Guided Christian Meditation: Love Songs from The Song of Solomon

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find rest as you listen to this peaceful bedtime  story for more Bible stories that bring you   refreshing sleep download the abide app in  the iTunes or Google Play Store welcome to   the bedtime story a love song from King Solomon  this is a love story from the Bible taken from   the Song of Solomon everyone on earth longs to  feel loved everyone desires to be cared for it   is a longing that has been placed in us by our  loving creator and this story takes place in a   covenant of marriage let this sleep story and  gently guide you into the loving presence of   God it is God's Spirit who dwells in the life  of every believer who gives us the love and   peace that we so desire so as we begin take  a moment to get comfortable just gently and   softly close your eyes relax your arms slowly  breathe in and invite God's peace into the room   let go of your worries and concerns allow God's  hand to cover you as I pray over you now dear   loving father thank you for your rest for your  love and for your mercy as this child of yours   sleeps tonight when they dream Lord let them  feel your loving arms let them slumber under   the shadow of your wings with each breath  they take or to fill them with your great   love and peace I pray this in a wonderful  name of Jesus our Savior and our king amen so imagine it is a great day of celebration you  have been invited to the wedding of King Solomon   he is your dear and beloved friend your heart  is so full of hope and promise for the bride   and the groom you want only what is best for them  you are grateful to witness such a beautiful and   important ceremony outside the day is dawning  fresh and clean it is springtime and the earth   is abundant with life you hear birds chirping in  the distance and a soft breeze blows through the   leaves of the trees the Sun is warm on your  face and the scent of new life is all around   you this is truly a perfect day for a wedding  celebration as you enter the holy sanctuary   you feel a sense of awe and wonder the room is  filled with the sweet fragrance of flowers you   hear this soft melody of a love song played on  a stringed instrument sunlight is coming through   the stained-glass windows casting rainbows  of light across the room it is breathtaking   as you breathe in and out you smell the sense  of cinnamon frankincense and myrrh they are   soothing fragrances that the bride has used to  prepare for her wedding day they bring a sense   of calmness and peace as you wait for the wedding  ceremony to begin quietly you look around taking   it all in the stillness of the room sweet music  and the echo of time it is calming your soul in the distance you hear the voice of Solomon  calling to his bride as he says arise my love my   beautiful one and come away for behold the winter  is past and the rain is over and gone but the   flowers appear on the earth the time of singing  has come and the voice of the Turtledove is heard   in our land the fig tree ripens its figs and the  vines are in blossom they give forth fragrance so   arise my love my beautiful one and come away as  you hear the words of Solomon your friend calling   out to his beautiful bride joy fills your soul  to overflowing like a waterfall cascading down   you can almost hear the rushing water flowing  steadfast and constant and then you hear the   bride and sweet response to her beloved she calls  out as an apple tree among the trees of the forest   so is my beloved among the young men with great  delight I sat in his shadow and his fruit was   sweet to my taste he brought to me the banqueting  house and his banner over me was love his banner   over me is love you let those words settle into  your heart and mind for you are reminded that the   Lord's banner over you is love you rest under his  banner in peace and comfort King Solomon and his   groomsmen arrived in a carriage made of silver  and gold and fine purple it is a glorious sight   as the king makes his entrance wearing his royal  crown come out o maidens of Zion and gaze upon   King Solomon he is wearing the crown with which  his mother crowned him on his wedding day on the   most joyous day of his life he is surrounded by  60 warriors some of Israel's mightiest men well   trained in the art of warfare each has his sword  at his side to guard against the terrors of the   night you're comforted by the thought of being  guarded against the terrors of the night there   is nothing to fear the Lord is guarding you he  is surrounding you with the fortress of love   Solomon and his men take their place and soon  there's a quiet hush over the sanctuary as the   bride makes her entrance everyone stands in  honor of her she is the loveliest of brides   as she makes her way towards her beloved the  joy on Solomon's face is unmistakable as she   approaches he says behold you are beautiful my  love behold you are beautiful your eyes are doves   behind your veil you have captivated my heart  my sister my pride you have captivated my heart   with one glance of your eyes with one jewel  of your necklace how beautiful is your love   my sister my bride how much better is your love  than wine and the fragrance of your oils than   any spice as the bride and groom commit their  love to one another you are reminded of God's   commitment to you through Jesus his son he has  loved you with an everlasting love pure and holy then you hear the brides speak to Solomon words  of allegiance loyalty and devotion set me as a   seal upon your heart as a seal upon your arm  for love is strong as death jealousy is fierce   as the grave it's flashes are flashes of fire  the very flame of the Lord many waters cannot   quench love neither can floods drown it if a man  offered for love all the wealth of his house he   would be utterly despised as Solomon hears her  words his heart is filled with overwhelming love   and in return he makes a declaration over her  you are beautiful as tears on my love lovely as   Jerusalem awesome as an army with banners until  the day breathes and the shadows flee I will go   away to the mountain of myrrh and the hill of  frankincense you are altogether beautiful my   love there is no flaw in you as the bride and  groom commit to a life of unity you are drawn   back to your unity with the Lord perfect and holy  you breathe deeply in and out releasing anything   that has come between you and your Saviour you  know that in Christ you are covered by a love   that is matchless as the newly married couple make  their way down the aisle your heart is filled with   joy you have witnessed the pure beautiful love  between Solomon and his bride now tonight as you   rest in perfect peace allow this love story to  remind you of the deep and magnificent love of   God there is no other love that is more complete  let's pray gracious Redeemer please place your   loving hand over your beloved tonight Lord as  they sleep let them fully rest in your presence   let them know the depths of your love for them  and thank you for covering them and holding   in peace in Jesus name Amen love never gives  up love cares more for others than for self love doesn't want what it doesn't have it isn't always me first love doesn't fly  off the handle love doesn't keep score of   the sins of others love takes pleasure in the  flowering of truth love puts up with anything   it trusts God always it always looks for the  best love never looks back it keeps going to   the end with your eyes still closed listen  one final time as I read and you reflect on   first Corinthians chapter 13 verse 6 and 7 love  does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with   the truth love bears all things believes all  things hopes all things and endures all things   now with your eyes still closed your hands  over your heart just feeling the rhythm of   your heart beating I want you to imagine this  passage from first Peter chapter 4 Peter wrote   this open letter to the believers who had been  dispersed throughout the ancient world and were   under intense persecution and Peter knew about  persecution he was beaten threatened punished   and jailed just for preaching the Word of  God he knew what it took to endure without   bitterness without losing hope in his letter he  acknowledges these are hard times but for all of   us to be self-controlled and sober minded for  the sake of our prayers above all he says for   us to keep loving one another earnestly since  love covers a multitude of sins and we should   show hospitality to one another without grumbling  so allowing this spirit to guide your imagination   for a moment imagine you are in a church  under severe persecution when you receive   this letter from Peter how do you feel hearing  they should keep showing love and hospitality imagine their emotions now will you join me  now in closing prayer dear God of love and   truth you are patient you are kind you have  given me grace upon grace you sent your son   Jesus to be the bridegroom of your church  and so when you see me you see one that has   been grafted into the family I had been given  a new name a new identity let me love the way   first Corinthians 13 describes love does not  delight in evil but rejoices with the truth   it always protects always hopes and always  persevere and it's in Jesus name I pray amen welcome to the bedtime story a love song  from King Solomon this is a love story   from the Bible taken from the Song of  Solomon everyone on earth longs to feel   loved everyone desires to be cared for  it is a longing that has been placed in   us by our loving creator and this story  takes place in a covenant of marriage let this sleep story and gently guide you into  the loving presence of God is God's Spirit who   dwells in the life of every believer  who gives us the love and peace that we   so desire so as we begin take a moment to get  comfortable just gently and softly close your   eyes relax your arms slowly breathe in and  invite God's peace into the room let go of   your worries and concerns allow God's hand  to cover you as I pray over you now dear   loving father thank you for your rest for your  love and for your mercy as this child of yours   sleeps tonight when they dream Lord let them  feel your loving arms let them slumber under   the shadow of your wings with each breath  they take or to fill them with your great   love and peace I pray this and the wonderful  name of Jesus our Savior and our king amen so imagine it is a great day of celebration you  have been invited to the wedding of King Solomon   he is your dear and beloved friend your heart  is so full of hope and promise for the bride   and the groom you want only what is best for them  you are grateful to witness such a beautiful and   important ceremony outside the day is dawning  fresh and clean it is springtime and the earth   is abundant with life you hear birds chirping in  the distance and a soft breeze blows through the   leaves of the trees the Sun is warm on your  face and the scent of new life is all around   you this is truly a perfect day for a wedding  celebration as you enter the holy sanctuary   you feel a sense of awe and wonder the room is  filled with the sweet fragrance of flowers you   hear this soft melody of a love song played on  a stringed instrument sunlight is coming through   the stained-glass windows casting rainbows  of light across the room it is breathtaking   as you breathe in and out you smell the sense  of cinnamon frankincense and myrrh they are   soothing fragrances that the bride has used to  prepare for her wedding day they bring a sense   of calmness and peace as you wait for the wedding  ceremony to begin quietly you look around taking   it all in the stillness of the room sweet music  and the echo of time it is calming your soul in the distance you hear the voice of Solomon  calling to his bride as he says arise my love   my beautiful one and come away for behold the  winter is past and the rain is over and gone   but the flowers appear on the earth the time of  singing has come and the voice of the Turtledove   is heard in our land the fig tree ripens its  figs and the vines are in blossom they give   forth fragrance so arise my love my beautiful  one and come away as you hear the words of   Solomon your friend calling out to his beautiful  bride joy fills your soul to overflowing like a   waterfall cascading down you can almost hear the  rushing water flowing steadfast and constant and   then you hear the bride in sweet response to her  beloved she calls out as an apple tree among the   trees of the forest so was my beloved among the  young men with great delight I sat in his shadow   and his fruit was sweet to my taste he brought  to me the banqueting house and his banner over   me was love his banner over me is love let those  words settle into your heart and mind for you are   reminded that the Lord's banner over you is  love you rest under his banner in peace and   comfort King Solomon and his groomsmen arrived  in a carriage made of silver and gold and fine   purple is a glorious sight as the King makes  his entrance wearing his royal crown come out   o maidens of Zion and gaze upon King Solomon he  is wearing the crown which his mother crowned   him on his wedding day on the most joyous day of  his life he is surrounded by 60 warriors some of   israel's mightiest men well trained in the art of  warfare each has his sword at his side to guard   against the terrors of the night your comforted by  the thought of being guarded against the terrors   of the night there is nothing to fear the Lord  is guarding you he is surrounding you with the   fortress of love Solomon and his men take their  place and soon there's a quiet hush over the   