Become a Pro at Redshift - Hair (Part 1)

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thank you hello Obama Kathy here from Bold and break I'm going to be doing a beginner's guide to hair in redshift and Cinema 4D today the class saying this one for too long time to get this one off the ground and running this is going to be kind of a mini series on hair it's not incredibly straightforward here and with redshifty civil 4D this video is going to be for super basic it's going to be for beginners and how to explore the hair node system it's not very streamlined yet Maxim will probably amend this in the future to be more streamlined let's get started with what we have a couple of things to note if you are using older versions of redshift there is a Shader called redshift hair all right there that is now depreciated meaning it does not work anymore with the newer versions of redshift it works but to depreciated note the up-to-date Shader to use with hair is principled hair we will get into that in a moment the first thing we want to do is press shift C and type in sphere make this affirmative make sure your render is set to redshift of course have our sphere selected press shift C again and type in hair and you will see these guides have been generated on our sphere okay let's go back here it's important to note if we go to our guides here you will see the sphere is linked if we remove that so if we don't have our sphere selected let's delete this again show so if we don't have the sphere selected and we press shift C and we type in here nothing is generated on the sphere so we want to drag our sphere into our link and the guides show up there okay cool let's put in a dome lights I should see again I don't like go to our assets browser just type in HDR and just drag in any old HDR okay now just to kind of explain and break things down so far we have the Cinema 4D hair object which is linking to our sphere and it's also using this hair tag incident 4D which we need to keep and I'll show you why in a second you can change the parameters of the properties within this tag to change the look of your hair thickness into specular and you can actually change the color Also let's just turn a render on and you'll see no hair is being generated on our sphere but if we press play these guides are Dynamic and they represent how the hair is interacting dynamically okay so let's put that back there and let's bring in our redshift principled hair tag pop it on there nothing is happening why is this go to your render settings and you will see this hair render make sure that is ticked on and our hair should appear now and there you go there is our fuzz ball of hair if we open up our principled hair Shader and red chips it is using the Cinema 4D attributes Shader it is converting that into the principled hair tag and outputting it here that can make things a little bit confusing and it does to be honest it can be a bit confusing jumping in between the tag the Shader the hair object and you've gotta kind of work your head around what system is best for you you can pretty much use this as it is but you will need to change some properties in the principled hair tag okay let's play the simulation on here and people render our hair here and you will see people have fallen it's not looking terrible but it's not looking great this nice little whip of hair up here okay so if we go in to our principled hair tag here we're not going to Deep dive into these properties but what you want to do is make sure your Albedo mix is up and that allows you to mix in colors a little bit better and you know you have your standard channels here roughness IRL but they act a little bit different with hair and so if you then go to your hair tag here and this is where it gets a little bit frustrating and confusing bring up this blue actress user preset you'll get this blue hair but go back into your principled hair Shader and turn down your lbl mix let's just go straight back to the default that we were presented with and so this Albedo mix allows you to kind of just change the amount of color that you're inputting from this hair tag here the other thing you could do let's just delete this I wouldn't recommend this necessarily as the only way to create hair instant but before we delete this we don't actually necessarily need to be using the colors from here I would keep this hair tag on because you can change things like the thickness so we put that to two the hair will become much finer there is a need to keep some of this and you could change the curvature of the hair which is Handy okay let's just put this to point eight now and then if we bring in ramp and let's see if this works let's bring in some full rainbow colors I put that into a Albedo Channel nothing is happening and you're like ah why so you need a Shader called hair position and what that will allow you to do is if you take the out scaler and pipe it in to the alt inputs you should now see your Rainbow gradient so this hair position is telling the ramp node where to apply this these all these colors on the hair object okay cool now we're going to leave it there for the shaders but there are some notes to do with your render settings which is important okay so with your render settings you have a choice to change the sampling from Pixel to vertex again we can go into this in later videos and then you have ability to change some of the parameters around your hair count your length and what objects are rendered using the hair and you can add some multi-pass channels which is actually very helpful so if you want to bring your hair into post and have control over the color um or you know even the reflections the specularity put your hair on the alpha Channel amazing control there and but for now we're just going to leave it there and we're going to explore different routes you can use different systems you can use with the principal tag with the Cinema 4D Shader hair tag um but yeah I hope that clears up some stuff for people if they're just looking to get in and understand how the hair system works in Cinema 4D we will be coming back with more videos on this and expanding it probably two two more videos are needed because it's quite deep subject hopefully one hopefully one please come below is there anything in the hair system you would like me to explore in the next few videos anything that confuses you I know myself I've got confused by her into everybody many times you're not alone maybe I'm alone maybe you haven't been confused anyway thank you for watching and good bye [Music]
Channel: Bold&Break
Views: 10,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mograph, Motion Design, Tutorial, Quick, Easy, Design, VFX, Creative, Tip, After Effects, Adobe, Hair Cinema4D, Hair Redshift, Guide on Hair in Redshift & Cinema 4D, How does hair work in Redshift, beginners guide to hair in redshift, introduction to hair in redshift, Dynamics Hair Cinema 4D, principled hair shader redshift, Cinema 4D Hair working with Redshift, How to render hair in redshift, Creating hair in Cinema 4D, Rendering hair in Cinema 4D, Redshift Hair
Id: zTufsYIwxbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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