something that you're going to be using quite a lot it gives you that extra control there I'm going to turn this off the collisions is self-explanatory if you turn collisions on and you increase the collision radius it will make sure that you will not be able to push it any closer than that collision radius and you can see here that it simply will not let me push it any closer than this this is particularly useful when you're working with layers so for instance if I have layer one set at the radius of say two point one which is quite close and then when I create a brand new hair object I can make sure that my brushes are set to say for instance free point one centimeters and what it would do is you make sure that the new layer isn't going to intersect with the old layer it's going to be just above it so there's something that you can do and something that I certainly do quite a lot of another thing that is quite handy is to be able to have control even linearly you can see here dome bell curve needle or you can have control by the curve now when you start to go to the curve this is where things really do start to give you a lot of control and let's just take this spline and I'm gonna put this back to show you a linear and you just get a completely different feel to way that it's working with the guides so that's really really nice to better do this okay now let's move on to say the clump the clump is something that we can control either from the actual the hair shader hey material itself or we can do it from the guides itself or both so if I want to apply this all have to do it simply click in the screen and just apply the strength and it will start to apply the clump now the clumping it may not work as well if you've got so few of the guides in place at the moment but if we go to the hair object for the moment here and we go to our guides I believe or was it in the hair oh it's in the hair we can choose to affect just the hair and it's in the interpolation we click on clump and you can see here instantly that we get a nice clumped effect so it kind of works a little bit different to the way that the clump of brush works initially it gives us control over the hairs rather than try to clump the guides so if you would look at it this way whenever you're using any of these tools you're always going to be affecting the guides to control then the hair in turn but if you ever go to the hairs options here Jenny thinking here it's always going to be affecting the actual hairs out separately from the guides and the same goes for the hair material anything you do in the hair material which I'll show you later will affect the hairs and not the guides so it gives you this great control if I go back to the brush now you can see here that me having a style with these guides is not affecting the clumping of the hair in no way at all this gives you really really nice control and if I was to go just for a quick render in this screen here you can see here there it's applying it so quickly it's not perfect at the moment we've got a lot of interaction with the way that the guides are working with each other and the hair but that can be fixed so that's move on to a couple of other things here we've got the cut now if we go to cut is simply going to cut our guides you can see that the straighten walk straighten the guides pretty self-explanatory for that the sky on the other hand will actually make the guides longer now you can see here it's really only affecting just the one that I've got selected go to the sky oh so nothing else in there really we just want to click on deselect all and then it will apply it to all of them okay remember if you do start to increase the length of your guides you want to redistribute the segments so you just simply click on the even segments button and it will even them out again across the whole of the area so that's pretty good now I'm going to be moving on to the push tool but before I do that I'm just going to go back to the hair object go to the hairs and increase the segments because you notice here that the segment's really they're not all that great I'm going to increase them so it becomes much more smoother now for the next demonstration I'm just going to get these guides and I'm going to pull them pretty close to the object so that I can demonstrate the push tool so let's just go down there like that I'm done and I just work on just the one guide for the moment so I'm just going to go and select this live selection select this one guide and we're going to go to the push tool and I'm just going to go to select pushed increase the distance and then click apply go to the tool click apply it will appear that not much has happened at the moment but it has done something what it does is applied it initially and then what we can do is we can then start to increase the distance and we start to see some real-time changes now these real-time changes are going to be working on the basis of our spline at the moment it's basically saying to us zero strength back to the roots and a hundred percent strength at the tip I wanted the opposite to that so I'm going to go to hundred percent strength at the roots and zero percent at the tips now when we increase the distance you can see here that it's really Annika be working at the ropes which is one way that you can work with this tool essentially what it would do is it will help you get this away from the surface of the root this is one way with that we can do it one of many ways I'm just going to pull this away something like that don't need to have that turned on I'm quite happy with that now I want to apply it to all of the guides so what I can then do is I can just basically make sure that I've got nothing selected so I deselect all and then just click on apply and it will apply it to all of the guides if you've got too many guides I recommend that you don't do that because it can take quite a while to update but this is one way that we can basically get this kind of puffed out part from the ropes quite handy to have now obviously the more segments we've got to the the guides the better it's going to turn out you can see here as I'm increasing them the more smoother it's going to appear and of course the more sequence we've got to the hair the more smoother it's going to appear as well just bear in mind that you know if you go too far with this you can't get a quite stepped effect and of course we go to our brush back to smoothing we can just smooth things out there which is quite nice to be able to do to smooth things out now let's move on to some other things now to look at things that are significant that going to be significant to you is how the hair looks when it renders at the moment you can see here that we've got some very basic styling going on here not really anything that great I'm going to