sanctuary as the bride makes her entrance everyone  stands in honor of her she is the loveliest of   brides as she makes her way towards her beloved  the joy on Solomon's face is unmistakable as she   approaches he says behold you are beautiful my  love behold you are beautiful your eyes are doves   behind your veil you have captivated my heart  my sister my bride you have captivated my heart   with one glance of your eyes with one jewel  of your necklace how beautiful is your love   my sister my bride how much better is your love  than wine and the fragrance of your oils than   any spice as the bride and groom commit their  love to one another you are reminded of God's   commitment to you through Jesus his son he has  loved you with an everlasting love pure and holy then you hear the brides speak to Solomon words of  Allegiance loyalty and devotion set me as a seal   upon your heart as a seal upon your arm for love  is strong as death jealousy is fierce as the grave   it's flashes are flashes of fire the very flame  of the Lord many waters cannot quench love neither   can floods drown it if a man offered for love  all the wealth of his house he would be utterly   despised as Solomon hears her words his heart  is filled with overwhelming love and in return   he makes a declaration over her you are beautiful  as tears on my love lovely as Jerusalem awesome as   an army with banners until the day breathes and  the shadows flee I will go away to the mountain   of myrrh and the hill of frankincense you are  altogether beautiful my love there is no flaw   in you as the bride and groom commit to a life  of unity you are drawn back to your unity with   the Lord perfect and holy you breathe deeply in  and out releasing anything that has come between   you and your Saviour you know that in Christ you  are covered by a love that is matchless as the   newly married couple make their way down the aisle  your heart is filled with joy you have witnessed   the pure beautiful love between Solomon and his  bride now tonight as you rest in perfect peace   allow this love story to remind you of the deep  and magnificent love of God there is no other   love that is more complete let's pray gracious  Redeemer please place your loving hand over your   beloved tonight Lord as they sleep let them fully  rest in your presence let them know the depths of   your love for them and thank you for covering  them in holiness and peace in Jesus name Amen love never gives up love cares more for others than for self love doesn't want what it doesn't have it isn't always me first love doesn't fly  off the handle love doesn't keep score of   the sins of others love takes pleasure in the  flowering of truth love puts up with anything   it trusts God always it always looks for the  best love never looks back it keeps going to   the end with your eyes still closed listen one  final time as I read and you reflect on first   Corinthians chapter thirteen verse six and seven  love does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices   with the truth love bears all things believes all  things hopes all things and endures all things now with your eyes still closed your hands over  your heart just feeling the rhythm of your heart   beating I want you to imagine this passage from  first Peter chapter 4 Peter wrote this open letter   to the believers who had been dispersed throughout  the ancient world and were under intense   persecution and Peter knew about persecution he  was beaten threatened punished and jailed just   for preaching the Word of God he knew what it took  to endure without bitterness without losing hope   in his letter he acknowledges these are hard  times but for all of us to be self-controlled   and sober minded for the sake of our prayers  above all he says for us to keep loving one   another earnestly since love covers a multitude  of sins and we should show hospitality to one   another without grumbling so allowing the spirit  to guide your imagination for a moment imagine you   are in a church under severe persecution when  you receive this letter from Peter how do you   feel hearing they should keep showing love  and hospitality imagine their emotions now will you join me now in closing prayer dear  God of love and truth you are patient you   are kind you have given me grace upon  grace you sent your son Jesus to be the   bridegroom of your church and so when you  see me you see one that has been grafted   into the family I had been given a new  name a new identity let me love the way   first Corinthians 13 describes love does not  delight in evil but rejoices with the truth   it always protects always hopes and always  persevere and it's in Jesus name I pray amen welcome to the bedtime story a love song  from King Solomon this is a love story   from the Bible taken from the Song of  Solomon everyone on earth longs to feel   loved everyone desires to be cared for  it is a longing that has been placed in   us by our loving creator and this story  takes place in the Covenant of marriage let this sleep story and gently guide you into  the loving presence of God it is God's Spirit   who dwells in the life of every believer  who gives us the love and peace that we   so desire so as we begin take a moment to get  comfortable just gently and softly close your   eyes relax your arms slowly breathe in and  invite God's peace into the room let go of   your worries and concerns allow God's hand  to cover you as I pray over you now dear   loving father thank you for your rest for your  love and for your mercy as this child of yours   sleeps tonight and they dream Lord let them  feel your loving arms let them slumber under   the shadow of your wings with each breath  they take Lord fill them with your great   love and peace I pray this and a wonderful  name of Jesus our Savior and our king amen so imagine it is a great day of celebration you  have been invited to the wedding of King Solomon   he is your dear and beloved friend your heart  is so full of hope and promise for the bride   and the groom you want only what is best for them  you are grateful to witness such a beautiful and   important ceremony outside the day is dawning  fresh and clean it is springtime and the earth   is abundant with life you hear birds chirping in  the distance and a soft breeze blows through the   leaves of the trees the Sun is warm on your  face and the scent of new life is all around   you this is truly a perfect day for a wedding  celebration as you enter the holy sanctuary   you feel a sense of awe and wonder the room is  filled with the sweet fragrance of flowers you   hear the soft melody of a love song played on a  stringed instrument sunlight is coming through   the stained-glass windows casting rainbows  of light across the room it is breathtaking   as you breathe in and out you smell the sense  of cinnamon frankincense and myrrh they are   soothing fragrances that the bride has used to  prepare for her wedding day they bring a sense   of calmness and peace as you wait for the wedding  ceremony to begin quietly you look around taking   it all in the stillness of the room sweet music  and the echo of time it is calming your soul in the distance you hear the voice of Solomon  calling to his bride as he says arise my love   my beautiful one and come away for behold the  winter is past and the rain is over and gone   but the flowers appear on the earth the time of  singing has come and the voice of the Turtledove   is heard in our land the fig tree ripens its  figs and the vines are in blossom they give   forth fragrance so arise my love my beautiful  one and come away as you hear the words of   Solomon your friend calling out to his beautiful  bride joy fills your soul to overflowing like a   waterfall cascading down you can almost hear the  rushing water flowing steadfast and constant and   then you hear the bride in sweet response to her  beloved she calls out as an apple tree among the   trees of the forest so is my beloved among  the young men with a great delight I sat in   his shadow and his fruit was sweet to my taste he  brought to me the banqueting house and his banner   over me was love his banner over me is love let  those words settle into your heart and mind for   you are reminded that the Lord's banner over you  is love you rest under his banner in peace and   comfort King Solomon and his groomsmen arrived  in a carriage made of silver and gold and fine   purple it is a glorious sight as the king makes  his entrance wearing his royal crown come out o   maidens of Zion in gaze upon King Solomon he is  wearing the crown with which his mother crowned   him on his wedding day on the most joyous day  of his life he is surrounded by 60 warriors   some of israel's mightiest men well trained in  the art of warfare each has his sword at his   side to guard against the terrors of the night  your comforted by the thought of being guarded   against the terrors of the night there's nothing  to fear the Lord is guarding you he is surrounding   you with the fortress of love Solomon and his  men take their place and soon there's a quiet   hush over the sanctuary as the bride makes her  entrance everyone stands in honor of her she is   the loveliest of brides as she makes her way  towards her beloved the joy on Solomon's face   is unmistakable as she approaches he says behold  you are beautiful my love behold you are beautiful   your eyes are doves behind your veil you have  captivated my heart my sister my bride you have   captivated my heart with one glance of your eyes  with one jewel of your necklace how beautiful is   your love my sister my bride how much better is  your love than wine and the fragrance of your oils   than any spice as the bride and groom commit their  love to one another you are reminded of God's   commitment to you through Jesus his son he has  loved you with an everlasting love pure and holy then you hear the bride's speak to Solomon words  of Allegiance loyalty and devotion set me as a   seal upon your heart as a seal upon your arm for  love is strong as death jealousy is fierce as the   grave it's flashes are flashes of fire the very  flame of the Lord many waters cannot quench love   neither can floods drown it if a man offered  for love all the wealth of his house he would   be utterly despised as Solomon hears her words  his heart is filled with overwhelming love and   in return he makes a declaration over her you are  beautiful as tears on my love lovely as Jerusalem   awesome as an army with banners until the day  breathes and the shadows flee I will go away to   the mountain of myrrh and the hill of frankincense  you are altogether beautiful my love there is no   flaw in you as the bride and groom commit to a  life of unity you are drawn back to your unity   with the Lord perfect and holy you breathe  deeply in and out releasing anything that has   come between you and your Savior you know that in  Christ you are covered by a love that is matchless   as the newly married couple make their way down  the aisle your heart is filled with joy you have   witnessed the pure beautiful love between Solomon  and his bride now tonight as you rest in perfect   peace allow this love story to remind you of the  deep and magnificent love of God there is no other   love that is more complete let's pray gracious  Redeemer please place your loving hand over your   beloved tonight Lord as they sleep let them fully  rest in your presence let them know the depths of   your love for them and thank you for covering  them in holiness and peace in Jesus name Amen love never gives up love cares more for others than for self love doesn't want what it doesn't have it isn't always me first love doesn't fly off the handle love  doesn't keep score of the sins of others love takes pleasure in the flowering of truth  love puts up with anything it trusts God always   it always looks for the best love never looks  back it keeps going to the end with your eyes   still closed listen one final time as I  read and you reflect on first Corinthians   chapter 13 verse 6 and 7 love does not  rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with   the truth love bears all things believes all  things hopes all things and endures all things now with your eyes still closed your hands  over your heart just feeling the rhythm of   your heart beating I want you to imagine this  passage from first Peter chapter 4 Peter wrote   this open letter to the believers who had been  dispersed throughout the ancient world and were   under intense persecution and Peter knew about  persecution he was beaten threatened punished   and jailed just for preaching the Word of  God he knew what it took to endure without   bitterness without losing hope in his letter he  acknowledges these are hard times but for all   of us to be self-controlled and sober minded  for the sake of our prayers above all he says   for us to keep loving one another earnestly  since love covers a multitude of sins and we   should show hospitality to one another without  grumbling so allowing the spirit to guide your   imagination for a moment imagine you are in a  church under severe persecution when you receive   this letter from Peter how do you feel hearing  they should keep showing love and hospitality imagine their emotions now will you join me now in closing prayer dear  God of love and truth you were patient you   are kind you have given me grace upon  grace you sent your son Jesus to be the   bridegroom of your church and so when you  see me you see one that has been grafted   into the family I had been given a new  name a new identity let me love the way   first Corinthians 13 describes love does not  delight in evil but rejoices with the truth   it always protects always hopes and always  persevere and it's in Jesus name I pray amen