Guns for Criminals, Looters & Riots (Pandemic Preparation Overview for New Gun Owners)

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alright guys so this is going to be a longer video and I'm going to kind of give you a a good broad general overview kind of broad spectrum look into a lot of different guns and why they might work for a first-time gun owner or maybe not necessarily the first-time gun owner but maybe somebody who hasn't owned guns in a while or maybe they did own a gun a long time ago or maybe they owned a gun now but they're not sure that it's what they really need whatever the case may be look right now we're kind of in panic mode crisis mode if you will we're in a state of national emergency world emergency quite honestly with the coronavirus Kovach 19 and people are panicked look even in good times bad people do bad things but in bad times bad people tend to do even more bad things we look when la wins a championship you know people go on the streets and loot and riot and light fires and flip over cars and cause property damage can you imagine if things get really really bad now and trust me they are going to get worse before they get better we are just at the beginning of this particular crisis okay and so understandably a lot of people who might not previously have cared about guns want to have something to defend themselves with and unlike a lot of other people who I'm seeing on YouTube and on Facebook and everywhere else within the gun community um I'm not gonna be an [ __ ] about it I'm not gonna say told you so hmm I'm gonna say welcome what can I do to help I'm glad you finally realize the need to own a gun maybe the need for something like the Second Amendment and what can I do to help you that's what I'm gonna say welcome and I think that's what everybody all gun owners all people who care about the second minute should say to all these new gun owners okay and so what we're gonna do today is just kind of go over all the different categories of guns and how they might work for you because quite honestly right now I mean it's slim pickins man you go into a gun shop you go into a sporting goods store and there's very few things left people are buying stuff out left and right not to mention when it comes to ammo that kind of thing it could be hard to get a hold of something that you would want to defend yourself or your family or your home or your property or whatever it may be so I want to go over all the different categories the five categories of guns as I see them which is going to be 22s rifles for defense rifles for hunting shotguns and handguns all of which if used properly can defend yourself with they just generally speaking usually tend to have different things they're better at we're gonna go over those five different categories to hopefully help you figure out what type of gun you should be looking for or if you walk into that gun shop and there's only three guns and none of them are what you exactly thought you were looking for maybe you'll remember this video and go oh well I do remember that gun and that it was good for this and this and this and that it is a pretty good usable gun maybe that's something I can go ahead and get into so let's go ahead and jump right in alright now for our first category we're going talk about 22s now 22 of course refers to the actual caliber the bullet that these guns shoot which is a very very small 22 caliber bullet usually reserved for things like you know having fun blinking at the range shooting targets maybe shooting small game like rabbit or something like that or sometimes for training purposes it is a it is a small I don't want to say ineffectual round many people have been stopped from getting shot with a 22 many people have died from getting shot with a 22 you know you hear these stories that oh somebody put down a deer with the 22 well that's great and all but it's it's luck more than anything else look this this bullet that these these three different types of guns shoot is a lot of fun everybody that is a gun owner usually has at least one 22 in their collection they're great for kids again they're great for small game again rabbits squirrels stuff like that they're great for plinking and having some fun at the range but they're not made to stop human beings in bad times and that's kind of the problem with it yes there are people that have been stopped with 22s before but usually that's the mental stop not the physical stop in other words somebody realizes they got shot they turn around and stop doing what they're doing they didn't stop doing what they're doing because this round put them down they did it because mentally they realized they got shot and they ran off and yes a lot of people died from 22 usually because they get shot and don't realize how bad it is and they don't go seek medical attention and they die from some sort of internal issue it's not because they got stopped right then and there and they immediately die they usually die later on Africa shots unless you get really lucky with shot placement this is probably not a category I would go to even in something like a 22 rifle like this where you've got a longer barrel with more velocity sending that bullet further and faster downrange it's still not really something I would recommend unless you have no other choice all right now we're gonna talk about what I typically consider hunting rifles now I call them that because nowadays that's probably the the thing that they excel at the most these are guns that have some sort of manual alarms where you have to you know rerun the bolt or work a lever between each shot they tend to be more accurate greater at longer distances things like that they tend to use larger calibers as well 30.6 is an extremely large caliber comparatively