go back to the brush just for now and just style this a little bit more give us a little bit of style okay let's just pull this out if you've only got a few guides it's easy to puff out the guides like this so initially when we go for some deeper styling of this if you was to use these tools that I've just showed you here between the different types of selections for instance that the tips the ropes the points all the guides and used to use the move and primarily the move and the brush and I find the push it can be used as well sometimes as I've already shown you you the live selection you can pretty much get any stole that you want but what about if you want more layers well that's easy to do and it's the way that I would recommend that you work with in cinema 4d now as to have basically layers so that's going to go back to this sphere object for the moment here and I'm going to go to the live selection and in fact go to our normal selection at the top here select polygons what I'm going to do is I'm going to select another strip of polygons across here okay just just that strip the dope make sure that you don't have your previous tag selected other words is going to add to it and they're going to go to selection and then set selection you notice that another selection tag tag has now been added now what I can do is I can go to my hair object hold down the ctrl key drag and I can duplicate the hair object now this hair object currently is going to be exactly the same as the previous one but what we do is we go to the guides and we drag and drop the new selection tag into the link for the guides you notice that it's quoted the exactly the same style of hair but is put it in a new location but what you don't see is you don't see the guides moving to the new location just the hairs to fix this we just simply go to the editing of the guides and then click on rewrote and then what we have is we have the guide set in the new location for that selections the beauty about working this way is that we can turn off these individually and welcome them one by one so we can work on say for instance these hairs and then we can work on these hairs at a different time what I like to do is I like to have the hairs different layers different colors so what you can do is you can go when you select these hair objects to the basic tap and then you click on use color on and then we select a color so for instance blue was over like that and what it will do is it will apply the color to the hair and this is very very handy to be able to have this happen when we're working on this so we just applied it to that layer let's just go to the other layer which is that and we do the same thing use color on and we select a color and we turn them both on and now we can see the difference between the different layers and enables us to really get in there and sort out what we want to happen between the layers we can see how they're going to basically interact with each other so in this particular case I want to work just on the pink ones here so what can do is I can just go in there to the brush tool pull these out and have these interact with the heads or underneath maybe pull them so they're kind of in between the two hopefully you can see where we get the control from by doing this and of course we can go to our brush and then go to our smooth and then just basically smooth you know we just move all of these out and then we go just go for a quick render you can see here that just its default settings for the moment this is what we get it's a very controlled style now obviously the clump is set quite aggressively so we could obviously go into this separate hair object and then change the clump just for this hair object so for instance the interpolation we can make sure that maybe we've got a bit of clumping going on the roots or maybe the tip it kind of clumps a little bit there if we want to add another knot week to hold the control key and then we can have what's going on in between the guide so we kind of it basically clumping out like that and then basically coming quite close together at the ends again like that so we've got a lot of control over the clump Ian for this and that's before we even go into the hair material itself well we've got even more control over the clumping of the heads so the next thing I want to take you into as far as the styling goes is into the hair object itself and I just want to go to the cloning the cloning is basically going to give us an interpolation of hairs based upon the hairs that are already there and it will basically clone them to give us more density to the hairs of course we can go to the hair count and increase that but I found that when I increase the hair count what it tends to do is it tends to give us a bit of inter interaction between the hair guides intersection and it does look quite nice on these specular highlights so I'd like to have a balance between the hair count and the hair climb now if we set the roots what it will basically do is it will stop the roots from coming out when we apply dynamics what we can do is we can pull the ropes slightly away from the original root if I just click clone once we've gone a little bit closer there and I increase the the root you can see here as I crease the root it's going to pull further away from the rest of the roots you can see there okay so a level of safe fit for instance five four centimeters it will just basically pull those clones just a little bit further out from where the original hairs were and the same goes for the tip now you may find initially that when you apply the cloning that your hairstyle is lost but if you spring down these values the wrote and the tip it will kind of closely resemble the hairs that are already there and of course you guessed it you can also control this on the basis of the spline so the strength of this can be hundred-percent sight that the roots and zero at the tips very very handy indeed and of course we can go to each of our hair layers and apply this so that's like for instance we want the base layer to have say two clones we're going to give it a little bit of bulk at the roots nothing really at the tips and go for a quick render and your notice now that we've got the hair looking a little bit more looser at the roots now at the moment the the render settings ain't being set up so that is exactly what I'm going to be doing in the next session so the next session we're going to be looking at the some of the render settings in their hair and then we're going to be looking at some dynamics
Channel: CGDreamsTutorials
Views: 21,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Maxon, cinema 4d, cg dreams, hair, cg, cg hair, hair styling, 3d hair
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2016
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