Gunmen From Laredo | Full Movie | Silver Scenes

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[Music] yeah all [Music] oh [Music] sh [Music] [Applause] [Music] looks like you're traveling in style this is the life I sure wish the weather would make up its mind so do I this is a very stubborn whe like my wife yo team of mules couldn't have kept her home but she's not a stubborn Amigo she's a very brave woman I don't see how you figure this has been a great opportunity for her to see the country free Transportation free room and meals the room is an old tent and the good meals would be no good without her cooking them oh cooking's no problem don't I always dry the dishes see after she washes them and is another reason why she's Brave she marry you oh that makes her brave to marry a man makes any woman Brave well don't let her he I have to raise her wages the only raise I want is another cushion I could even use two more how much farther is it to the Laredo cut off just over the next Hill we'll water the herd and Camp there tonight maybe make San Anton tomorrow I hope so oier is right you are a brave girl a most beautiful Brave girl with sand and my hair freckles on my nose and a ton of mud under my fingernails you must be crazy yep really crazy about you sure like the way you talk Mister well it's been a long hard trip soon be over L would have been much easier wouldn't it Gil we'd probably be there by now that's just as well to go around it this way we'll find a buyer for the herd in San Anton you wouldn't be avoiding Laredo because I happen to be along would you I would there's a man there by the name of keeper he and his brothers run the cattle market so we could sell the cattle oh not to Ben kefir I was in a cattle deal with him once before I broke up with a little gun play one of his men was killed oh it was a fair fight but keeper couldn't believe it that way we made a few threats and if we meet again I know there'll be more shooting atie we've had two good years together I've been able to get by without getting in any trouble I kind of like to keep it that way onward to San Anton [Applause] [Music] how much longer are we going to wait they'll be along soon this rain won't stop them they sure going to heap of trouble just to knock off a couple hundred head of cattle you think I rode all the way out here just for that that's all you told me Bob I had a run in with this fellow once name's weird and friend of mine got shot I don't like my friends getting shot understand we knock off the cattle and we knock off the people maybe they won't show bringing that herd in all the way from Mexico they could go in any direction Jordan I told you I saw them cross the Rio Grand earli this morning they're passing up Laro and heading for San Anton they got a come through here with the Circuit Judge in town ain't you got enough worries there's not going to be any [Music] [Music] worry cattle will be glad to get a drink a last chance of water for Miles we'll camp on the other side hold the herd here until I check the creek bottom don't want to run into any soft spots TR be careful Mr re I will Mrs [Music] Ren [Music] let's [Music] go yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] f Katie ktie kitty kitty Katie Katie Katie Katie Kil you're you're here okay Kil hold [Music] me you looking for somebody Ben he's busy maybe his brother's going accommodate you I said I was looking for Ben you want to see you'll have to wait get out of my way why you I hold right there both where's your Brave brother you you're looking for me Reen hold that gun right where it is I don't think you'll be needing this anymore you don't show much surprise should I most people would what are you talking about thanks for leaving me alive but you didn't draw the line at killing an offenseless woman did you you making up some kind of story I don't have to make one up well you slipped up on me Ben you're going to be sorry you did right up the hour kid I told you once before there wasn't room enough in the same territory for both of us I never thought you'd make it this easy for me R and you made it real easy I half the people in this room so try to draw me did that's an interesting way to look at it Satan's gun never even left its holster you made sure he didn't have any chance at all didn't you chance did the two you killed a few hours ago have a chance aren't you a little mixed up I've been working upstairs in my office all night there Witnesses here that can prove that you're a liar Keir you were at the Laredo cut off just before Sundown and you left me for dead after you murdered my wife talks kind of crazy doesn't he shoots kind of crazy too you and your brothers you got it all figured haven't you as a Circuit Judge do here tomorrow you tell them your story we'll tell them [Music] ours close that bar and let's get this trial started Arie close it you mean I picked for the jury leave your drinks and sit over here court with judge Raymond Parker presiding is now in session juryman take off your hat I've been mixing around a little this morning now and then over hearing about favoritism and certain conditions existing in this town that might affect the trial want to say right from the start there's no favoritism no conditions in this court of law we're going to have a fair trial a man is dead and if the jury finds Gil rden guilty of murderous charged he's going to be punished he's going to be sentenced according to the law you understand that Mr Ruden I do and if the jury finds the accused innocent he is to be set free understand that Mr kefir I do there's no doubt about his guilt well we've got a jury here to decide that