speaking 3030 what we have here in this lever action is a decent caliber it's pretty large this one in particular is actually a pistol caliber carbine so I would consider it a hunting rifle but it does shoot at pistol caliber this one in particular shoots 38 special and 357 Magnum but those rounds coming out of a 16 and 1/2 inch barrel actually do a lot of damage this would be great for taking deer so how do these fall in line with the self-defense well honestly really really well you gotta you gotta take me consideration you know Wars have been one with bolt-action rifles back in the Old West lever actions were the were the the choice of the day as far as having a rifle to defend yourselves these were not originally used as hunting rifles none of these work lever-action rifles bolt-action rifles these were originally designed as quote unquote weapons of war they were they were they were designed to be firearms that could be used to defend people and they still to this day work very well at doing that once you learn how to work one of these guns they can be very very effective okay the really only downside to these is they do tend to have a lower capacity than modern-day semi-automatic rifles that we would typically see today used for self-defense something like this only holds 10 rounds this one here only holds 7 this one only holds 5 okay now this one obviously has the largest bullet but you actually can buy some of these guns you can buy bolt-action rifles out there that actually do take a magazine from either an ar-15 or an ar-10 or something like that so you can get larger capacity if that's something you're concerned with but these are the types of guns that you have to cycle the action between every round and that is something a lot of people don't want to mess with in a defensive gun I completely understand that but these are still very very effective weapons if you practice with them and if you know how to use them so if you're desperate and you walk into your local gun shop and you've been everywhere else and they don't have anything else and you need a gun to protect yourself something like this can be a very very good option again it's not typically what we see use for defense today but remember these guns were all designed originally to be defensive and in some cases offensive rifles and they serve that purpose very very well alright so now let's talk about shotguns these are a very very popular choice for a lot of people and a lot of people think this is the ultimate go to home defensive tool and you know it's kind of hard to argue with that I don't necessarily agree there's another type of firearm that we'll talk about here in a minute that I think is a little bit better but that's personal choice that's not due to anything with these firearms there are many many people who defend themselves daily with shotguns in their homes and outside of their homes all over the world they are very very effective tools outside of bird hunting they're not like the best firearm for really anything but they're really good at a lot of different stuff they're really good at hunting they're really good at home defense they're really good as a truck gun for needing some sort of defensive tool on the go they're really good at a lot of different things and they have a lot of options usually the biggest downside to a shotgun is usually capacity most of the time you're going to get basically a five-round capacity limit on these things five plus one in the chamber if you keep it loaded and keep the safety on these two in particular actually are seven rounds so this two magazine right here this one here holds seven rounds these are pump actions which would be my recommendation my go-to you also have something like this which is an over/under it has two different barrels one on the top one on the bottom when you fire those two rounds you have to open it back up load two more rounds in close it and you can fire two more shots again and this one is a single barrel shot which just fires one round at a time between each round you have to open it reload another round close it again and then fire again these two obviously are not optimal for defense you want something that's gonna have more than one or two rounds before you have to reload it so a pump-action shotgun is probably the way to go you can see we've got one here this is a Remington 870 that's this particular configuration is more of like a traditional you know bird hunting setup more than anything else or skeet shooting or something like that this is a Mossberg 500 that's been set up quote-unquote tactically it's monster 500 tactical that's got a few features on it that make it better suited for home defense but either one of these would be great as a home defense tool either one of these would work really really well maybe this one not so much because it's got a longer barrel but that can be taken care of with replacing the barrel or maybe you just don't care doesn't matter a little bit longer barrel makes it a little bit harder to lug it around your house potentially or through a door or down a hallway but if that's not something you're concerned about go ahead and get one of these I've noticed a lot of these in stores because they're not quote-unquote tactical right so a lot of people are just ignoring these don't ignore this this is a very very good effective home defense tool for whatever ails you okay so please don't overlook something like this just because it doesn't look like something like this because this can look like this very very easily by simply swapping out a barrel and changing out wood grips and stocks for you know cool plastic ones so that's really the only difference between these two and so there you go but definitely a good pump action shotgun is definitely definitely a