Gushing About Jujutsu Kaisen's Soundtrack for 88 Minutes

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[Music] I fuing love anime music everyone talks about openings and endings and yeah I love those to but I want to see more love for soundtracks there are so many absolutely god-like soundtracks out there but ever since a certain show started airing I've been absolutely fixated on this [Music] the jiujitsu kaisen soundtrack blew me away even all the way back in season 1 like 38 years ago this Show's music had so much going for it there is so much Variety in this thing we've got your more typical Shonen hype battle music [Music] but we've also got some weird [ __ ] and like any first season of a show season one of jjk has the job of establishing the story and the characters from the ground up it covers four main story arcs all of them being fairly different from each other so naturally the soundtrack is going to have a lot of variety because it has to wear a lot of different hats it also had three main composers on the project which is a lot and a bunch of guest artists featured including a whole bunch of non-japanese hip-hop artists giving the music more of a modern feel which makes sense considering that the story takes place in 2018 basically what I'm saying is that the soundtrack of jiujitsu kais in season 1 had a lot of charm coming from how unique and experimental it felt and I was loving it all the way through and then season 2 [Music] aired unlike season 1's four story arc season 2 only covers two Gojo's past and the Shibuya incident both of which are a lot more serious and focused on specific messages themes and important plot developments so naturally we get a soundtrack that's a bit more focused tonally consistent and maybe you could say mature like it knows what it wants to be know there's now also only one main composer so generally we find ourselves jumping around between Styles a bit less instead we're able to take our existing themes and develop them a bit further so you could say in a way that season 1 has breadth and season 2 has depth but what that doesn't mean is that we're lacking in Variety in any kind of way holy [ __ ] no season 2 soundtrack still gives us a really interesting mix of musical styles instrumentation crazy chaotic rhythms and maybe even more than ever a mix of the old and the new okay I'm going to keep this intro short though because for the rest of this video I'm going to be going over the entirety of jiujitsu kaisen season 2 and talking about the music the whole way through not absolutely every single scene and every song but we're definitely going to cover a lot and I'll be trying to highlight something really important obviously all of the music in this show is fantastic even as just something to listen to on its own but something I really don't see people talking about enough is how the show specifically uses the soundtrack given any scene both the choice of song as well as the timing at which the song is used play a really key role in shaping The viewer's Experience they're not just randomly chucking music into scenes they're carefully timing specific parts of the music to go along with specific visual story beats and when that's done really well the music doesn't only complement what's going on in the scene it is actively elevating and enhancing the storytelling itself a good test for this is that if you're listening to a song from a soundtrack and you find yourself actively replaying the scene that it came from in your head while the song is playing that's how you know that they've done a really [ __ ] good job musically directing that scene and God does that feel [ __ ] good okay let's do it so we're going to start off talking about the music of the Hidden inventory Arc also known as the Gojo's past Arc we're actually going to skip past episode one cuz the first scene we're going to cover is in episode 2 for some context the scene basically serves the purpose of having Gojo show off and explain his cursed technique while fighting this bag mask dude and the song that plays during the scene is of course appropriately [Music] named this piece has three main sections which I'll call the a section the B section and the third section the a section sounds like [Music] this a little arrogant a little cocky and perfect for this guy the B section sounds like [Music] this it's just as confident sounding but we're now getting a little more of a well-defined Melody coming through on the piano and finally the third section which you might say is the climax of the song sounds like [Music] this it's actually the same Melody that we just got in section B just taken over by the strings and play a more drawn out and louder version of the theme and we've kind of ascended here like it's not something I would really call arrogant anymore it's more like grandiose like we're witnessing something incredible in motion now this little theme that you heard in the B section and the C-section just now is really important like really [ __ ] important and the reason for that is that this is what I'm unofficially calling Gojo's theme [Music] recurring musical themes or light motifs are super prevalent in jjk you might already be familiar with some of these character themes from before in season 1 in the movie [Music] [Applause] [Music] Gojo's theme in season 2 is by far the most prominent character theme in this entire soundtrack and that's for two reasons one is obviously with how important of a character Gojo is like he's featured very heavily in both arcs both story lines kind of revolve around him and his position at the Forefront of jiujitsu society but the second reason is that it's a [ __ ] B it's a [ __ ] Banger like godamn no wonder they use this theme everywhere because it sounds absolutely amazing and of course since we're going to see this theme pop up in so many other songs in this soundtrack coming up uh we're going to keep a tally anyway the character themes in this show do an amazing job at representing their respective characters okay enough of that though let's take a look at how this song is used in the scene hey what's up so this song starts playing near the end of Gojo's fight with the bag dude right here who's lying on the ground and right off the bat the Arrogant sounding a section lines up really well with the intro of this fight now I talked a lot about how this song sounds really arrogant really cocky and it really lines up well with how much of a cocky little [ __ ] Gojo is being right here and right here the song starts going through this kind of transition period a little bit we slow down the Rhythm a little bit and it kind of indicates to us that yeah we're going to the B section now and section A ends here pretty much as soon as Gojo's done explaining this guy's ability and he's ready to start talking about his own ability with Section B timing the music like this gives each of these actions their own kind of unique identity within the scene like it kind of helps them stand out from each other section B here is a lot more well defined and developed and you can think of it as Gojo thinking his own ability is way cooler than this [ __ ] dude's but then right here listen to the music changing again we're getting into another transition the explanations are finishing up and our Melody is starting to build up a little bit more to something Gojo's now finished talking and finally ready to show off he's finally about to do something and we're immediately hit with this kind of Anticipation by this suspended note by the strings right here that right there is such a great transition to what we get right after that because this placement of this little Melody that we just heard transitions us into the final section of the song and it fits really perfectly with this shot right here of Gojo just kind of sticking his hand out and freezing in place for a brief moment as we wonder what he's about to do and Rico is also wondering ing what he's about to do and we get the perfect payoff for this little weight as we head into section [Music] c the section c beginning is matched by the sound of the glass shattering and Gojo teleporting if section A was explaining the other guy's ability and section B was explaining Gojo's ability then section c is US finally starting to see it in action the main theme is proud playing at full volume and coinciding with a pretty incredible sight of Gojo just triumphantly floating in midair as everyone else in this scene is shading their pants all right next we're going to jump ahead to episode 4 the context is that this is just after toi has uh ruined the party I'm sweating as [ __ ] there's actually three songs in this episode that I want to talk about and they're all pretty different from each other these these are the three songs they're called with rage delirious and if I am with you with rage I think is kind of a perfect song for jujuk kaisen and clearly The Producers think so too because they use this song [ __ ] seven times in the show this song just like the one we heard before is kind of made up of a bunch of really distinct sections the first one is literally just like this tense ambient noise you'll hear the show use this a lot as just raw background noise to build up tension and lots of people may not even realize that it's part of an actual song but it's really good at what it does we then get a bridge section where we're hearing drums coming in and the second section has this kind of wavy synth sound coming in playing this simple Melody giving the song more of a proper identity and raising the intensity just a little bit more then the third section comes in with more Bas backing