TryHackMe! LIVE King Of The Hill

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why so difficult yeah that's probably the most known you move that star start their torture that good enough you James I'm unlike my fresh arch install so I'm very very nervous cuz like I'm a fumble it looks bad on the stream public humiliation I just volunteered for I mean I kind of figured that you got that with the email I'm in judges know people strategies are because if people are gonna actually defend or if they're gonna like go for King or I guess it depends on the box right yeah what whatever it could do is if they're streaming all just have the screens open and now I hear myself coming through my stream i can insane asylum of the internet Oh God Foley six viewers that's a lot of people yeah that's that's easy to achieve Ilya up the chip and dashboard twitch versus YouTube again blah hello people in chat that I keep forgetting to read because all the way in like the far right in my peripheral vision I don't know how well I can particularly fix my stream being garbage but actually if you missus streaming it would make sense if you know if I aren't the strats to have like another couple of mullet in doing so I can I get a copy you know see what you're doing I think he cut out a little bit kiddies really is a robot confirmed hey they didn't need to know that it's time we read him after this I need to live it's not optional how much does discord allow for like streaming inside the Hangout one person at a time oh whoa yeah I think they hoped it to like 150 recently I don't know my YouTube side is kind of garbage right now and I feel bad you can stream in discord for up to 50 people you can only be watching one stream at a time but it actually works pretty well hmm I swear they up there recently dog because yeah the pandemic made them that was totally the fire alarm at my house that's hilarious [Laughter] yeah they upped it from 10 to 50 I thought they upped it and 50 to something else my bad [Music] come get ready drop walking that's a shame yeah pyro that's the reason it's not activated okay I think my quality is at least not crippling but it doesn't look the best whatever you guys here in the discord may be cool just lurking in the background yes I'm making sure I'm monitoring everything but if something goes all right I've never seen so many people on mantra hackneyed I'm not gonna lie all right let's be a shame right now if the proxy has some issues oh god I'm thinking the Advent challenge oh my goodness brutal yeah and those are the days okay yeah the day that the proxy got and let's just say hey hey guys hey I'm the more one that's on and the site is dead please God send help I came back I nicked my phone I wait what yeah like 50 messages for me that we're oh my god this site is dead I'm freaking out Please Please I don't know what's going wrong I doubt that that's that that's that I should be okay then please take it real quick yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna Jonnie when it counts down it has expired it might take between like one to two seconds for it to like update now I think I should be alright once the machines deployed and stuff that's my my uh my viens having a few issues it still thinks it's 12 minutes away yes we fresh that bad why my VM will possess the earthís wait hold up it's not eleven and a half minutes away my missus hmm which mean there's gonna be a lot back and forth I don't know maybe do we have a five-minute delay or anything I see mine says Hague starts at 9 minutes p.m. lines the same so I'm doing pretty good nerves and caffeine shakes is a good mixture my stream still looks a little crappy but I think considering the time we'll just have to roll with it you do that no no my look third you medial cuz I round about now wouldn't surprise me I could rely on you not saying Virgin Media cutting out because that would mean I cut out to you please my face but we really need is AWS take a break around about now now he's now all right I don't know what to expect I'm nervous I know why I'm nervous tonight play it could be any one of us tonight back to ya oh we just sitting in a room with everyone staring at me like that is broken and like yeah I know some level of just sheer booze to think they look like 40 students staring at you like it was even worse because of the memes channel on slack what you do is you just expand it so that it's on CTF time anyone can take part but the prize is only go to universities wait I think I think the university shooter that's blood more honestly let's see how a you CTF goes tomorrow cuz I'm done the exact same it's a college that's opened it up to the Internet yeah that's interesting to see how all go if it works well wack 3 yeah definitely one way to get a massive influx I've just had a big brain for I'm streaming under try height me on Twitch I wonder how far up to the like games list it'll be let me just change mine to try and hack me as well wet wet wet find out shall we actually get higher up with science and technology which is I didn't even realize I was in science and technology I'm not gonna lie to you I didn't really adjust anything up within my title when I went live I'm in the 200 range have you switched yet optional the answer is yes however I'm gonna mute myself because we were like in here it's clapping outside my window they're just congratulating you I think it's more the fact that like I live on a road that has so many care homes that you just get all the families lining up without practicing social distancing and you know this feels really weird I feel like I need to like because people are watching and because this is like somewhat of an actual competition I feel like I need to like