welcome to the bedtime story a love song  from King Solomon this is a love story   from the Bible taken from the Song of  Solomon everyone on earth longs to feel   loved everyone desires to be cared for  it is a longing that has been placed in   us by our loving creator and this story  takes place in a covenant of marriage let this sleep story and gently guide you into  the loving presence of God it is God's Spirit   who dwells in the life of every believer who  gives us the love and peace that we so desire so as we begin take a moment to get  comfortable this gently and softly close   your eyes relax your arms slowly breathe  in and invite God's peace into the room let go of your worries and concerns allow God's  hand to cover you as I pray over you now dear   loving father thank you for your rest for your  love and for your mercy as this child of yours   sleeps tonight and they dream Lord let them  feel your loving arms let them slumber under   the shadow of your wings with each breath  they take or to fill them with your great   love and peace I pray this and the wonderful  name of Jesus our Savior and our King amen so imagine it is a great day of celebration you  have been invited to the wedding of King Solomon   he is your dear and beloved friend your heart  is so full of hope and promise for the bride   and the groom you want only what is best for them  you are grateful to witness such a beautiful and   important ceremony outside the day is dawning  fresh and clean it is springtime and the earth   is abundant with life you hear birds chirping in  the distance and a soft breeze blows through the   leaves of the trees the Sun is warm on your  face and the scent of new life is all around   you this is truly a perfect day for a wedding  celebration as you enter the holy sanctuary   you feel a sense of awe and wonder the room is  filled with the sweet fragrance of flowers you   hear the soft melody of a love song played on a  stringed instrument sunlight is coming through   the stained-glass windows casting rainbows  of light across the room it is breathtaking   as you breathe in and out you smell the sense  of cinnamon frankincense and myrrh they are   soothing fragrances that the bride has used to  prepare for her wedding day they bring a sense   of calmness and peace as you wait for the wedding  ceremony to begin quietly you look around taking   it all in the stillness of the room sweet music  and the echo of time it is calming your soul in the distance you hear the voice of Solomon  calling to his bride as he says arise my love   my beautiful one and come away for behold the  winter is past and the rain is over and gone   but the flowers appear on the earth the time of  singing has come and the voice of the Turtledove   is heard in our land the fig tree ripens its  figs and the vines are in blossom they give forth   fragrance so arise my love my beautiful one and  come away as you hear the words of Solomon your   friend calling out to his beautiful bride joy  fills your soul to overflowing like a waterfall   cascading down you can almost hear the rushing  water flowing steadfast and constant and then you   hear the bride in sweet response to her beloved  she calls out as an apple tree among the trees of   the forest so is my beloved among the young men  with great delight I sat in his shadow and his   fruit was sweet to my taste he brought to me the  banqueting house and his banner over me was love   his banner over me is love let those words settle  into your heart and mine for you are reminded that   the Lord's banner over you is love you rest under  his banner in peace and comfort King Solomon and   his groomsmen arrived in a carriage made of silver  and gold and fine purple is a glorious sight as   the king makes his entrance wearing his royal  crown come out o maidens of Zion and gaze upon   King Solomon he is wearing the crown with which  his mother crowned him on his wedding day on the   most joyous day of his life he is surrounded by  sixty warriors some of Israel's mightiest men   well trained in the art of warfare each has his  sword at his side to guard against the terrors   of the night your comforted by the thought of  being guarded against the terrors of the night   there is nothing to fear the Lord is guarding  you he is surrounding you with the fortress of   love Solomon and his men take their place and  soon there's a quiet hush over the sanctuary   as the bride makes her entrance everyone stands  in honor of her she is the loveliest of brides   as she makes her way towards her beloved the  joy on Solomon's face is unmistakable as she   approaches he says behold you are beautiful my  love behold you are beautiful your eyes are doves   behind your veil you have captivated my heart  my sister my bride you have captivated my heart   with one glance of your eyes with one jewel  of your necklace how beautiful is your love   my sister my bride how much better is your love  than wine and the fragrance of your oils than   any spice as the bride and groom commit their  love to one another you are reminded of God's   commitment to you through Jesus his son he has  loved you with an everlasting love pure and holy then you hear the bride's speak to Solomon words  of Allegiance loyalty and devotion set me as a   seal upon your heart as a seal upon your arm for  love is strong as death jealousy is fierce as the   grave it's flashes are flashes of fire the very  flame of the Lord many waters cannot quench love   neither can floods drown it if a man offered  for love all the wealth of his house he would   be utterly despised as Solomon hears her words  his heart is filled with overwhelming love and   in return he makes a declaration over her you are  beautiful as tears on my love lovely as Jerusalem   awesome as an army with banners until the day  breathes and the shadows flee I will go away to   the mountain of myrrh and the hill of frankincense  you are altogether beautiful my love there is no   flaw in you as the bride and groom commit to  a life of unity you are drawn back to your   unity with the Lord perfect and holy you breathe  deeply in and out will you sing anything that has   come between you and your Saviour you know that in  Christ you are covered by a love that is matchless   as the newly married couple make their way down  the aisle your heart is filled with joy you have   witnessed the pure beautiful love between Solomon  and his bride now tonight as you rest in perfect   peace allow this love story to remind you of the  deep and magnificent love of God there is no other   love that is more complete let's pray gracious  Redeemer please place your loving hand over your   beloved tonight Lord as they sleep let them fully  rest in your presence let them know the depths of   your love for them and thank you for covering  them in holiness and peace in Jesus name Amen love never gives up love cares more for others than for self love doesn't want what it doesn't have it isn't always me first love doesn't  fly off the handle love doesn't keep   score of the sins of others love takes  pleasure in the flowering of the truth love puts up with anything it trusts God  always it always looks for the best love   never looks back but keeps going to the  end with your eyes still closed listen   one final time as I read and you reflect  on first Corinthians chapter thirteen   verse six and seven love does not rejoice  at wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth   love bears all things believes all things  hopes all things and endures all things now with your eyes still close your hands  over your heart just feeling the rhythm of   your heart beating I want you to imagine this  passage from first Peter chapter 4 Peter wrote   this open letter to the believers who had been  dispersed throughout the ancient world and were   under intense persecution and Peter knew about  persecution he was beaten threatened punished   and jailed just for preaching the Word of  God he knew what it took to endure without   bitterness without losing hope in his letter he  acknowledges these are hard times but for all   of us to be self-controlled and sober minded  for the sake of our prayers above all he says   for us to keep loving one another earnestly  since love covers a multitude of sins and we   should show hospitality to one another without  grumbling so allowing the spirit to guide your   imagination for a moment imagine you are in a  church under severe persecution when you receive   this letter from Peter how do you feel hearing  they should keep showing love and hospitality imagine their emotions now will you join me now in closing prayer dear  God of love and truth you are patient you   are kind you have given me grace upon  grace you sent your son Jesus to be the   bridegroom of your church and so when you  see me you see one that has been grafted   into the family I had been given a new  name a new identity let me love the way   first Corinthians 13 describes love does not  delight in evil but rejoices with the truth   it always protects always hopes and always  persevere and it's in Jesus name I pray amen welcome to the bedtime story a love song  from King Solomon this is a love story   from the Bible taken from the Song of  Solomon everyone on earth longs to feel   loved everyone desires to be cared for  it is a longing that has been placed in   us by our loving creator and this story  takes place in the Covenant of marriage let this sleep story and gently guide you into  the loving presence of God it is God's Spirit   who dwells in the life of every believer  who gives us the love and peace that we   so desire so as we begin take a moment to get  comfortable just gently and softly close your   eyes relax your arms slowly breathe in and  invite God's peace into the room let go of   your worries and concerns allow God's hand  to cover you as I pray over you now your   loving father thank you for your rest for your  love and for your mercy as this child of yours   sleeps tonight and they dream Lord let them  feel your loving arms let them slumber under   the shadow of your wings with each breath  they take or to fill them with your great   love and peace I pray this and the wonderful  name of Jesus our Savior and our king amen so imagine it is a great day of celebration you  have been invited to the wedding of King Solomon   he is your dear and beloved friend your heart is  so full of hope and promise for the bride and the   groom you want only what is best for them you are  grateful to witness such a beautiful and important   ceremony outside the day is dawning fresh and  clean it is springtime and the earth is abundant   with life you hear birds chirping in the distance  and the soft breeze blows through the leaves of   the trees the Sun is warm on your face and the  scent of new life is all around you this is   truly a perfect day for a wedding celebration as  you enter the holy sanctuary you feel a sense of   awe and wonder the room is filled with the sweet  fragrance of flowers you hear this soft melody   of a love song played on a stringed instrument  sunlight is coming through the stained-glass   windows casting rainbows of light across the room  it is breathtaking as you breathe in and out you   smell the sense of cinnamon frankincense and myrrh  they are soothing fragrances that the bride has   used to prepare for her wedding day they bring a  sense of calmness and peace as you wait for the   wedding ceremony to begin quietly you look around  taking it all in the stillness of the room sweet   music and the echo of time it is calming your  soul in the distance you hear the voice of Solomon   calling to his bride as he says arise my love my  beautiful one and come away for behold the winter   is past and the rain is over and gone but the  flowers appear on the earth the time of singing   has come and the voice of the Turtledove is heard  in our land the fig tree ripens its figs and the   vines are in blossom they give forth fragrance so  arise my love my beautiful one and come away as   you hear the words of Solomon your friend calling  out to his beautiful bride joy fills your soul to   overflowing like a waterfall cascading down  you can almost hear the rushing water flowing   steadfast and constant and then you hear the bride  in sweet response to her beloved she calls out as   an apple tree among the trees of the forest so was  my beloved among the young men with great delight   I sat in his shadow and his fruit was sweet to  my taste he brought to me the banqueting house   and his banner over me was love his banner over  me is love you let those words settle into your   heart and mind for you are reminded that the  Lord's banner over you is love you rest under   his banner in peace and comfort King Solomon and  his groomsmen arrived in the carriage made of   silver and gold and fine purple it is a glorious  sight as the king makes his entrance wearing his   royal crown come out o maidens of Zion and gaze  upon King Solomon he is wearing the crown with   which his mother crowned him on his wedding day on  the most joyous day of his life he is surrounded   by 60 warriors some of Israel's mightiest men  well trained in the art of warfare each has his   sword at his side to guard against the terrors of  the night your comforted by the thought of being   guarded against the terrors of the night there  is nothing to fear the Lord is guarding you he is   surrounding you with the fortress of love Solomon  and his men take their place and soon there's a   quiet hush over the sanctuary as the bride makes  her entrance everyone stands in honor of her she   is the loveliest of brides as she makes her way  towards her beloved the joy on Solomon's face   is unmistakable as she approaches he says behold  you are beautiful my love behold