everything up and giving us more action [Music] and it's at this point that the song actually sounds fitting for a piece called with rage we're still continually building up adding more instrument layers one after another after each section and just when we think we're going to get some kind of crazy drop we instead [Music] get this oddly Beautiful piano Melody backed by the synth sounds comes in at what's supposed to be the climax of the song the most intense part but instead it's kind of weirdly calm and Serene what I hear out of this personally is some kind of contained rage like anger being channeled into some kind of controllable form and I think thematically this fits so well with the story of jjk especially in this season because so many of the fights are fueled by some kind of anger or Revenge but at the same time it's really rare that anyone ever fully loses their cool I think this song's great and it's no wonder that they use it so often also for the Keen listeners that piano Melody I just mentioned Gojo's theme which makes with rage our second song to feature this theme okay so how is this used in the scene well like I mentioned the first part of the song is literally just this ambient noise so we start off with just that ambient noise now it doesn't actually last that long in the song itself but the show drags this out a lot to play out during pretty much the entirety of the Prelude to the fight which is this whole section while our here is talking I'm skipping forward it's still going on it's still going on and it goes on for quite a while to build up that tension slowly all the way until just about right here when ghetto finally Cuts in and interrupts toi but this pause in the music doesn't actually last that long either because pretty soon after that we get thrown right back into the song as soon as ghetto says [Music] it's pretty obvious how intense that was right they just went from Zer to 100 once again the production team is taking some Liberties here to mess with the song because this piece is supposed to build up slowly before gradually getting to that part but they really want to convey how abruptly and suddenly the fighting starts in this scene maybe it's kind of a weird comparison but the way that they use the music here is basically kind of like how horror movies use jump scares the first part serves to build tension and make make you a bit uneasy but then that ambient noise stops and makes you lower your guard but then because they've done that then they can jump right into the most intense part of the song immediately when you least expect it with no transition whatsoever but to be as jarring and shocking as possible and of course the rest of this scene of them fighting is just fullon action and we get the most intensive with Rage coinciding with that perfectly later in the same episode we get another really important fight round two of Gojo versus togi and the first song that plays during this fight is called Delirious pretty fitting title considering uh [Music] well this one starts off pretty quick and upbeat with a strong and repetitive beat along with these constant beeping [Music] tones the first half of that song is basically more of that repetition and layering that we were talking about before and the whole point of the song basically is to be really chaotic and unpredictable which is shown by the piano coming in and kind of going apeshit in the background we then eventually go to this bridge section where we hear two interesting things one is that this song actually has a little bit of that dub stab wub wubble wub in the [Music] background but the second is a returning Motif from the song that we just heard before this with rage [Music] and just like with that song this leads us into a section where Gojo's theme once again is playing loud and [Music] clear all right now we're talking about the scene itself it's honestly not too complex in terms of how they use it it's a bit more of a generic action song to start things off right as the fight starts they make use of this fast and strong Tempo to play into the action you're being hit right away with a truck when you're fighting Gojo then the piano comes in and it's also fittingly chaotic and unpredictable as toi is now starting to kind of Reason his way through this chaotic and unpredictable fight now unfortunately the song ends a bit early here as we head into the next phase of the fight but shortly after we end here we get the next song which is called if I am with you it's a really slow emotional pure piano piece that gives us a really huge contrast from what we just got it's the type of song that you might think of as being a weird choice for a fight scene that is until you watch this [Music] scene this is the famous I alone am the honored one scene where're goo is basically floating around talking about how [ __ ] good he feels this is no longer a fight scene this is a Showcase of how powerful Gojo has gotten and the show is just showing us how beautiful this technique is so it's only fitting that we would get this type of song to go along with it and as the piano stops and then gets more intense and more intense we get these panning shots of what the fight is looking like but it's still slow and it's just showing as much Beauty as possible inad of try to show off of the fight itself maybe a bit of over analysis but I find the name of this song to be incredibly fitting as well first of all this is actually the second time we hear it in the show the first was actually back in episode 3 during a montage of Rico having fun with the boys the boys but here in this scene Rico the U of if I am with you is gone she [ __ ] died and this is also the incident that started the down spiraling of ghetto as well so this is the scene where you might say for the first time Gojo is not with you Gojo is alone and his newly ascended power makes it even more so the title of this piece really contrasts with the statement I alone am the honored one and this really plays into some of the main themes of Gojo's character development throughout the show which is standing alone as the strongest and obviously as you might expect this is another song that has Gojo's theme in it it's a bit harder to notice but that's because they're messing with the formula a bit here [Music] okay before we finish off the hidden inventory Arc there are three more songs that I want to go through first and all of these scenes take place in episode 5 the first scene is the well-known do you run Duos together because we suck at the game or do we suck at the game because we run Duos together just what are you trying to we Gojo is finally confronting ghetto about his weird [ __ ] genocide [ __ ] and they break up sadly in front of the KFC and the song is fitting [Music] named remember how earlier I was talking about Limitless curse technique and I was saying a whole bunch of [ __ ] about oh my God this song sounds so arrogant it's so arrogant it sounds so arrogant oh Gojo is so arrogant well this is like that too it's a very quick very Snappy and arrogant obviously sounding song the whole thing with the rhythms and instrumentation laid out kind of reminds me of Petco's theme from ping pong the animation which is this childish and playful and definitely arrogant theme that plays give off this feeling of I'm better than you and I'm showing off given the scene this plays in it's pretty clear that this annoying na boo boo type Melody is meant to represent the relationship between Gojo and ghetto but there's also something really cool to mention how they use the song in this scene in particular to nobody surprised this is the fifth song that we're hearing that features Gojo's Motif it's everywhere it's in the bells that play near the beginning of the song and continue like all the way through playing pretty frequently and it also shows up even more from the B section of the song right [Music] here only you wouldn't know that from watching the scene and here's why as you know Gojo gets kind of Shad on in this conversation ghetto spits his [ __ ] and Gojo is left there not really knowing what to say or do so you think that as one of the two main characters in The Scene Gojo's theme would make a lot of sense to use here only when we play the actual scene back we don't hear Gojo's theme at all like you don't hear the bells here you don't hear that da da thing at all I feel like taking out the bells playing Gojo's theme while Gojo is getting trashed on in the conversation is no coincidence gto's words are really getting to him here he's confused he's lost he's desperate and most of all he's questioning his sense of self and what he's meant to do so to me deliberately excluding Gojo's Motif in here in this section is a really cool and fitting detail that they decided to include I feel like not a lot of people picked up on that but it's so it's so good it's so cool all right next up we have one of the coolest pieces of music in the soundtrack it is very interesting and unique the scene is ghetto taking over his cult and the song is called premature I actually have no idea why it's called that if someone knows please tell me cuz I'm [ __ ] stupid remember at the end of episode 4 where ghetto is traumatized basically from the cult clapping and applauding over Rico's death and earlier in this episode where we get several scenes of ghetto hearing the sounds of the shower but being reminded of the Clapping or when he's listening to the Rain while talking to Yuki only to once again hear the Clapping well I'm amazed to announce that they turned ghetto PTSD into a song the song that plays during this scene is entirely made up of