limber up or like stretch I figure what's your that red vs. blue thing and everyone was the blue team was just born into terminal power if that doesn't matter I go be disappointed I don't think I have any terminal parrot preps but listen the repos but I don't think these machines have internet do they know yeah I'll use my other trick if I if I can get it in time is that GoPro the curl peridot life bashers II gotta love it oh boy I've connected the VPN so hopefully uh is your uh wet bug you refresh pulpit time it's like keep going up and down oh the page on my side yeah I look into that we will love the I've seen that a bit timers normally my computer is at the like 3280 resolution or whatever the Dell XPS has by default but that was giving me trouble for the stream so now I just forced it to 1920 by 1080 which with whatever dpi settings just makes it look like garbage but we're on a time crunch so I guess we'll just play we'll just do it yeah two and a half minutes let's go I've forgotten how to type what's nmap yeah you should be warming up you're you're like hands and fingers for all the typing you're gonna do for all the one-liners should be warming up my hands and fingers okay give me a sir it's furious typing on your daughter well at least there are a lot of people in the stream so appreciate you all coming to hang out watch me get slaughtered since people don't shut down the box they don't have a full sense of security before that's what Jones eats nestled into with no known as real as I can be like that doesn't matter I've got a I'm gonna create a repository of binary so yo can we have a debrief a little after this I so like what the heck you guys all use to board up the windows without giving too many secrets away oh man watching the timer go down is just so nerve-racking in 10 that's like the fact that we're waiting for it though a lot more laser pation the original beta test for this was intense on its own but when you know there are hundreds of people watching yeah it's horrendous we need to do is remove Tuco binary and dance screwed just Ilyas the code binary to something some really random IP address okay what are you doing what well that's a fantastic way to start the game this is what happens when you use a fresh install what is that in physically shaking that's right I've just been slamming my head into t-mike's the last five seconds ya know my IP address has changed no what's this those randomness what not having n map kind of screwed me over Ark right off the bat so oh it's gonna pop IP address wait for end map to cut about exit my thing okay no I should probably meet myself let me say that I don't have bus or do I sure hope and that is in the aur yep just go hope you don't mind me talking to myself throw the entire thing Oh what what what what why is it a window I was expecting post are you god I need a port scan oh oh oh I'm choking yeah you have me puzzle again no you suck do that again Shrek what is that Tomcat sketch I hate having people that are watching because I know if I were to look at the chat there are people screaming at me for what I should be doing yeah I'm nice oh that's definitely not as easy as the first yeah and we're you're not kidding there's no quick and easy hang with where's web command when we need it where's my where's my get parameter code execution well I'm glad that no one is in so that makes me feel a little bit better no nervous laughter as someone gets no pressure we're five minutes in just this must be what DEFCON calls feels like if you actually know what you're doing well I appreciate that thank you [Music] that's on the thing that's all thing that's a lawyer I can't do that I love it 121 people watching me choked at least you just gotta choke as fast as you can just like throw your your hands across the keyboard just go just get a whole man I really wish I had actually done my homework on this thing because I know this is a potential new thing I'm just doing a [ __ ] space some one of these vulnerabilities and I said now I'll be fine I'll do that afterwards I was that's just a proof of concept how does this program what is that what is it the heck is that port I don't know oh that's not help that's my rock mm all right all 632 people watching the stream totally give me a lead nothing yeah this seems to I'm just gonna fuzz for a command Graham or anyone what's evident oh this is the exact no my phone is going off I'm sorry for people that are screaming at me find that exploit page again what are you choked on that congratulations to spooky for taking the first flag now first of all the board with 30 points I did that a while ago hey I'm gonna go out no let me say this is a otic box it was random it was it was picks between some randomly picks for boxes out there like we have that one off the foil yeah and John's on the board net with 30 points as well oh you stink I should really let it jokin go of me my sequel please let go of me no you - what else we got nine and I'm waiting that one yeah yeah yeah just go don't do that don't do that crap you totally do that oh oh there we go that's black wait wait I don't like that I don't like that one bit let me out what yeah guess of my life and on that note it looks like both Sherlock and optional are now on the board - with 30 points everyone is high 30 points except for it looks like fellow Mouse and horse shirt we're still not quite on the board gets harder and harder because more people seem to you know offend so the longer you leave it up Emily hey somebody clip that please can we edit this in post oh look it looks like we've completed this in like five minutes why am i searching for this I should know this command off by heart by at this point and right as I said it elmo's