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jesus christ oh this is getting insane you are oh god but here we go they have commenced to charge forward which is going to be absolute debatable they're [Music] why why has it been so long since i've played this game mountain blade 2 bandlord oh i have missed you i have missed you so goddamn much it has actually been a stupid amount of time since i've last played this game especially since bannerlord was well really what started this channel in a big way it was the reason i hit a thousand subscribers it was the reason i hit 10 000 subscribers and it was even the reason i hit a hundred thousand subscribers all the way back in march of 2020 when it came out but more recently i i haven't really played it let alone put videos up on the channel i don't think i've really probably got myself into a game of battle in six months so i think it's time time to come back and this well this is an exciting modification recently updated for car radio awakens it's time to get some muskets going hmm black powder bombs i like the sound of them i don't think we're gonna need a shield with these bad boys one of the first things we need to do though in order to start off our journey of banditry and musketry is find some suitable companions to help us along our way aha our first empire levy who as you can see has himself a gun but i did actually play the musket mod a long long time ago for this game and it was pretty good it had some issues and some bugs but i think with this newer update so much later from the initial playthrough it's gonna be interesting to see just how powerful these guys are and yes this this is what we need right then looters who wants some fight me if you dare oh i do dare i do dare indeed good sir right i'm good i meant i'm actually gonna dismount her i'm gonna say hello to everybody how are you doing now we do have two guys at the front oh you you you do have pistols okay i thought you had swords that's that's much better than than i expected oh our first shots are coming in the reload time is definitely not instant but i get a first kill world an era there it looks like we are using the crossbow mechanics and is that the enemy running away already is that them leaving it seems like it is and now they can be upgraded to empire guard or imperial novice musketeers now the empire guard looks like they're still yeah it looks like these guys are pikeman at least the pikeman line we can't get grenades where it's going to be exciting but we're going to go the other way we'll get some imperial novice musketeers because we really want to see how op this can be you might be thinking resin surely it's not going to be that overpowered right every other faction has got their own musketeers well perhaps some of them do but as we noticed all of those looters were hand-to-hand miller units which didn't work out too well for him oh here they come as you can see these guys as far as i know don't have any ranged weaponry they've got clubs and pitchforks and i've got a bit of a better army at this point in time we are probably going to annihilate these guys okay they're trying to throw rocks at me this guy has bought a potato to a gunfight actually this could hurt a little bit if they actually do hit me but they're not going to because i era i'm a master of the dodgings i wonder what these do [Laughter] yes i like that a lot just make sure none of them can properly escape just a cheeky throat now there's a lot more than there were before once again there's there's still looters but there's 32 of them let's just see if i can go and soften them up a little bit with my newfound favorite weapon the god damn grenade this guy's got a musket at the back oh multiple have muskets okay we have multiple bogeys with muskets multiple bogeys with muskets be aware be aware and there goes my horse oh god we got to get out of here out this isn't going very well i'm taking a lot of hits come on guys get in there do your thing reload my musket come on reload okay my guys are using the butts of their musket to do some damage and they're doing some oh my god that guy just got demolished execute good job good job there's one over there i can't be shot by him can you guys go and finish him off please oh good shot mr novice oh i didn't mean to say that so the faction grows and so does my bloodlust and i found some villagers that i want to execute okay look i get it some people might think that this is probably against the geneva convention or something like that but i think these guys have been treading the wrong feet too long don't know what that means but i say as far as excuses go it's as good as any seems like everybody hates me now though xq order 66. i think we might need to fight someone a little bit harder and when i say a harder fight i mean a goddamn harder fight we have the azurai here now the ezra if anyone has watched my older battle videos know that they're kind of ripe for the bullying it sounds mean but can you really can you really say that the ezra are your favorite faction okay so here they come they've got one guy coming up ahead i'm assuming he's their officer or just a skirmish cavalry guy that thinks he's cool but he is well he has been executed you are right in thinking i am an idiot for attacking a massive cavalry force with a load of musketeers but hey maybe we just imagine it's the battle of waterloo we are the british musketeers and they're the french cavalry guys we really need to be getting more kills than this okay first first proper kill comes in i'm starting to get hit my pistol doesn't do a lot of damage if i'm gonna be completely honest with you oh i'm gonna get off my horse i need to get in with the others come on guys come on guys guys guys oh god square formation square formation it has all gone wrong it has all gone wrong come on reload your pistol reload your pistol good sir who wants some you what oh god oh jesus christ oh this is getting insane stand together fight together troops fight together fight together i think this is time for a bomb who wants a bomb you can have a bomb bomb for you oh god i missed okay there's a cooldown on bombs we need to be a bit careful with that okay we're actually starting to hit them back we may be only melee troops here or at least against melee troops however we are actually beating them in a melee fashion just about okay their infantry coming in is going gonna prove to be a bit of an issue i think all right we're gonna have to throw another bomb i'm getting battered by that cavalry coming past who should i throw this bomb out who wants this out bombs away okay i may have accidentally killed a friendly there they probably deserved it they probably left or cheated on their partner before they came to war oh my word this is a bloody mess but we're still alive we're still somehow alive they have a few musketmen left oh god he's coming he's coming we can get back to firing though which is where we are best at i need to stay away from this cavalry bombs oh horse of course why did you do this wait was that my horse execute what a battle that