really good choice as long as your main reason for buying a gun isn't to conceal it you know like to carry a pistol around with you or something like that because obviously you can't do that with these okay now let's talk semi-automatic rifles or as I like to call them defensive rifles I feel like these fit the term defensive rifle better because they're more modern they're semi-automatic they usually tend to be smaller and lighter than what we looked at earlier with like a hunting rifle and so they're a little bit easier to use for most people that to defend themselves in their homes and their families in their property okay what we have here is we have an ak-47 we've got an ar-15 and then here we've got an older SKS this is an old Chinese gun it was originally designed by the Russians but it is a semi maduk rifle and all that means for those that don't know is simply you pull the trigger once it goes bang you pull the trigger again it goes bang you pull the trigger again it goes bang until it's got no more ammunition in it it doesn't mean you just hold the trigger and it sprays okay some automatic is not contrary to what the media will tell you an evil assault weapon okay that's a made-up political term that does not exist in the gun world there's no such thing as an assault weapon other than in the minds of politicians and people who are anti-gun okay these are similar Matic rifles that is how they operate one thing I'll tell you about about these is especially with ar-15s a lot of people tend to get especially new gun owners tend to get intimidated by these you shouldn't be they're very very easy simple tools they are not any more dangerous than any other gun out there on the market there's a lot of misinformation about these guns so it is definitely something worth checking out the biggest draw to these is these are excellent defensive tools excellent defensive tools because they're very easy to use a K 47 s and there are 15 s specifically there are many many other types out there as well but obviously these are the two that most people are going to know now as far as availability a lot of people who are freaking out probably not newer gun owners but people who were already gun owners and don't want to get caught behind in the in the in the in a panic buying have gone out and bought a lot of these but here's one thing for some of you newer gun owners out there or gun buyers who are looking for let's say an ar-15 for example you can still buy these guns in parts you can go to places like Palmetto State Armory Palmetto State Armory calm and you can buy a complete lower and a complete upper and you can have a gun like this for about $450 that just doesn't mean just me spitballing a price I don't know exactly but I was looking yesterday and it's like roughly in that range it can be a little less than that you can be a little more than that but you can order these online now to explain for those that might be a little you know nervous about I don't know how to put together a gun it's really really simple if you need to learn how to clean this gun you're gonna need to learn how to take it apart in a complete upper and a complete lower it has two pins right here okay you pop this pin out on this side okay you pop this pin out on this side this is how you clean the gun and it comes in to two different pieces this piece right here is not considered the fire this gets sent directly to your home if you order it online okay it's complete it's ready to go this is how you clean your gun this is how you just so simple it to clean it this piece right here because it has the serial number on it is considered the firearm this gets sent to your local FFL dealer or your firearms dealer there you will go and get a background check to pick this up okay but you can order this in two pieces fairly inexpensively and there are still many of them available online if you know where to look places like Palmetto State Armory radical firearms there's many of them do a little google research and you'll find these places so if this is something you're worried about and you're worried about oh I don't know if I should order one that comes in pieces it's very very simple okay this is not a difficult gun you have to know how to do this just to be able to properly maintain the gun and take care of it and if you pop two pins back in and it's a complete gun again so that's just something I wanted to throw out there for those of you who are new and don't understand how easy it is to order this in quote-unquote pieces and then just assemble it when you get those pieces so alright here we are - my number one recommendation handguns why is this my number one recommendation very very simple okay due to their size these guns can be wherever you need them to be when you need them to be there you can carry these guns with you everywhere even if that's from one side of your house to the other or that's in your vehicle or that's when you're going shopping or whatever it may be obviously check your local laws about carrying guns but still you understand what I'm saying it's a lot easier to carry one of these to defend yourself in a bad situation than it is a rifle or a shotgun or whatever it may be that's not to knock rifles and shotguns fact just two days ago I took a family member to go buy their very first gun and just knowing their situation actually a shotgun was the way to go for them they bought a Remington 870 20 gauge and it works well for them in their situation but overall in general I think handguns are the best choice when it comes to just average everyday defense for the average everyday citizen they're there they're small they're convenient and they're highly effective when it comes to defending your or yourself your family your property whatever it may be handguns