GW2 WvW Power Vindicator Complete Guide - Buffed Hammer and Huge Damage

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hello guys and welcome back to my Channel today I want to talk about the power Vindicator for war versus SW this build always existed since the Vindicator came to the game but lately it's rarely seen around because scrap holosmith and Berserkers mostly they are just better at generating downies because they have huge burst but this build was buffed a bit and also it never was bad so I decided to cover it again I made a video about this bid like one year ago so it's time to refresh things up and also to talk about the small change which also ended up being a big change because it's basically the reset of your skill two on your Hammer whenever you hit your skill five so you have double burst on your skill true this is the build I've been using we run Devastation invocation and Vindicator some of these trades could be changed I will tell you which alternative you could be using so let's start from Devastation the first tra is mandatory because basically is 10% damage increase to enemies which are above 80% threshold this is very good to generate downies because the enemies will be full HP most of the time when we start and we will have a ranged bomb with our Hammer two three five and two again and our out attacks and also our scavenger burst everything is ranged so we will benefit from this a lot we will bring the enemies below 80% and then the other classes could end the enemy when we get on melee and also ourselves of course then we have notoriety this tra is very good because might grants us more power but less condition damage earlier one stack of Might was just 30 power with this tra we get 40 power instead of 30 so it's big to have if you see your party is struggling with Fury you could also be going for Assassin's presence which basically Al will pull Fury around you for 3 seconds once every 10 seconds when you are in combat but I would not recommend it because notoriety is a big damage increase and fury should be provided by other classes especially supports then here we have brutality or Swift termination let's start from Swift termination basically you deal 20% more damage to enemies which are below 50% threshold which is very strong to finish down the enemies but still the enemies we will will have a lot of bounds a lot of barriers a lot of heals so maybe this tra is not the best because if everyone takes this tra it means that the damage to bring the enemies from 100% to 50% will just not be there maybe so you can't expect the other classes to do the job for you and in my opinion you you should just go for brutality because we gain quickness whenever we swap weapons while in combat and also every attack we do we deal two enemies will remove one stack of stability per attack once per second per enemy and this only happens if we have quickness so this is very good to remove especially a lot of boms from the enemies because there is a lot of stability from chronomancers Scrappers Druids firebrands and so on so I think this would help much more than this tra which basically this tra will start to proc when the fight is already over because if an enemy is below 50% Health Thresh called is basically almost dead but still it's a very huge damage dealer trait so consider going for it if you see the enemy are just not dying or you if you are struggling to down the enemies like you see down it and now down his enemies or people who are really low in HP you could go for sweep termination but in my opinion most of the time brutality is just better especially with the strips nerves which happened during the latest patches like the latest year basically so this will help remove some stack of stability on invocation we get Rising tide basically free 7% damage whenever we are above 90% Health threshold which we will be hopefully then we have all damage dealt is increased while you have Fury and this is why Fury is so important especially on this class but also on many other DPS classes not only for the 20% critical chance increase but also for some damage modifiers like this then here you can can run in sensed response or maybe Spirit Boon I go Spirit Boon because whenever I invoke a legend I will grant some Boons to allies especially I do this because you see on the dwarf Legend I will grant stability to my allies whenever I press the dwarf Legend while in combat but otherwise if you feel you need like more might please keep in mind that this might lasts for 4 seconds so it's not a lot we will get two stacks of Might whenever we apply Fury to ourselves this is decent if we run assassin's presence so we have two stacks of Might every 10 seconds also scavenger burst which is a skill which will we will use a lot will grant us Fury so we will get two stacks of might also from this so maybe this is not too bad but in my opinion might should be covered by other classes and also the duration of this might from this tra is kind of ridiculous so just go Spirit Boon for an extra stack of stability and vigor when you summon the legendary Alliance STS then here we have roing Mists which is the bestest best trade for DPS Vindicator because it increases by 