you understand your duties jury you men of the jury will you stop gabing and listen to what I have to say oh we're listening judge you've got to decide if what the witnesses swear to is the truth or if what the defendant swears to is the truth we know all that judge swear them in let him start talking well I've got something else to say first I told a few of you what's in this envelope it's papers giving this District a United States Marshall I want to say that I recommended the appointment some of you have already met the gentleman he's a good man he's honest stand up Matt Matt Crawford I I don't become a representative of the law here until tomorrow but there is just one thing I'd like to mention in advance while we're all friends if you don't want trouble keep out of trouble well that goes for you too Marshall if you don't want trouble keep out of it that right boys Mr keer everybody here when there's trouble I don't keep out of it I get in it but both feet all right Marshall all right you can make more speeches tomorrow on your own time the first man to be heard in this case is Ben kefir who makes the charges step up Mr kefir and be sworn in do you promise to tell the truth the whole truth and abide by the verdict of this court to help you guard I do your charge is that Gil Reen came into this Saloon yesterday and Shot Bob Sutton In Cold Blood killed him that's right judge and with witnesses to prove it all right judge we're ready everybody sit down now the C is open again everybody sit you men got a verdict yes sir what is it we've listened to all that's been said and swore to very careful judge we all agree on guilty I have no choice but to accept the findings of the jury namely that you Gil Reen did shoot and kill one Bob suton without reasonable cause or provocation what kind of a trial is this a fair one Mr ridden a fair one you had your say I had my say but I don't think anyone heard it why didn't you get answers to the questions I brought up questions don't count you've got to have evidence and you haven't any all you had was charges and no witness and all you had is a story of Three Brothers who lie steal or kill for each other Mr Reon the men on this jury tried you I didn't they heard everything you said and they heard everything the keeper said and all agree that you're guilty I can't fight that and neither can you why to this charge and specification as heard here today you Gil Reen are hereby sentenced to not less than 10 no more than 25 years in the territory Royal prison at Unionville New Mexico this C is a Jour everybody at the bar brings the free for an [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hour I guess you can start your job a day earlier than you expected Marshall I'll turn Reen over to you now you'll have to deliver him to the the Union bill prison uh or really I'm sorry about your wife 10 to 25 years that's a long time I'm really sorry I couldn't help it so long Marshall I'm innocent Marshall too bad you didn't have more proof on your side do that mean you believe me all I said was it's too bad you haven't got more proof you stay here long enough you may run into some of that proof this town really needs a cleaning Marshal if this town needs it I'll clean it up it's too late to do me any [Music] good Knows the Trouble I've seen nobody knows Jesus Nobody Knows [Music] the [Applause] [Music] hallelu again Smokey Nobody Knows the Trouble sing something else will you that song's driving me crazy Mr Gil I can't sing no more I'm worried they'll shoot you down there shut that talk it's true those Gods can see in the dark like big ows with big eyes will you shut up let him alone him and you I ain't waiting no longer we waited so long we'll get caught R did solitary for me once I'm not leaving him this way they find him with this iron half cut he's as good as dead say you do make it no that us a long ways off talking talking minutes more just minutes when we're over the wall we go separate understand you go anyway you want to I promised R I'd get into Laro he can't find his way across that stinking desert without me I wish you were coming with us there's nothing on outside for me nothing goodbye [Music] smokey [Music] [Music] back like freom heading for the [Music] fence we got two him one went over let him go he'll run into his own hell he can't cross the first wash in this if he does he's testing get bur of pis that'll be tough to do [Music] [Music] la [Music] [Music] pleas [Music] I know you are from prison they keep you with iron chains how you go free let's talk about you first how'd you get tied up where'd you learn to speak English I go to reservation school I'm mascal Apache mascal you know Indian you're Mexican I was Mexican when I was very small before I was stolen but I'm ascal Indian now I'm too tired to argue how' you getting this fix I did not come freely I can believe that the Cherry kaas 3 days ago delgados the son of his chief they steal me well this is some way to spend a honeymoon I know what that means no honeymoon I hate their godos I fight him he tie me here while he go [Music] [Applause] [Music] hunting [Music] should [Music] [Applause] [Music] good this was the guys yes now I'm free what do they call you natana natana there's a Mexican name I like oh Rosita Rosita yeah that fits better Rosita it's more Mexican they're pretty Mexican too where' the Army Saddles come from they'll got to steal them before he steal me it's taking this right out of a fort cherrya dogs sneak like coyotes at night sure sure oh I could stand fresh clothes and cleaning up do I have to tie it to a tree no you won't run away no I like you I am glad we are alone I will