H1B Visa Interview Questions & Answer | H1B Visa interview in India

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hello everyone welcome to stilts video series a non-immigrant visa issued by the United States of America the h-1b visa allows companies in the u.s. to employ foreign workers and occupations that necessitate the knowledge and technical expertise in specialized areas such as engineering architecture science mathematics along with medicine the visa holder will need to have a minimum of a bachelor's degree or its equivalent in order to apply for this h-1b visa interview is the final part of the application before they issue the visa the applicant must convince the official asking the questions that they are fit to get the h-1b visa you must not miss the interview under any circumstances the u.s. embassy official will first ask you to hand in copies of your supporting documents this includes your approved form i-129f it and your other qualifications you must make sure that you have the file with you so you do not seem unprepared the official will start asking questions the sections of the questions they will ask are in these parts general questions qualification questions h-1b company background questions some of the general questions could be as follows question why do you wish to visit the United States of America or what is the purpose of this trip the reason to travel to the USA is for the purpose of employment applicants must also mention the name of the company that you will be working with question what will you work at the aforementioned company individuals must mention the position that they will be taking up with the company along with the responsibilities that they will be handling question have you ever been to the United States of America before individuals must answer verifiably and if they have visited before they must provide details as to when they visited the States and for how long such as business or van etc question have you studied in the United States of America applicants must answer appropriately and if they have studied they must provide details of the University and course that they studied in question are you planning to return to your home country if so why individuals must respond appropriately and provide all necessary details question are you married if so for how long individuals must answer yes or no question do you have family in the United States of America applicants must tell the authorities if they have family members residing in the US and also the cities that they stay in question why do you want to work in the United States of America individuals must provide an honest answer to this question and outline all the reasons why they wish to work in the u.s. question have you applied for an immigrant visa in any other country applicants will have to provide appropriate and honest answers to this question and if they have procured an immigrant visa general details regarding that must be provided qualifications question what are your educational qualifications applicants must provide verifiable answers question are you studying currently individuals must provide verifiable details regarding the same question what subject did you major in applicants must provide details of the subject that they have majored in or are currently majoring in and also reasons for choosing that particular major question can I see your degree / educational certificates applicants must provide all certificates regarding their degrees question did you undertake any research projects while studying individuals must provide verifiable answers and also provide general details regarding this question what is the subject of this research paper or thesis applicants must provide verifiable details regarding the research paper or thesis question what year did you graduate in individuals must answer this question honestly and also mention details if they have backlogs question do you have prior job experience individuals will have to provide verifiable details regarding their job experiences and provide supporting documents for the same as well current employer or h-1b employer question what company do you work for as of now individuals must provide details of their current employer along with supporting documents question how long have you been working for this company applicants must provide verifiable information regarding the same and be honest with their answers question what are your current responsibilities individuals must provide details of the responsibilities right from the smallest one to the most important responsibility documents supporting this are also welcome question why are you leaving your current company individuals must provide a generic but diplomatic answers such as international exposure and better growth question please show us your experience letters individuals must show original supporting documents question how did you come to know about your employer in the u.s. individuals must provide verifiable and appropriate answers they can also be specific if they can such as mentioning the name of the job portal they received the answer from and so on question how did you contact the employer in the US an appropriate and verifiable answer must be given by the individual in case the individual has a direct answer such as answering a request online than they can say so question what is the name of the company you will be working is it legitimate individuals must provide a verifiable answer and also proof of the legitimacy of the company by providing supporting documents and information about the h-1b sponsor company question provide general information about your employer applicants must provide basic information and structure of the company and easy to understand in simple terms question how many years has your h-1b employer been in business and what is their annual turnover in case applicants know the exact answer they must provide the details otherwise it is safer to say that they aren't very sure question how many employees work at your sponsor company in case applicants know the exact answer they must provide the details otherwise it is safer to say that they aren't very sure question how many rounds of interviews did you have to go through applicants will have to provide a verifiable answer along with a brief description of each round question how was the interview conducted individuals will have to provide appropriate answers such as whether it was over the phone Skype etc question what is the salary that you will receive in your sponsor company applicants must provide a verifiable and exact figure question where in the United States will you be working do you know the cost of living in that city applicants will need to tell the interviewer exactly where they will be put up and an approximate cost of living whatever a realistic figure is question did you have to pay for your h-1b petition related expenses individuals will have to answer yes or no as appropriate question what will your duties be applicants will have to explain their duties briefly question what projects is your sponsor company engaged in applicants will have to give a brief description of the project that their sponsor company will engage in with examples if need be question please show us your tax related documents applicants will have to provide all their tax related documents without any hesitation question can I see some photographs of your sponsor company individuals will have to show photos of their company and as many as possible it would be advantageous if they show photos of the company's exterior as well as the interior question how do you plan on supporting yourself until you receive your paycheck individuals will have to give a brief and honest answers such as I have saved a certain amount of money when I was with my previous company which I can convert to dollars if the employer is providing accommodation or loans then the interviewee must mention this detail question please show me documents pertaining to your project applicants must provide all documents such as appointment letters and other details and all these must be printed on the company letterhead question please show us the income tax return documents of your sponsor company individuals will have to show the necessary documents question please show me your I 129 and I 797 these documents must be provided the I 129 is the document provided by the employer for the purpose of h-1b and I 797 is the h-1b document of approval from USCIS there is no definite answer about how long the h-1b visa interview is there are cases when the interview can last for an hour but there are also cases when the official will only ask three or four questions however you should prepare for an interview of around 30 minutes long most h-1b visa decisions are made immediately after the visa interview the interviewer decides to give you the visa and they will stamp your passport right there you will get the passport and then you can start making travel arrangements we hope this video has been helpful to you at stilt we provide financial services for immigrants and the underserved subscribe to our channel and visit stilt comm for more details [Music]
Channel: Stilt Inc.
Views: 239,299
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Keywords: h1b visa interview, us visa interview questions and answers, us visa interview, h1b visa preparation, h1b visa usa, mistake of US visa, h1b visa mock interview, h1b visa process 2020, h1b ds 160 filling
Id: JlH-wVCOdDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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