20% your critical chance you get from the fury so fury on other classes on maybe almost every other class is 20% critical chance increase on the Revenant with this trade we have 40% critical chance increase which is huge and it really helps gearing differently compared to other classes because we will need a lot less precision and we could we can go power and ferocity more on Vindicator we run levaton strength whenever our endurance is not full we increase our damage by 10% so you just have to keep dodging at least once because before the endurance bar gets full again you see it's getting full don't let it get full Dodge again so we will get 10% damage increase because our endurance is not full then here you could go angan trust which basically makes our F2 cost no energy because otherwise it will cost 10 energy and in my opinion these other two traits which I didn't choose are not very good because they cost energy and we will lack energy during the fight and also the anian trust which I picked will grant us 25 energy when used in combat and it's very huge to use because 25 energy is a lot you could spend 25 energy like for skill two from Hammer skill five from hammer and skill two from Hammer again you see three skills only with this trait and also the other two traits don't provide really a lot in my opinion just go for this for extra energy so you can use extra skills and do extra damage the Revenant skills are very low cooldown the only bottleneck is the energy usage so in my opinion just go for this one then here we have some free Power whenever we are below uh above sorry above 50% Health 240 power and then here we get death drop which basically turns our Dodge into a smaller radius AOE but it will deal a lot of damage when you land like not a lot but still very decent and hard to out heal if you spam your Dodges and your other skills and also we will get a buff for 10 seconds which we will get a buff for 10 seconds which will grant us 15% damage increase which is huge so you have to be spamming Dodges for this and also for the damage this tra mix our deal and also because of the leviatan strength which is another 10% damage increase so totally just from a Dodge we get 10% from this and 15% from this total 25% damage increase and this is why Vindicator is the best spec for the Revenant to deal damage on the gears just aim to reach 60% critical chance so you can do a combination of marer dragons Berserker Valkyrie assassins whatever you want just get some Vitality so you will not die instantly and aim to reach 60% critical chance because Fury will grant us 40% critical hit chance increase so we will get to 100 the Rune is a scholar but I think you could go also for the Dragon Hunter Rune because we have a lot of power already and the Dragon Hunter Rune will grant us more ferocity then on the hammer we run force and accuracy and on the gray sword we run bloodlust and accuracy and the gears the trinkets sorry are am mixed as I already said from the other gears you see I have some marer Berserker Berserker Berserker marer marer you see and then the Relic is relic of the teeth so 5% damage increase whenever we hit enemies with our weapon skills and we will eat them all the time so flat damage increase by 5% so let's take a look to the skills let's start from the hammer the out attack is pretty fast it pierces it deals a lot of damage but still it's a projectile so it can be mitigated by any reflect or any block and so on so so it's not the best but you can really deal a lot of damage if the enemies have no Reflections up the skill Che is a big AOE it's a bit slow in front of you it deals a decent amount of damage to five targets and the best part of this skill it's is that it gets reset by the skill five whenever it hit so you use skill two skill five the skill five hits and you can spam your skill Che again once and the skill Che deals a lot of damage if you especially suon up two of them during like 3 seconds of burst so don't underestimate it it used to be to deal a lot of damage it was nerfed to the ground but it still works and is the main part of your burst damage from range and then we have the skill three which will lock you in place and also give you evasion and you will perform this leap you are basically invulnerable during it not invulnerable but you are dodging every attack so it's safe to use don't use this when your commander is mov otherwise you will stay behind for one second and one quarter and so basically you will end up in a bad position and die your skill four is an agis and also a projectile reflection in front of you a projectile mitigation and it's kind of useless just don't use it because you have a many other skills which are good to use so don't use it skill two five and three are the best and then while the five performs you can use your skill two again so skill two five skill three during the skill five and then skill two again I will explain it later better on the great sword we have the out attack which is kind of decent kind of fast also then the skill two is a big damage dealer in front of you to five targets most of the time this skill will be on your top skills on Arc DPS if you melee a lot the skill three is a big damage similar