C4D using the hair system to style hair cards

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[Music] hello this is Danny from CG dreams and today we can have a brief look at the hair system in cinema 4d for using geometry what we're going to be doing is we're going to be using the hair system to use pre-made hair strands made it up geometry and then style that this is a really cool feature and I'm going to take you through the basic fundamentals that you need to know in order to be able to groom a geometry styled hair now we'll say from the outset that this particular video can only work for cinema 4d studio this is because the hair tools are only filmed in the studio version of cinema 4d now as I've already said I'm going to try to get this done relatively quick so I'm not going to go to for the full thing as if it's a project of my arm but I'm going to try to get you through the principles of what you need to know so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to the content browser I'm just going to search for heads so we've got something to work off and that generate head bus will do we'll just go a little bit closer I'm going to activate the shading with lines so we can see the geometry now what I'm going to do is I'm going to select a bunch of polygons that I want the hair to grow from so that's just do this very quickly I'm holding down the shift key if you do this from like a side view or something like that this is gonna make it a lot easier to use like a rectangle tool or a lasso selection so I'm just gonna do that right now I'm gonna be able to select the polygons that are all the way fro to the other side and that will do for me now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go into my own layout for the hair system but you can find all of the tools that I'm going to show you my layout in this stimulate tab and it's in the hair up exhale out Harrod it and so on so I'm going to go over to the side here and it's my own custom layout and the hair tools with the geometry selected I'm going to click on add hair and the first thing I'm going to do right away is press ctrl + a to select all and then delete this is because I want to add my own hair by using the add hair tall and this is found in the tools the hair tools you can see here these add guides now what I like to do is I like to take the radius down to 1 and the count down to 1 and let's bring the length down as well and I do this so I can just click one at a time and add 1 hair guide at a time I'm gonna add one there one there one there and one there also funny helpful when you're doing this is that if you kind of lose the kind of direction in which you're going and you want to know exactly where the hair line is going to be well you can just add a material to this particular part for instance like that and then it gives you an idea when you're using your hair tools when you haven't got it selected where the hair edges are this means that you're going to be within the bounds of where you're going to be using your grooming tools where the hair is gonna actually show so I've only got a few guides there at the moment I want to make sure that the length is a little bit shorter than this so we're going to go with something like that and I'm going to rename the hair fringe so this is going to be obviously for the fringe and I recommend that you make a different hair part for different hair objects this gives you much more control and it means that you're going to be able to work with it much easier when you do that especially if you're going to be using the hair system to generate hair but we're going to do something a little bit different today what I'm going to do is I'm going to create something really really basic I'm going to select a cube and let's just give it realistic size and length I think we can go for that I'm gonna make it quite small and that's a give it some segments as well the way I just want it to be like roughly kind of square segments that will do for me and I'm gonna make it editable to see key let's just move this off to the side okay I'm going to apply a subdivision surface to this and you can see this is what we get I'm going to just bring this down to one so we've got too much geometry that will do for me let's just reach like that okay it's just something really really basic as you can see there I'm going to apply the subdivision surface permanently so it's like this this is going to be essentially like a a bang of hair now in order to get this to be a bang of hair all we have to do is we go to the hair object it's a couple of things we have to do the first thing is is that don't want thousands of hairs to be on the head I wanted to be one hair per guide and to do this we go to the roots and you slipped instead of Aalto we go to as guides so it means it's going to have one hair for each guide that there is then this thing is as I want to be able to see the hair so for this we go to the where is it the editor we click on hair lines you'll see nothing at the moment detail 100% because we haven't got loads and loads of guides and before I go further to make this geometry become part of the hair system I just wanted to show you a couple of things why we've just got it looking like this what I want to happen is is that when I've got the geometry to be instanced where the guides are the hairs off is you're going to be thicker than the guides are now unfortunately when you're using this kind of system or setup it doesn't have the automatic collisions that you would like to have in other words the hair bangs aren't going to collide against the Java which is unfortunate but what you do have is you have a force field and the force field is found in the forces click hair to hair and inside here you've got this radius the what the bigger the radius that you set the bigger the force field is going to be around each of these guides and this basically means that when you set it roughly to the the width of the hair bank that we're going to be using it means that it's