Guitars WE Think Everyone Should Own! (debate)

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ready this again level there at yo yeah let's line it up with the top of marshals okay okay and if it's not using black I have a ghost okay okay I'm gonna say my name and then you guys say your own names okay ready you go for you a second hey everybody I'm Rick piatto ruts old Dave Onorato so today we're gonna be talking about guitars everyone I was I was waiting to see if anyone would jump in here of course yeah this is your staggering our intro so I'm gonna start first year because I'm holding a guitar that I think everyone should know not necessarily this is a this is a 56 reissue Les Paul Goldtop with p90s on it but the Pinay these are what I think everybody should own a guitar with p90s now two of the guitars here are my guitars and they both have p90s on them and as a producer I always wanted to have a guitar that served a particular function at least one of them whether it was a humbucker guitar a mini humbucker guitar one with PAF's a tele maybe a tele would they had a humbucker on it you know so you have the full range of that so that that was a really important thing for me but the sound of p90s is to me an essential sound of rock music and they're incredibly versatile and I just that's it's just one of my favorite sounding guitars this one in particular way and that one to that one plays great this one is this one plays great and sounds Grace's the best playing guitar in the studio yeah a lot of people asked me about this guitar because have played it in a lot of videos I bought that about 15 years ago just a guitar center there is about I don't know 10 of them on the wall I played all of them to pick this one up now if you turn the neck around there's a lot of wear on the neck you can see I've played that guitar a lot and and that's not relics that's all real weird that's that's real Rick we're and my hands don't really sweat a lot but I play apparently play in the fourth and fifth position a lot I don't blame any open gorge because I love all the frets I hit it out in the middle so it's a lot of this don't like the first a second friend now like en F major yeah I like you know I like a sharp major it's a great way to yeah I like double cutaway guitars my name both of these guitars are double cutter all three of these guitars are p90 guitars and I like being able to get up there although with the Les Paul this is something that I was that I talked to you about it about why is it easy for me to get up high in the Les Paul even though it shouldn't be well cause the but I think the body's a little smaller this way and so your your it's a little you know the only thing that on these it's it hinders a little bit is the heel but you know I agree though I think the body being smaller and if it's in your lap it just seems to sit right here yeah I see that does too but you know the for a Les Paul guy I like Les Paul sitting down so yes I don't know what I just do I'm just haven't long enough and this is basically the same thing I mean obviously they cut out the colorways here but it's the same basic design you just cover that up that's basically up also okay so Dave let's go to you what is your good one guitar um if I had to just pick one I'd say telly straight up telly for for less maybe tonal reasons than what you were saying about the p90s um just from a reliability standpoint absolutely they are bulletproof if you've got a good one I mean I've I had one on the road for two years and I literally I never touched the setup on it played it all the time it fell over it got wet I mean everything that could happen to it and it's still it never gave up it never stopped you working it always sounded good and it always tuned perfect why dude why do you think howcome Telly's never need setups it seems like you've hardly ever set up my telly I've used well tell you so much well they need setups but just once you get one get them dialed in there's such a just Brickhouse yes har they don't really move they don't I mean you know you have to do a slight adjustment on the neck for for humidity and stuff but you know once you really set them they they just seem to stay simple me yeah rice it was a great dessert yeah with a neck bolted I mean honestly if you really get down to it this is just a copy of it Sally if you really put it you know in basic terms the junior and specials were just a plank would body and they were trying to kind of mimic did their own version yeah yeah yeah but I'd have to say I tell you though if I had to pick one and really from the tune tenability amazing because I mean do I go I'll go and pick your tally up in the studio it'll be the one guitar that's always in town it's the guitar honestly that I if I'm gonna do overdubs if I need any parts and I say okay I need to do this quick yeah and it needs to be in tune that's the first thing I pick up cuz I know I mean I don't like I'll do rhythm parts with my Gibson's my PRS my whatever right but if I want to nobility my tele is is where it's a and the thing with the tele that I love is it's not a one-trick pony by any means I mean if you if you especially be doing like a stereo mix and you do two guitars you can really get a huge sound over ten two tellies put together on a track I did a video called do you gent early on in my channel and I'm playing a periphery song with a telly showing you that a telly can play progressive metal also yeah well I love it cuz like you know John five perfect example yes he loves him and I mean you know he's 88 it's great because he can get everything out of his telly so you know he's not just one trick pony with this but extremely heavy on a telly and it's great it's like yeah it works so this is interesting Dave picked I picked a guitar with a particular pickup could be any guitar but with p90s Dave talked about a specific guitar Rhett departing from Dave's utilitarian approach and simplicity I would have to go with a 335 I think so I have a 2010 335 and Memphis 335 and to me that was always my dream guitar I think it's it's as versatile Teli but I think it goes about it in a different way I mean you can play anything on a 335 and it works itself Jerry pretty much they look amazing I tend to like larger body guitars too because I'm tall so from a less polite seven feet tall in case anybody when you see him standing next to me yeah so just I'm just saying taller than the stack yes for me like a Les Paul feels too small for me I have a Les Paul I had a oh one custom was wine red gold Harbor gorgeous guitar but I never really felt at home on that guitar I