to the skill two but it's a liap you rush on the enemies and you perform this swing around you it's a bit tricky because you have to move for this the skill two you can just move around and do whatever you want the skill three you are forced to move and also the cooldown is more than twice than the skill two and the damage is the same so skill three 15% coold down 15 seconds coold Downs the skill two 7 Seconds cool down your skill four is very strong you will perform this block and whenever you block an attack maximum five Stacks you will increase the damage you will do with the second part of the skill four because basically whenever you block attacks you will unlock a second part of your skill four and you can press it for a lot of damage similar to the skill two in front of you but the the cool down is kind of high but it's still very good to have because you have like two seconds of blocks so you can survive in the Enemy Lines you are let's say these are my enemies I use my kill four I block every attack and then I press it again and I deal damage to them and in the meanwhile I just survived for two seconds your skill five is a huge damage dealer very strong damage dealer but the the explosions it will perform are kind of random if there is only one target which will almost never happen of course in a zerg fight we'll get a lot of damage but still it will spread a lot it will deal some damage to everyone it's decent to have it deals a lot of damage but it's not really a bursty skill for Downing people because you cannot control who you are hitting on the legendary Alliance stance we have selfish Spirit which will deal some damage to enemies around us and also heal us then we have the main part of our ranged bomb which is scavenger burst which will apply quickness and fury to us and also endurance all of this is also increased per Target with we will hit with this skill which also deals a decent amount of damage as you can see and also we will get like 3 seconds cool down on this skill which is ridiculous you can really spam it you will get almost Perma quickness and Perma Fury just by using this on Five enemies and also you will get a lot of endurance which you can use to deal damage with your Dodges so you can exploit this trait and also this other trait 25% damage increase and also it will inflict burning because why not so this is very good to have use it most of the time from ranged together with your Hammer skills let's say you go to skill two five then scavenger burst skill three you have the skill Che ready again out attacks scavenger burst again so this is very good to have then we have Nomad Advance which deals a lot of damage similar to the skill Che from the gray sword but you will need to lip so it it's forced movement this also has just 3 seconds cool down which is ridiculous but still it's not the best skill because it forces you to move then we have the break ST which is reverse rage you press it and you break St and also get some stability and additional stability whenever you hit enemies you see five stacks of stability this one will cost a lot of energy 35 and also has 10 seconds cool down because it's just a this AOE in around around you a break St and stability and a decent damage the same damage as the scavenger burst so don't use this otherwise you will depl your energy but it's very good to have if you are stunned inside the enemies and you're about to die break stun and then run away Dodge away and start attacking them again your Elite skill is a single Target very slow spear tossed by this NPC it's useless to use Inus sword don't even spend the energy on it on the dwarf Legend we have our healing skill which will remove five conditions from us and also give us some health of course then we have inspiring reinforcements which will cost 30 energy so beware of using it the damage is not fantastic but it will pull stability on the Allies above this road and also apply some quickness at the start and it will perform five pulses of stability so it's very decent to have but please keep in mind that the damage is just kind of bad compared to other skills from the from the Revenant and also from your weapon skill or maybe the legendary Alliance stands and also the cool down is pretty high and also 30 energy cost is kind of huge consider that your scavenger burst deals twice this damage and has a 20 energy cost and 3 seconds cool down so this one is very good if you are lacking stability otherwise you shouldn't be wasting 30 energy for this skill this other skill is a single Target chain we we toss to enemies and it will basically force your enemy to come to you and to attack you it's the tone condition but this chain is a projectile so basically useless and also it's one Target only useless to use you should never be using this in World versus SW then we have venge full hammers we will press it and you see we will deplete one energy per second and we will deal damage around us and also while we have this vengeful hammers up we will get 20% incoming damage reduction which is huge and also every hit will heal us and also this is unblockable so most of the time this is used to pad on your Arc DPS but it's also some damage which needs to be out