gus fring breaking bad all seasons I 4K logoless

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it's a flurry of deliveries it's really coming together that if you have any very understandable questions about the price tag that sound quality at fiser at MK that unit good I want you to have what you need two weeks or yeah two weeks good very good you can give that to Victor to discard sure and I can't as of yet account for the blue color but um have any competition Gail not as far as I'm concerned after all how pure can pure be maybe even a touch beyond that I'd need an instrument called a gas chromatograph to save for sure but um that last 3% it may not sound like a lot not but it is 96% will do just fine please don't let this trouble you yeah it's just I'd love to know who synthesized it is all a man who wants to work with me a trained chemist like yourself but it won't happen I don't consider him a professional if he's not I don't know what that makes me I'm not trying to talk myself out of job with this person there are other considerations I know that you want the best but I'd shoot him again tomorrow and the next day and the day after that when you make it Gail versus me or Gail versus Jesse Gail loses simple as that this is on you Gus not me not Jesse Gail's death is on you you're planning there whatever whatever it is the point that you're trying to make here iie and myself you have no one to make your product tell me catalytic hydrogenation is it protein Gus well get back to work in the face I've got Gus wielding a box cutter I mean Western Union message received what can I do for you he's a risk a liability any injuries twisted ankle nothing too bad it all went like you thought it would more or less I will of course reimburse you for the damage to your vehicles anyway just like you wanted the kid's a hero we won't be too long the crew that hit our truck gave away the cargo to a couple local nobodies very disciplined of them not keeping anything for themselves to talk that I believe is the English translation no this war stays cold for now what about their message what's the answer set up a meeting let's see what they have to say how did he do today I hear you can handle yourself I guess good night excuse me why me I like to think I see things in people agent Shader oh hey how you doing well thank you it's a pleasure to see you here you're looking very well I must apologize if I had seen you come in there would have been no question of accepting your money in the future please feel free to ask for me a DEA hero should never have to pay for a meal at poos no kidding and how are your mother and father they're they're good if ever you're interested in rewarding part-time work perhaps something after school my door is always open uh I don't know about this one he he might eat up all your profits well I'll let you finish your meal can I get you anything else a refill perhaps no thank you I'm good sure take a Diet Coke thank you very much of [Music] course foree for to me in consider fore spee fore spee maybe he's meeting somebody I'm like who well like maybe this guy I mean what do we know about Gustavo Fring huh this whole friend of law enforcement thing could be a case of keep your friends close but your enem is closer I mean he's got the money to finance this operation maybe he's got the connections too maybe just maybe he's our guy he no offense but I think you're really reaching if your guy had his meeting at KFC you wouldn't immediately assume that he's sitting down with Colonel Sanders you know I I couldn't agree more guys Gustavo frang blue meth you know whole thing is is off the map nuts i' had to be wearing a tinf foil hat you know SE can't seem to wrap my mind around this one little thing that is what Gustavo fring's fingerprints doing a Gail B's apartment this residue here is descale with cool water from the walk-in and not water from the back remember do it again please foros for something delicious is always cooking yes Detective stop thanks for coming in my pleasure how's Kathy much better thank you and you know Hank Sher yes indeed and Steve Gomez how was your meal agent Shader and I got a chance to catch up at one of my restaurants a few days ago i' eat there every day but I wouldn't fit through the door the de EA is working on an investigation which may overlap with my own so I really that's surprising a drug rated homicide Gail Beer's apartment 15 years ago I established a chemistry scholarship at UNM I named it after maximino ARA a dear friend of mine who died too young Gail was a recipient of the scholarship he was perhaps one of three dozen I see and Mr Baker graduated in 1999 that sounds right and you kept in regular contact with him over all this time oh no I hadn't seen Gail for years uh until I ran into him a few weeks ago ran into him where at the restaurant uh well ran into isn't quite accurate as I assume he came by to reestablish contact with me the following night and I accepted it was perhaps a week later I read about him in the paper drug related you said it's a good made no mention of that I assumed that it was a random crime so after years of no contact he shows up in your restaurant remakes your acquaintance and invites you to dinner yeah he wanted money Gil betterer ask you for