you are beautiful   your eyes are doves behind your veil you have  captivated my heart my sister my pride you have   captivated my heart with one glance of your eyes  with one jewel of your necklace how beautiful is   your love my sister my bride how much better is  your love than wine and the fragrance of your oils   than any spice as the bride and groom commit their  love to one another you are reminded of God's   commitment to you through Jesus his son he has  loved you with an everlasting love pure and holy then you hear the brides speak to Solomon words of  Allegiance loyalty and devotion set me as a seal   upon your heart as a seal upon your arm for love  is strong as death jealousy is fierce as the grave   it's flashes are flashes of fire the very flame  of the Lord many waters cannot quench love neither   can floods drown it if a man offered for love  all the wealth of his house he would be utterly   despised as Solomon hears her words his heart  is filled with overwhelming love and in return   he makes a declaration over her you are beautiful  as tears on my love lovely as Jerusalem awesome as   an army with banners until the day breathes and  the shadows flee I will go away to the mountain   of myrrh and the hill of frankincense you are  altogether beautiful my love there is no flaw   in you as the bride and groom commit to a life  of unity you are drawn back to your unity with   the Lord perfect and holy you breathe deeply in  and out releasing anything that has come between   you and your Saviour you know that in Christ you  are covered by a love that is matchless as the   newly married couple make their way down the aisle  your heart is filled with joy you have witnessed   the pure beautiful love between Solomon and his  bride now tonight as you rest in perfect peace   allow this love story to remind you of the deep  and magnificent love of God there is no other   love that is more complete let's pray gracious  Redeemer please place your loving hand over your   beloved tonight Lord as they sleep let them fully  rest in your presence let them know the depths of   your love for them and thank you for covering  them in holiness and peace in Jesus name Amen love never gives up love cares more for others   than for self love doesn't  want what it doesn't have it isn't always me first love doesn't fly  off the handle love doesn't keep score of   the sins of others love takes pleasure in the  flowering of truth love puts up with anything   it trusts God always it always looks for the  best love never looks back but keeps going to   the end with your eyes still closed listen  one final time as I read and you reflect on   first Corinthians chapter 13 verse 6 and 7 love  does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with   the truth love bears all things believes all  things hopes all things and endures all things   now with your eyes still closed your hands  over your heart just feeling the rhythm of   your heart beating I want you to imagine this  passage from first Peter chapter 4 Peter wrote   this open letter to the believers who had been  dispersed throughout the ancient world and were   under intense persecution and Peter knew about  persecution he was beaten threatened punished   and jailed just for preaching the Word of  God he knew what it took to endure without   bitterness without losing hope in his letter he  acknowledges these are hard times but for all of   us to be self-controlled and sober minded for  the sake of our prayers above all he says for   us to keep loving one another earnestly since  love covers a multitude of sins and we should   show hospitality to one another without grumbling  so allowing this spirit to guide your imagination   for a moment imagine you are in a church  under severe persecution when you receive   this letter from Peter how do you feel hearing  they should keep showing love and hospitality imagine their emotions now will you join me now in closing prayer dear  God of love and truth you are patient you   are kind you have given me grace upon  grace you sent your son Jesus to be the   bridegroom of your church and so when you  see me you see one that has been grafted   into the family I had been given a new  name a new identity let me love the way   first Corinthians 13 describes love does not  delight in evil but rejoices with the truth   it always protects always hopes and always  persevere and it's in Jesus name I pray amen welcome to the bedtime story a love song  from King Solomon this is a love story   from the Bible taken from the Song of  Solomon everyone on earth longs to feel   loved everyone desires to be cared for  it is a longing that has been placed in   us by our loving creator and this story  takes place in a covenant of marriage let this sleep story gently guide you into  the loving presence of God it is God's Spirit   who dwells in the life of every believer  who gives us the love and peace that we   so desire so as we begin take a moment to get  comfortable this gently and softly close your   eyes relax your arms slowly breathe in and  invite God's peace into the room let go of   your worries and concerns allow God's hand  to cover you as I pray over you now dear   loving father thank you for your rest for your  love and for your mercy as this child of yours   sleeps tonight and they dream Lord let them  feel your loving arms let them slumber under   the shadow of your wings with each breath  they take or to fill them with your great   love and peace I pray this and the wonderful  name of Jesus our Savior and our King amen so imagine it is a great day of celebration you  have been invited to the wedding of King Solomon   he is your dear and beloved friend your heart  is so full of hope and promise for the bride   and the groom you want only what is best for them  you are grateful to witness such a beautiful and   important ceremony outside the day is dawning  fresh and clean it is springtime and the earth   is abundant with life you hear birds chirping in  the distance and a soft breeze blows through the   leaves of the trees the Sun is warm on your  face and the scent of new life is all around   you this is truly a perfect day for a wedding  celebration as you enter the holy sanctuary   you feel a sense of awe and wonder the room is  filled with the sweet fragrance of flowers you   hear the soft melody of a love song played on a  stringed instrument sunlight is coming through   the stained-glass windows casting rainbows  of light across the room it is breathtaking as you breathe in and out you smell the sense  of cinnamon frankincense and myrrh they are   soothing fragrances that the bride has used to  prepare for her wedding day they bring a sense   of calmness and peace as you wait for the wedding  ceremony to begin quietly you look around taking   it all in the stillness of the room sweet music  and the echo of time it is calming your soul in   the distance you hear the voice of Solomon calling  to his bride as he says arise my love my beautiful   one and come away for behold the winter is past  the rain is over and gone but the flowers appear   on the earth the time of singing has come and  the voice of the Turtledove is heard in our land   the fig tree ripens its figs and the vines are  in blossom they give forth fragrance so arise   my love my beautiful one and come away as you  hear the words of Solomon your friend calling   out to his beautiful bride joy fills your soul  to overflowing like a waterfall cascading down   you can almost hear the rushing water flowing  steadfast and constant and then you hear the   bride in sweet response to her beloved she  calls out as an apple tree among the trees of   the forest so was my beloved among the young men  with a great delight I sat in his shadow and his   fruit was sweet to my taste he brought to me the  banqueting house and his banner over me was love this banner over me is love you let those words  settle into your heart and mind for you were   reminded that the Lord's banner over you is love  you rest under his banner in peace and comfort King Solomon and his groomsmen arrived in  a carriage made of silver and gold and fine   purple it is a glorious sight as the King makes  his entrance wearing his royal crown come out o   maidens of Zion and gaze upon King Solomon he is  wearing the crown with which his mother crowned   him on his wedding day on the most joyous day  of his life he is surrounded by sixty warriors   some of Israel's mightiest men well trained in  the art of warfare each has his sword at his   side to guard against the terrors of the night  your comforted by the thought of being guarded   against the terrors of the night there is nothing  to fear the Lord is guarding you he is surrounding   you with the fortress of love Solomon and his  men take their place and soon there's a quiet   hush over the sanctuary as the bride makes her  entrance everyone stands in honor of her she is   the loveliest of brides as she makes her way  towards her beloved the joy on Solomon's face   is unmistakable as she approaches he says behold  you are beautiful my love behold you are beautiful   your eyes are doves behind your veil you have  captivated my heart my sister my bride you have   captivated my heart with one glance of your eyes  with one jewel of your necklace how beautiful is   your love my sister my bride how much better is  your love than wine and the fragrance of your oils   than any spice as the bride and groom commit their  love to one another you are reminded of God's   commitment to you through Jesus his son he has  loved you with an everlasting love pure and holy then you hear the brides speak to Solomon words of  allegiance loyalty and devotion set me as a seal   upon your heart as a seal upon your arm for love  is strong as death jealousy is fierce as the grave   it's flashes are flashes of fire the very flame  of the Lord many waters cannot quench love neither   can floods drown it if a man offered for love  all the wealth of his house he would be utterly   despised as Solomon hears her words his heart  is filled with overwhelming love and in return   he makes a declaration over her you are beautiful  as tears on my love lovely as Jerusalem awesome as   an army with banners until the day breathes and  the shadows flee I will go away to the mountain   of myrrh and the hill of frankincense you are  altogether beautiful my love there is no flaw   in you as the bride and groom commit to a life  of unity you are drawn back to your unity with   the Lord perfect and holy you breathe deeply in  and out releasing anything that has come between   you and your savior you know that in Christ you  are covered by a love that is matchless as the   newly married couple make their way down the aisle  your heart is filled with joy you have witnessed   the pure beautiful love between Solomon and his  bride now tonight as you rest in perfect peace   allow this love story to remind you of the deep  and magnificent love of God there is no other   love that is more complete let's pray gracious  Redeemer please place your loving hand over your   beloved tonight Lord as they sleep let them fully  rest in your presence let them know the depths of   your love for them and thank you for covering  them in holiness and peace in Jesus name Amen love never gives up love cares more for others than for self love doesn't want what it doesn't have it isn't always me first love doesn't fly off   the handle love doesn't keep  score of the sins of others love takes pleasure in the flowering of truth  love puts up with anything it trusts God always   it always looks for the best love never looks  back but keeps going to the end with your eyes   still closed listen one final time as I read  and you reflect on first Corinthians chapter   13 verse 6 and 7 love does not rejoice at  wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth love   bears all things believes all things hopes  all things and endures all things now with   your eyes still closed your hands over your  heart just feeling the rhythm of your heart   beating I want you to imagine this passage  from first Peter chapter 4 Peter wrote this   open letter to the believers who had been  dispersed throughout the ancient world and   were under intense persecution and Peter knew  about persecution he was beaten threatened   punished and jailed just for preaching the Word  of God he knew what it took to endure without   bitterness without losing hope in his letter he  acknowledges these are hard times but for all of   us to be self-controlled and sober minded for  the sake of our prayers above all he says for   us to keep loving one another earnestly since  love covers a multitude of sins and we should   show hospitality to one another without grumbling  so allowing the spirit to guide your imagination   for a moment imagine you are in a church  under severe or executions when you receive   this letter from Peter how do you feel hearing  they should keep showing love and hospitality imagine their emotions now will you join me now in  closing prayer dear God of love and truth you are   patient you are kind you have given me grace  upon grace you sent your son Jesus to be the   blyde groom of your church and so when you see me  you see one that has been grafted into the family   I had been given a new name a new identity let  me love the way first Corinthians 13 describes   love does not delight in evil but rejoices with  the truth it always protects always hopes and   always persevere and it's in Jesus name I pray  amen welcome to the bedtime story a love song   from King Solomon this is a love story from the  Bible taken from the Song of Solomon everyone   on earth longs to feel loved everyone desires  to be cared for it is a longing that has been   placed in us by our loving creator