healed otherwise the enemies will die so use this when you arm together with your great sword you perform your great sword skill and you keep your armers up and then if you are moving around of if your enemies are out of range out of radius just dis deactivate this so you will get energy back then we have the right of the great dwarf is a break St on this Legend So you have two break STS one per Legend you press it and you gain 50% damage reduction for 5 seconds and this also applies to five other targets around you five other allies the energy cost is pretty big the cool down is basically non-existent as you can see like 1 second cool down it's huge to have but maybe it's not the best on the power build because you can't be expanding every energy with this skill you will do you will need to do damage let the supports use these skills if there are any support Revenant which use the dwarf then we have your F2 which will help you get some endurance some energy this only works in combat and so just use it off coold down basically whenever you need endurance and energy and if you are about to use this for energy try to use it when you are above 50 energy because otherwise you will waste it if you change energy if you change Legend because as you might already know you see now I am at 70 of energy if I swap Legend I go back to 50 so use it just maybe just after you swap Legend So you get to Big energy and you can use a lot of skills to deal big damage what I suggest you to do during a fight let's say these Golems here are your enemies you should be using first your scavenger burst so you deal a bit of damage and then you get quickness and fury which you will lose for your later skills then you dodge so you get 10% damage increase from here and 15 Dam 15% damage increase from here and then you press your skill two then your skill five and then while the skill five performs because it's a bit slow you can use your skill three and by the time your skill three is over you have your skill two reset by your skill five so let's get into it too much talking okay let's go to the other golems now you will get scavenger burst quickness and fury Dodge skill two skill five during the skill five skill three skill two reset again skill two then you could go scavenger burst again and if you are going melee I would suggest going for the gray sword and then the skill five and the skill two in the meanwhile you could also be swapping to the dwarf so you can start activating your vengeful vengeful Hammers and while you are inside your enemies you will just spin them and do damage to them and remember to keep dodging I will also explain in a commentary of for fight which what I do but first it's easier to explain it from here because it's less less confusion basically it's less confusion compared to a zerg fight so melee you should be using mostly the dwarf Legend and the gray sword for range situation hammer and legendary Alliance stance if you have fast fingers and also quickness you can perform skill five then skill two then the skill five will land and reset your skill so you can go five CH two instead of two five two which is better to do damage and to do burst damage basically because you have two consecutive skill two instead of having like two seconds in between so let's get it quickness skill five skill two and then skill two again ready you see double damage this is a clip I recorded yesterday in a real fight with real commanders just to give you an idea on how it works this is a very short clip but let's get into it so you see I have already my skill two on coold down then skill five the hammer is about to hit the enemies then my skill three so I don't waste time during the skill five and then my skill Che is up again and I can press it first I used my scavenger burst so I could get Fury and quickness so I'm sure my skill Che will be a critical hit and also it will be much faster thanks to quickness at this point I'm dodging inside the enemies and I immediately swap both Legend and weapon I stay on the gray sword and on dwarf immediately on dwarf I cast my vengeful hammers so I start spinning around and doing damage and heal healing me also and getting 20% less damage from the enemies thanks to the Hammers immediately skill five this is better to be used when you are very close to theend enemies because the explosions will stack and do more damage on the enemies then I dodge again skill four you see I'm in a bad spot here but I block everything thanks to the skill four and then I press the skill four again so I can unleash the second attack from the skill four and then I cast my skill two which is another decent damage dealer and then the enemies are about to run around and to walk away from me because also the other part of this zg is coming let's see it with out poses skill two skill five skill three and then swap to dwarf and gray sword walk inside the enemies in in the meanwhile the Beneful hammers are doing the job dealing damage and also they are unblockable which is very important because there is a lot of Ages and then skill five skill two here I didn't use inspiring reinforcements because I wanted to save the most energy I could because vengeful hammers will deplete