Haddon Hall Estate - Bakewell - Derbyshire

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bahattin is a very very special place it's full of atmosphere full of beauty the gardens are amazing you can have picnics you can wander around the gardens and explore this extraordinarily beautiful and that respect place you may even spot a ghost the Haddon Hall is is one of the oldest has in the country I'd say it was built as a Norman fort in the in the 12th century coming as a bit like stepping back in time it's very untouched and the house itself is is a real rabbit warren because it's built over a number of centuries and sometimes their architecture doesn't actually fit together so there'll be staircases which go go nowhere little little bridges in the in the inside of rooms linking one side of the house to the other minstrels gallery is full of old tapestries and dusty paintings so as a child is amazing exciting to explore it's just like in a time warp and it's they haven't spoiled to it it's just as it always was and you can imagine people from all different ages walking through the gardens and through the hall and it's just magical really it's just so intricate and detailed that you can't just look at it once and say how I got it I have everything about it you can spend hours just looking at every little detail about it it's just beautiful this is history or they say stray yet you know it's all belongs together it's a beautiful setting it's gorgeous I think it's a place that anybody would enjoy I think that you know if you've got a bit of time and you can sit and appreciate it on a good day you'll get more out of it but I think it is just stunning that's probably nowhere quite like it most stately homes date from the Georgian period or 1600 1800s and we go back so much further than that that you can see the the foundation on which many of these latest styles of houses were built so basically it's very very old and you won't see another one like it the main building comes from about 13 70 but you can trace a lot of the building and developments of the house by who the Vernon family who owned it married if they're married well they did a lot of work a lot of building if they didn't marry so well things stayed the same for a few hundred years we have a beautiful medieval Chapel that was enlarged when a lady called Juliana PEM Berger married into the family we have the beautiful Great Hall that dates from her time as well and of course when the famous Dorothy Vernon took over here she and her husband John built their beautiful long gallery this room itself is one away of her favorite spots the long gallery builds in about 1580 classic it has a decent room as a child it was always amazing opening the door and walking in its extraordinary perspective and light and we saw run up and back it's also taught me it has a fantastic atmosphere about it it's meant to be a very haunted this room but it's wonderful item that was full of character the wall itself stands on a little limestone outcrop so it is raised above and we have to climb the steps to get there making it much more castle like in appearance than it would do otherwise the surrounding land is all organic so you see our lovely longhorn cattle grazing in the fields and perhaps some of the sheep and lambs as well it was actually built during the Hundred Years War the bulk of it was so it stood through the Wars of the Roses all of the to drop evil when Henry the Eighth was splitting with the church we had huge changes in our Chapel at that time and then through the Elizabethan era when again we had great changes the Civil War didn't touch it at all because it wasn't the main family residence at that time and most important to me no one sat round the fire in the Georgian period and said let's get Robert Adam to rebuild it and so it stayed just as it was when the family moved out in about 1700 until the present day the first thing I did was to Commissioner as a thirty-year restoration plan so which we're working our way through as time progresses we've caught up on most the most urgent restoration needed to be done when I took over but the whole point about the highest opening to the public is to contribute and pay for this restoration of the Hat so every penny of money made from the house opening goes into restoration work on the house now the house is open to the public throughout most of summer from April until October 7 days a week May till September and we try and provide a bit more of an experience to the public than just wandering around the house we've recently restored the gardens which have which are beautiful and we do a number of events throughout the air from Tudor groups there's musical evenings so we try and entertain the public as much as we can at the weekends otherwise it's just ugly to come during the week and just have it brother quietly to yourself there's a few people I think that's almost almost the nicest bit about having to come here and explore the place on your own and and soak in the atmosphere of it and wander around the garden above all else hadn't always very much a family home Lord and Lady Ed would live here and they have twin sons so we're safe for future generations and we do get the feel as we come in in the morning to work that we're very much part of the family of Haddon Hall it's important to us that this carries on you know we love to see the family here we love to see their dogs running around the house and you know the little touches that you get like the sofas around the fire that you only get really in what our family homes and that's very much the feel of having more you
Channel: John Collins
Views: 95,026
Rating: 4.9364018 out of 5
Keywords: Haddon Hall (House)
Id: f5kZyrCGA-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 22 2014
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