was what a battle that was good job men we may be bloody and bruised but we have proven that it doesn't matter if we must get them we can still take on a massive cavalry force have i proven that muskets are op yet even in a melee situation well if you thought that wasn't an insane enough fight here we have uh 600 of my tubes versus 300 of their troops now funnily enough that isn't their whole army they actually do outnumber me i'm not entirely sure why it's given them so few i guess it's because there's that many armies against me yes that that many no idea how many that is probably about 68. we're starting to fire now that's that's good that's good good good good good let's go let's go everybody start shooting present your arms and fire at will looks like only the first lines are really being able to get some shots off here so let's put them a little bit closer this smoke is really gonna lag on my computer this is gonna be a disaster i think okay we are starting to get some hits on their inventory their shields should break at the front there luckily they're not really doing anything about it so we're able to just get a load of shots off when we want to without them doing much in terms of reacting oh my god i was just taking a thumbnail shot there i've just noticed there's actual musket balls that have been put into this mod i'm assuming that's come from this guy's gun you can see the hacho musket ball that's gorgeous good job guys right we are going to slowly start to move up here we have been sending off ripple volleys of fire for about two or three minutes now we are getting some good hits so we've actually as you can see in the top right there we're starting to aim oh well if i've ever seen officer aim this is it you're starting to aim at literally just the leaders but here we go they have commenced a charge forward which is going to be absolute death more than that first volley that was one of the most brutal volleys i've ever seen keep firing men keep it up oh this is just a death sentence they've actually just got a couple kills on us now but hopefully we can stop them before they get too close to our lines this smoke is brutal they do have musketeers at the back and they're sending some cavalry in at the moment but it looks like we're still doing a good job of killing them they are getting a few kills on us now but we've taken down a horse that guy's just gonna get shot yep down he goes and it looks like we're starting to get some people going into the front oh no we're having some men retreating this is not looking good come back to the fray we need you in battle we need you in battle especially because they are replenishing their troops you see more reinforcements are coming down from the top come on man stand and fight stand and fight oh we're having more reinforcements coming in on our side as well this is not looking good for us our front line is almost fallen we still have a few guys here but jesus christ they're even starting to hunt down my guys at the back we've got a musketman here he took a bit of a beating there for my musket ball they are retreating as well but my whole front line is gone it looks like it's mostly down to reinforcements from my guys come on man regroup oh my word he just got demolished get to a good position we need to start firing again they have started to regroup as well on that side let's see if we can get oh my word look at all our guys running off there 500 dropping very fast against their 300 but i still think they've got reinforcements that can come in but we're able to get some more fire going there i don't know how this works in terms of ammo if you've got unlimited ammo i very much doubt it i think it'll probably work much like crossbowmen or archers since that's really what they're re-skinned versions of so we probably do have a limit but it looks like some men are coming back from retreating okay guys come on no one's chasing you anymore stop stop stop retreating please our morale is low unfortunately that's got nothing to do with the fact that i starved them before the battle definitely it's probably just because they're weak right oh there's a guy coming in we're not gonna let him get our troops taken down he's been shot as well we've got more reinforcements coming in now hold your ground start firing on the main coming up the hill guys their muskets are gonna prove to be a bit of an issue here getting some good hits though we do we do have the complete advantage when it comes to ranged warfare of course we do we have way more troops in terms of the musketeers but as soon as they get close it's proving to be really difficult especially when their muskets are firing at the same time yeah their their gunpowder infantry that sultanate gunpowder infantry are very powerful we've got some more reinforcements coming in now but it looks like they also have the same my troops are getting demolished and my horse is dead oh no all right come on then lad come on then bam ow i've just been shot get you get you you must get butts out and start hitting them i i've told them to hold fire and just go for it this is our only chance at this point oh jesus throw a bomb oh i just hit his horse i'm really sorry yours i didn't mean to do that throw bombs oh my word he went up in flames that one reform reform we've only got 500 troops left i don't think we've got any more reinforcements these are our last guys and my god they are dropping so fast oh no this is the last stand for these troops chuck over there oh yes beautiful beautiful gunpowder infantry and the recruit goes down oh no i've been taken down it's up to you but this looks like it could be the end of the empire the british army with all their musketry and prowess oh my word that guy went flying be strong men be strong well this everybody has been the cowardio awakens musket mod for mountain blade 2 bandlord it feels good to be back in the game it feels good to be playing again and messing around with some of these more insane mods seeing how powerful each of these individual types of troops are it is a lot of fun but please let me know down in the comments if you want to see more of this and what you really want to see i do want to bring back some battle on modding videos but i am just waiting for those multiplayer servers to get some cool rp storytelling goodness some cool cinematic videos on the channel and create mini series out of that so please leave a like on the video if you enjoyed it leave a dislike if you didn't but until then i will see you in the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Resonant
Views: 169,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bannerlord, bannerlord gameplay, bannerlord is broken, breaking bannerlord with guns, gun mod in Mount and Blade Bannerlord, guns only in bannerlord, how good are guns in mount and blade, mount and blade, muskets in bannerlord, muskets only in bannerlord, resonant, spiffing bring Mount and blade, spiffing brit, sword and musket mod bannerlord
Id: 0DZOMp4ygNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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