clapping only the Clapping isn't chaotic and uncontrollable like what we've been hearing before it's actually now following a proper Tempo it's controlled it's organized and it shows us that ghetto himself has now taken control of what once held him prisoner he's finally taking charge our genocide daddy let's [ __ ] go I'm sorry so now we're finishing up with the last scene of hidden inventory where we're finally ending the flashback and we're going back to the present day we get a Gojo POV and a nice wholesome scene of Gojo and his three students and the song Here is called you better get strong which is a title that alludes to Gojo wanting megumi to get strong in the scene that we just saw right before this and because this is such a Gojo centered scene we get a Just As Nice wholesome version of Gojo's theme right before everything goes to [ __ ] of course evangelia I'm gonna write a evangelia we are finally here the Shibuya incident which is what I would say if I didn't first have to talk about this [ __ ] Mech fight yep we're actually starting off with mahito versus mechamaru which is a really cool fight for a lot of different reasons but one of them is the music obviously this whole fight is basically like one Giant tribute to popular Mech shows like Ava and gor Leon and of course the appropriately named track that plays during this fight is called ultimate mechamaru mode absolute I don't really think I need to explain that title I don't have too much to say about this but it is really [ __ ] cool like we hear this song in episodes 6 and 7 throughout this whole fight and the whole thing really just does sound like a Mech fight song it sounds a lot more like it fits in a Mech show rather than jjk which makes sense like there's some more specific stuff too like the tonies in this song are basically directly taken from the decisive battle theme from Evangelion [Music] if you're a Mech fan then I can probably say that you were creaming yourself a little bit for the first time when you were listening to this okay now we get to the real shiya incident skipping past episode 8 we've arrived at episode 9 this is one of the best episodes for usage of Music it it is used so masterfully in this episode for enhancing what's going on in the story the setting of course is Gojo versus Joe goat and asparagus oh yeah and choso I I don't know what took him so long to show up but he does show up eventually there are a total of six songs in this section of the video that I want to talk about and they are in order Locust plague with rage again hidden inventory 3 years of Youth overflowing expectation and recapture the first three are all reused songs from earlier in the season and the rest all see their debuts here and those three are songs that seem to have specifically been made for this episode which is always really cool to see the fight starts off with the song Locust plague which was first used in the Yugi versus grasshopper dude fight which I honestly don't know why that fight was a thing musically it's pretty cool so we've got the brass playing these long sustained notes in a dissonant sounding Melody creating this feeling of uneasiness and tension while the percussion is just [ __ ] going insane wailing away creating this really cool contrasting Melody with a chaotic Rhythm to keep the tempo of the fight going it also definitely sounds very uh evil like clearly very evil which also makes it a lot of fun to listen to now I can't say this song was specifically composed for this scene but they still use it in a really cool way of course like I said earlier the song sounds evil except the one who is dominating the fight here is not the evil people it's Gojo except the way Gojo's behaving which is mixed together with the song and the way the song sounds kind of makes Gojo seem like the villain but anyway this is actually a good example of knowing when and when not to use music at all because this song plays during most of the fight but it stops after it gets to a certain point which is right here and this is where Gojo starts to switch his focus a little bit off of just playing around onto killing mode he starts to Target Hanami and walks her into the wall and [ __ ] blows her up like you know a [ __ ] lunatic but it's super crucial that there's no music during this part because we can really focus on what's left in terms of the audio the sounds of Gojo's technique absolutely [ __ ] crushing Hanami to bits along with the lights flashing on and off just after that to really deliver that impact using the chaotic sounds of locust plague for the back and forth followed by absolutely no music for the one-sided conclusion of the fight makes for a really powerful contrast so sometimes no music honestly is the best music anyway later in the episode the anti Gojo squad's plan starts coming into play more and more with the arrival of mahito and his things and it's here that we get a familiar song coming back with rage it's a bit hard to hear at the beginning but this scene aside from being one of the most iconic scenes in the entire show for plot reason is also one of the best examples of Music usage in the entire series as well because it's an absolutely perfect example of matching up specific beats of the song to what's going on on screen of course at the beginning just like before we get that ambient noise from with rage just starting to build up tension slowly and it's right here that that happens mahito and Choo's attacks on the crowd match with the song starting to ramp up as well and it happens right after they shout their attack names right there and it makes the scene look and sound so much more satisfying when you have that audio CU to go along with it in this song you have different levels of tension right the levels of action in the scene match up with the levels of tension in the song the more tense the song feels the more tense the action is in the scene that accompanies it but then we get to this part here this slow zooming shot of Gojo thinking about what to do it's a part where we slow theong down a little bit we're slowing things down for the explanation while still keeping tensions high but there's no better way to do this than with the intimate sounding piano section of the song coming in during this part of the scene they also modified this song to achieve this effect even more here so it's supposed to sound like [Music] this but here we instead get they basically removed the w W thing to strip the music down to the Bare Bones to get us as close to Gojo's thoughts as possible and as we get closer and closer to the decision the song gets louder and louder to make us more uneasy we get to zoom in we get more uncertain about what's going to happen the song gets even louder and as we hit the peak of anticipation they stop the song now you know this next scene this is the scene where Gojo needs to run around the entire [ __ ] subway platform form slaughtering all these [ __ ] right here and it's going to be chaotic it's going to be messy it's going to be a superhuman feat that we haven't seen before up to this point so the song is going to have to reflect all of that and of course there's no better choice than hidden inventory is a really fast-paced and chaotic piece that mirrors Gojo's actions here you can barely tell what's going on in the screen and you can also similarly barely tell what the [ __ ] is going on with the music the song is essentially just piano and drums wailing away going insane with no time to think about any order or logic it's just pure basically improv Jazz going on similarly Gojo's decided what he needs to do and he needs just to focus on executing it without caring about control no matter how messy it might get [Music] oh sorry uh [ __ ] uh sorry I got distracted I'm going to bring up this point again because it's really important for this upcoming scene but I believe that there's two ways that any piece of music can be used as part of a Show's soundtrack the first one is basically like a Vibe check right sad scene sad song funny scene funny song epic Scene Epic song and so on this is probably like 90% of cases when it comes to music being played in TV shows including this one but the second way is that a song can be used way more deliberately as as if the song was specifically crafted to fit a certain scene or that the scene was directed deliberately to fit the music we start off this scene with one word and one note yeah this one word Rings through Gojo's mind here and as if the soundtrack is trying to mimic it we get Just One Singular piano note to match it [Music] this piece is called three years of Youth overflowing which I assume is referring to the three years of Youth that Gojo and ghetto got to spend together before uh you know the the thing as fake ghetto introduces himself we get the continuation of the song which by the way is yet another addition to the Gojo theme collection though there's a slight difference here because it's a slow pure sounding and nostalgic sound instead of the fast chaotic ones we've been getting used to and right here as soon as is's convinced that this is not ghetto we get another shift in the song the drums kick in the song changes a bit it becomes more Sinister the drums get louder and we get to the really intense uneasy part of the song and it keeps going until fake ghetto Reveals His brain and just as this happens we get hit with this major shift in the song music is now fully Twisted it's completely different from what we had before it's basically transitioned from Gojo's happy nostalgic theme into full on villain theme but of course we're still not done yet there's some more songs to talk about