remember when I saw you playing it I said is that a Martin travel but yeah for me man I think of 335 is it they're they're great looking they're amazing for me they're comfortable they're extremely versatile they're not the most stable guitars you do need to have them set up you do need to maintain them I take mine to Dave and it's the best it's ever played but with that being said and I think I'm gonna do a video about this on my channel I think the Telecaster is the greatest guitar of all time ever invent and it's funny because I mean literally we've owned everything yeah and I always go back to Italian in no matter even what I mean I love Gibson stuff I'm a die-hard Gibson guy man I mean if I had my druthers it would basically be all Gibson's in a Tele yeah but you know I don't know he just got it right he got it right from the start he any he just everything about that guitar they've never been able to improve it yeah well inside of a bridge design or something that's it and when you think about it from a cultural standpoint like the impact that that guitar has had on the world so I was actually Adam songbirds I'm actually wearing a shirt songbirds guitar Museum in Chattanooga give them a plug I played a show there last year and we got to go back in their vault in the back where they keep all the really nice stuff and there they have to prototype Esquires that leo built in his garage Wow and pine Bobby yeah and I got to hold both of them and it was like you're literally holding a piece of history like without those Pro types if those didn't exist I mean you know you think about how things could have been different because at that time when he was making those in the late middle eight forties rock-and-roll wasn't a thing he was building those for country-western players and the funny thing is you you play them and they kind of suck like you could tell they were pretty was figuring it out like one of them had a pickup selector on it but it was a it was a button it wasn't a switch it was a button from a lamp if he had plugged in they don't play well there I think those actually you're talking I don't even have a truss rod yeah they're just a big log neck with a with a three and three side what they call snakehead yeah its dock and the push button and all that stuff I mean Fender Lea was a diehard tinkerer right and you could tell he just used whatever he had but just nailed he did the the Telecaster the greatest guitar of all time and I think like as what I was saying about the reliability he built that guitar because guys who were out on the road and having problems with their guitar he would be like if the neck breaks or what I'll just send you another neck yeah and that's that and the genius of that alone he was the original boutique builder he was he really was you know any of course they were a laughing stock for a long time you know the first couple of years they didn't do well yeah and then they started to catch on and then obviously Gibson did the Les Paul 52 so everybody started getting on the bandwagon like oh hey this might be a good idea and then of course the Stratton 54 so yeah but the tally I go to my grave I don't think they I think it's pound for pound it's the greatest guitar Burman well I with all the guitars I have here it's the only guitar that I have three of three different Telly's I have two Les Paul's but I have three different Telly's and that's yet I have many other types of guitars but I chose to have three different Telly's for a reason and and most of the guitars I've built for myself they're all Telly's whether they're Bolton or neck through it's always a Tele design that I just I don't know this seems like you're talking about the body design of a Tele though what do you like about that I just think it's the right shape man from an aesthetic point of view it's balanced the way the headstock design sits against I'm looking at your your white one over there you can grab it yeah this is uh this is the one here how many records is this guitar baton oh my god hundred thousand so many records yeah but the design mean is so balanced man the shape of it the the way everything's laid out it's one of the best looking guitars I think that's ever been created I now I remember this Dave you I had a nick in the back of the neck that you filled that the well there was a chipper the finish I've let ya put lacquer now yeah but lacquer down yeah good job yeah yeah it was it was he'd go up a neck and you'd feel it I know I got now over or something yeah and hit a music stand or something but it didn't break Christmas we know he was a gift said you'd be good oh yeah I got a smiley face okay and I like I said I love Gibson's so I own a ton of them so I can't you know but that guitar literally you could drop that guitar right now pick it up and I guarantee it's probably gonna be in tune so i one of my buddies called me a day I can't remember who it was I said I I knocked my gibson off the stand and and I said I said so did the headstock break he's like of course it broke I said did it break off completely he's like yeah oh okay yeah but you know I mean pretty much if a gibson falls over like this how many times does it end this way is it it's because it yeah it's right here it's gonna be it's gonna break and I've seen him fall face down yes yeah and that way to Billy the crack right here across everything like an around pattern or they'll go up the side of the neck or the fingerboard isn't split that way I've had ones where the wings were split all the way through the tuners what our unfixable anything are they all fixable the hardest ones to fix our brakes that are actually straight across okay that don't have any kind of angle in them like so if it's if it's just literally it's like sawed off right there that is the toughest that doesn't happen very often that doesn't it's rare but I've had to fix a few like that and what I would do is I had splines of wood into the neck too big splines and is it because you can't really clamp it because it's the force which is going yeah you don't have any wood there and you've gotten this is so the thing one of the Gibson you got to realize it with the truss rod being right here those scooped out you have literally you have this one I never thought about that between why the bottom of it is in the back of that well you know and I've can't tell you how many times I've had to inlay wood pieces cuz the wood was completely gone so then never occurred to me till junior high I have had Telly's with busted head stocks believe it really yes I've had a few but they always split during they go right down the tuner