Marjorie Taylor Greene Fires Back On Attacks Against 'Sound Of Freedom' Movie

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action the Articles entered I now recognize Miss green for five minutes from Georgia thank you Mr chairman human trafficking is a 150 billion dollar a year industry in 2021 Georgia had one of the highest number of cases per capita that were reported through trafficking hotlines the northern area of Atlanta is is well known it's one of the highest places of of human trafficking human sex trafficking of women and children women and girls represent approximately 71 percent of all trafficking victims globally more than 90 percent of detected female victims are trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation approximately one-third of all human trafficking victims are children this sentence this next sentence uh is is hard to even read because it's our country the United States is one of the top destinations for human trafficking and is among the largest consumers of child sex the average age of entry into the commercial sex Market is 12 years old in the past few weeks there's been a lot of controversy about a movie called sound of freedom and um I can't understand why anyone would say anything negative about a movie that's trying to expose uh child sex trafficking especially when it involves our United States border um Miss Vaughn can you tell me is it a conspiracy theory is child sex trafficking a conspiracy theory it is most certainly not a conspiracy theory it occurs far too much I have met with and hugged survivors and heard what they have gone through and to refer to it as a conspiracy is an insult to what they have endured is our border a serious issue that the fact that our border is open and the amount of people coming across our border is that contributing to child sex trafficking it is most definitely contributing to the problem of not only child sex trafficking but forced labor and domestic servitude and debt bondage as we've discussed today is our current administration's border policies contributing to child sex trafficking they are certainly facilitating it yes so it's happening with more frequency as a result of the loose policies at the border and the lack of enforcement frankly in the interior of the country as well that would help rescue some of these survivors and or at least turn them into survivors as opposed to victims thank you Miss Vaughn fentanyl deaths are at an all-time high 300 Americans dying every single day from fentanyl having a top government official on the Mexican cartel's payroll help the cartels operate with impunity moving tons of drugs around the world um and make billions it costs the cartels as little as 10 cents to produce the fentanyl laced fake prescription pill 10 cents and that has sold the United States for as much as 10 to 30 dollars per pill uh Mr maltz with your experience um in your career in the DEA uh is is the amount of fentanyl coming across our border is is this an all-time high yes I mean this is the greatest drug threat we've ever faced in the history of the country but I want to add that it's really not a drug it's a chemical weapon coming out of China just like the K2 the spice now the xylazine that is rotten people from the inside out this is deliberate in my opinion my expert opinion from all the years of doing this I live this nightmare thought in about 2008 and then fentanyl started coming in around 2012. this is deliberate and I would say based on my experience it's like just like the Afghans used to say selling heroin to the West is a Jihad against America well for China they're undermining their they're destroying our country and they're sitting back using them back to the cartels to do the Dirty Work I I agree with you Mr maltz and and I believe and and I would ask your opinion as well with the Biden administration's policies allowing the Mexican cartels to traffic the amount of poison fentanyl that's coming across China it seems to be um it's not negligence it's not that they don't know what's happening they know it's happening it's hard to deny 300 Americans dying every single day from fentanyl but but would you agree that the Biden administration's policies is helping the Mexican cartels traffic this Chinese poison fentanyl into the United States of America absolutely I mean you look at this you little boy three years old from Kentucky and this is his mother in the coffin here with the kid because of Fentanyl and it's happening every day all over the country I deal with the families I know and that's really sad and it's very sad that the current Administration overturned strong homeland security policies that kept us all safe that's my passion I mean I can't believe this has happened to this great country I agree with you Mr Malta it seems that border security should be our utmost uh important issue that we're working on not only to stop child sex trafficking human trafficking but also to prevent the poison of 300 Americans a day um thank you Mr chairman I yield back thank you Gentle lady yields I now recognize Mr Garcia for five minutes
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 645,934
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Id: ak0hInuzih4
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Length: 5min 52sec (352 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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