and this  story takes place in the Covenant of marriage let this sleep story gently guide you into the  loving presence of God is God's Spirit who dwells   in the life of every believer who gives us the  love and peace that we so desire so as we begin   take a moment to get comfortable just gently  and softly close your eyes relax your arms   slowly breathe in and invite God's peace into  the room let go of your worries and concerns   allow God's hand to cover you as I pray over you  now dear living father thank you for your rest   for your love and for your mercy as this child  of yours sleeps tonight when they dream Lord   let them feel your loving arms let them slumber  under the shadow of your wings with each breath   they take or to fill them with your great love  and peace I pray this and the wonderful name of   Jesus our Savior and our king amen so imagine  it is a great day of celebration you have been   invited to the wedding of King Solomon he is your  dear and beloved friend your heart is so full of   hope and promise for the bride and the groom you  want only what is best for them you are grateful   to witness such a beautiful and important ceremony  outside the day is dawning fresh and clean it is   springtime and the earth is abundant with life  you hear birds chirping in the distance and a   soft breeze blows through the leaves of the trees  the Sun is warm on your face and the scent of new   life is all around you this is truly a perfect  day for a wedding celebration as you enter the   holy sanctuary you feel a sense of awe and wonder  the room is filled with the sweet fragrance of   flowers you hear this soft melody of a love song  played on a stringed instrument sunlight is coming   through the stained-glass windows casting rainbows  of light across the room it is breathtaking as   you breathe in and out you smell the sense  of cinnamon frankincense and myrrh they are   soothing fragrances that the bride has used to  prepare for her wedding day they bring a sense   of calmness and peace as you wait for the wedding  ceremony to begin quietly you look around taking   it all in the stillness of the room sweet music  in the echo of time it is calming your soul in   the distance you hear the voice of Solomon calling  to his bride as he says arise my love my beautiful   one and come away for behold the winter is past  and the rain is over and gone but the flowers   appear on the earth the time of singing has come  and the voice of the Turtledove is heard in our   land the fig tree ripens its figs and the vines  are in blossom they give forth fragrance so arise   my love my beautiful one and come away as you  hear the words of Solomon your friend calling   out to his beautiful bride joy fills your soul  to overflowing like a waterfall cascading down   you can almost hear the rushing water flowing  steadfast and constant and then you hear the   bride in sweet response to her beloved she calls  out as an apple tree among the trees of the forest   so is my beloved among the young men with great  delight I sat in his shadow and his fruit was   sweet to my taste he brought to me the banqueting  house and his banner over me was love his banner   over me his love you let those words settle into  your heart and mind for you are reminded that the   Lord's banner over you is love you rest under his  banner in peace and comfort King Solomon and his   groomsmen arrived in a carriage made of silver  and gold and fine purple it is a glorious sight   as the king makes his entrance wearing his royal  crown come out o maidens of Zion and gaze upon   King Solomon he is wearing the crown with which  his mother crowned him on his wedding day on the   most joyous day of his life he is surrounded by  sixty warriors some of Israel's mightiest men   well trained in the art of warfare each has his  sword at his side to guard against the terrors   of the night your comforted by the thought of  being guarded against the terrors of the night   there is nothing to fear the Lord is guarding  you he is surrounding you with the fortress of   love Solomon and his men take their place and  soon there's a quiet hush over the sanctuary as   the bride makes her entrance everyone stands in  honor of her she is the loveliest of brides as   she makes her way towards her beloved the joy on  Solomon's face is unmistakable as she approaches   he says behold you are beautiful my love behold  you are beautiful your eyes are doves behind your   veil you have captivated my heart my sister  my pride you have captivated my heart with   one glance of your eyes with one jewel of your  necklace how beautiful is your love my sister   my bride how much better is your love than wine  and the fragrance of your oils than any spice as the bride and groom commit their love to one  another you are reminded of God's commitment to   you through Jesus his son he has loved you with  an everlasting love pure and holy then you hear   the brides speak to Solomon words of Allegiance  loyalty and devotion set me as a seal upon your   heart as a seal upon your arm for love is strong  as death jealousy is fierce as the grave it's   flashes are flashes of fire the very flame of  the Lord many waters cannot quench love neither   can floods drown it if a man offered for love  all the wealth of his house he would be utterly   despised as Solomon hears her words his heart  is filled with overwhelming love and in return   he makes a declaration over her you are beautiful  as tears on my love lovely as Jerusalem awesome as   an army with banners until the day breathes and  the shadows flee I will go away to the mountain   of myrrh and the hill of frankincense you are  altogether beautiful my love there is no flaw   in you as the bride and groom commit to a life  of unity you are drawn back to your unity with   the Lord perfect and holy you breathe deeply in  and out releasing anything that has come between   you and your Saviour you know that in Christ you  are covered by a love that is matchless as the   newly married couple make their way down the aisle  your heart is filled with joy you have witnessed   the pure beautiful love between Solomon and his  bride now tonight as you rest in perfect peace   allow this love story to remind you of the deep  and magnificent love of God there is no other   love that is more complete let's pray gracious  Redeemer please place your loving hand over your   beloved tonight Lord as they sleep let them fully  rest in your presence let them know the depths of   your love for them and thank you for covering  them in holiness and peace in Jesus name Amen love never gives up love cares more for others   than for self love doesn't  want what it doesn't have it isn't always me first love doesn't fly  off the handle love doesn't keep score of   the sins of others love takes pleasure in the  flowering of truth love puts up with anything   it trusts God always it always looks for the  best love never looks back but keeps going to   the end with your eyes still closed listen  one final time as I read and you reflect   on 1st Corinthians chapter 13 verse 6 and 7 love  does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with   the truth love bears all things believes all  things hopes all things and endures all things   now with your eyes still closed your hands  over your heart just feeling the rhythm of   your heart beating I want you to imagine this  passage from first Peter chapter 4 Peter wrote   this open letter to the believers who had been  dispersed throughout the ancient world and were   under intense persecution and Peter who knew  about persecution he was beaten threatened   punished and jailed just for preaching the Word  of God he knew what it took to endure without   bitterness without losing hope in his letter he  acknowledges these are hard times but for all   of us to be self-controlled and sober minded  for the sake of our prayers above all he says   for us to keep loving one another earnestly  since love covers a multitude of sins and we   should show hospitality to one another without  grumbling so allowing the spirit to guide your   imagination for a moment imagine you are in a  church under severe persecution when you receive   this letter from Peter how do you feel hearing  they should keep showing love and hospitality imagine their emotions now will you join me now in closing prayer dear  God of love and truth you were patient you   were kind you have given me grace upon  grace you sent your son Jesus to be the   bridegroom of your church and so when you  see me you see one that has been grafted   into the family I had been given a new  name a new identity let me love the way   first Corinthians 13 describes love does not  delight in evil but rejoices with the truth   it always protects always hopes and always  persevere and it's in Jesus name I pray amen welcome to the bedtime story a love song  from King Solomon this is a love story   from the Bible taken from the Song of  Solomon everyone on earth longs to feel   loved everyone desires to be cared for  it is a longing that has been placed in   us by our loving creator and this story  takes place in a covenant of marriage let this sleep story gently guide you into  the loving presence of God it's God's Spirit   who dwells in the life of every believer  who gives us the love and peace that we   so desire so as we begin take a moment to get  comfortable just gently and softly close your   eyes relax your arms slowly breathe in and  invite God's peace into the room let go of   your worries and concerns allow God's hand  to cover you as I pray over you now dear   loving father thank you for your rest for your  love and for your mercy as this child of yours   sleeps tonight and they dream Lord let them  feel your loving arms let them slumber under   the shadow of your wings with each breath  they take or to fill them with your great   love and peace I pray this and a wonderful  name of Jesus our Savior and our king amen so imagine it is a great day of celebration you  have been invited to the wedding of King Solomon   he is your dear and beloved friend your heart is  so full of hope and promise for the bride and the   groom you want only what is best for them you are  grateful to witness such a beautiful and important   ceremony outside the day is dawning fresh and  clean it is springtime and the earth is abundant   with life you hear birds chirping in the distance  and a soft breeze blows through the leaves of the   trees the Sun is warm on your face and the  scent of new life is all around you this is   truly a perfect day for a wedding celebration as  you enter the holy sanctuary you feel a sense of   awe and wonder the room is filled with the sweet  fragrance of flowers you hear the soft melody of   a love song played on a stringed instrument  sunlight is coming through the stained-glass   windows casting rainbows of light across the  room it is breathtaking as you breathe in and   out you smell the sense of cinnamon frankincense  and myrrh they are soothing fragrances that the   riot is used to prepare for her wedding day they  bring a sense of calmness and peace as you wait   for the wedding ceremony to begin quietly you  look around taking it all in the stillness of   the room sweet music and the echo of time it is  calming your soul in the distance you hear the   voice of Solomon calling to his bride as he says  arise my love my beautiful one and come away for   behold the winter is past and the rain is over  and gone but the flowers appear on the earth the   time of singing has come and the voice of the  Turtledove is heard in our land the fig tree   ripens its figs and the vines are in blossom they  give forth fragrance so arise my love my beautiful   one and come away as you hear the words of Solomon  your friend calling out to his beautiful bride joy   fills your soul to overflowing like a waterfall  cascading down you can almost hear the rushing   water flowing steadfast and constant in den you  hear the bride in sweet response to her beloved   she calls out as an apple tree among the trees  of the forest so is my beloved among the young   men with great delight I sat in his shadow and his  fruit was sweet to my taste he brought to me the   banqueting house and his banner over me was love  his banner over me is love let those words settle   into your heart and mind for you are reminded that  the Lord's banner over you is love you rest under   his banner in peace and comfort King Solomon  and his groomsmen arrived in a carriage made   of silver and gold and fine purple is a glorious  sight as the King makes his entrance wearing his   royal crown come out o maidens of Zion and gaze  upon King Solomon he is wearing the crown with   which his mother crowned him on his wedding day on  the most joyous day of his life he is surrounded   by sixty warriors some of Israel's mightiest men  well trained in the art of warfare each has his   sword at his side to guard against the terrors of  the night your comforted by the thought of being   guarded against the terrors of the night there  is nothing to fear the Lord is guarding you he is   surrounding you with the fortress of love Solomon  and his men take their place and soon there's a   quiet hush over the sanctuary as the bride makes  her entrance everyone stands in honor of her she   is the loveliest of brides as she makes her way  towards her beloved the joy on Solomon's face   is unmistakable as she approaches he says behold  you are beautiful my love behold you are beautiful   your eyes are doves behind your veil you have  captivated my heart my sister my bride you have   captivated my heart with one glance of your eyes  with one jewel of your necklace how beautiful is   your love my sister my bride how much better is  your love than wine and the