is also on the board now with 30 points oh is that something that we can use where are you running that from wait a second Oh god I hate UT mucks I just want to go back to terminator why do I do this to myself John I'm gonna ask you to take that back I should have just used the things that I normally use not trying to be cool for the internet that's fine you can redeem yourself out you choked that's how that's good right I'm doing my darndest 30 minutes left we have five Lord horse trek still lagging just a little bit behind both CP catches up soon whoa what the hell is that Wow oh yeah that's my favorite move that's how it's gonna be I am frustrated oh maybe that's why I can't believe it all right looks like we're back to the drawing board oh come on Tim quit screwing with me John do you want to break down that move that you just did after the game wraps absolutely fantastic my favorite Jana I don't I don't want I don't want to uh I don't want to share that with ever it's like my favorite trick I'm kind of surprised that this user could do it not gonna lie Oh God dang it I'm an idiot I'm such an idiot hurry up oh hey thanks for clicking that who have a clip that somebody's doing fun things why never came back hey hey there you know I'll do it again if I have to buddy 26 minutes left and we still don't have a king I think we're hackers no I'm so upset because I feel like I have please I need fights we have to lay at some point wait a second dammit that was a stupid idea crap yes what what don't you dare what oh go go go okay okay ladies and gentlemen we have a king John has taken king with 23 minutes left to defend his title can he do it better like I've been fumbling this whole time is that really a surprise this is where it gets funky cuz we're gonna disappear I want this and let's do that now just one quick announcement folks even though we do have a king it's not over there are eight additional flags still on the box if you can find them from coming them yeah if you can find them that points up for grounds you don't have to be king to win this do I want to fire this gun because I feel like it will hurt me I think we both know the answers yes you got to go for it okay that being said being the king certainly does help and we do see that John has moved into the lead with a hundred and thirty points everyone else has thirty on the board so they're gonna have to do some work to catch it up or at me like that start why you like this dart enjoys Oh music that was something oh I should actually put that in effect come on no no no that's not what I want you shush i oh that's annoying mmm you guys ever at that point were just like I don't even know what to do anymore that point you just slamming a head at key wood and praying something what yes oh my goodness I had my other mic muted now it looks like bellows has taken a jump in points he's at a hundred and ten and he's the current king - what AC now oh come on no pressure there's only about 800 people watching you job I didn't sign up for this I don't know optional I'm sure like people watching them as well so they're definitely uh they're in for it this is really freaking me out my pride hey John my head went out I think that the freaking out part would be solved by trying harder that's true looks like John is the king again so fellow boss has been knocked off his pedestal and John is back up to 140 points with the most insect place at 110 and then everyone else has like 30 all right I'll just make something dirty force this I guess 20 minutes left on the board let's see what happens folks [Music] what I just like all mine what no no no no damn it down I don't think I can get back in after that damnit wait now just to make things interesting did want to toss this out there there are four other ways in that haven't been found can we get a get a nudge one way that you can look to get in is by using a popular go based tool and that's or even know what a popular go based tool I just must be stupid elmo's has once again become the king he's still behind in points at 1:30 and John is at 1:40 but that won't hold on for very long no I think this track means best again I'd just like to remind everyone that there are many many other flags on the box that can be found so it by no means is this over it's anyone's game folks I hope I'm not crossing a line but like cursing every now and again you know given the circumstances I think that's just fine ok cool wait we can request resets can't wait I can be a jerk you gotta have a few people doing it like real people that's - yeah all of you others can help me out here sorry one more buttons all tied up everyone oh wait knew I peed that's new and then it resets you again ok ok enough is that up no no yet let's guys up is he no now it looks like fellow most even with that box reset is still king so times a-tickin 14 minutes left on the clock it's still anyone's game I don't know okay I guess let's go back to this what's going on yeah are you doing wait a second how much of it is reset bulk okay I just show me okay so what we want I'm in but I'm stay stuck I don't count him out yet folks it looks like Sherlock has claimed another flag bringing him up to 60 points he gets King it could be a harbor Turk do I have any favors to caption because I'd like to cash them in now I'd like you to think about what you're asking if we've ever earned anything ever work this is a lie that just doesn't do it oh wait even if I wanted it to you wouldn't I can't believe it I accidentally like knocked myself out didn't set up any persistence alright darkstar what about this FTP guy now you realize with asking me questions I'm going to mislead you [Laughter] you know what I'm gonna throw you guys one more bug just