even though Gojo is in this little spooky skeleton box his influence lives on this next scene features the song expectation the context here is that ghetto and team have successfully sealed away Gojo and are now getting ready for their next move but just before that something unexpected happens n timing wise as soon as that [ __ ] box drops we get the start of the song which gives us this little tricky little mischievous sounding Melody [Music] I love this one even though Gojo's been sealed away and even though we've been given every reason Under the Sun to believe that it's jover and that it's impossible to turn around the situation now we get this fun track to accompany the scene that gives you just a little bit of Hope just a little bit this song especially at the beginning gives off this little playful and mischievous tone as if it was a song ripped straight out of a mystery movie or something like this little Melody that just kind of jumps up and down like this is really fitting for Gojo's character cuz it really makes us think that hey you know things is actually might turn out okay oh and yes this is another feature of the Gojo Motif though it is a little more subtle oh also a little side note I love it when they incorporate the music into the mid episode eye catches like [Music] this it's just so cool I love it okay real quick one but the last scene on go over in this section is the one shortly after this where Yuji Springs into action with mechamaru in his ear to gather people to recapture Gojo which is the which the name of the song is called recapture by the way it's obviously a much more optimistic sounding song with the purpose of pumping us up and starting the emotional momentum we really need to do something like unseal Gojo it's energetic it's upbeat and it fits really well with these scenes of Yuji running through the city beating up curses and making his way up to the rooftops and I shouldn't have to say this at this point but of course this song once again makes use of Gojo's theme okay let's go through some quickies now so episode 11 doesn't have too much stuff that I haven't already talked about but I just want to bring some attention to this one song it plays when Yuji and megumi are uh you know the dude with the [ __ ] inverse Powers whose name nobody [ __ ] remembers it's called fight alongside because they're fighting alongside each other wow but this song is an absolute bop it is so fun we start out with a super quick Rhythm immediately giving us a sense of anticipation for what's coming up once these guitars come in later it's clear that we're just going to be in for a good time this is just one of those really classic really fun Shonen fight songs but then once we start to slow the music down once again we've seen this technique before they start slowing down the music as the person whoever it is starts to explain their technique we're peeling away layers of instrumentation here in the song and it gives us more of a chance to focus on what's being said and after a little bit of this he's just about to be finished talking and we get everything in the music swept up and taken out all at once for the drop just before we're hit with the Beautiful piano Melody just [Music] watch the piano is synced up with Yuji and megumi's hits Landing it's beautiful it's [ __ ] awesome I feel like when you're directing a scene like this and you're choosing a piece of music that has this kind of sharp contrast that's playing during the drop it's like a waste if you don't time it specifically Al to go with a major shift or development in the fight like this it's so perfect that this piano starts playing exactly as the hit happens it's so satisfying I'm playing it again it's so good [ __ ] this part in everything that comes after it by the way just really screams like Victory that's the that's the feeling you get from this music here it's awesome I love this song it shows up three times this season and each of those times is just so much fun but yeah the point is even the more minor fights in this season are pretty decked out with really good music and really good soundtrack usage so [ __ ] it's really impressive and if you're interested in a kind of better musical analysis or breakdown of this song in particular better than what I can do check this video out this next scene is well this one it's emotional intensity during an exchange between two characters being made uncomfortable and stared at is an aspect to the female gaze nanami finally shows up to make me wet and also to beat the [ __ ] out of this little [ __ ] here let's actually talk about nanami's theme cuz I love Gojo's theme but I've had enough of it [ __ ] we're moving on to the real big boy and his incredibly beautiful Motif here this theme like many in the soundtrack is chaotic it's got a super irregular Rhythm it's got notes bouncing up and down all over the place and very notably this contrasts a lot with nanami's character what we know about it cuz nanami normally is a really by the books proper salary man type of guy but as soon as we hit overtime things change and it's reflected in the chaos of The rhythms here we're not following the rules anymore here we're going [ __ ] crazy the rhythm is irregular the instrumentation is irregular everything is weird and it's [ __ ] beautiful so of course during this incredibly iconic scene in season 2 we're using the theme again except it's in a different song This song is called Dull Knife which is a really cool way to describe nanami and his knife and all that [ __ ] but essentially this whole song is pretty much just the nomy motif on a loop except with a big difference here that it sounds kind of Twisted and evil as if the song was from like a horror movie or something which makes sense because my man is angry overall I'd say that this is a really cool way to take a theme that we all know and love already and just kind of twist it a bit to recontextualize it and make make it new and fresh [Music] holy [ __ ] this fight has so much music all right this is a big one not that the other ones haven't been big ones but this trust me cuz [ __ ] this fight has so much music in it Yuji versus choso here is the full list of tracks that played during this fight as you probably know this is a really long fight too it lasts most of this episode and because it's so long we can actually kind of divide the fight up into different phases and each of the phases is kind of defined by some kind of shift or break in the fighting like dialogue for example and of course with each phase of the fight also comes a unique track from the soundtrack okay this is a big one we're going to be here for a while so we start with phase one of the fight phase one of the fight is just as Yuji is showing up and it starts literally immediately so we start with attack by storm which is the first song featured in phase one of the fight it's a pretty fast-paced song pretty much right off the bat which you need to have because of how suddenly this fight starts but I wouldn't say the song is really that intense at least compared to some of the other ones coming up which makes sense cuz we're just getting started here but something that this episode does really well in particular has to do with song Choice according to the intensity of the scene this first phase of the fight was just the intro both Fighters are just kind of feeling each other out and figuring out exactly who they're fighting so it makes sense to have a song like this that's kind of that's not too intense it's not too extreme it's just kind of perfect for like an intro kind of fight but that ends fairly quickly so once that's over we get to choso asking Yuji about his brothers and Yuji saying that they were crying this pisses choso the [ __ ] off so in response we get launched into phase two of the fight and like I mentioned before the song Matches up really well with how intense the fight is so we get a more intense part of the fight therefore we get a more intense song This song is called self embodiment of perfection which is a season one song If you're extra attentive you'll notice this is actually maho's theme this is his domain expansion theme though I don't really think it was picked for that reason either way the the higher intensity of this song matches up with choso and Yuji just [ __ ] decking each other but really what's happening here if you pay attention is choso is beating the absolute [ __ ] out of Yugi he's winning this is a villain theme that's playing specifically when the villain character is winning in the fight eventually we build up to this climactic point Cho's just been feeding Yuji his [ __ ] Non-Stop and he starts to prepare this what seems like a stronger attack and of course while he's doing it the music starts to amp up too as we get closer to the song's drop but just before we get there we instead get this a really unexpected jarring cut off both from the fighting and the song alog together to put us into this kind of uneasy paused State just before the next phase starts the song that plays for phase three of this fight is actually with Rage which we've heard several times before already but what's extra useful about this song is the beginning portion again which doubles as this kind of quiet ambient noise that you're hearing right now so while we're in this transition period hearing Yuji and Choo's thoughts they start playing the beginning of with rage before fully transitioning into the song the moment choso fires his next attack again it's another [ __ ] perfectly timed thing he goes PE and then it goes D and as we get into this action section of with rage we see Yuji kind of closing