Gungor apostasy and Andy Stanley.

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one last little snippet from the Gunners this is Lisa Ganga she and her husband Michael very popular songwriters they were from that really the New Apostolic Reformation bent wouldn't you say so Joey I'd say they were a little bit more of your traditional charismatic slash mega church okay she said that she liked all the wackiness and the sound the old-school Holy Roller Pentecostal okay all right fair fair enough but it's getting really close nevertheless demonstrating it that they were never a part of the faith they left the faith and I thought her interview with BuzzFeed this is interesting because this was an informal practicing of church discipline nevertheless it it should have had the same effect if they were among us when Lucy was born we had this huge social media blow up and there's stories and magazines and all over the internet about our heresy and we were completely pushed out of the church world of his tribe that we really loved and really painful and devastating as so many times you know it should have got that caught their attention and caused them to go of wait a second we are woefully wrong here we need to repent and run back to shelter run back to the Lord instead they're now going about the business of trying to persuade everybody else hey join us in our apostasy and a lot of people are still in this very conservative fundamental bubble and and they can be so afraid to break out of that from a fear of what will happen to their lives and this can this happens in any religion so my dream is that we're not so afraid now she's working as an ambassador of darkness very very sad the results of bad churches bad theology bad teaching and bad accountability which leads us now to irresistible reclaiming the new that Unleashed reclaiming the new that Jesus unleashed for the world not a great sentence from an individual who is a very good why cater the new just the new not the New Covenant apparently just GNU voila not like BAM which is I think the sound of good new makes if I'm not missing that Jesus unleashed for the world in other words get rid of the old and just claimed the new this is a teaching that is gonna lead Morgue Unger's astray it's interesting because Andy Stanley I think he fancies himself an intellectual a scientists I doubt he's a young earth they're no science to make his claims we're losing people because we've been too hitched to the Old Testament where's the data for that I don't see any in fact I might suggest to you the opposite is true because I doubt that Andy has preached an Old Testament book perhaps ever I'm sorry I've met plenty of people who go to his church and they are less theologically astute than Lisa Gummer I have asked many of them what is the gospel I mean that's the most basic thing I mean if I wanted to push it hey where do you find Jesus in the Old Testament but they don't even know the very basics so several reviews have been flying out now this one from Marvin ollansky it's an Alaska or olanski OS no ends no n Marva alas there's an inn Marvin okay there is an N in Marvin but ollansky it's Larry page's winsome Lee invalidly critique vanilla church life pot meet kettle kettle pot Wow he's critiquing that's like me critiquing scrawny tall guys that do radio programs um wait a second aren't you a tall scrawny guy who does a radio program well yeah I'm just critiquing what they do Stanley's complaints get more pointed on page 90 when he complains about Old Testament leftovers he clarifies this on page 137 quote get ready for this please do not let ray comfort hear this his head will explode the Ten Commandments have no authority over you none to be clear thou shalt not obey the Ten Commandments that is so sloppy and so dangerous and so reckless you know like God's love reckless no that's not that kind of reckless it's a different by the way hold on the reckless song dominated the 2018 GMA Dove Awards just so you know mister reckless love earned doves for song of the year worship song of the year and worship album of the year what a privilege this is isn't it just like the Lord to take our failures and our overall jacked up mess and turn it into something beautiful he takes our disappointments and turns them into a dance floor he allows us to be kids again not a single word of that sentence was biblically sound [Laughter] so mr. Stan pastor Stanley my apologies pastor Stanley has determined that he wants to get rid of the Ten Commandments he wants to get rid of the Old Testament once again this this is where sound theology comes in I recognize there can be some variants in our understanding of the Old Testament laws it's it it's a somewhat complex situation that we have to deal with that covenant is gone and yet clearly we shouldn't be murdering people committing adultery blaspheming God's name so how do we get the principles from the old into the new by the way we tackle that in Herman who which will be available in December first in time for Christmas all believe it when I see it you'll just see it mr. doubting Thomas that the Herman who resource twelve lessons long will at least explain the valid ways of getting the old over to the new how do we do that because the old isn't the new we do have a better covenant that is true but that doesn't mean oh well just close the book on that side there's nothing over there there's nothing we can learn oh really how's about the moral precepts of God here are the three ways of handling Old Testament laws pick your favorite each one of them has challenges nevertheless you could say that the Old Testament laws were broken into three columns civil moral ceremonial I don't see that division but if you choose to do it that way I I think you're gonna run into some problems but I think it's at least a valid way of approaching those you could say that there's this three different types of laws again the Bible never makes that distinction itself it mingles them all together however if you want to do that okay the civil laws are gone because we're not Israel the ceremonial laws are gone because they were all pointing to Jesus the moral laws still exist well there are some problems with that we don't put fences around our roofs so you have to see you got to do it what did we do with those types of laws the other way that you can deal with Old laws is to say all of the Old Testament laws apply unless the New Testament gives them a thumbs down again I think you're gonna run into problems with that because it doesn't really cover everything that can cause some complications and some gotchas third way this happens to be the way that I think is best to deal with Old Testament laws they're all gone they're just all gone unless the New Testament affirms them and guess what the New Testament does affirm them furthermore there's a hermeneutical principle that God's moral precepts never change see that's how I would get there with these laws that there are moral principles that are unchanging and so I can bring all of those principles forward I can still get something out of the fence around the roof what is it that I need to build a fence know that I need to make sure that my domicile is safe for people to inhabit or visit that's the principle I can bring that forward when your ox scores a neighbor probably not gonna happen what's the lesson make sure your animals are good to people or you better keep them away from people because if you don't and you knew about it you need to you need to be making sure that you're taking responsibility for your pets that would be a principle that I believe you could bring forward that's the way we deal with Old Testament laws Andy's method seems to be well let me just read it to you the Ten Commandments have no authority over you none to be clear thou shalt not obey the Ten Commandments does the law have authority over us anymore no in that it cannot condemn us yes in that we want to keep those laws because it represents the character and the nature of God that's why we desire to keep the laws and that's why we need a system to figure out what do we do with these Old Testament laws how do we bring them forward how do you bring forward any of these stories what are the principles and it's all basic Herman which is indeed very very basic and we will be releasing Herman whom mr. negative uh-huh December can I call you Nellie you can I just don't know if you want these consequences well these days apparently we don't have to respect the genders when it comes to God being a male pronoun so I don't know that I need to respect your pronouns Joey what is the prescription of one Andy Stanley whose irresistible is now in the stands next on wretched radio you
Channel: Wretched
Views: 107,103
Rating: 4.6627107 out of 5
Keywords: Todd Friel, Wretched TV, Wretched Radio, Evangelism, Gospel
Id: qvXjT81uW1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2018
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