not going to collide well at least it tries not to collide it's not perfect but it's all we've got to demonstrate this I'm just going to select my brush tool and we just bring that closer you can see here at the moment here is doing absolutely nothing you just go back a couple of steps so let's just go ahead and add the geometry to the hair so that's like the fringe our French object and we go to generate the type is going to be an instance and in in the instance tab we want to just grab the object which is going to be our hair which is this one and then you'll see the geometry like this now if the geometry is very small or in fact you don't see it at all it's all down to the material so if we go to the material is automatically created for the hair and we look in the thickness you'll see that we've got the root and we got the tip the bigger the we make the roots the bigger the geometry at the roots going to get the bigger we make the tip the same happens what we can also do is we can use this curve to create a bit more form and shape so we can hold the control key add an extra knot in there and then pull this down so it goes a little bit thinner at the base and thinner at the tip but it's got a bit of a bulge you can see here as we can move it across there and it's going to be more evident when you kind of make that larger the good thing about this is you've got a bit of shape to it you've got a bit of control and it's so much you can do with this you can even use some of these other tools that you wouldn't even spec to have an effect on them like frizz kink etc to give it a bit of variation so that's pretty cool that you can do that I'm going to keep things really simple for us so I'm going to keep it like that you'll notice that when you use your brush tool which is in the move mode at the moment that when you start to groom your hair you've got it styling which is pretty cool that's just start to style this you can see by doing this that it's evident that you're better off to do a few at a time so you're going to get ultimate control over the styling you can see I'm really having an easy time with this I can really style this with ease and that's that's pretty cool that that will do me for the moment now when you go and select the brush tool and you activate collisions the collision radius will stop it from intersecting into the geometry you can see it it's all bouncing back and that's a little bit too heavy so we'll just take that down a little bit there we go now when you go back into the here object you can see here within the roots you've got this offset if you do it to a negative value you can see here that it kind of protrudes a little bit into the geometry so that's that's quite nice to be able to do that you can use a smaller value like naught point five not two point four and it just gives you that little bit of control just to push it a little bit into the geometry but that's entirely up to you I'm just going to leave it like that for the moment now it's nice to be able to use all of the grooming tools just a couple of things to mention here that if you go into your the modes you've got tips guides I like to work between tips and guides the tips kind of give me get it generally where I want but when I take it to the guides mode I'll get a little bit more control throughout the whole volume from the bottom to the top and this is a little bit more handy in this particular case now also which is quite good to keep in mind you can use your live selection and to select as one guide and then when you're going to use your grooming tools you can have selected only turned on and it means that doesn't matter how much you go across other guides it will ignore them and allow you to manipulate just that one so you can get a little bit more shape to individual pieces of geometry you can obviously see the merit in the way that this works and it is pretty good that you can do this also keep in mind that there's nothing to stop you from going back in here and selecting the add hair guides just clicking on there and it will keep on adding them if you look at use the interpolated in interpolation what it does is it allows you to add guides and it will add a similar form to the guides that are already there so you can click on there for instance and you can see here that it's added one almost in the same place the best thing I find to do in this particular circumstance is to go to a live selection and select all and it's going to select all of the guides and then when you go to stop adding guides okay I've just added a couple where now okay what you can then do is you can invert that selection and it's going to select all of the guys that you've just added this means that you're now able to go in there use your styling tool your styling and grooming and you're able to go in there and just pull out those guides that you've just added and it allows you to kind of really refine it much more better as you can see they like that you could all see obviously a new selection sets as well I'm going to invert my selection and then I've got control back over then that so you can kind of see where I'm going with it it's it's pretty interesting what you can do with this and yeah now another thing that you'll find quite interesting is the fact that this is live what I mean by this is that if I was to select this geometry and start to manipulate it you'll see the heads or the the kind of geometry hairs are actually changing alive as well and just to really illustrate this that's just move this a little bit closer to where the hair is so we can see this I'm going to select all of the geometry and I'm going to scale this so the hair becomes more flat like more like hair cards that you would expect it to be so it's quite handy to be able to do that I am sure you agree now that I've done this and this is going to be my fringe this is a couple of things I want to do go back into the hip object and where you've got generates amulets make sure you turn off the render hairs we don't