Guitarists Reveal Their Controversial Music Opinions

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everybody's got that one hot take that they're a little afraid to share but I'm here Sweetwater headquarters with a bunch of my friends and today I'm gonna be asking them about their most controversial musical opinions are all right this is extra hot people are gonna play me in the comments and I don't care because the beach boys suck and everything oh listen to Pet Sounds no Pet Sounds sucks maybe it was revolutionary at the time guess what this is 2023 I don't care about the time anymore just listening to The Melodies dude it's like this music I don't ever want to listen to this you can everybody's like oh Brian Wilson he's a genius no I every time I hear it I just feel so lame the music is so lame it's not cool give me some Edge Beach Boys suck Pate yeah Beach Boys are amazing Sean Daniel's an idiot all right ready yeah I think it's harder to play country than jazz I think country players especially ones that do the bins especially Bend to pitch I think having that ear and that technique is harder than playing jazz chords Nickelback is not just not bad and is not just good they are one of the defining pop rock bands of the last 20 years and they know exactly what they are they keep doing it and they do it well oh controversial opinion okay I know the internet's gonna get me for this one but uh the members of the band Nickelback are actually very talented musicians and a lot of the music is actually quite good if you listen some of the band members like Daniel dare one of my favorite drummers I actually really like his Parts in the Nickelback songs but also if you look him up he does stuff with like Dave Martin like solo guitar incredible player way better than I am so I don't talk rap about Nickelback but I know the internet does so that's my hot take I think most pop country and bro country is bad for music in general I think it's bad for musicianships I think it's bad for the general music listening public and I think the industry behind it in the long run is it's it's just a detriment to music because the general public is only going to listen to what is fed to them by their Spotify algorithm which is run by these Mega pop country labels and they're writing to the lowest common denominator they're writing garbage disposable throwaway music that says nothing it means nothing and I think that what big Nashville is doing is sort of tamping out a lot of truly great country Americana rock artists that don't have the the spotlight or the bandwidth because this bro country is stamping it out I hate bro country I hate most pop country for that reason if love what's your most controversial musical opinion uh Ricky Martin's living la vida loca was the first number one song in 1999 done completely in the Box using Pro Tools and that is the only reason why Pro Tools is considered the studio standard is because everyone had to have it overnight bite me Brian Bruce musical hot take Ryan Bruce Burke I said you miss heard me I heard a bruise no you misheard me I mean we look very similar he kind of stole my whole six foot three blonde beard thing so uh my musical hot take is that guitarists would it would be very smart for them to pay attention to what's happening in very popular music music that they might normally look down on and kind of figure out why that music's so popular why so many people like that music that they think isn't worth their time because there's music in there it's good music that's why a lot of people like it there's a craft Department there's a there's a definite craft to pop music pay attention to what your you know your bratty little siblings are listening to there's a reason they're listening to it Jolie Doss with your um what's the musical hot take for me you know how like everyone thinks that like as soon as they're gonna get this pedal it's gonna like sound better and they're gonna finish that song that they're like been working on and they're gonna get more streams on Spotify and maybe their music video with that one pedal that one piece of gear is gonna get more views on YouTube it will never happen no no the tone is in the fingernails the doors are the most overrated rock band in history and I think Jim Morrison is the most overrated front man in rock history can you expand on this I think I think they had some okay songs writers on the storm is cool it's a Vibe LA Woman is cool it's a Vibe but compared to the rest of the stuff that was happening at the time I don't think the level of popularity and the level of Fame that they and Jim Morrison enjoyed reach uh fits the level of songwriting and musicianship that they were at I just I just don't see it okay my musical take um the fake country music accent like a Southern accent fake Southern like if you're not Southern if you're not from somewhere that country music originates and you're putting on an accent I think that's totally lame all right so here's my hottest musical hot take it is the song Gangnam Style by PSY is the most culturally influential song of the last I don't know 27 years and my reasoning behind this is because there is no other song that really had the same virality as that one as well as not being in English I mean what other song do you think that's not in English that was that popular but Macarena maybe but I remember just like walking around and hearing that song coming from people's Apartments coming from all around me and uh I think what that did is it paved the path for K-pop to be the huge phenomenon that it is now so I'm not saying it's my favorite song or anything like that but if you look at today's landscape I don't think any other song had as much of a an influence as that one Tilly what's your musical hot take I really hate harmonicas I hate them they make me uncomfortable when I hear them and when somebody is playing it on stage I saw someone perform recently I won't say who it was but I saw someone perform recently and they pulled a harmonica out and I just like was cringing so hard I hate the sound of harmonica okay so I don't think music I don't think it has to be clever or impressive to be good I think it has to be honest I think it needs to be confident I don't care if it's clever I don't care if it's impressive it's a good one how do you feel about harmonica like harmonica I just grew Tilly on this one my two favorite harmonica players are Willie Nelson's harmonica Blair and Stevie Wonder they're awesome but like I'm not really into Bob Dylan harmonica or Alanis Morissette where it's just uh harmonica I'm like no but if it's like melodic it can be really beautiful so I just screwed Tilly on this one rebuttal it is an age-old hot take and it is that if I learn theory it's going to somehow make me less musical or less creative but tell that to the carpenter that's got a bunch of you know blades and drills and knows how to use them or the painter or you know that's got tons and tons of paints to paint with and knows how to use them all they can only create more from there so learn your theory it'll expand your playing it pays off rob you got a controversial opinion for me yes that scales are not musical scales are actually very musical it's the person who's either musical or not so it's not the scales fall yeah it's like an alphabet yeah an alphabet is not a creative thing or an all creative thing yeah it was like a map if you're looking at a map and it's like if well if you got lost that's not the map's fault you read the map the wrong way one of the most badass songs ever is Toxic by Britney Spears yeah next level production Next Level writing absolutely killer like that's my guilty pleasure nice toxic that's a good one thank you for sharing Glenn yes do you have any controversial opinions it's controversial no I can tell the truth though okay let's hear it okay uh controversial musical opinion yes please um yeah autotune has been a thing since about 1998 we've had pitch correction and shockingly music has not gotten any better so ladies and gentlemen there you have it was the hottest musical hot takes you've been here all week depending on where you hang out online uh let me know which ones you agree with which ones you disagree with and feel free to leave your hottest hot takes down in the comments thank you all for watching I'm Samurai guitarist and I'll see you again soon [Music] thank you
Channel: samuraiguitarist
Views: 92,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: samurai guitarist, guitar for beginners, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, guitar for beginners easy songs, guitar for beginners buy, guitar for beginners acoustic, guitar for beginners lesson 2, guitar for beginners hindi, acoustic guitar music, acoustic guitar playing, acoustic guitar instrumental, electric guitar tutorial, guitar for beginners malayalam, electric guitar without amp, acoustic guitar type beat, electric guitar type beat
Id: lpKxfRAosU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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