are used every day by the thousands to defend people's lives successfully and I think it should be the first choice if you have a choice he's trying times of not being able to find guns and ammo anywhere if you have a choice I would recommend handgun first now I've got a few different types of handguns on the table we've got a striker fired Glock and nine-millimeter this one in particular because of the base plate holds 19 rounds in the magazine plus one in the chamber that's 20 rounds here we've got a hammer fired double action single action Sig I'm not gonna go into all the differences you can google these terms so we have a better understanding but I don't want to make this video too long but this one is fired with the hammer it is double-action and single-action whereas this one is a striker fired gun it does not have a hammer as an internal striker okay and it's a different type of trigger but both guns are very very effective okay then you've got something like this this is an old-school design this is a 1911 these guns have been in service in military and law enforcement for well over a hundred years it is an old-school tried-and-true single action hammer fire design they work the biggest downside between this and something like those two is capacity this is a single stack magazine that only holds eight rounds whereas on the Glock you have a double stack magazine that again holds 19 rounds now that being said this is nine-millimeter this is 45 45 is a considerably larger cartridge considerably larger bullet it hits a little bit harder so you're making a trade-off their power for capacity then we got something like this maybe you walk in and the only thing they have are some old mill serve guns like this Makarov this is an old gun that was designed in the 1950s its hammer fired double action single action blowback design very very simple gun it was designed by the Russians back in the 1950s has a little bit different way to eject the magazine it's got a little thing at the bottom that you press to pull the magazine out it's eight plus one in the chamber I believe seven plus one in the chamber it fires a round that might actually be easier to find nowadays because it's not a common round it fires the 9-millimeter Makarov or the the nine by 18 it's not as common of a round it's not around a lot of people rushing out to buy so you walk in the gun store you see only old surplus guns maybe that's the best choice for it for you this is a older tried-and-true designs been around for 60 70 years and it works I've carried this gun before I trust this gun so maybe older and surplus is the way to go then of course you got just a good old 357 magnum revolver holds six rounds in the chamber of three seven Magnum and what more can you ask for it's a double action single action you can stage the the hammer or not up to you then we got something like this which strangely enough as much as I kind of look at this gun it's kind of a gimmick gun in today's day and age something like the tourist judge might actually be a really good choice for a lot of people who can't find other guns because of the fact that not a lot of people are looking at these first of all and second when it comes to finding ammo this shoots 45 long colt and 410 pistol caliber 410 shot shells two calibers that are not very sought-after that I've seen that several sporting goods stores and seen at several gun shops that people just start buying ammo for this gun not only that but you have a choice you can shoot to different kinds of animals if you can't find one type of mammal you can you know buy the other and load it up in this gun so this might be a good option for today's day and age if you're gonna buy something like that the better of the two rounds between 410 and 45 is the 45 it's much more effective in this gun but that might also be an option so there you go that's my opinion on my number one recommendation handguns I guess so there you have it that is pretty much I think a good overview of everything you need to know if you are a first time the gun buyer when it comes to the different types of guns out there so that you have at least a little bit of knowledge some basic knowledge on all the different types out there because right now you may find yourself in a situation where you can't be too picky you have to take what you can get and so hopefully this video will help you to know what to expect when when going and picking up or picking out a firearm given that the choices are so limited right now I hope it was helpful and once again if you're a new gun owner I would like to say welcome and if there's anything I can do to personally help you make choices whether it's about guns ammo or really anything else I am always here I know there's a lot of really good people in the gun community here on YouTube that will also be there to help you out at any time if you need advice or help or whatever it may be in anything firearm related there's a lot of good people out there and hopefully we will be able to come together and help each other out when we need it so that is it if you guys have any questions comments anything like that leave that down below in the chat and we will talk to you guys later thank you guys
Channel: NeverEnuffAmmo
Views: 102,957
Rating: 4.7704501 out of 5
Keywords: NeverEnuffAmmo, self defense, home defense, prepper, prepping, second amendment, 2a, politics, constitution, #momsdemandattention, #neammo, #neverenuffammo, guns, firearms, review, ammo, ammunition, survival, first time buyer, first gun, firearm, new gun owner, rifle, shotgun, self defense rifle, semi auto, semi automatic, handgun, pistol, revolver, pandemic, panic buy
Id: FPfUgD-kpLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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