money no he didn't come right out and say that he spoke in terms of a vague investment opportunity but it was my suspicion yes as to why he invited me into his home he was a very very talented chemist but for reasons I never understood he was more interested in taking shortcuts than what would or could have been a very promising career organization just a question oh I I understand let's see 23rd I was there from 7 to 11 then uh just one other thing um is Gustavo Fring your real name is it my real name I I I know you're a Chilean National but there are no records of you ever living there really I mean records show that you immigrated to Mexico in 1986 and then a couple years later you were granted an entry visa to the United States but there's no record of Gustavo Fring ever having existed in Chile which I find I don't know I strange no really it isn't many sins first and foremost where it's human rights abuses unreliable at keeping records I'm sure if you keep digging you'll find me we usually find something maybe 486 this guy's a ghost may I help you sir may I help you I didn't do it see I didn't do it do it do it may I help you with your order yes I did some digging around and Trader's looking into you totally on his Lonesome voice in the wilderness does he have resources just him his credit card and his chauffer Walter what about Chile if I can't find any trace of you before 89 I seriously doubt shreder can it could be the perfect storm thank you I'll be in touch is today the day Hector have my graci Max fore look at me actor look at me maybe next time hey get [Applause] down see the guys now but seriously what what was the deal with Gus the deal a Terminator [ __ ] walking right into the bullets what the hell was he doing I hope you brought an appetite yeah I guess I know you have concerns what happened yesterday to my man at the farm he was a terrible thing all the dude get in his head blown off yeah I have invited you into my home prepare food so we could sit and talk discuss what's going on in this business our business like men and I will explain everything that's happening I will answer your questions but first I need you to answer one question for me can you cook Walter's formula what Walter's formula can you produce this product this your plan huh invite me in your house kill Mr White you want to you want to talk like men let's talk like men and I need your help I need you to help prevent an on out War answered the [Music] question you can do this this he's asking if you're the chemist poor they synthesize their own I don't I don't do that look I get my phatic acid from the barrel with the B on it that's how I know how to do it El sen your pink p all right we're going to scour every V yes well done Ben fore for spee esam fetamina for no [Music] imposs saf Mee for welcome Sal Salo fore for spee fore spee [Music] speee [Applause] for [Music] spee speee for it works take him Keys hey hey are you still with us go it's time to go I'll send for himci water and rest see there are many good ways south unfortunately only one way [Applause] North 6 miles to Texas I've got a man there who'll drive us the rest of the way you know that won't work [Music] just there right all of theor Dono donaco Cesar Ronaldo foro Cisco and Luis escalada all dead as is your grandson would you like to see this young man now the salaman name dies with you will you look at me now Look at Me Hector look at me you are done fired do not show your face at the laundry again stay away from Pinkman do not go near him ever are you listening to me or else you'll do what what did you say stay away from Pinkman or else you'll do what no matter how hard you try to turn him against me to screw with his head so that he would hate my guts and he still won't let you do it for now but he'll come around now is left to me to deal with him you can't if you try to interfere this becomes a much simpler matter I will kill your wife I will kill your son I will kill your infant daughter who do you know who's okay with abing children Jesse who do you know who's allowed children to be murdered H Gus he has he has been 10 steps ahead of me at every turn and now the one thing that he needed to finally get rid of me is your consent and Bo he's got that now he's got it and not only does he have that but he manipulated you into pulling the trigger for him but Jesse I am running a business I need you back at the lab to complete the cook I'm very sorry is there anything I can do I am on the board of this hospital I can recommend doctors make sure he gets whatever he needs the best treatment how did that happen this current badge is surely ruined now correct stay with the boy for no no no no don't go don't go don't go don't go they just had a visitor Hector salamona yes we just picked up Pinkman no Witnesses what about ector just him alone his room 6 feet under and half a face he's still screwing with us so what's next I don't know I don't know this mattero thing seems hky though you know I me you got Burger Meister Meister Burger over here in Germany 5,000 m
Channel: logoless multi
Views: 22,988
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Length: 36min 47sec (2207 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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