line so i you know in this rat I've seen that that's usually you know unless somebody purposely smashed it this way and it breaks at the butt end of the neck but but it's a rare its I have a question what modern guitars as in guitars that have been designed and released in the last let's say 10 to 15 years that you can get today readily available whether it's mass-produced or boutique bill do you think will be worth and highly sought after 25 30 40 years from now Wow I'll start I have that one and this is totally not my style of guitar at all but I've seen some people start playing the new Abbasi guitars at OCS I've seen a lot of people play it with a fan frets right those to me I went on the website actually to look yesterday yeah yeah I did because I've been seeing people play them and they look really interesting again they're not as a new design yeah exactly it's not my style but that's the first design of a guitar that I've seen that's like okay now we're taking a step forward as an instrument in design what can ya and I know that there's you know like toy 'full does a lot of stuff that's very like I played a bird fish in one of my videos about six months ago and that's a really cool interesting design but it to me that feels just more like a piece of art whereas this the Abbasi stuff that I've seen on videos is like okay this is common I was I would check out in I would definitely check out I would I would love to play one of those guitars I look to see if he had a six string model and they didn't I don't think they had any pictures up he has eight string up there but he's trying it but they just look really injured the one it's it's obviously different guitar but Klein makes one with the fanned yeah fingerboard like that and he's been doing that a while but the body is completely different it's a headless design but the fan fingerboard is really cool though it's it's it's interesting you know you played and you think this shouldn't work yeah it does and and it actually the tuning on it is really really good so yeah I'd be interested in it's not just for the the extended range I've seen now John Mayer was playing one on his Instagram a couple of weeks ago and was doing like dislike Charlie Hunter kind of well he was doing he was actually playing tosin Abasi but yeah we've got a bossy concept as long as that I saw it on tosin Abasi 's Instagram I thought yeah why I saw it on Instagram yeah but it was cool because you know obviously those guitars are associated with heavy and progressive music and stuff like that but then you've got a you know pop blues guy like Mayer playing one and he's doing like some Charlie Hunter walking bass comping downwards on top of it it sounded awesome yeah you know I saw that I'd say um boy it's a tough one those horse new guitar to nail one one down that I think is gonna really go up and Bay because being a vintage guy you know years ago these all of these old guitars would never revered until somebody figured out hey that's a really good sounding guitar you know that's really cool or it looks cool so the more you know it's it's tough to pick I mean um I mean I can see the sir the guitar is being ones that there that are really sought after I will go way up in value I think so yeah Anderson yeah I think it's gonna be centered around builders yeah like yes if ik builders like I'm a big novo guy and that's Dennis fan oh who builds those Indian fan Oh had fan o guitars before he had novo and I've noticed now that you can't find even ten years old you can't find a fan Oh built fan oh right bat friend when people are selling him they're selling them for thousands of dollars more than they were because of the guy who built them right and I think I think we'll see that especially with the kind of the explosion in the boutique world in the last decade or so you know everybody's building pedals and amps and guitars and stuff now but I think there are people out there they're doing it better and on a different level than others and those people I think will gather some recognition and their stuff will be highly sought after for I think yeah I come see quality is always the number one thing that draws me to somethin if I know something's really well built and put together even if I'm not a fan of the design you know I'll still respect you know the quality that went into it and and they're always gonna hold up so you can you know you're not saying it achieve guitars are fun because they're great too and they have their own place so in fact I mean some of my favorite new guitars are like some of the eastwood stuff yeah and the homework those aren't copies and stuff like that you know they're like cool cheap rides for 500 to 800 dollars you know and they're like big lighters if the net goes bad and in five years I'm not gonna cry about I'll be like yeah alright get something else you know I mean so the Danelectro stuff that you use yes some jokes are great I love those guitars so they play amazing and they're you know though but that's a guitar that's been around for yeah 50 years right that's an assignment that's basically a copy of this guy's made out of cardboard right you know masonite yeah but yeah I'd have to say you know and with any of the stuff the quality stuff is always gonna bring good money and I think there'll always be people desiring it if there's low numbers they're high quality and they have a really great tone those are the three factors that always push something to you know collector status so we want to get your opinion leave in the comments let us know what you guys think are you guys and girls what you guys think about what guitars are going to be around in 50 years gonna be worth something things with with current builders and what your guitar of choice is and why that's all for now please subscribe here give him a thumbs up you can go to Red's channel which is slash Repsol dave Onorato dojo guitar repair on facebook thank you so much for watching
Channel: Rick Beato
Views: 475,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fender stratocaster, fender telecaster, les paul vs stratocaster, gibson les paul, top 10 guitars, top 10 guitar models, best guitar for the money, best guitar for professionals, guitar for beginners, best guitar for jazz, best guitar for shred, best guitar for metal, best guitar for blues, best guitar for funk, PRS, Gibson, Fender, Abasi Guitars, gibson es 335, Discussion, Podcast, guitar, Rick, Beato, everything music, Ibanez, Suhr, Guitar Talk, Talk, Review
Id: 6kGZ39uWxGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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