the distance between them and then what we get later is another shift in the song Because as we know there's a piano part coming up in with rage the song Transitions and shifts a lot so what do they do to kind of match up with that once again the shift in the song accompanies a shift in the fight a shift in the scene Yuji is closing the distance but as soon as he gets close choso turns it around on him and attacks him back and that matches up perfectly to that shift in the song that we're hearing it's so wonderful it's so well directed and after Yuji fails his Attack the song ends here which completes that phase of the fight at this point mechamaru calls him and we're launched into more of a strategic phase of the fight and of course we're slowing down a bit here so what better way to accompany that than with the aply named song called prepare yourself the song's been used as kind of a prepare SL disgust type of song before in this season as well especially back in the hidden inventory Arc so it's a great fit here too as mechamaru starts coaching Yuji on how to fight choso and while they lure him into the bathroom too this song does a great job at keeping up a quick Tempo so we're not quite relaxed but it still slows down the pacing with the fight because of how the characters need to think about how to approach this then after that choso successfully gets lured into the bathroom to start phase five of the fight and we are blessed with mecham maru's presence here because we're given that [ __ ] Evangelion sounding theme from earlier mechamaru May technically be dead already and not even in a Mech anymore but God does he live on through the music and it fits really well here because we finally get to see Yuji start to turn the tables on choso this phase actually does have two songs cuz once we see that Choo's blood manipulation isn't working anymore we get some narration explaining what's actually going on and that narration is paired with the song Red scale which is also the name of the episode similar to the song we heard before prepare yourself this is another fastpaced but simple piece that lends itself well to these kinds of explanation Exposition type scenes there's some cool things about this song it's pretty simple but what stands out and the reason why it's able to keep up the tension in a scene like this is because of this kind of pulsing sound that plays repetitively and quickly and it almost sounds like a really fast heartbeat which really fits well with the whole blood manipulation kind of thing going on also this song is technically the 10th and final use of Gojo's theme in this soundtrack though the song in this episode actually does get cut off right before we get to that Motif for the start of the sixth phase of this fight the conditions have changed choso can no longer use his blood manipulation so we're in for a good old-fashioned fist fight thematically we're kind of going backwards from more complex fight mechanics to more simple traditional martial arts so of course it makes sense that the music would also go backwards to a season 1 Song countermeasure for domain expansion it's kind of this rock and roll heavy song that's all action and it's perfect for this fist fite scene but of course we know that doesn't last too long cuz choso turns things around by using his secret stash of blood this little [ __ ] snake Yugi realizes that he could die here but then he realizes what his role is he's just a [ __ ] Cog bro he's a cog and he finds the resolve to fight so of course the song that starts playing here in the seventh and Final Phase of the fight is called resolve this is the longest one by far and the absolute climax of this [ __ ] amazing episode and this [ __ ] amazing fight first of all this song this song for fans of the Season 1 soundtrack you may have noticed that this song is super super super super super super super related to the song remember from season 1 which played during the episode where Yuji and nobara fight and kill Choo's Brothers ESO and kisu to call this a light Motif like kind of like how we already went through with Gojo an anmes themes would be kind of an understatement because it's more like the entire song was mirrored it was just completely copied basically the song is almost kind of like the instrumental version of remember [Music] [Music] so of course here we are at the culmination of choso seeking revenge for his brothers for what Yugi did to them so obviously you want to use the song that's nearly a onetoone recreation of the original song that played during the conflict that started this whole thing to begin with the start is just the song building up and building up as these two prepare to Duke it out one last time and we get another one of those brief moments where the scene seems to pause right before the song drops and we go full force [Music] and as the fight goes on we get the main motif of remember blasting loud and clear especially when choso starts taking the lead in the fight we even get this insane part here where Yuji gets slashed really hard near his ear and the song gets temporarily kind of muted for a bit I have no idea why they did this but it was so [ __ ] cool honestly then we're back to the main motif and just as yuji's about to land his final attack we get that same buildup section that we had in the original song like this part but it's a trick as you know unlike in season 1 Yuji does not win this fight here we see and hear exactly what we got before with this part everything is the same we get the same rhythm in both songs the same rapid Cuts back and forth matching with that rhythm and because of this we're expecting what we got before a really big huge payoff after Yuji Lance's hit but instead we get the music cuts off it's choso who takes the upper hand and wins from here ironically this song doesn't resolve honestly this was a Powerhouse of an episode an incredible fight only made better with some of the best music direction I've seen in a while and honestly a genius move to compose this song the way they did and use it in the scene the way they did zombie Daddy O zombie daddy is here all right now that we're finally done with that we are going to move on to the next big fight here which is maki nanami and nowo versus Octillery there's a ton of different music tracks once again that play during this fight but most of them are from things we've already heard before using similar techniques that we've already talked about there's also some cool moments like megumi showing up in the middle of the fight and megumi's theme from season 1 starts playing it's pretty awesome but what I really want to get at here is not Octillery in his dumb little fight it's more actually about zombie daddy toi is back after toi showing up we get our initial confrontations out of the way and as soon as the opening for this episode ends we're launched directly full speed into toi's fight with this Beast of a song This song is called physical prowess and it is [ __ ] hype as [ __ ] it did appear earlier in the season one time with a scene with no relation to toi but [ __ ] it man it's called physical prowess it's so hype I'm naming It togi's theme this is toi's theme and this is yet another piece in the soundtrack that is just balls to the wall chaos we get a minute and 40 seconds of a blitzing fast fight showing toi's Well Physical prowess and uh that's pretty much it it's a beautiful scene and a beautiful song to go along with it but another quick thing I noticed before we move on is that this song does use a borrowed Motif from the song Delirious which if you remember is the song that played during the Gojo versus toi fight [Music] both songs were featured during toi fights and both are connected through this little theme okay we're going to go a bit out of order here because after this fight is when you know who comes in but I want to follow toi a bit longer for now so after Octillery has been taken care of toi turns towards megumi and we get two more songs that play during their fight if you want to call it that which are locust plague and attack by storm which are two songs that are basically just non-stop chaos well suited to the speed demon that is togi but the standout song to me here is when the fight ends and it's called still unaware it starts once toi finally looks at Mega's face and realizes who he is and the song kind of starts out as this unsettling and disorienting thing as toi starts processing his thoughts but this transitions pretty soon into more of a simple nostalgic sounding piano Melody as we get launched into a flashback of toi talking about selling his son to the Zen in Clan because he should have a better life [Music] there I like to think of this piano as being symbolic of toi's life for just a moment after seeing his son toi stops being a Mindless in machine and becomes human and this melody as well as toi's Life Starts slowing down as soon as he stabs himself before it stops completely as he falls down to the ground sometimes it really is the slower emotional pieces like this that stand out a bit more because of how much the rest of the season is filled with these quick action songs [Music] as you can see I've written down oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh God we're so [ __ ] it's j oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] suaka also known as sukuna changes everything both in the show and musically because we've finally gotten to the part where sukuna wakes up you know after Joo Force feeds Yuji [ __ ] 10 fingers which by International standards actually officially makes him the throat goat congratulations to Yuji eador and musically