because I'm such a nice guy I know you're all thinking that right now there's a certain endpoint that's as well but I don't know if I want to give you guys those quite yet I'm so angry I should not have used a new install ten minutes left on the board looks like we've still got fellow MOS and jon hamm and tied for first with a hundred and forty points each coming up in third we have Sherlock and then it looks like everyone else is still up thirty points with one fly that's just not gonna do anything for me is it yeah yeah and a word list oh I understand my darkman I heard a little rig roll over there is that right got it good that's the thing if it I can't scroll up right now it's very frustrating what what what that's always a thing which one of you is evil will that work oh no way oh okay what do I do have a shell script no I have an open VP info what do you do with that worry I'm joking what what is this oh really that's upsetting looks like we have a new toy or looks like third place with Sherlock's sack and optional both now having two flags oh and as I said that Sherlock has another flag putting him at 90 points just over five minutes left on the clock still tied for first with 140 points for file most a hundred and forty points for John Hammond this is weird ladies and gentlemen we have a new king sure look SEC has put himself on the top he's got a hundred points right now in is our new king just under five minutes left let's see what happens King for like four minutes he'll win just it looks like he's gained 15 more points as well potentially yeah he has one more flag so he's a hundred and fifteen points how many flags there on this don't worry about it what am I supposed to do with that and check if you hover over the flag icon optional under flexor man eight looks like sure like psy you're sure she looks like her like son is now in the lead with a hundred and forty five points with five flags and just over three minutes to go it's still anyone's game it looks like optional is making some gains as well he's sitting at a hundred and thirty points so the scoreboard is as follows sure like son you're sure like say oh my goodness in the lead with a hundred and forty five points elmo's and jon hamm and tied for second at 140 points and then optional bringing up the rear at 130 points what is that supposed to do what is going on shuttle seriously oh okay fantastic oh I can't leverage this into oh my goodness what a turn of events optional is now our king and he's put himself in first please 170 points followed in second place by Sherlock SEC and then tied for third we have Elmo and John Hammond they optional you want a skirt I got a script you might appreciate with just over a minute and a half left on the clock some might say it might almost be ogre did you guys choose this room solely for that joke I want you to know I've been holding out of that that was awesome on the time script it that's not actually being interpreted so I can't do anything with it one minute left Bree looks like Sherlock sec is our King again he's sitting at a hundred and sixty-five points just below optional who's in first with a hundred and seventy it's gonna be a game this might be a tie game better you call my ado boy we have 20 seconds left 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 nice game name optional now that you've won do you have anyone you'd like to thank the binary all right so I want to hear about that chatter binary cuz I don't know who was who was modifying and disabled in it so when I ran it and like first I got a permission denied which confused the heck out of me did someone do anything to it see this is the thing I moved to chat binary from my local box to the things I always he for a static binary for it even that was giving permission denied hmmm what I wanted to do had I jumped in and actually had the chatter so just from teachings and tipping's I would probably alias chatter itself to like been true so whenever I won the one I would use the full path but then if people didn't know then they would just go ahead and run chatter without realizing that it's doing nothing all right anyone else have any other questions do we have any questions from the chat I don't know how you guys did because I found stuff but never even else to actually get something out of it so frustrated right now I want to chat oh we all got in already want to see how dumb I am like first of all I found their commands in the web server I came bearing the source then I found I the Metasploit to get into dumb chat and then finally thanks to dark I checked the API thing and managed to make a new user or somewhere and didn't get time to get did anyone get in other than the SSH key yeah I got in this donkey okay so can I ask and it's all free so when I got in you know it says if you go into slash bar does the dub HTML there's that CP one that RSA keys for donkey no not eisenhower I got in FTP was how I going even how did I do that what did you do with FTP yeah I'm sure I don't want to like if these are trade try Acme secret so one of the you find in the database credentials to get in his API when you're on a Shrek I'll go into the database as the root owner of it and you can dump the FTP credentials so you can FTP and get a message and then get donkeys password man I really should have ran Lynn peas because it sounds like that gave you guys some more in let me think give me anything we're really enough i I just got to a point where I scraping the barrel praying for a hit on something I mean I guess because my sequel was open you could have made sense like oh there's got something in this database that's smart so I what you missed there was an John you did find a number of these there were a