need that to be on there and that's all I'm going to need to do for this next thing is I'm going to convert this to real geometry that is basically it's already drawn make sure you already but we want to make it so it's geometry that's not controlled anymore by the hair system so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to select this and make it editable C key and now you can see it's just geometry I'm going to just hide the original for the minute okay it's just geometry but the problem we now have is that it's all basically just one piece so in order to get around that problem we go to the mesh we go to conversion and click on polygon groups two objects when you do that it's going to separate all of your individual hair strands and it's going to give you the opportunity now to go in there and do some tweaking you can use for instance any of these deformers you could use the sculpting tools at this point and you can really get the style exactly the way you want it another thing you may want to do as well is maybe use the axis the center and we do that on the object itself so if we put it up near the top there and I'm just going to manipulate this with the snap tool turned on just so I can just lock it right here to the the peak of where the hair is it gives it a good pivot and position there that's better and you can do that on up her hair basis and I'll show you why I've done this it basically allows you to manipulate that hair individually and rotate it right from the root you can see there so you can do it on an individual basis and that's all said you can also do things like add the the ffd deformer and by adding the ffd t former it's going to allow you to have that a little bit more control so that's just where is it that's the one click fit appearance we can select that maybe ads select some vertices like that and then we can start to do more manipulation to it you can see there so you really have got a lot of options there and as I already mentioned as well you can also go in there and use your sculpting tools so we'd go to our brushes when you've got that selected obviously the geometry that one I do use that grab tool increase that brush size and you can make them more unique another little tip as well is that when you're making the first hair piece what you're better off to do is to make sure that you UV unwrap it so that basically whenever you got all of these clones they're all going to have their own movies already done this makes it so much more easier when you're going to be adding textures later on to your hair strands they become effectively proper hair cards in which they've got good newbies for and of course you can go in there one hour time and just really manipulate these until you've got it exactly the way you want it then you can update the UVs according to the new shape but I'm sure you can see the potential from what we've got here you can just keep on layering these over each other until you get it exactly the way you want it so that's it for instance we select this one here that's the one I want and just gonna move it up to the top of there yeah that's more like it should have been in the right mind when I did that that's it and then we can just do a little bit more lip and methylation there we go a bit more going through the contour of the hair and that's really it I mean you couldn't imagine what you were able to do with this you can go in there and say well that kind of deals with that area and then you can go in there and maybe just Nick one of these so for instance this one here hold on the control key and drag it outside and we can solve this call this sides as an example there and then we can use this for another hair object so that's for instance go back into the generic head do the exactly the same thing as before don't want no them add guides yeah well just just ad-free there for the minute okay going for the exactly the same prices I did before the hair needs to be set as guides you can even copy the original one before you kind of converted it over so you could use the exactly the same hair object that you've already been manipulating so you don't really have to do this from scratch every time you can go ahead and just copy it before that you basically break it down using that to make editable and you can just basically update the guides for the new guides that you've got on there it's the same haircut basically but if you wanted as colors see how you can do that use multiple hair objects look to my other videos that are dealing with just the hair settings and everything about the hair module itself so we've got that down I'm just going to quickly make that a little bit shorter this time I'm going to select the different hair objects this one's going to be called the sides and I'm sure you can see the potential for this I'm just using the sculpting tools afterwards just to manipulate it to be exactly where I want it of the shift key to smooth things down a little bit let's just do that on that as well brush size really large they go you can see here that I'm able to manipulate that pretty good of course they're only a few strands they're of hair but you can certainly keep building it up and up and up and up until you've got it exactly the way you want it the good thing about this is you're able to really manipulate each hair card or hair strands so that they're kind of overlaps nicely with the other ones they're kind of just a bell overlap each other they sit perfectly there we go I won't go any further with this I'm sure by now you get the idea of where I'm going with this and that's really it you could really have some fun with this and use the hair system to really groom and style your hair hair geometry before you even go to this stage and use the sculpting tools to really manipulate these strands on an individual basis to give them some unique character
Channel: CGDreamsTutorials
Views: 29,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 23 2018
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