six energy per second so you will go from + 5 to minus one and so you will not generate any other energy for the duration you keep the armers up so you will have to Choose Wisely which skills to use your weapons skills are kind of inexpensive for the energy matter but there are some legendary skills which are kind of costly kind of expensive for example inspiring reinforcement or maybe the other R Stan from the legendary Alliance stance this is another very interesting fight this time it's a very longer fight compared to the previous one let's get into it always start from hammer and legendary Alliance stance so you have both your ranged options I see I dodged I have less than full stamina so I have 10% damage increase because of the trait and here as you can see I have the Dodge trait which grants me 15% damage increase whenever I dodge for 10 seconds skill two from my hammer skill five and I also used my scavenger burst for Fury and quickness in the meanwhile I cast my skill three before I while waiting for the skill true to reset Skill Che is ready again I use it I dodge again so my urance is not full ever scavenger burst because I have nothing left on the hammer and it's still still not time to go great sword because we are not clashing into them I have time for a scavenger burst then I guess we will swap to melee and I will go gray sword and dwarf Legend okay yes that's what I did here my enemies are coming to me so I start casting my skill five so they will eat every explosions from it and I immediately pop up my vengeful hammers to do damage around me you see skill five doing a lot of damage around then skill two which is another huge damage dealer in front of you at this point I keep dodging for the damage to stay alive and so also for the damage modifiers here I'm a bit low on the energy I decided to press my F2 I think no actually I go into them skill four to block then I can't cast my skill four again because the enemies are ranged the situation now at this point I used my F2 I use my Dodge to engage better on the enemy skill two we are still in a melee situation you see I deactivated my vengeful armers because we are not full melee and so I wouldn't I would be wasting my energy I don't want to waste my energy skill two and then I swap to Legendary Alliance skill five Dodge into the enemies you see now even if I am full melee I use my skill three it's good because it gives me evasion and this is a bad spot so it helps me it helps me survive skill three I have my skill two ready again because I reset it with the skill five scavenger burst quickness and fury skill two and then I guess it's time to swap back to the dwarf and to the gray sword yes I dodge so I have not full endurance and I can deal more damage skill five immediately and vengeful Hammer immediately skill two keep dodging around F2 I get energy from my skill two and also endurance so I have another Dodge and 50 energy again skill four I block everything and I press it again damage I go back with the Dodge I'm I'm almost dead I go down actually let's see if I revive I think I do okay that guy died so I came back to life I am full energy I have everything ready skill two keep dodging scavenger burst skill three from the hammer skill two skill five scavenger burst during the skill five and then the skill two is ready again I use it Dodge again then maybe I should go melee again okay again gray sword and dwarf I block I hit the enemy with my skill four vengeful hammers skill five Dodge around out attacks skill two vengeful hammers was deactivated because we are are not full melee right now I wouldn't be hitting the enemies with my Beneful hammers maybe here I should go for the hammer okay yes I do I swap to hammer skill two skill five skill three basically whenever you have dead moments you have nothing to press you press your scavenger burst which also helps you initiate better because you get Fury and most importantly quickness to cast your spells faster skill two skill three again Dodge around the fight is over we are dying I have nothing left maybe I can survive a bit I try to pop stability for my allies they T me I go there I choose to die with the commander instead of running as a coward and the fight is over okay guys this was all for today's video as usual thank you so much for watching and please consider leaving a like and a subscribe if you enjoy my content and if if you want to show me your appreciation and help me growing my channel the next video will probably be about the support Tempest build which I invented lately I don't know if it works I need to test it more but I think it's kind of decent to have especially now that the main supports were nerfed and then I guess I will go after that I will go for the chronomancer with the rifle for a support build again since they are the the two winners after the power Vindicator in the poll I made in the community post see you on to the next video and have a great night goodbye
Channel: metallone GW2
Views: 3,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8iR8yUghDhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 7sec (1807 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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