fix food you know the country well very well I ride all over with muscalus until I go to reservation school until they'll go us steal me they'll go us chera dog have you ever been that way you have not I'll say I haven't been over that part that is bad way some rock Big Canyon not much water desert God make big storm this time of year Well you believe in desert Gods now huh I know them best that is bad way you come with Rosita my Village not many days away in a food in Saddle my father make you big friend check your can Team we'll get started we find plenty of water on the way to my Village oh we're heading that way to the Texas line too check your canteen no I don't like you I'm sorry you find me all that can be taken care of I've got an appointment in Laredo you just get me across those Hills you're on your own this is no good the cherrya hate muscalus if the cherrya finds the son of their chief dead Colorados himself will follow our Trail better we go to my Village how do you get up there alone or do I tie on and don't get any runaway ideas I'll shoot your horse down if I have to the sooner we get to Laredo the sooner you can get back to your people now get up there I was told this uh this Crossing shouldn't take more than 5 or 6 days you see that it doesn't head down there that water will keep our tracks covered for a [Music] while [Music] y y help got [Music] us [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't well no use man Ben Keeper's too smart to do his own Dirty Work he's got five witnesses it'll swear he was 20 mil away from my shooting last night I've been a lot of places day the smart home is all make mistakes that's a question of Time Time Marshall you've been here over four months and I've been here three that keep for strangle hold is getting stronger could be if it gets too tight it might break its own ACC cord m or break us take it easy Dave just keep your hook baited and be patient fish bound to get hungry sooner or later they'll bite I want Ben kefa for sure the brothers I can hope for but I want Ben cornered I want him dead to rights it's pretty big order he's caging we got us another worry here Telegraph operator delivered his message while you were out Gil red escaped from Unionville prison how doesn't say captain Garrick prison superintendent what's he mean if Ren lived through the cloud birst he thinks he'll come here I reckon he remembers all the facts of the trial and I delivered read to him we talked it over man have be locco to try coming across that desert a man's got a solid reason for getting somewhere he might go local trying to get there Marshall you heard Reen in court what do you think now of his story that's what I thought then I wish he'd had more proof to back it up then you do believe it just what you said the kef is a smart OMD they know how to tighten the strangle hold if I wasn't rear in shoes I'd be hight tailing it far away from here not looking for trouble would you you answer I you loved your wife you knew who killed her and where you could find him would you hi it away well Ben kefir and I having a few drinks one night enough to loosen his tongue a little said he first met Reen and Dodge I had a little runin of some kind right after that he heard that Ren got married and left Dodge Ben thought he'd hung up his guns and settle down somewhere in Texas he better if he had trying to cross that desert well I think we can start watching for those Apaches don't want any white man on any part of their land Dead or Alive even if he does get here couldn't do anything against these Keepers rid's the kind who always play his Showdown cards on the table face up one draw One winner one loser that's right well I think I'll break the good news to somebody a worrying man might worry himself into making mistakes and the stakes might just speed up breaking that strangled hole that uh you were talking about well it's always a pleasure to see United States Marshall in here what can I do for you Matt drink a beer maybe he's got another clothes in order he can't make stick when I can prove your extra activities I'll make that closing order stick you know Marshall when you first came to Laro I thought I was going to like you you seemed to have a lot of sense even for a law man you're making me change my mind want to know something Ben you may have to change it right back again I just had a message from the prison Superintendent at Unionville prison should that interest me gil redden's heading for Laro coming across the desert you added up coming across the desert he'll never make it I thought he had at least 10 more years of doing that lock up walls weren't high enough it's up to the law to nail him it's your job beginning did you ever tell me what my job is now just a minute and don't you just a minute me remember Ben a rattler can get stepped on permanently for man's fast enough [Music] better get [Music] down give him a mile or so to find out he isn't lame any longer which way did that ledge you told me about in the water that way in Big Canyon four or 5 hours maybe the Cherry Co better we had gone to my Village Colorados will never give up our Trail we've got a good start maybe we can hold it either you ride my horse I'll lead yours until he knows he can carry some weight Indian would make Rosita walk I know now get up on [Music] mine I want to make that ledge before [Music] [Music] dark [Music] what is up [Music] there why you trust me like this because you don't like chaas anymore than I do that is true but how you know I not lead you around the desert and not straight across it Rosita had a wish to do that sometimes people just know things about other