Guild Grumps EPISODE 1

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They all have spectral tigers... /jealous

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2015 🗫︎ replies

I feel like the 10min intro is the best representation what avid WoW players look like to other people, how ridiculous the story and....well everything about Warcraft can be sometimes.

👍︎︎ 57 👤︎︎ u/Druki 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2015 🗫︎ replies

I really liked watching Ross and Danny play, but Arin's immediate "Oh yeah this is a good game /s" was obnoxious and I wish he would turn his "persona" off for a second for the sake of not trying to derail something from the beginning. Barry was doing this a little bit also, but if everything was going hunky dory I guess it would have been a boring show.

In other news, water is wet.

👍︎︎ 73 👤︎︎ u/GragGun 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2015 🗫︎ replies

Kinda shitty how they all agreed to help Ross with this, and then once they got in game just proceeded to fuck around.

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2015 🗫︎ replies

Danny is so sweet. He makes this so much more enjoyable!

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/FlameToTheMoth 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2015 🗫︎ replies

Wow, that was...sad.

It's clear that Arin has preconceived opinions of the game skewed HEAVILY negative. Suzy, Barry, and Dan couldn't give less of a shit about the game, either.

I understand that you cannot expect people to go 0 - 100% interest, especially when you throw them in most of the way through the leveling. Even so, they should try to give a shit. There's only so much patronizing "Oh yeah, awesome" you can endure before you want to just want to say, "Improve the attitude or fucking quit, I don't care."

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/JosefTheFritzl 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2015 🗫︎ replies

It's november.

The click login.

Get into the game first try.

Calling bullshit.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/PM_ME_YOUR_GOATS 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2015 🗫︎ replies

I really didn't like watching this. It was just a bunch of people who said they'd play the game shitty on said game. I'm fine with criticism and such, but there was just nothing positive to this video. They didn't even try to have fun playing... And if the people I'm watching aren't having fun for 30 minutes, chances are I'm not either.

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/Dudyman 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2015 🗫︎ replies

That was not as interesting as I thought it would be. I enjoy seeing people's reactions when they play WoW for the first time, and essentially a "Let's Play" for WoD had the potential to be really interesting, but just herding them all through the Tanaan intro wasn't. I'd rather have watched them:

A) All collaborate and actually try to work together towards something.

B) Completely run off in separate directions and do dumb funny shit independently.

i.e. Either embrace teamwork and progressing through the game, or embrace hilarious dumb shenanigans. Instead, it's just the one guy saying "No, guys, wait, no, come back, no, go over here, okay, click this guy...", which sadly isn't very fun to watch for anyone. =\

