Hackthebox vs TryHackMe - Which is Best For You

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try hack me or hack the box we talked about both of them on this channel but which one is right for you which one should you get especially if you could only get one which one would i recommend that you pick so stay tuned to uh learn the answer to that question [Music] what's up guys this is ryan from elevate cyber now there's tons of resources out there like i say when it comes to learning and building up this skill set and uh two that really are at the forefront on this channel especially lately are hack the box and try hack me so i would say they're two pretty different platforms really even though they teach a lot of the same things i think that obviously both of them are of insane value and if you want to get them both you never go wrong with that but uh it really depends on what your current level is now obviously if you're interested in blue team stuff as well i would recommend try hack me because they actually have a a cyber defense path which that seems really really cool actually i would like to check that out down the line but uh they have that on there but if if we if we go back to you know probably most of my audience here you guys are probably into pen testing the offensive side of security so when it comes to that i would definitely say that uh depending on where you're at right if you are just starting out you're very beginner right let's cover that case first if you're a complete beginner to this stuff i would highly recommend try hack me i believe that it is the best platform out there for uh learning the stuff from scratch it's going to give you very handheld training it's really going to hold your hand and walk you through this stuff and build up your knowledge from absolute zero from the complete ground up because they'll go and they'll teach you networking they'll teach you how the web works as we saw in a video that i made recently they'll teach you all of these things assuming zero knowledge and at the same time what's cool is if you do have knowledge there's still good rooms where you can learn stuff as well you can kind of pick and choose what rooms you want to do so a lot of options there but by far when we're talking about the demographic the people that are new to this stuff i would definitely say start with try hack me if you want to get into some hack the box later get into hack the box but start with try hack me now if you were on a more intermediate level here's where it gets a little bit interesting you might want to go hack the box because uh hack the box is a more intermediate type of thing right yeah i mean heck you have to hack your way in just to be able to create an account on the site if that doesn't scream uh intermediate i don't know what does right and so you really have a wide range of boxes on there things that are pretty beginner level and then things that are pretty advanced level like way harder than oscp box level so it's a wide range of difficulty and it's it's definitely something that you know you can go out there and watch videos by guys like ipsec or john hammond any of those guys but it's going to be pretty hard to follow along if you're a complete beginner but when you're in at an intermediate level it makes sense i i definitely believe but at the same time there's still a lot of value at an intermediate level that you can get from try hack me i think the advantage to personally i think the reason that i would kind of more so recommend hack the box to an intermediate guy over try hack me is it has less hand holding and obviously if you're just getting your hand held every step of the way and all of a sudden you dive into oscp it's still going to be a bit of a shock factor like okay i don't have any guidance on this and i'm they just turned me loose and i'm trying to hack these boxes whereas if you do if you are intermediate and you go into some hack the box you'll be kind of used to you'll be a little more self-sufficient i feel like and used to like being in the ctf environment without any guidance unless you seek it out and look at a walkthrough or something like that so i think that uh for intermediate i think hack the box barely edges out over try hack me but again they're both excellent platforms to be honest with you and obviously if you're really advanced you can really go with either one you can always learn stuff from try hack me even as a review but maybe hack the boxes better because you'll get more challenging boxes really challenging ones but what's cool about try hack me is they cover so many different topics so maybe you're a really advanced pen tester but now you want to start learning what some of the stuff's like from the blue team side you can do the cyber defense path and then once you understand what they're using to prevent you from breaking in or to detect you then you become that much better at evading that stuff and maybe set up your own home lab and with this with these tools that you learn how to use on the blue team side and see if you can bypass the detection and stuff like that so maybe that's what you want to do a little hybrid approach uh if you're pretty advanced in this area so i hope that cleared up a lot of uh you know questions you guys might have had between the two platforms definitely a short quick video uh but i think it was definitely something of value stuff that i would have liked to have known from the start i didn't even know what trihack me was to be honest with you guys until a few weeks ago and i've really been i've been going hard in triac me lately honestly i've been uh i've been going through a lot of the i've almost finished the whole web the web web path but also the offensive security path i've i've done a lot of that as well offensive pen testing uh so about half of that and so yeah i've been loving it so far let me know what is your favorite platform let me know down in the comments section below and definitely uh check out my notes down in the description they are absolutely free and can help you no matter which platform you decide to use it's certainly on the oscp as well and check out my videos what you need to know for oscp if that is something that you are interested in i'll have it right over here hit the subscribe button if you're not subscribed already and the like button to help get this message out there to help someone decide that perhaps might be a little bit in the dark as well and i will see you guys in that video
Channel: Elevate Cyber
Views: 5,183
Rating: 4.8726115 out of 5
Id: osWbitXB6DY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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