people without knowing the reasons sometimes I know things too and the reasons I go [Music] first why you run from low it's a long story this man you look for in Laredo he help you to be free of law not quite I might get in deeper why you go to kill him because of your woman my woman as you call her is dead I'm glad it is right to be honest I say I am glad I am is it wrong I say what I think like like we are here alone and I am glad I you I haven't given it a thought that is not honest that is not true I see your eyes they talk to me you look at me sometimes like like a man looks at his woman like you want me I can't you talk about something else about the prison no about the man in Laredo the man you hate hate is no good Gil it eats in here it changes a good spirit law no follow us across the Mexican board border we will go I know the way to what to tomorrow tomorrow with no running away Rosita had here too now no good to remember if I can change youil can change there's some things a man has to do if he's going to live with himself no matter where see what bother not Apaches it's a storm God animals always know the shazar shazar what's that it is evil tomorrow the sun will hide the sky will turn black and the devil wind will come ah tomorrow it will come you will see it can mean death better we stay here devil come it will blow hard after chance to that's it and if I do not go on I've heard what Cher cows do to Indian girls they fine with white [Applause] men our her KAS [Music] here you [Music] whatat Alexa that's [Music] [Music] en a we've got to find cover down there there is a [Music] keave [Music] oh [Music] for [Music] [Music] no girl no you don't want to kiss me yes yes but just because I kiss you does not a be good woman for you but afraid of what I always be honest Indian or white men can love many times but not Rosita I want to love for real only once only one man don't be [Music] afraid well thought you'd be back yesterday couldn't make it you can forget all about Reen nothing to worry about now good how'd you do it we ran into one of them storms must have choked everything in the desert and the Foothills too first a rain and then when them chazara winds couldn't see my hand couldn't see my horse I could hardly breathe that Reen's out of our hair for good uhhuh here huh where were you during this terrible storm we hold up hold up huh could Reen have done the same why not a chance besides we had horses in water did you see him dead no but I made that same mistake myself once remember yeah but we couldn't live through that storm nobody could I told you two dumbheads to make sure well what are he sure of a lousy stinking Sandstorm that you lived through didn't you so could he you two better figure a way of posting a lookout cuz if Ren's alive he'll be coming in glad you're along bass you make the best coffee what do you a to do mat if Reen did get through the Cher it's been 3 days we're not going to catch him sitting here Dave you'll be old before your time first you figure what you'd do in the other Fell's shoes and you sit in the middle of the road and wait oh but Matt theyve a lot of wear and tear too son on man and horse you'll be coming this way you know it mightn't be too bad if he was to slip past us that wouldn't be much to our credit no but it might just be a fighting chance for Laredo to get rid of the keepers if we see ridden we'll take him in you got the first watch bass and you Dave Ross me at three for my [Music] turn [Music] Texas Foothills Gil just once more I ask you to no it has to be this way I'm just like an Indian squa to you I've got a job to finish I told you and if you finish it they take you back to prison it proves nothing you throw our life together away our life together would that be wrong now A man's got to live with himself first or he isn't good for anybody maybe someday maybe you'll bead dead too maybe I go with you I help you're going home where it's safe the Cher collar don't want you it's me the chief one I go with you no you're you're a good guide Vita and thanks for getting me this far but from here on in I go alone now we're through we're finished you go back to your [Music] home [Music] where do you think you're going this isn't no way to your village I was lost you were not all right I will not go ahead tie me to the hor if you think so little of me now what am I going to do with you I could tell you what you would do but you will not do it I have told you and you will not do it no what are you going to do Rosita sit up there all day hold it rden don't do anything Folly son you're covered well a new Marshall right on the job when there's trouble he jumps in with both feet take it fast took yourself pretty good-looking companion oh I should have figured this I'm glad you didn't you saved me a heap of trouble I don't mean this Ambush I should have figured the law is still doing keir's dirty work I'll pass that for now Reen let's see if he fit no Rosita Rosita no no no I'll leave her alone I made her show me the way where'd you pick her up tied to a tree with a sign hanging above her reading help yourself oh give me time Marshall I'll try and think of something better check her saddle bags for grub you hadn't got any give us some of hours we'll send her on our way we have a couple of minutes together yeah I was right I should have to taken you to the Border oh it's better this way bring up the horses Dave we got to make that Old Stage Coach Station before dark we got plenty of water give her one of our extra canteen yeah she'll need it you'll be happier with your people no I belong with you it has to be this way re is [Music] he say aor [Music] got [Music] BL up BL up yeah yeah [Music] yeah there you are can't figure You Ren You' have been a lot smarter to head for the border the law will take care of the keepers sooner or later I thought maybe I can speed things up a little how much extra time will I get for the breakup you ought to quit thinking about kefir quit remembering about your wife too it'll all even off somewhere always does it'd be a lot smarter to wash it out of your system put it all behind you I would have after 10 minutes in Theo I'll slip those off I get your word p roita she an Indian girl gone Mexican or Mexican girl gone Indian a little of both seemed like a nice girl too all for you that what she said where I was looking she didn't have to say it don't forget [Music] her it's the [Music] girl Gil [Music] Colorados it is Colorados I see him and many others not far away now sure cuse they won't give us any trouble they will considering I had to polish off the Chief son ridiculous these two have cooked up that story in case he was captured when Colorado's reservations over the other side of the Big Canyon that engine wouldn't dare leave it he did they're coming we go quick or we all die you think she's telling the truth she always does we're moving kill the far inside you two stay back here all right Marshall get them off and you got my word how about a gun Dave cover the door not yet hey look out here wait he's coming in for a pow out don't get jumpy now look I've got a small spread below the border near surine got a Mexican couple living on it now I'll write them for you uh something else this girl well she's alone and uh well she'll have some sort of a chance living on my place see she gets there will you be glad to if we get out of here but you still I think you can get Colorado to settle for me what that's the deal nothing doing like I said rden we ride out of here like we came in together what's left of us or we don't ride law man speaks good Gil we ride together or we don't ride that's it Colorado's come for white man who kill my son and for girl you're off your reservation bounds Colorados you want to bring the soldiers down on your people you give me man and girl I'm taking them both to Laredo you want me Colorados I thought I told you to stay put sorry Marshall this is my deal you speak Brave words Colorados with your cheery collar right behind to protect you Brave like your son delos who attacks an unarmed man and once the chury cowers were known as Warriors your tongue is Like a Knife I mean it to cut deep a chury cow will not dare fight one man alone he is not brave enough a chury cow is a coward you are brave 10 times more than Colorado when the sun is high we will see who is the warrior so you're the dealer well son you sure dealt yourself a [Music] hand a one lone Hatchet between them a patches call it the battle of the Warriors it's always to the death [Music] if Reon comes out Top Dog those Indians left without a leader will scatter to the wind with them busy watching the fight we'll never have a better chance to grab our horses we can use them I'll try it not without me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] got [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I [Music] h [Music] let's move fast our horses are back [Music] here Laredo that's what you wanted to see isn't it Marshall life takes some funny twists don't it with you here this isn't funny I got to build myself a smoke anybody got the mining no Gil by that son of a gun stole my rifle you're letting him die he's making his own ride he's got his 10 minutes hary course your dollar for the night that includes a rub down like from the Marshall he'll be picking him up the Marshall do me a favor will you why sure tell Ben kefer Gil Reen's in town Reen oh you're Reen I was at your trial the Marshall said you broke out of just tell Ben kefir I'm moving his way in 5 minutes oh yes sir sure right away Mr [Music] Aon bren's in town he sent for a hi that he'd be up the street in 5 minutes you shouldn't have shot his wife Ben he wants you take your rifle you can get him from the roof of that building across the street I don't miss go out that [Music] way let's [Music] go Walt will be in position in a few seconds I could cross over there that way we'd have him between us you stick with me let's [Music] [Music] go slow down let him come to us [Music] let's [Music] go you killed Walt and Jordan isn't that enough you murdered my wife not them you shoot me down you're no better my gun is holstered draw it draw it you want to shoot me In Cold Blood go ahead I've come a long way to kill you but you can't do it can you look I'm throwing my gun away all right you had your chance your wife would be proud of [Music] you [Music] G Ros R's hor get [Music] it I'm ready now Marshall what's for I don't know what you're talking about G but Marshall I'm ready now to Bass hurry up with that [Music] horse get up on your horse get up little lady you too do you think you can find your way to the border the Border yes yes I know the way there's a little spread your place called Advan Marshall I'll get get [Applause] be all even up in the end always does guess we'll have to report that he got away from us yep prison escaping a halil of bullets sure went local didn't he you know I'd say this town just got his first slice of good luck you might make a piece off say yet D I'll buy the [Music] drinks
Channel: Silver Scenes
Views: 41,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zr6V0fZ4m10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 28sec (4048 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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