speaking it's really clear to us that sukuna is not messing around because the exact moment he wakes up that's when we hear what I like to call the sukuna [Music] choir this song called awaken is the first in the soundtrack to feature this choir which is obviously very associated with sukuna so it's very fitting that this is the first thing that we hear the song is slow going at more of like a walking pace rather than a running pace and the choir is absolutely chilling to the Bone and it's basically like a musical signal because of how much contrast there is between this song and everything else that we've heard before it's telling us that Hey listen this is actually a game-changing threat that just woke up here it's completely different from everything we've seen so far in the season the song gets louder as sukuna approaches the girls and as we hear these strings come into play he finally starts taking action the main thing here the dominant feeling really is fear zuna's presence takes command during this scene but the soundtrack accompanying it really does an amazing job at conveying fear Above All Else stay down and it gives all the characters this feeling of oh God we're so [ __ ] later on after all the stuff with megumi and togi is all over we get the start of a different fight we finally get the song that's named after this episode and also my personal favorite song in the entire soundtrack Thunderclap Thunderclap is the first of three songs that I consider to be part of this basically sukuna Trio of songs in the soundtrack they're all basically companion pieces of each other they share similar instrumentation and tones they're all right next to each other in the album and they're all really heavily featured in the two sukuna fights of the shabuya incident this one and you can see it mahara you can see my curse technique in terms of the music this piece is a heavy hitter we really mixed together a lot of old instrumentation including the sukuna choir obviously with more modern sounds like the electric guitar coming in partway through and I really find this mix to be a great representation of what's going on in the anime you have sukuna a legendary figure from over a thousand years ago now causing all this crazy destruction in the modern age so we show that musically by blending together all these different types of instruments that you might not normally hear together the main section of the song sounds incredibly haunting like bone chilling [Music] terrifying but it also sounds sorrowful tragic like it's fully capturing not only the insane fight that's going on and how cool it all is but also all the devastation and destruction that it's causing Shibuya is literally melting in lava as we listen to this part of the music without exaggerating at all this is the soundtrack to an apocalyptic event this song obviously is used to perfection in this scene you can think of Thunderclap as a song that kind of jumps back and forth between two different phases those being a slow [Music] phase and a fast [Music] phase it's pretty simple slow equals joogo fast equals sukuna and I'll show you exactly what I mean so we start out in the slow section before the fight started and it's this Prelude section where we're hearing the solemn sukuna choir again while getting the context of the fight from a quick flashback but the moment we see sukuna on screen starting to fight that's when we start the fast section it's immediately an obviously recognizable by the strong electric guitars coming in sukuna is flying around he's slicing ing Joo up dodging his attacks throwing him around he's destroying buildings left and right it's obvious sakuna is our main character here and because of that the music has shifted to give us these fast chaotic rhythms and at this point we get interrupted for a bit as Joo gets blasted through an entire building and lies there for a brief second and we hear a similar technique that was used during the choso fight which is this ears ringing music somewhat muted kind of thing but we do go back into it and this part serves as a transition back into the slow section there's more focus on the choir now and we switch perspectives back to Joo Joo becomes our lead now for the slow section we get a Joo flashback we get Joo showing off as attacks versus sukuna and the slow moving choir leads us into our next section this next section features the strings leading us into this devastating and tragic Melody as we literally watch Shibuya burn and melt into nothing but suddenly our Focus shifts again the buildings get slashed apart Joo gets slash apart and now musically speaking we've returned to the fast section sakuna is back in control and as we get to this part the fight slows down again as we go back to the choir back to the slow section as sukuna himself self slows down and takes the time to really taunt his opponent it's really important that these slow sections of the music are paired together with the dialogue of the scene to match that Tempo perfectly and because we're back in the slow section that means Joo is now our main character again and because of that this new slow section culminates in Joo preparing to launch his maximum technique the giant meteor and of course the meteor itself is this slow attack with tons of buildup which matches really well with this last part of the song that does exactly that it's conveying a slow But Rising Melody building up and building up over time kusakabe and Panda are trying to make their escape but the strings continue to build up and build up and cause us to wonder what the [ __ ] is about to happen and then very suddenly I don't know about you but I sha my pants when I watched that for the first time the music led us to believe that something was going to happen with this giant meteor signified through joo's slow string and choir backed section of the song but what we got instead was somehow way worse just a sudden and abrupt conclusion like another one of those jump scare techniques that I was talking about earlier this marks the end of this song but obviously we're far from done with the sukuna trio here in the very next episode we get sukuna versus mahara which comes with an even wider variety of Music the structure of this fight is once again separated into phases and each phase has a distinct musical identity to it the fight starts off with some Fair fairly sporadic and non-committal musical phrases here it's not really enough to be like a full song or anything but it's enough to ease us into it the same way sukuna and mahara are just starting out and feeling each other out in this first phase of the fight but as soon as sukuna is done eating his [ __ ] popcorn we start with Phase 2 and a familiar song Locust plague it's a song that really UPS the intensity by a lot all of a sudden Locust plague is not part of that sukuna Trio that I was talking about but it definitely thematically fits here we get these long drawn out phrases from the brass section giving off this feeling of fighting evil and the steel drums giving us a really good sense of a fast tempo to keep up the intensity of the fight and these steel drums by the way are something that we're definitely going to be hearing again pretty soon in this section they're really important so just keep that in mind but as much as I'm enjoying this song it does get abruptly stopped by the sound of maharaja's wheel turning as it does its first adaptation and then we get our 5,000th appearance of with rage only instead of this being the third phase of the fight it's a bit different cuz this is the part where we're watching innocent people in the area try to hide away from the fighting and the devastation that's going on and this instance of with rage only plays the beginning part without any of the main Melody it's the part that's just this really unsettling ambient noise again which creates this uneasy feeling that never gets resolved it's an interesting transition but just as we get to the part where you'd expect the song to continue and for the melody to appear we suddenly swap back not even to a different song we swap back into Locus plague we do swap back into Locus plague but it's only the percussion parts now just the drums hammering away keeping the focus on the quick pace of the fight but then the wheel turns again signaling yet another shift in the fight the real third phase of the fight is started now we abruptly and I mean abruptly switch to the fast section of Thunderclap that I gushed about for so long earlier as we're fully back in The Fray it's even more intense now than anything we've seen before it's more chaos more Insanity more destruction to the city and once again they actually change up the song Here a bit they completely end up removing the sakuna choir cuz normally we'd be hearing this section which leads us into the strings but interestingly it's missing this time regardless that same feeling of Devastation and tragedy Still Remains here near the end of this piece playing sukuna gets really excited and gets closer and closer to figuring out what mahar's abilities are and as this happens we get his Sinister laughter accompanying the fast and chaotic part of the [Music] song and it's here that we head into the next phase of the battle we finally get mahar's titular theme eight handle eight eight handled eight handled sword handled sword diverent Sil [ __ ] eight handled sword Divergent silid Divine General mahara this it's not called you see big girl but actually speaking of Attack on Titan songs there is a section of this song that sounds kind of like ashes on the fire from season 4 of Attack on Titan [Music] I have no idea what this