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Wonton77 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2015 🗫︎ replies
World of Warcraft is the biggest massively multiplayer online game in the world launching in 2004 it is state the king of the genre ever since at its height in 2010 it had a total of 12 million subscribers paying $15 a month in late 2014 before the launch of world war crafts fifth expansion warlords of Draenor Blizzard announced a new paid service in their store the service is referred to as boosting which allows players to pay $60 to make any character immediately level 90 10 levels away from the new level cap which raised the question what would happen if you took four people who have never played an MMO and forced them to play from such a high level so you know I brought you all here we're gonna do [ __ ] World of Warcraft challenge okay great so I have challenged all four of my good friends to play World of Warcraft I don't think they can do it honestly how many of you are excited for this I don't know I I did it's just confusing man if you've ever looked at like a screenshot wow they're saying you haven't played it and there's just a little icons everywhere it's like what the [ __ ] does that mean okay so it's going to be a charity race all right so we've got we're gonna donate a thousand dollars each to a charity of our choosing if we reach level 100 if you do not reach the level 100 your donation will be split in half and evenly distributed to the other people who do reach little snap so I kind of you know I'm just suckering you guys in a fling role work out you don't want to anyway all right so you are all playing freshly boosted level 90 characters all right and you probably don't know what that means but I'm gonna explain it to you or you know what that means you don't know that you don't know what that means okay it means that you don't have to start from level 1 they bow down yeah right so 10 levels right it's not too bad right so although legit and I new level 90 players are gonna be really mad at us because well noobs were newbies to be fair zero zero B's I like games that require skill and okay people were gonna be like well you need skill play Wow and it's like I don't know I guess I guess we'll find out so I have provided you guys with this I went out of my way I wrote cheap see this is a [ __ ] you with the cheats man alright hand over all right so Aaron give me your [ __ ] diary this is this is yours dear diary today I am stupid low boss oh there's all these stats and I don't know man that wasn't just it's not my bag baby it just made an awesome powers reference they like that [ __ ] so what you've got there in your hands is the basic how to play World of Warcraft nice and simple Susie's name wrong no I said Suze it's like what colors are nickname Suz that's got Suzi okay what are you talking about she's not even capsule lives I just that's how about that's what I call Suze Suze yeah Suz I was tired alright four hours right did he writes us I feel I feel hungry I could go like I could go for a sandwich these are your characters okay so I went and mater grump heads to show you guys what you are talk about it Barry the dwarf shaman attuned to the elements they are his powerful ally denne the night elf hunter a mighty ranged weapon user who calls upon the aid of powerful beasts Suzie the dread I'm age using her arcane abilities she can freeze her foes where they stand I guess he has a sword and shield hey I think mine's missing my blonde Street grindz missing the fact that it's a guy okay so here's the deal I'll make with you right now okay if you get to level 94 you'll be allowed a sex change your character and a woman man we just want to be a girl but now I'm like stoked to like become a girl so I'm gonna do that and then become a girl and it'll be fun so you want to be a woman of course all right so do you wanna make another wager all right if you reach level 94 before me you get to you get to change my rice and I know that it's gonna be a no because I am NOT crazy but it's like it like a insecure version of what I think I look like really interesting to see if he can actually beat me on that what if I make you a half robot half fish that's not a thing we can do why not not the world of snore craft oh damn Jesus Christ anyway so Suzie you're a hear something called a dread I dan you're something called a night elf you got your big stupid hair hair and you're a dude you're a [ __ ] cool - Worf like Gimli I'm glad we're all different at least I'm glad I'm not a [ __ ] human mcgahren yeah that sucks now I guess I'm a big dude I'm going to the fantasy world you have a goatee to get you guys introduced to the world of warcraft hahaha I have prepared this little presentation of Geo that's um well I'm gonna do my best to explain to youth this is basically everything that's happened in the entire Warcraft universe coming up to World of Warcraft where you're about to play there's no 11 years of stuff 20 it's it's it's it's 20 years of Warcraft ten years of World of Warcraft cool are you ready for this [ __ ] absolutely I kept it really simple and spoken baby language that you'll understand all right Satan obstacle Sargeras he went to the planet Argus and asked the space goats called the Eredar so there's some goat people and some orc people and then the ones that said no they ran away on a UFO called the exid are here on Draenor they met the native orcs who seemed pretty cool at first until Satan contacted them and then there was like a like a purple guy with like dicks hanging off of his face and then so they were told to drink demon blood and that would make them super strong and it did but it also made them slaves to the demon gang and the orcs were Brown and they drink blood and became green then they all exploded oh [ __ ] it's like [ __ ] school yeah alright so years passed and then the demon gang attacked Azeroth again with zombies and giant demonic space goats who hump giant trees this feels like he's [ __ ] with us giant pumpkin trees so here we get to where World of Warcraft starts World of Warcraft starts and the following [ __ ] happens I think that just was stuff that was before that was one too that's when Warcraft 1 2 & 3 the the RTS is oh I don't know you press one in two and you click a bunch this is the plot now go to