fragrance of your oils   than any spice as the bride and groom commit their  love to one another you are reminded of God's   commitment to you through Jesus his son he has  loved you with an everlasting love pure and holy then you hear the brides speak to Solomon words  of Allegiance loyalty and devotion set me as a   seal upon your heart as a seal upon your arm for  love is strong as death jealousy is fierce as the   grave it's flashes are flashes of fire the very  flame of the Lord many waters cannot quench love   neither can floods drown it if a man offered  for love all the wealth of his house you would   be utterly despised as Solomon hears her words  his heart is filled with overwhelming love and   in return he makes a declaration over her you are  beautiful as tears on my love lovely as Jerusalem   awesome as an army with banners until the day  breathes and the shadows flee I will go away to   the mountain of myrrh and the hill of frankincense  you are altogether beautiful my love there is no   flaw in you as the bride and groom commit to a  life of unity you are drawn back to your unity   with the Lord perfect and holy you breathe  deeply in and out releasing anything that has   come between you and your Saviour you know that in  Christ you're covered by a love that is matchless   as the newly married couple make their way down  the aisle your heart is filled with joy you have   witnessed the pure beautiful love between Solomon  and his bride now tonight as you rest in perfect   peace allow this love story to remind you of the  deep and magnificent love of God there is no other   love that is more complete let's pray gracious  Redeemer please place your loving hand over your   beloved tonight Lord as they sleep let them fully  rest in your presence let them know the depths of   your love for them and thank you for covering  them in holiness and peace in Jesus name Amen love never gives up love cares more for others than for self love doesn't want what it doesn't have it isn't always me first love doesn't fly off the handle love  doesn't keep score of the sins of others love takes pleasure in the flowering of the truth  love puts up with anything it trusts God always it always looks for the best love never looks  back but keeps going to the end with your eyes   still closed listen one final time as I read  and you reflect on first Corinthians chapter   thirteen verse six and seven love does not  rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with the   truth love bears all things believes all things  hopes all things and endures all things now with   your eyes still closed your hands over your  heart just feeling the rhythm of your heart   beating I want you to imagine this passage  from first Peter chapter four Peter wrote   this open letter to the believers who had been  dispersed throughout the ancient world and were   under intense persecution and Peter knew about  persecution it was beaten threatened punished   and jailed just for preaching the Word of  God he knew what it took to endure without   bitterness without losing hope in his letter he  acknowledges these are hard times but for all   of us to be self-controlled and sober minded  for the sake of our prayers above all he says   for us to keep loving one another earnestly  since love covers a multitude of sins and we   should show hospitality to one another without  grumbling so allowing the spirit to guide your   imagination for a moment imagine you are in a  church under severe persecution when you receive   this letter from Peter how do you feel hearing  they should keep showing love and hospitality imagine their emotions now will you join  me now in closing prayer dear God of love   and truth you were patient you were kind you  have given me grace upon grace you sent your   son Jesus to be the bridegroom of your church  and so when you see me you see one that has   been grafted into the family I had been given  a new name a new identity let me love the way   first Corinthians 13 describes love does not  delight in evil but rejoices with the truth   it always protects always hopes and always  persevere and it's in Jesus name I pray amen welcome to the bedtime story a love song  from King Solomon this is a love story   from the Bible taken from the Song of  Solomon everyone on earth longs to feel   loved everyone desires to be cared for  it is a longing that has been placed in   us by our loving creator and this story  takes place in the Covenant of marriage let this sleep story and gently guide you into  the loving presence of God it is God's Spirit   who dwells in the life of every believer  who gives us the love and peace that we   so desire so as we begin take a moment to get  comfortable just gently and softly close your   eyes relax your arms slowly breathe in and  invite God's peace into the room let go of   your worries and concerns allow God's hand  to cover you as I pray over you now dear   loving father thank you for your rest for your  love and for your mercy as this child of yours   sleeps tonight and they dream Lord let them  feel your loving arms let them slumber under   the shadow of your wings with each breath  they take or to fill them with your great   love and peace I pray this and the wonderful  name of Jesus our Savior and our king amen so imagine it is a great day of celebration you  have been invited to the wedding of King Solomon   he is your dear and beloved friend your heart  is so full of hope and promise for the bride   and the groom you want only what is best for them  you are grateful to witness such a beautiful and   important ceremony outside the day is dawning  fresh and clean it is springtime and the earth   is abundant with life you hear birds chirping in  the distance and a soft breeze blows through the   leaves of the trees the Sun is warm on your  face and the scent of new life is all around   you this is truly a perfect day for a wedding  celebration as you enter the holy sanctuary   you feel a sense of awe and wonder the room is  filled with the sweet fragrance of flowers you   hear the soft melody of a love song played on a  stringed instrument sunlight is coming through   the stained-glass windows casting rainbows  of light across the room it is breathtaking   as you breathe in and out you smell the sense  of cinnamon frankincense and myrrh they are   soothing fragrances that the bride has used to  prepare for her wedding day they bring a sense   of calmness and peace as you wait for the wedding  ceremony to begin quietly you look around taking   it all in the stillness of the room sweet music  and the echo of time it is calming your soul in the distance you hear the voice of Solomon  calling to his bride as he says arise my love   my beautiful one and come away for behold the  winter is past and the rain is over and gone   but the flowers appear on the earth the time of  singing has come and the voice of the Turtledove   is heard in our land the fig tree ripens its  figs and the vines are in blossom they give forth   fragrance so arise my love my beautiful one and  come away as you hear the words of Solomon your   friend calling out to his beautiful bride joy  fills your soul to overflowing like a waterfall   cascading down you can almost hear the rushing  water flowing steadfast and constant and then you   hear the bride in sweet response to her beloved  she calls out as an apple tree among the trees   of the forest so is my beloved among the young  men with a great delight I sat in his shadow   and his fruit was sweet to my taste he brought  to me the banqueting house and his banner over   me was love his banner over me is love let those  words settle into your heart and mind for you are   reminded that the Lord's banner over you is love  you rest under his banner in peace and comfort King Solomon and his groomsmen arrived in  a carriage made of silver and gold and fine   purple it is a glorious sight as the king makes  his entrance wearing his royal crown come out o   maidens of Zion in gaze upon King Solomon he is  wearing the crown with which his mother crowned   him on his wedding day on the most joyous day of  his life he is surrounded by sixty warriors some   of Israel's mightiest men well trained in the art  of warfare each has his sword at his side to guard   against the terrors of the night your comforted by  the thought of being guarded against the terrors   of the night there is nothing to fear the Lord  is guarding you he is surrounding you with the   fortress of love Solomon and his men take their  place and soon there's a quiet hush over the   sanctuary as the bride makes her entrance everyone  stands in honor of her she is the loveliest of   brides as she makes her way towards her beloved  the joy on Solomon's face is unmistakable as she   approaches he says behold you are beautiful my  love behold you are beautiful your eyes are doves   behind your veil you have captivated my heart my  sister my pride you have captivated my heart with   one glance of your eyes with one jewel of your  necklace how beautiful is your love my sister   my bride how much better is your love than wine  and the fragrance of your oils than any spice   as the bride and groom commit their love to one  another you are reminded of God's commitment to   you through Jesus his son he has loved you with  an everlasting love pure and holy then you hear   the brides speak to Solomon words of Allegiance  loyalty and devotion set me as a seal upon your   heart as a seal upon your arm for love is strong  as death jealousy is fierce as the grave it's   flashes are flashes of fire the very flame of  the Lord many waters cannot quench love neither   can floods drown it if a man offered for love  all the wealth of his house he would be utterly   despised as Solomon hears her words his heart is  filled with overwhelming love and in return he   makes a declaration over her you are beautiful  as tears on my love lovely as Jerusalem awesome   as an army with banners until the day breeds and  the shadows flee I will go away to the mountain   of myrrh and the hill of frankincense you are  altogether beautiful my love there is no flaw   in you as the bride and groom commit to a life  of unity you are drawn back to your unity with   the Lord perfect and holy you breathe deeply in  and out releasing anything that has come between   you and your Saviour you know that in Christ you  are covered by a love that is matchless as the   newly married couple make their way down the aisle  your heart is filled with joy you have witnessed   pure beautiful love between Solomon and his  bride now tonight as you rest in perfect peace   allow this love story to remind you of the deep  and magnificent love of God there is no other   love that is more complete let's pray gracious  Redeemer please place your loving hand over your   beloved tonight Lord as they sleep let them fully  rest in your presence let them know the depths of   your love for them and thank you for covering  them in holiness and peace in Jesus name Amen love never gives up love cares more for  others than for self love doesn't want   what it doesn't have it isn't always me  first love doesn't fly off the handle love doesn't keep score of the sins of others love takes pleasure in the flowering  of truth love puts up with anything   it trusts God always it always looks  for the best love never looks back but keeps going to the end with your  eyes still closed listen one final time   as I read and you reflect on first  Corinthians chapter 13 verse 6 and   7 love does not rejoice at wrongdoing  but rejoices with the truth love bears   all things believes all things hopes  all things and endures all things now with your eyes still closed your hands  over your heart just feeling the rhythm of   your heart beating I want you to imagine this  passage from first Peter chapter 4 Peter wrote   this open letter to the believers who had been  dispersed throughout the ancient world and were   under intense persecution and Peter knew about  persecution he was beaten threatened punished   and jailed just for preaching the Word of  God he knew what it took to endure without   bitterness without losing hope in his letter he  acknowledges these are hard times but for all of   us to be self-controlled and sober minded for  the sake of our prayers above all he says for   us to keep loving one another earnestly since  love covers a multitude of sins and we should   show hospitality to one another without grumbling  so allowing the spirit to guide your imagination   for a moment imagine you are in a church  under severe first you ssin when you receive   this letter from Peter how do you feel hearing  they should keep showing love and hospitality imagine their emotions now will you join me  now in closing prayer dear God of love and   truth you are patient you are kind you have  given me grace upon grace you sent your son   Jesus to be the bridegroom of your church  and so when you see me you see one that has   been grafted into the family I had been given  a new name a new identity let me love the way   first Corinthians 13 describes love does not  delight in evil but rejoices with the truth   it always protects always hopes and always  persevere and it's in Jesus name I pray amen welcome to the bedtime story a love song  from King Solomon this is a love story   from the Bible taken from the Song of  Solomon everyone on earth longs to feel   loved everyone desires to be cared for  it is a longing that has been placed in   us by our loving creator and this story  takes place in a covenant of marriage let this sleep story and gently guide you into  the loving presence of God it is God's Spirit   who dwells in the life of every believer who  gives us the love and peace that we so desire so as we begin take a moment to get  comfortable