means but there you go I guess it makes sense because of the chaos and destruction that's going on in both shows instrumentation wise we get the steel drums coming back from earlier but rhythmically and melodically it all sounds like chaos once again which fits really well with the absolutely insane [ __ ] that we're seeing on screen alongside this song being played the song is actually fairly shortlived though it's not that long because what we get instead now is maybe the most iconic piece of music in this whole soundtrack the song named Nam after sukuna domain expansion malevolent kit malevolent Shrine this is the longest track in the entire OST by a decent margin even including season 1 it sits at 5 minutes and 18 seconds and it's also got the same kind of sorrowful and tragic feeling that Thunderclap gave us it literally sounds like the end of the world like if I woke up and the whole world was on fire and everyone was dying this would be the soundtrack I do want to bring some special attention to the percussion section right off the bat the song s is very percussion heavy which sets the stage really well for how serious this is going to be and how Grand of a scale the coming events are going to be on strong percussion is really important for making it sound like a March or like some kind of War that's going on it really kind of emphasizes the intensity of everything that's going on in the scene and in the music itself specifically I want to finally talk about these steel drums that I've been yapping about so much it comes in near the beginning of the piece and persists for pretty much the whole duration of the song and at least in the way that I like to see it in this piece this little rhythm being played by the steel drums [Music] here represents sukuna himself it's this constant presence in the song that never really goes away even after all the other layers get piled on top of it and it sounds kind of Primal sounds kind of like War triby like it signifies this Primal nature that sukuna brings this idea of survival of the fittest the the percussion heavy beginning of this piece starts when sukuna is starting his final barrage of attacks on mahara this is the stage where he finally figures mahara out and how to defeat it the strings come in here as he starts to explain the ultimate adaptation ability and the melody played by the strings here continually rise and build up which gives us a sense of raised anticipation and as the song starts to build up to a climax here the layers suddenly drop out out and we get those steel drums front and center just before the actual drop sukuna finally uses his domain expansion devastating the entire area of Shibuya and decimating it to shreds [Music] the positioning of the song once again is perfect as soon as sukuna is done saying malevolent Shrine choir comes in and just like in Thunderclap the music really does feel like a tragedy the choir sounds like they're crying like they're mourning like we've lost all hope that's the kind of feeling we get here and towards the end the choir and strings start to fade out and the exact moment they leave us we hear the iconic line and once again just like the beginning of the song the percussion takes back the stage and very gradually layers of instruments start peeling away one by one until only the steel drums are left remember how I said that the steel drum rhythms here are like a representation of sukuna himself well at the end as he wills it the only Survivor is the strongest one just as only the steel drums remain at the end only sukuna remains at the end of this [Applause] [Music] fight oh wait we also can't finish off this section without talking about you know this okay it's kind of a meme at this point but I honestly do really like the placement of the opening song here as an insert but I also think this scene would work really well if there was just silence like only Ambience maybe just the sound of the wind just to kind of emphasize the feeling of emptiness and sorrowfulness there's a video out there that does kind of do this and I'll play it right now and honestly it's a very different feeling very empty very chilling like I was talking about ultimately I don't know which one I would prefer but one thing's for sure this episode episod this episode was another musical Masterpiece the animation obviously blew me away here but the music was what stood out to me just as much if not more hey what's up I'm from the future whoa some of you might have a question about the Blu-ray and for those of you living under a rock because of the mappa executives General awfulness the animators weren't actually able to complete their full vision for this episode in time for the TV release but recently the completed Blu-ray version of this episode was released and holy [ __ ] is it different it's hugely up up graded in terms of Animation like some of the best I've ever [ __ ] seen in my life holy [ __ ] but there's a few changes in terms of the music too basically some of the scenes have been extended so the music in these parts that were originally cut a bit short were extended too for the most part this doesn't mean too much like everything I talked about still applies but this does give us some additional cool moments notably near the ends of each song and how they transition into the next song like for example with the change scenes they could now do this for the end of Thunderclap and and a smoother transition for the end of the mahara theme all right that's about it for this [Music] part we're in the final stretch now woo yeah unfortunately we now sadly have to say goodbye to one of our goats Kento [ __ ] nanami two faced out of his mind thinking about Malaysia while facing off against a billion transfig humans we get a super emotional piano piece for his goodbye called vague reason which signifies a celebration of nanami's life as it approaches its end as he remarks how tired he is the piano starts playing these Rising chords getting more intense and more emotional and eventually this becomes a fight song a very different one from what we've heard so far in the other fights in this show but a really fitting one for the end of this character and his desperate Last Stand honestly there's not too much more to say about this it's really sad it's really beautiful and of course it ends with the piano dissipating along with the reveal that this [ __ ] is here the mahito fights that take place over the next few episodes obviously have a [ __ ] ton of music but once again it's mostly songs that we've already heard before using techniques similar to what we've discussed already the real sauce here in terms of the music comes not through Yuji but from Novara during her fight the moment she turns the tables on mahito and hits him with resonance then we get her character theme jiujitsu sorcerer noar kugisaki it's a really youthful graceful and nostalgic sounding theme that for whatever reason always kind of reminded me of the Bravely Default soundtrack but yeah this is another one of those Victory sounding themes which is especially prevalent as we switch over to Yuji who takes his chance to uh holy [ __ ] bro holy [ __ ] Bro chill okay bro relax chill holy [ __ ] Jesus Christ okay we get it okay but as mahito decides to be a little [ __ ] [ __ ] and use the secret Joe star technique the song ends here and we switch into a song called searching for Rico even though Rico has about as much of a chance of showing up here as noa's chances of winning this fight this is a song that we've heard before but the way that they use it in this specific scene is a little different cuz as the two mahito clones meet up we get to what's supposed to be this part of the song [Music] but instead we get this weird distorted slow down version which indicates to us that something's wrong something's very wrong this is the show using music again to play with the audience's expectations and signal once again that something's off by changing a song that we've heard a bunch of times before into something weird and different but yeah after that we get the longest [ __ ] flashback ever like a whole 10-minute thing just to tell us that this girl is [ __ ] cooked and really soon we're going to get a really disgusting POV shot from inside her eye socket but then once that's over we get the song Life wasn't so bad you might as well call this song I am going to die now in the scene itself the song starts as soon as noar's friend says it's another slow nostalgic sounding song with a simple guitar Melody as Nob does her chair thing reminiscing over her life and giving us a really powerful moment to process and as the song ends she delivers that iconic line that the song itself is named after in the episode right after this there's actually no music at all for the first 4 and A2 minutes as we take time to process what just happened to noara and watch mahito absolutely brutalize Yuji over and over again and the lack of Music serves to kind of emphasize this feeling of hopelessness that our guy has simply given up that is until we hear one sound followed by one very very familiar character [Music] Theme it's a slowed down version of one of the best named tracks in all of jiujitsu kaisen the man AI Toto which you may remember from season 1 Toto's character theme is basically like a triumphant chant of Victory this theme signaling his appearance as well as the whole we are the exception speech he gives does an amazing job at just kind of reinvigorating us with hope also just because everyone [ __ ] loves this guy like oh my God he's not done with his speeches though Toto gives Yuji his legendary ass motivational speech to get