Outland the husk of the exploded Draenor and stop an [ __ ] elf who became a demon the dryn I joined the Alliance of space goats join the Alliance and the blood elves which isn't important because you're not playing you're not playing horde unfortunately we defeat Garrosh and then send him to panda jail time-traveling dragons help host his trial in a book called war crimes really good book a tiny dragon who wears a turban complain when Penguins gotten weird ya know then using a time-traveling dragon they take gurage back in time 35 years to meet his dead dad garage so like here's like the past you gotta go up to the president then they go back to a different past grab a dude who's like I'm gonna do it and then go back to this present without changing my past yes that's right okay but he's still here and then he goes back to the present but he goes back to this one even though he changed the future so yeah the [ __ ] is the point man man so this is the past yeah and this is the future yeah here is where they connect next up I present I've prepared a 30-minute presentation to get you guys up to speed on who we're going to be fighting [Music] you all right so we're gonna get into it guys are we all ready to jump into the world of warcraft yeah Susie I can't hear you Susie right there alright everyone roll your mouse over enter world yay I click it did it wait okay click enter world entering world alright okay Dan should be entering world right now are we all there yeah Oh jumping around we all in World War Craft [ __ ] is the difference okay alright Stan look it's Dennis Danny's got spent tinkles SEP everybody oh my god hey man you look nice yeah okay look I just want to show you my character this is my character Ross if y'all look at my character y'all lookin at my character you're handsome thank you look what happens when I hit this button I'm a dougie now Oh dougie now you sure are how do I turn into a dog oh you press tilde we're still done it's my dog would your dougie yeah I'm a dog hey what's my I'm lame I don't do anything but that would be shut the [ __ ] up hey okay so I got I got something special for our you guys you ready so we're about to get started and well I really want to do something really cool for everyone so with the budget for the show I went and got them one of the rarest mounts in the entire game I know they probably won't give a [ __ ] but you know I thought maybe they think it's cool your mounts are all on your there's six mounts you've got and they're all on the right so I want you guys to pick which one you think is the rarest how do we select them just click on just click on them and you should mount up onto like you're like steed okay we take a little very far right you just you just left-click on them and you'll get them out I think the celestial Steve yeah I like this unless you'll see - oh I like the war Forja nightmare and you want to you want to ride together as a celestial griffix let's do it baby so uh go which which so none of you guys go that's no not that way guys to come back guys once he released us into the world I think it instantly turned and instead of Ross having fun controlling us it became all of us having fun and Ross freaking out can you guys come back I take back everything I ever said about World of Warcraft this is [ __ ] awesome on the ground okay so we need to get back here I'm going to the tree there's a big tree over here come back oh god damn it we're all hanging out they discovered that some of the mouse can fly and there's like goodbye goodbye they're flying off in all different directions like no guys come back here come back here alright I'm back at the yeah are you guys coming back to the movies here nobody's right there shut up when you just vanish oh come come in come in to the come in to the town let me lay down okay you are you are you in the come to where we started we started yeah I'm just hovering alright just land land on the ground like right at the beginning I was like oh we're flying it's amazing and Roz was like no come down we can't use those and then we never used new again yeah dude dan check this out if you fly forward you like leave like stars behind you then you can fly backwards through the stars oh stop with that nonsense let's tell you now look it I'll just tell you now which one do you think is the rarest the one that you're on Ross I'm not out any man oh I don't I didn't I I don't even have this found that you're that you want that you guys have Dan what do you think so let's just eat all right so here's the thing only if it were legit for this show I bought you guys a $700 World of Warcraft mount what $700 World of Warcraft 700 real dollars seven hundred real dollars she's us and you all know it was seven hundred dollars to give it to all you guys there's only 0.08 percent of all players of World of Warcraft on you literally have a like a rideable status symbol hey you know when I gave you that budget it was it was for like tools anyway you have a $700 mount it's called the Swift spectral tiger alright so if you want to ride that one that's cool if not then well whatever that's alright a tiger tiger is boring I got the steed baby I like the warhorse that you're not gonna run a spectral tiger no no I'm not gonna win I'm not gonna ride your stupid wasted [ __ ] but you could've bought like a microphones or something I added $700 to my own donation to feel okay about doing that alright you guys do you guys want to get an Adreno all right have some fun no fun all right I'm having fun right now the reason over here alright so everyone come back here and follow me I'm gonna get I'm I'm I'm out all right what's your Matt whoa whoa awesome it's a skeleton Raptor well that's cute at $700 no this I actually have to earn this I had to do archaeology I earned that spectral tiger was the money that I gave you that's true you did so you guys ready to crawl yeah let's do it roll out d club follow me never say that again I'm running I think I think we're gonna get the hang of it quickly I think we're gonna suck for like the first day or two bless you what the [ __ ] vice Pokemon fight you guys fighting a pumpkin and then we should be fine all right just follow me up this ramp I'm skiing that's bad ready see this point oh my god Oh Suzie fell off okay wait wait for Suzie Suzie can you get back up yeah this is