number of ways that you could get in through sub directories on the actual web server so one of them was API and other one was upload upload Johnny were playing with it with for a little bit I believe you could have just uploaded shellcode and had it executes after you navigated to it oh say that again I'm sorry so you were playing with this a little bit there is a slash upload subdirectory yeah on the web server if you upload a executable code I want to say it was a PHP web server it would have actually if you navigated to it it would have opened up I it would have ran the code gotcha so just a heads up I did want to let everyone know King the hill is gonna be open up this Sunday on try Hackney it is going to be we're working out a couple more kinks I think we're gonna rework a little bit of the reset functionality there just to play with it a little bit more but otherwise starting this Sunday you can play king of the hill on your own sweet not even be there we still going for what we did I was just the quickly crash get cracking and hatch for later use one quick note public games will be available from tomorrow private games will be available from Sunday going forward so you can make aims just with your friends on Sunday going forward but you can play with anyone so just I'll click join a public game at the same time tomorrow did you um we already gone through what we were how we got in sorry I phased out trying to just gather the bits you were getting next time I got in as all free users bow using telnet FTP fruit alna I escalate through using Carl and then I just did a find command on the root for anything called flag I found the hidden dacha files I found pretty much everything that's why I submitted like free flags right at the end I took rescue IV binaries like on the small end bulletin but none of them were popping a shell for me was that you guys the only way actually no I think you saw it again my bad I looked for su ID but I couldn't really find any yeah there was one moment where I was like I'd had enough and I was like yeah I'm not gonna get anywhere here so for okay let have some fun kilns and TTY sessions I get the I show all the TTY sessions and I type ap kill Tecna impact II pts slash zero thinking I'll just kill them not realizing that slash zero was my own shell oh and then the SSH keys of a shrek got changed so that's so that was the first thing I did when I got on the Shrek and Donkey I removed their public keys and replacing with mine yeah region who's who's uh who's host name is Paris well optional so I guess my other tit but I know some people are asking the trick that I liked when I spanned everyone's terminal if you just run if you just hit W to see the people that are logged in you can see their pts or their like their pseudo terminal so I cat dev you random and then redirect it to dev pts their number normally only root can do that so I was kind of surprised that that Trek was able to but it floods you for a little bit and it would be really evil to route to like scrip that and do that constantly but well this game modes coming out soon so I've got plenty of time yeah I do want to toss in there one quick note this is just one of the boxes we have a rotation I want to say there's like four or five total and we do have more of these being developed so it won't always be the same box it might be this one that you get so just one of our examples so just a general question what's the box rotation gonna look like like how often are you gonna rotate new boxes in and out every month so we're gonna play up that a little bit but it's mostly gonna be a monthly rotation that we can rotate them in and rotate them out and that way folks also have the opportunity to do write-ups on them after a while so five-day machines and then the five old ones will have write-ups that go up with them and that will list out so there are always many many different ways into the box it's just a matter of how many can you actually find and we'll have all those in the actual right up there this was incredible because my stream got like flooded with BOTS I don't know but it was been tracking mine but it's a horrific oh my gosh it was it was a sight to see and it was beautiful so did anyone realize the donkey had full pseudo palms after a while what did I manage to get that into up myself she just stood the moment no one's looking at it now honestly I hadn't even broken into donkey yes um out of interests stuck with the poor rotation is it's gonna be a full new poor or you're just gonna be pulling sait half of the pool and then replacing them it is gonna be a full new pool that's perfect we may play with that a little bit so our plan currently is to take the old pool retire them to be individual rooms so if you want to still play them with friends you just spin it up and you say hey everyone I'm gonna beat on this box and then you guys all have that one to beat on it's super cool perfect I didn't almost have any brain questions any cautions on how things happened things like that excellent well this has been tri Hackney's king of the hill thank you everyone for playing along great work everyone that competed you guys did a great job this really was a close game and I hope you guys all realize that a 30-point spread between 1st and 4th well third eye that is not a lot of points that is one flag okay one quick reminder we do have an AMA tomorrow for myself and the other two administrators I want to say it is at 3 p.m. Central time tomorrow so just a quick heads-up otherwise anyone else have anything than when I had feel free to shout it out now you know I think we would be thank you to John Downey option well hey this has been an absolute blast I was a lot of fun and I'm definitely