him back into the fight and towards the end of this speech we get the song called UST by the way I [ __ ] love what the song starts on the exact line that it's named after look look at this ah yeah yeah anyway it's another one of those optimistic hopeful sounding songs that fits really perfectly with the message Toto is giving Yuji here but like a lot of the songs in this Soundtrack This song also has a bit of a shift in the middle of it and that shift starts happening here when Toto and mahito start approaching each other the music gets louder and we enter a very interesting part of the song did you get it yeah it's the Boogie Wy theme [Music] yeah it's another amazing use of a light Motif to add to our collection because just like the original Boogie Woogie this part of the song is kind of this wacky weird digital sounding Melody with a really weird disorienting feel to it almost as if it's mimic the feeling of being teleported around against your will by Toto himself and of course the tempo and the intensity of the song is really great for keeping up with the sick fight that we're witnessing too this song's pretty cool though because it has yet another shift just as Yuji swaps in and we hear the song Slow things down a bit more and go back to that original hopeful optimistic feeling and we build up again and build up again as Yuji hits this incredibly sad satisfying black flash together with a tribute to nanami as the song Eventually Fades out after a bunch of fighting along with a lot of music that I'm not going to talk about because Jesus Christ I'm not going to talk about literally every single [ __ ] scene we get to the next major development in the fight maho's super Speedy fraudulent copycat domain expansion he activates it and manages to hit Toto with it which ironically when Toto is forced to cut off his own arm making it so that he can't use Boogie wogie anymore this starts the song Boogie wogie from season 1 but soon after that we get uh uh we get [Music] uh I have nothing to say which is what I would say if this [ __ ] Toto skitso Idol J-pop song didn't have a light Motif in it yeah that's right listen to this [ __ ] [Music] it's the Toto theme like in this in this in [Music] this this is the best Motif usage like ever like [ __ ] all the other ones that I've talked about Jesus Christ check this [ __ ] out it's [ __ ] it's a masterpiece it's brilliant it's awesome after this point we're treated to maho's transformation which gives us the piece called transformation metamorphosis this song like a lot of the other songs in this soundtrack starts off with some uneasy Ambience once again but as the two start approaching each other it starts picking up and picking up a little bit more as we once again have the music timed to when the two fighters finally launch themselves at each other into a familiar motif yep another Motif this time it's unsurprisingly mahito Motif the same theme that we heard from self- embodiment of perfection from season 1 and from earlier in this season as well we've got the same instrumentation we've got borrowed rhythms and tempos from that song [Music] and eventually the same main Melody that we all know and [Music] love maho's theme kind of sounds almost child childish you know like with these short and repetitive notes and this new version that we get in Season 2 sounds more refined more mature reflecting how mahito himself has matured as a cursed spirit and just as we're about to start fighting in this last phase we're treated to impatience another song from season 1 and I see this as kind of a callback cuz this is effectively the culmination of all of season 1's conflicts being finally resolved here these two with so much history and hatred between them are finally having their final match here and this song I think is the perfect one to accompany it it's one of the most prominent songs that we heard in season 1 it played a whole bunch of times and it's really really memorable so it's really good that we get to hear this as kind of like this nostalgic send off to what we had before but we do get one last Interruption Z Toto appears and beans mahito for the last time so that Yuji can finally take him out and entrusted Toto's new season 2 theme is the one that plays here for his final Act and as I've said so many times before this song is a declaration of Victory though they do end the song before we can hear the Boogie wigy Motif because you know Boogie wiggie is dead okay uh what's next we're finally here at the end there's a bunch more music Still and there's a lot of highlights like GTO showing up to that one piano note once again but I'm going to skip ahead a bit to the last fight of the Season choso steps onto the field and realizes who he's looking at fittingly the song that plays here is called your mom I mean detestable person it's a slow dramatic piece with one main Melody led by the strings perfectly made for a big Revelation scene like [Music] this as choso describes what happened the fact that he was able to sense yuji's pain after almost killing him the fact that he was deeply hurt we get the song Hurt from season 1 which was notably played during the scene where Yuji and nooro finally killed Cho's Brothers this song is very much like remember only sadder because it's played with only strings this time it's a lot slower and the tone is generally a lot more somber and regretful it represents the great deal of pain that Yuji and choso have both had to endure when it came to all of this stuff going on and so essentially having the song be the Prelude to the final fight of the season is really fitting and perfect choso versus Ur and ghetto starts as we get the titular song of the entire series also from season 1 called jiujitsu kais it's another really sick call back to season 1 because this is the fight that takes place after we've just gotten a huge Revelation about who this guy is who's been messing with everything and basically who's been The Mastermind pushing the plot forward since the start of the series so it makes perfect sense that we start off this fight with a song that is named after the whole series what you could basically call the main theme of jiujitsu kaon as we enter the next phase of the fight as we progress we get the return of the mahara theme no I will not say the full name again which is a villainous sounding song to accompany the villain characters taking the lead and starting to win in the fight but this only lasts a little bit of time before we get yet another abrupt cut off God I love these abrupt cut offs hey guys it's me Yuki sorry I'm late LMAO what kind of girls do you like now as you know the Shibuya incident doesn't exactly uh end well well the good guys pretty much lose so this final thing that happens fake ghetto explanation of what's about to happen the cursed Spirits taking over Shibuya and ghetto making his Escape is accompanied by this very slow somber dramatic string heavy piece it's the total opposite of the victory themes that we've heard so many times in this season already this music combined with the rain the darkness and the general sense of defeat makes for really sad ending to the whole thing and to finish it all off we get another really well timed piece of the music here because as soon as ghetto starts to unleash his cursed spirits and he declares that this is the world of the future we get this crazy piano Rhythm followed by what sounds like this evil villains Triumph theme these really dramatic phrases the violins and the Pian just going crazy on us but of of course the end wouldn't be the end if we didn't get a really really abrupt powerful cut off of the song that sounds like a TV screen shutting [Music] off we were cut short before we got to do anything the Shibuya incident is now over as quickly as it started we did it oh my God that was so [ __ ] long this was the longest video oh last few things I want to say before I tearfully end this video I know this was long as [ __ ] I just want to say thanks if you're still sticking around here it really says something good about your attention span unless you skipped here then [ __ ] you one of my favorite types of videos to watch on YouTube are of professional musicians reacting to music from anime and video games and other nerd [ __ ] like that seeing these people who've more or less dedicated their whole lives to the study and appreciation of Music discover and validate anime music to the extent that they do is so satisfying it really affirms to me that you know anime music is legitimate even on a technical level it can really push the boundaries of what music can be there's just so much of it out there whether it's through openings or endings insert songs or soundtracks and it's all so unique and interesting so here's my message to you especially if you're someone who feels any kind of self-consciousness or embarrassment from liking anime music or anything like that it is every bit as good and legitimate as music coming from any other medium and it deserves to be appreciated all the same but yeah for this video I basically just had the goal of showing my appreciation for anime music I don't know if I'll be doing this again it kind of depends this was kind of a lot once again thanks for watching see you idiot
Channel: Heralen
Views: 85,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, heralen, jujutsu kaisen, jjk, malevolent shrine, sukuna, gojo, satoru, yuji, itadori, megumi, fushiguro, ost, soundtrack, anime music
Id: cn1VNWepHlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 6sec (5286 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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