atrocious I don't know if they're just trying to [ __ ] with me holy [ __ ] it was like trying to herd [ __ ] cats on the count of three we're all gonna hit fur Azeroth and you're gonna get a cutscene ready alright one two three four Oh everyone mystery it's a part of my history Oh oh man those passports is that us or well we're following them in but we're not on screen no we are this is first person from our view so we don't get we don't get extras money no you don't get that sweet fifty dollar bonus no snow in the past we're in the past now okay oh boy oh man dude you know those cutscenes really get me fired up to play a game I I mean whatever I just I'm just ready to play the game get it over with right click on Archmage Khadgar again and hit complete quest I did it he says we're all counting on me we're all counting on you ok so now we have to kill one orc and pick up a like like a command missile thing from them how do I kill an org so walk up to them and press the numbers click on the move the first numbers know these numbers these forests over here come back Aaron what yeah well I I'm fighting this Oracle Endeca right click why would I want to fight the orc you're fighting I think my own work you can we're in a party it doesn't matter men grunt yeah we can kill them ok so you see if you right-click on it they'll be sparkling and that means that you can loot his body can you guys see me I'm up on the spike yeah yeah what spike oh yeah I see you berry that's cool come on down berry where'd you go he's on top of a spike up a little Wow how'd you do that awesome the best time I had all day was just messing around with them that's been a lot more fun than actually combat where it's just like suppressing the thing hey Dan how do you how do I way back this way / / we press enter then /wave and you see me free up there Oh [ __ ] vindicator maraad said that egoraptor will see us through this war hey no he said Mortimer will see us do this no he said razzed it was sisters what the [ __ ] he's playing us all four chunks I'm dancing oh dang I thought this would be a nightmare for you guys was actually becoming in my own nightmare whatever bread and board [ __ ] enter /then isn't I'm dancing I'm dancing yeah [Music] /stat susie you're cute thank you look nice I want to take you out of the date dance and learn more about you can I go fight people now second Susie everything's fine when I sit my beard goes through my clothing yeah I know it's a baby we don't want to say which one says X hiset I am speechless i-i've seen six year olds play this game and and managed to play better than we got one last thing to do come back to the top of this thing okay all right people play this for fun yeah 11 million people so no return return true freeing him now so he's bad he's bad but he's also powering the portal but we need to shut down okay wait so now we're trapped here yes or no all right guys so what we did it we did it happening okay follow me there's a little thing is a good bad thing there is is the lesser of two evils for us yes do I want the war cudgel or the ritual staff how do I join the other party no there's no other party Susie that was just the that was just the TV well let me do fun stuff though and dance so now we're stuck here no we can get back the other means I caught up with the other party Barry choose a reward yeah take a reward but I don't I don't know what they are okay oh is this please Chloe green rise what what are your options very I'm going it I'm following the other party i doing them now pick the what's the jewel if you hold shift and scroll over it will tell you like if there's lots of plusses and stuff it's probably better are you are you on the so how do I jump thanks Ross how do i attack the more cudgel is one handed and the ritual staff is to hand one handed one then everybody loves pushing Ross's buttons cuz he likes to push our buttons I mean frig man you just you push you get pushed back that's how it is except there's four of us and one of him so if he can't take it then you shouldn't dish it out oh [ __ ] hear that Ross yo I'm reality to show back-talking you dog what are you gonna say now you'll never see this until it's up so you won't be able to rebuttal okay come back dude but I'm on my own journey coming back we didn't kill these guys we good we gotta keep we don't have time man come on come on please why this is getting kind of boring Ross can't control everybody so there's nothing to do guys come back to the wizard where it where's dan dan where are you buddy right here by the wizard are you by the wizard yeah oh I didn't see you okay click on that black armor orc after right to the right of the green you know when you click with the left mouse for the right Mouse I think the right mouse it's just my roll all right now what you mean that I should call you okay swallowing we know it okay is everyone having an orc following them oh wait yes orcs I'm having a good time man do you have it I mean Aaron do you have an orc following you I mean I have an orc in my sights Aaron yeah would you see where I'm standing is there an orc next to me the only thing I see [Laughter] woodsey where are you do you have the org what org what the [ __ ] you talking about you have to talk to Aria who the [ __ ] is Ari ah he's the guy with you anything I've been looking at this joke all day dude what good yeah those three are okay and then you click to accept and then you can talk to favorite dear right click on [ __ ] give me a sec oh and I apologize I probably lost my cool like way too much during this foaming Aaron really [ __ ] drives my patience then come on back guys look like you were Homer Simpson hang into the wall okay the third arms upstairs we're gonna go to it but guys follow me did you did you don't touch those those blood things I guess what blood things that you might we're all the group so I must have K I must account I don't know oh no they're fighting us I'll turn them on the Frog I can't tell who's water what's who that's just good job oh [ __ ] dude alright I'm touching the bleed orb oh no normally it's fight your way through guys okay bangs okay bang boom wait I want I want Lutz okay come on come on see these stairs here no right here oh come on come on we're in for the money I'm sorry ex crotch alright here's the last bit one thing if the blood thing