just gently and softly close   your eyes relax your arms slowly breathe  in and invite God's peace into the room let go of your worries and concerns allow God's  hand to cover you as I pray over you now dear   loving father thank you for your rest for your  love and for your mercy as this child of yours   sleeps tonight and they dream Lord let them  feel your loving arms let them slumber under   the shadow of your wings with each breath  they take or fill them with your great love   and peace I pray this and the wonderful  name of Jesus our Savior and our King amen so imagine it is a great day of celebration you  have been invited to the wedding of King Solomon   he is your dear and beloved friend your heart  is so full of hope and promise for the bride   and the groom you want only what is best for them  you are grateful to witness such a beautiful and   important ceremony outside the day is dawning  fresh and clean it is springtime and the earth   is abundant with life you hear birds chirping in  the distance and a soft breeze blows through the   leaves of the trees the Sun is warm on your  face and the scent of new life is all around   you this is truly a perfect day for a wedding  celebration as you enter the holy sanctuary   you feel a sense of awe and wonder the room is  filled with the sweet fragrance of flowers you   hear this soft melody of a love song played on  a stringed instrument sunlight is coming through   the stained-glass windows casting rainbows  of light across the room it is breathtaking   as you breathe in and out you smell the sense  of cinnamon frankincense and myrrh they are   soothing fragrances that the bride has used to  prepare for her wedding day they bring a sense   of calmness and peace as you wait for the wedding  ceremony to begin quietly you look around taking   it all in the stillness of the room sweet music  and the echo of time it is calming your soul in the distance you hear the voice of Solomon  calling to his bride as he says arise my love   my beautiful one and come away for behold the  winter is past and the rain is over and gone   but the flowers appear on the earth the time of  singing has come and the voice of the Turtledove   is heard in our land the fig tree ripens its  figs and the vines are in blossom they give   forth fragrance so arise my love my beautiful  one and come away as you hear the words of   Solomon your friend calling out to his beautiful  bride joy fills your soul to overflowing like a   waterfall cascading down you can almost hear the  rushing water flowing steadfast and constant and   then you hear the bride in sweet response to her  beloved she calls out as an apple tree among the   trees of the forest so was my beloved among the  young men the great delight I sat in his shadow   and his fruit was sweet to my taste he brought  to me the banqueting house and his banner over   me was love his banner over me his love you let  those words settle into your heart and mind for   you are reminded that the Lord's banner over you  is love you rest under his banner in peace and   comfort King Solomon and his groomsmen arrived  in a carriage made of silver and gold and fine   purple it is a glorious sight as the king makes  his entrance wearing his royal crown come out o   maidens of Zion and gaze upon King Solomon he is  wearing the crown with which his mother crowned   him on his wedding day on the most joyous day of  his life he is surrounded by 60 warriors some of   israel's mightiest men well trained in the art of  warfare each has his sword at his side to guard   against the terrors of the night your comforted by  the thought of being guarded against the terrors   of the night there is nothing to fear the Lord is  guarding you he is surrounding you or the fortress   of love Solomon and his men take their place and  soon there's a quiet hush over the sanctuary as   the bride makes her entrance everyone stands  in honor of her she is the loveliest of brides   as she makes her way towards her beloved the  joy on Solomon's face is unmistakable as she   approaches he says behold you are beautiful my  love behold you are beautiful your eyes are doves   behind your veil you have captivated my heart  my sister my pride you have captivated my heart   with one glance of your eyes with one jewel  of your necklace how beautiful is your love   my sister my bride how much better is your love  than wine and the fragrance of your oils than   any spice as the bride and groom commit their  love to one another you are reminded of God's   commitment to you through Jesus his son he has  loved you with an everlasting love pure and holy then you hear the bride's speak to Solomon words  of Allegiance loyalty and devotion set me as a   seal upon your heart as a seal upon your arm for  love is strong as death jealousy is fierce as the   grave it's flashes are flashes of fire the very  flame of the Lord many waters cannot quench love   neither can floods drown it if a man offered  for love all the wealth of his house he would   be utterly despised as Solomon hears her words  his heart is filled with overwhelming love and   in return he makes a declaration over her you are  beautiful as tears on my love lovely as Jerusalem   awesome as an army with banners until the day  breathes and the shadows flee I will go away to   the mountain of myrrh and the hill of frankincense  you are altogether beautiful my love there is no   flaw in you as the bride and groom commit to a  life of unity you are drawn back to your unity   with the Lord perfect and holy you breathe  deeply in and out releasing anything that has   come between you and your Savior you know that in  Christ you are covered by a love that is matchless   as the newly married couple make their way down  the aisle your heart is filled with joy you have   witnessed the pure beautiful love between Solomon  and his bride now tonight as you rest in perfect   peace allow this love story to remind you of the  deep and magnificent love of God there is no other   love that is more complete let's pray gracious  Redeemer please place your loving hand over your   beloved tonight Lord as they sleep let them fully  rest in your presence let them know the depths of   your love for them and thank you for covering  them in holiness and peace in Jesus name Amen love never gives up love cares more for others than for self love doesn't want what it doesn't have it isn't always me first love doesn't fly off  the handle love doesn't keep score the sins of   others love takes pleasure in the flowering of  truth love puts up with anything it trusts God   always it always looks for the best love never  looks back but keeps going to the end with your   eyes still closed listen one final time as  I read and you reflect on 1st Corinthians   chapter 13 verse 6 and 7 love does not  rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with   the truth love bears all things believes all  things hopes all things and endures all things now with your eyes still closed your hands  over your heart just feeling the rhythm of   your heart beating I want you to imagine this  passage from first Peter chapter 4 Peter wrote   this open letter to the believers who had been  dispersed throughout the ancient world and were   under intense persecution and Peter knew about  persecution he was beaten threatened punished   and jailed just for preaching the Word of  God he knew what it took to endure without   bitterness without losing hope in his letter he  acknowledges these are hard times but for all   of us to be self-controlled and sober minded  for the sake of our prayers above all he says   for us to keep loving one another earnestly  since love covers a multitude of sins and we   should show hospitality to one another without  grumbling so allowing the spirit to guide your   imagination for a moment imagine you are in a  church under severe persecution when you receive   this letter from Peter how do you feel hearing  they should keep showing love and hospitality imagine their emotions now will you join me now in closing prayer dear  God of love and truth you were patient you   were kind you have given me grace upon  grace you sent your son Jesus to be the   bridegroom of your church and so when you  see me you see one that has been grafted   into the family I had been given a new  name a new identity let me love the way   first Corinthians 13 describes love does not  delight in evil but rejoices with the truth   it always protects always hopes and always  persevere and it's in Jesus name I pray amen welcome to the bedtime story a love song  from King Solomon this is a love story   from the Bible taken from the Song of  Solomon everyone on earth longs to feel   loved everyone desires to be cared for  it is a longing that has been placed in   us by our loving creator and this story  takes place in a covenant of marriage let this sleep story gently guide you  into the loving presence of God it is   God's Spirit who dwells in the life of every  believer who gives us the love and peace that   we so desire so as we begin take a moment to  get comfortable just gently and softly close   your eyes relax your arms slowly breathe in  and invite God's peace into the room let go   of your worries and concerns allow God's  hand to cover you as I pray over you now   dear loving father thank you for your rest  for your love and for your mercy as this   child of yours sleeps tonight and they dream  Lord let them feel your loving arms let them   slumber under the shadow of your wings with each  breath they take or to fill them with your great   love and peace I pray this and the wonderful  name of Jesus our Savior and our king amen so imagine it is a great day of celebration you  have been invited to the wedding of King Solomon   he is your dear and beloved friend your heart  is so full of hope and promise for the bride   and the groom you want only what is best for them  you are grateful to witness such a beautiful and   important ceremony outside the day is dawning  fresh and clean it is springtime and the earth   is abundant with life you hear birds chirping in  the distance and a soft breeze blows through the   leaves of the trees the Sun is warm on your  face and the scent of new life is all around   you this is truly a perfect day for a wedding  celebration as you enter the holy sanctuary   you feel a sense of awe and wonder the room is  filled with the sweet fragrance of flowers you   hear the soft melody of a love song played on a  stringed instrument sunlight is coming through   the stained-glass windows casting rainbows of  light across the room it is breathtaking as you   breathe in and out you smell the sense of cinnamon  frankincense and they are soothing fragrances that   the bride has used to prepare for her wedding day  they bring a sense of calmness and peace as you   wait for the wedding ceremony to begin quietly  you look around taking it all in the stillness   of the room sweet music and the echo of time it  is calming your soul in the distance you hear the   voice of Solomon calling to his bride as he says  arise my love my beautiful one and come away for   behold the winter is past and the rain is over  and gone but the flowers appear on the earth the   time of singing has come and the voice of the  Turtledove is heard in our land the fig tree   ripens its figs and the vines are in blossom they  give forth fragrance so arise my love my beautiful   one and come away as you hear the words of Solomon  your friend calling out to his beautiful bride joy   fills your soul to overflowing like a waterfall  cascading down you can almost hear the rushing   water flowing steadfast and constant and then you  hear the bride in sweet response to her beloved   she calls out as an apple tree among the trees  of the forest so is my beloved among the young   men the great delight I sat in his shadow and his  fruit was sweet to my taste he brought to me the   banqueting house and his banner over me was love  his banner over me is love let those words settle   into your heart and mind for you are reminded that  the Lord's banner over you is love you rest under   his banner in peace and comfort King Solomon and  his groomsmen arrived in a carriage made of silver   and gold and fine purple it is a glorious sight  as the King makes his entrance wearing his royal   crown come out o maidens of Zion and gaze upon  King Solomon he is wearing the crown with which   his mother crowned him on his wedding day on the  most joyous day of his life he is surrounded by   sixty warriors some of Israel's mightiest men  well trained in the art of warfare each has his   sword at his side to guard against the terrors of  the night your comforted by the thought of being   guarded against the terrors of the night there  is nothing to fear the Lord is guarding you he is   surrounding you with the fortress of love Solomon  and his men take their place and soon there's a   quiet hush over the sanctuary as the bride makes  her entrance everyone stands in honor of her she   is the loveliest of brides as she makes her way  towards her beloved the joy on Solomon's face   is unmistakable as she approaches he says the Hulk  you are beautiful my love behold you are beautiful   your eyes are doves behind your veil you have  captivated my heart my sister my pride you have   captivated my heart with one glance of your eyes  with one jewel of your necklace how beautiful is   your love my sister my bride how much better is  your love than wine and the fragrance of your oils   than any spice as the bride and groom commit their  love to one another you are reminded of God's   commitment to you through Jesus his son he has  loved you with an everlasting love pure and holy then you hear the brides speak to Solomon words of  Allegiance loyalty and devotion set