to do more of this this is fantastic thank you a skinny ones competitive coming out come on the game right but I want I want to be challenged you're killing it king of the hill make it happen we might do some competition to pick off but just discuss you have a prize at the end that we confirm that could be fun I can't wait the people to do mine boats as well oh wait is it live now or no well your box will good know is it about to go live to the public now or not from tomorrow tomorrow and by tomorrow you can play a public game and then Sunday you can it's just uh give us us time to iron out a few bugs that have seen cool well thanks everyone for playing I'm gonna jump really close yeah this is a blast guys thank you so much we'll have to do this again soon thanks next season boxes cuz it's a rotation right mm-hmm so on the rotation we do it again for it yeah the show if you want to get smacked around again sure life it was cool I feel like we were all in it for a while oh yeah you I'm just keeping an eye on the box and everyone had a foothold for the most part I see one number that's bigger than the others so I'm happy with take what you give them you know I'm saying sir I feel like you're trying to try to find some sort of victory in this and clearly you got sucking attention to my chattering I just like sir if Ricky Bobby has taught me nothing yeah if you ain't first you're last yeah but like losing by five points as well as than being last come on you say that feel better here so well GGG good game everyone okay you next time on hey Dad on a good night second place is the first loser just reminded me about the voice chats are all the text chats the smack talk has been amazing I highly recommend going through and just paging through the stream cats it's it's what that that's something special or there's some on the under or on surround twitch yeah so and optional and then Dan are both live on Twitch and they have a couple hold ups saved which are while don't just which water matically save the full videos so it will go the way twitch works it will go into your content if you go into video video producer on your dashboard you'll be able to download it to do any modifications to it okay can you tell me it's for the afterwards yeah I took it for it um doc that question is this alright to up obviously I know it's an active box so it's probably a no where does it stand on YouTube for this um let me get back to you on that one-city says it is fine for just this one since it was a live stream so I'd say go for it I know I John I can imagine you know probably upload this or something like that so go for it go wild this one it's there's plenty of other boxes and rotations so I'm concerned I mean that anybody's if anybody's making a video feel free to use clips for mine I just need to get that click bake title on also uh Ben says thank you for asking yeah while are there any rules on taking notes on say cracked very passwords Dan doesn't plan on losing anymore yeah there's a reason why I mean there's a there's a shadow hashing so have you cracked yes I have it was ridiculously easy hash catches so did it instantly like we're talking six characters on my tiny lips okay yes you ain't but thank you I now have that ready to crack to be fair I might just give it to you later but that ruins the fun you forget I love running hash cow at the moment why could I not come to have a heart attack I can eat just like hey what's that we need to actually try hard yeah I'm down in the rest of this Red Bull literally until dark comes out and goes and optional world I hadn't looked at the scoreboard I didn't know what was going on I just know I had an echo optional winter king dot txt Lou's going III was a I knew I was close but I didn't realize it was gonna be five points clothes I couldn't let you get that hundreds that win rate down I'm sorry better than Miley clear that sounded like you're crying a little bit inside when you said that hey at least I got in the top six oh I meant about your league I mean I'm in the top six i'm mathie from it top six they remember seven people playing and one one was Ben and he just had his account on it to spit it haha that clean how many flags whether out of curiosity I only got the user flags because I got five but I'm not sure how many there actually were the the answer of that is don't worry about it I'm gonna drop off and wrap things up but thanks again guys this has been like absolutely awesome this was a ton of fun so yeah thank you for joining us thanks for the competition yeah GG cool take care guys alright YouTube stream it's just you and me sorry for that friggin bot spam I was I was seeing that kind of just I like literally didn't pay attention to chat whatsoever what we were doing this and I could feel my phone going off like people are probably trying to text me - no I mean like yo you got stupid blots in your chat anyway I hope that was a lot of fun I hope it was something kind of cool to watch it was weird I felt like man it's so funny to feel so much pressure and so easy to feel so much pressure when it's like I don't people are watching and you're like fumbling over your fingers from a tie-pin the keyboard and doing stupid things like locking myself out or forgetting to submit the user flags that might have put me over the edge I don't know but hey this is a blast I really want to play more of these so thanks guys for watching I don't know how to end this this feels really weird alright let's just end this bye I'll see you in the discord
Channel: John Hammond
Views: 130,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 41sec (4841 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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