Manuel really took a good turn for the worse after the second expansion whoa man Wow is the worst you ever kill Rob Mercer yes Matt Mercer I'm at well the [ __ ] Tiger [ __ ] oh no he's gonna fight he's fighting is that him oh that's just a guy guys jumping down that easy dead already why do we have glowy gloves our friend became a big orc and he's gonna go fight though there or oh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] always huge growing up or what hold on stop uh-huh no no you can't help we need to run what the how did I why did they come here i teleported away wait what are you guys doing over there oh there's just a giant orc fighting over there teleported you teleport I'm not where you guys are anymore where are you I don't know I just I went to follow the big orc and then I came back here I was really confused I don't know where you are I don't either follow me pursue Zeke yes how the [ __ ] did you get over there I don't know I went to follow the big work that was fighting you guys and then I just showed up here oh okay yeah don't just stay there that's where we're supposed to go and still there all right did I do it bad no you're all right just stay there please stay there I'm scared okay everyone follow me mount up down your mouth ion I don't know where you are though I can't follow your voice so we reached a point where you're supposed to turn in a quest to like blow up a bridge first we do it the bridge oh he's bought up a bridge nice holy moly the wizard you turned the quest into was supposed to move after the bridge blows now is he walking away did everyone get him handing the thing I didn't walk away I'm gonna go to the car guitar proving grounds the bridge is gone though the bridge got blown off yeah down the bridge but for some reason he didn't move for Aaron even though the bridge was clearly blown up all right it is their request here for you guys you get you got it I guess if you press L do you have exarch maladaar freed is that what you have that's why don't you have that I don't know is there a exclamation mark above any of those people no press L I've got the cow guitar proving grounds so you already did that you wait did you already do the bit where you freed the person I don't know okay all right just just wait there I was just having fun and I don't even like FMOs and I was having a good time with the game and they've you know they messed up i glitched over here for some reason did you do the quest did you do this one I [ __ ] went to chase the giant ogre guy and then i teleported here okay for some reason aaron is like bugged out and on a weird I don't understand what Aaron's deal is yeah because world Warcraft is the best game ever made some like Aaron who doesn't know what the [ __ ] is going on he's gonna be the one who runs off the beaten path that's who you want to play test your game so he did that and he got teleported somewhere randomly and broke everything so so what do we do about Aaron I actually have no idea I cannot [ __ ] believe it like Aaron managed to find a bug that somehow made it through beta that literally breaks the starting zone like completely halts progress so we have to contact player support we could be waiting anywhere for five [ __ ] days to get a response on that I just submitted a [ __ ] ticket to like and we're not gonna get that answer till tomorrow can't [ __ ] do jack goddamn [ __ ] the best of course action right now might actually be boosting another character for Aaron just to get him where to where he is with a new name yeah I didn't even know this is possible literally very stressful day for me I have you guys feeling I feel great I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm doing in that game so [ __ ] I was just making fun out of it like we could have a good time and the game's confusing and broken and then and then I broke the game oh hello weary traveler I am an NPC would you like any information if this is what the best of them always have to offer I'm not not crazy about them no well not here we just need to get through this you go whole thing when they're done III just don't have a desk in the office I just like to do my work in a reclined couch like position learn how to term in the Sheep know this bird right here I turned a bird into a sheep twice bloodthirsty and he the next week gosh that was my favorite part I think Ross what does it mean when there's a 92 next to my picture what on the top left I'm just kidding so Aaron broke his character so I guess I'm just making him a new character what we just did that whole first episode or this whole first episode I can say without a doubt that I've done three or four times now on beta and on live and everything that just did takes ten minutes so that hour and a half could have been done in ten minutes I'm just gonna play Aaron's character up to where he was that right Aaron I'm not supposed to be here I mean like it wouldn't make sense because you're making me a boy again I make it easily be a girl [ __ ] you reality TV magic people hey this is Aaron thanks for watching our show about Warcraft there's a bunch more coming and it was really fun to make so I hope you enjoy it that's right and whoa specs the tiger how are you doing I'm okay I'm here to tell you that we have kilograms shirts that's really cool specs I know it's really the only way that we can feasibly make a highly produced show like this whoa geez specs you're getting a little behind the scenes right now I don't know Jim's algorithm has changed over the years and is impeding most creators from creating highly produced content like this Wow specs jeez okay I'm checking out our shirts is the best way to support the show and to also enable us to create more shows like this that's that's right specs jeez you're really on the nose on that one I know isn't it adorable thank you the description below man I hope you're in the every end slate [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 2,470,784
Rating: 4.8813 out of 5
Keywords: lets, play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game, grumps, gamegrumps, funny, guild, guild grumps, world of warcraft, wow, ross, barry, suzy, mmo, mmorpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 38sec (1898 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2015
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