me as a seal   upon your heart as a seal upon your arm for love  is strong as death jealousy is fierce as the grave   it's flashes are flashes of fire the very flame  of the Lord many waters cannot quench love neither   can floods drown it if a man offered for love  all the wealth of his house he would be utterly   despised as Solomon hears her words his heart  is filled with overwhelming love and in return   he makes a declaration over her you are beautiful  as tears on my love lovely as Jerusalem awesome as   an army with banners until the day breathes and  the shadows flee I will go away to the mountain   of myrrh and the hill of frankincense you are  altogether beautiful my love there is no flaw   in you as the bride and groom commit to a life  of unity you are drawn back to your unity with   the Lord perfect and holy you breathe deeply in  and out releasing anything that has come between   you and your Saviour you know that in Christ you  are covered by a love that is matchless as the   newly married couple make their way down the aisle  your heart is filled with joy you have witnessed   the pure beautiful love between Solomon and his  bride now tonight as you rest in perfect peace   allow this love story to remind you of the deep  and magnificent love of God there is no other   love that is more complete let's pray gracious  Redeemer please place your loving hand over your   beloved tonight Lord as they sleep let them fully  rest in your presence let them know the depths of   your love for them and thank you for covering  them in holiness and peace in Jesus name Amen love never gives up love cares more for  others than for self love doesn't want   what it doesn't have it isn't always me  first love doesn't fly off the handle love doesn't keep score the sins of others love takes pleasure in the flowering  of truth love puts up with anything   it trusts God always it always looks  for the best love never looks back but keeps going to the end with your eyes still  closed listen one final time as I read and you   reflect on first Corinthians chapter 13 verse  6 and 7 love does not rejoice at wrongdoing   but rejoices with the truth love bears all  things believes all things hopes all things   and endures all things now with your eyes still  closed your hands over your heart just feeling   the rhythm of your heart beating I want you to  imagine this passage from first Peter chapter 4   Peter wrote this open letter to the believers  who had been dispersed throughout the ancient   world and were under intense persecution and  Peter knew about persecution he was beaten   threatened punished and jailed just for  preaching the Word of God he knew what it   took to endure without bitterness without  losing hope in his letter he acknowledges   these are hard times but for all of us to be  self-controlled and sober minded for the sake   of our prayers above all he says for us to keep  loving one another earnestly since love covers a   multitude of sins and we should show hospitality  to one another without grumbling so allowing the   spirit to guide your imagination for a moment  imagine you are in a church under severe when   you receive this letter from Peter how do you  feel hearing they should keep showing love and   hospitality imagine their emotions now will you  join me now in closing prayer dear God of love   and truth you are patient you are kind you  have given me grace upon grace you sent your   son Jesus to be the bridegroom of your church  and so when you see me you see one that has   been grafted into the family I had been given  a new name a new identity let me love the way   first Corinthians 13 describes love does not  delight in evil but rejoices with the truth   it always protects always hopes and always  persevere and it's in Jesus name I pray amen welcome to the bedtime story a love song  from King Solomon this is a love story   from the Bible taken from the Song of  Solomon everyone on earth longs to feel   loved everyone desires to be cared for  it is a longing that has been placed in   us by our loving creator and this story  takes place in a covenant of marriage let this sleep story gently guide you into  the loving presence of God it is God's Spirit   who dwells in the life of every believer  who gives us the love and peace that we   so desire so as we begin take a moment to get  comfortable just gently and softly close your   eyes relax your arms slowly breathe in and  invite God's peace into the room let go of   your worries and concerns allow God's hand  to cover you as I pray over you now dear   loving father thank you for your rest for your  love and for your mercy as this child of yours   sleeps tonight and they dream Lord let them  feel your loving arms let them slumber under   the shadow of your wings with each breath  they take or to fill them with your great   love and peace I pray this and the wonderful  name of Jesus our Savior and our king amen so imagine it is a great day of celebration you  have been invited to the wedding of King Solomon   he is your dear and beloved friend your heart is  so full of hope and promise for the bride and the   groom you want only what is best for them you were  grateful to witness such a beautiful and important   ceremony outside the day is dawning fresh and  clean it is springtime and the earth is abundant   with life you hear birds chirping in the distance  and a soft breeze blows through the leaves of the   trees the Sun is warm on your face and the  scent of new life is all around you this is   truly a perfect day for a wedding celebration as  you enter the holy sanctuary you feel a sense of   awe and wonder the room is filled with the sweet  fragrance of flowers you hear the soft melody of   a love song played on a stringed instrument  sunlight is coming through the stained-glass   windows casting rainbows of light across the  room it is breathtaking as you breathe in and   out you smell the sense of cinnamon frankincense  and myrrh they are soothing fragrances that the   bride has used to prepare for her wedding day  they bring a sense of calmness and peace as you   wait for the wedding ceremony to begin quietly  you look around taking it all in the stillness   of the room sweet music and the echo of time it  is calming your soul in the distance you hear the   voice of Solomon calling to his bride as he says  arise my love my beautiful one and come away for   behold the winter is past and the rain is over  and gone but the flowers appear on the earth   the time of singing come and the voice of the  Turtledove is heard in our land the fig tree   ripens its figs and the vines are in blossom they  give forth fragrance so arise my love my beautiful   one and come away as you hear the words of Solomon  your friend calling out to his beautiful bride joy   fills your soul to overflowing like a waterfall  cascading down you can almost hear the rushing   water flowing steadfast and constant and then you  hear the bride in sweet response to her beloved   she calls out as an apple tree among the trees  of the forest so was my beloved among the young   men the great delight I sat in his shadow and  his fruit was sweet to my taste he brought to   me the banqueting house and his banner over me  was love his banner over me is love let those   words settle into your heart and mind for you  are reminded that the Lord's banner over you   is love you rest under his banner in peace and  comfort King Solomon and his groomsmen arrived   in a carriage made of silver and gold and fine  purple it is a glorious sight as the king makes   his entrance wearing his royal crown come out o  maidens of Zion in gaze upon King Solomon he is   wearing the crown with which his mother crowned  him on his wedding day on the most joyous day   of his life he is surrounded by sixty warriors  some of Israel's mightiest men well trained in   the art of warfare each has his sword at his  side to guard against the terrors of the night you're comforted by the thought of being  guarded against the terrors of the night   there's nothing to fear the Lord is guarding  you he is surrounding you with the fortress of   love Solomon and his men take their place and  soon there's a quiet hush over the sanctuary   as the bride makes her entrance everyone stands  in honor of her she is the loveliest of brides   as she makes her way towards her beloved the  joy on Solomon's face is unmistakable as she   approaches he says behold you are beautiful my  love behold you are beautiful your eyes are doves   behind your veil you have captivated my heart  my sister my bride you have captivated my heart   with one glance of your eyes with one jewel  of your necklace how beautiful is your love   my sister my bride how much better is your love  than wine and the fragrance of your oils than   any spice as the bride and groom commit their  love to one another you are reminded of God's   commitment to you through Jesus his son he has  loved you with an everlasting love pure and holy then you hear the bride's speak to Solomon words  of Allegiance loyalty and devotion set me as a   seal upon your heart as a seal upon your arm for  love is strong as death jealousy is fierce as the   grave it's flashes are flashes of fire the very  flame of the Lord many waters cannot quench love   neither can floods drown it if a man offered  for love all the wealth of his house he would   be utterly despised as Solomon hears her words  his heart is filled with overwhelming love and   in return he makes a declaration over her you are  beautiful as tears on my love lovely as Jerusalem   awesome as an army with banners until the day  breathes and the shadows flee I will go away to   the mountain of myrrh and the hill of frankincense  you are altogether beautiful my love there is no   flaw in you as the bride and groom commit to a  life of unity you are drawn back to your unity   with the Lord perfect and holy you breathe  deeply in and out releasing anything that has   come between you and your Savior you know that in  Christ you are covered by a love that is matchless   as the newly married couple make their way down  the aisle your heart is filled with joy you have   witnessed the pure beautiful love between Solomon  and his bride now tonight as you rest in perfect   peace allow the slob story to remind you of the  deep and magnificent love of God there is no other   love that is more complete let's pray gracious  Redeemer please place your loving hand over your   beloved tonight Lord as they sleep let them fully  rest in your presence let them know the depths of   your love for them and thank you for covering  them in holiness and peace in Jesus name Amen love never gives up love cares more for others than for self love doesn't want what it doesn't have it isn't always me first love doesn't fly off  the handle love doesn't keep score of the sins   of others love takes pleasure in the flowering  of truth love puts up with anything it trusts   God always it always looks for the best love  never looks back but keeps going to the end with   your eyes still closed listen one final time  as I read and you reflect on 1st Corinthians   chapter 13 verse 6 and 7 love does not rejoice at  wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth love bears   all things believes all things hopes all things  and endures all things now with your eyes still   closed your hands over your heart just feeling  the rhythm of your heart beating I want you to   imagine this passage from first Peter chapter 4  Peter wrote this open letter to the believers who   had been dispersed throughout the ancient world  and were under intense persecution and Peter   knew about persecution it was beaten threatened  punished and jailed just for preaching the Word   of God he knew what it took to endure without  bitterness without losing hope in his letter   he acknowledges these are hard times but for all  of us to be self-controlled and sober minded for   the sake of our prayers above all he says for us  to keep loving one another earnestly since love   covers a multitude of sins and we should show  hospitality to one another without grumbling so   allowing the spirit to guide your imagination  for a moment imagine you are in a church under   severe persecution when you receive this letter  from Peter how do you feel hearing they should   keep showing love and hospitality imagine their  emotions now will you join me now in closing   prayer dear God of love and truth you are patient  you are kind you have given me grace upon grace   you sent your son Jesus to be the bridegroom of  your church and so when you see me you see one   that has been grabbed stood into the family I had  been given a new name a new identity let me love   the way first Corinthians 13 describes love does  not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth   it always protects always hopes and always  persevere and it's in Jesus name I pray amen we hope this meditation brought you  peace to listen to the full collection   of Biblical bedtime stories download the  abide app in the iTunes or Google Play Store
Channel: Abide - Sleep Meditations
Views: 34,109
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Keywords: guided christian meditation, Christian meditation app, Christian meditation, Free Christian meditation, Free meditation app, Christian meditation guided, Abide app meditation, Meditation, Christian, Meditation Christian, Christian prayer app, Best meditation app, Prayer Christian meditation guided, Guided christian meditation, mindfulness, Love Songs, Song of Solomon, 1 Corinthians 13, love, marriage, hope, faith, devotional
Id: 2GDCj-aK4-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 49sec (10969 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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