Guest Speaker: Dr. RT Kendall

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pastor you didn't tell them that i wrote a book on jealousy and you've got a problem yes your problem is you were born in tennessee and i'm from kentucky and you're jealous so just get over it my wife and i have been married 62 years she is from northern illinois she's a snob [Music] my son we call him tr is here trying to get rid of some books our grandson and timothy timothy's with him and he's giving a pretty good discount trying to get rid of these books i wrote a book a few months ago my publisher called me about the next book i was to write which is now out called you might be a pharisee but they wrote and asked do you have anything on your heart with regard to the present coronavirus crisis i said well as a matter of fact i do what is it i said on my heart for weeks has been joshua's word to the children of israel as they were getting ready to enter into the land of canaan and joshua said to them you've never been this way before that is where america is right now we've never been this way before and i've written a book how to deal with what we're going through the crisis the violence and so i hope it'll be a blessing to you great honor to be here dr benny you know i'd heard about this place here in the middle of nowhere and i feel like the queen of sheba when she met solomon said you the half has not been told uh it's amazing what has happened so thank you for having me i want to bring a message i believe i'm led trust that i am and i want you to if you have your bibles turn to genesis chapter 45. somebody help uh bet it's a book it's it's in the old testament you got to help out tennessee people [Applause] [Music] you'll be fine before i start reading some of you may not know the story of joseph who was the favorite son of jacob jacob had 12 sons he was not a good dad he showed favoritism parents should never do that and he gave joseph his coat of many colors when we get to heaven we'll see exactly what it looked like the only thing worse than giving it was wearing it he was strutted around in that coat of many colors made his brothers jealous and then would you believe on top of that he had a gift of prophetic dreams and he had dreams that said that one day his 11 brothers who hated him would one day bow down to him now joseph's mistake was telling the dreams to his brothers it's not smart i think god would give us more if we could keep quiet about it but joseph couldn't and he told his dreams you're going to bow down to me one day well what happened was they were so jealous of him they decided to kill him but because ishmaelites were on their way to egypt they sowed the brothers eleven brothers so joseph to the israelites never expecting to see him again they took that coat of many colors yanked it off his back dipped it in blood showed it to jacob who took the bait and said a wild beast has devoured my son i will go to my grave in mourning they tiptoed away breathed a sigh of relief said well we got away with it the bible says be sure your sin will find you out years later when the children of israel 11 of them needed food because of a famine they had to go to egypt to buy food they had to approach the prime minister of egypt they had no idea what had happened to joseph would you believe he had become the governor the prime minister of egypt they had to go to him for food it had been 22 years joseph has now learned egyptian he's wearing egyptian garb he looks different after 22 years we all would and his brothers don't recognize him but joseph knows who they are and he knows that those dreams are now being fulfilled [Music] he thought that god gave him these dreams so that one day he could look at those jealous brothers and say gotcha but it was a new joseph a change to joseph a broken joseph instead of saying gotcha and throwing the book at the which he could have done he breaks down he sobs he cries his shoulders shake and now we take up the reading genesis 45 verse 1 then joseph could not control himself before all those who stood by him he cried have everyone go out from me so no one stayed with him while joseph made himself known to his brothers and he wept aloud so that the egyptians heard it and the household of egypt of pharaoh heard about it and joseph said to his brothers i am joseph is my father still alive but his brothers could not answer him because they were dismayed terrified at his presence so joseph said to his brothers come close to me and his brothers came near and he said am your brother joseph whom you sold into egypt and now do not be distressed or angry with yourselves because you sold me here for god sent me before you to preserve life for the famine has been in the land these two years and there will be five more years in which there will be neither plowing nor harvest and god sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to keep alive for you many survivors so it was not you who sent me here but god [Music] may god be pleased to bless the reading and the preaching of this his most holy and infallible word brief word of prayer heavenly father i pray now for the sprinkling of the blood of jesus by your spirit to rest upon every mind in order that their perception of what i say will be heard as you intend cleanse my tongue that i will be a transparent vehicle to pass on all that needs to be said nothing that doesn't need to be said help me to be clear help me to be simple cleanse my tongue that i will be your transparent instrument [Music] say what needs to be said nothing that doesn't need to be said let this be a life-changing word and i ask that not anybody here will be ever the same again i ask this in jesus name amen the message that i am to bring to you today was born in what was at the time the darkest hour that louise and i ever went through it was during those 25 years at westminster chapel in london those years were the best of times they were the worst of times and what happened during that time once was something unfair unjust wrong i was bitter i was angry how could this happen to me why could they do this i couldn't tell anybody but an old friend from romania his name joseph zone happened to be in london for a few days and i took advantage of it decided to tell joseph what they did now if i'm honest the only reason i did it was he might put his arm around me and say rt you ought to be upset you ought to be angry but instead he looked at me and if i could narrow 25 years in london down to 15 minutes it would be my finest hour when joseph zone looked at me and said rt you must totally forgive them for until you totally forgive them you will be in chains release them and you will be released nobody had ever talked to me like that in my life faithful of the wounds of a friend and then i said joseph i just remembered i haven't told you everything let me tell you stop me he stopped me right then he said rt i can hear him in his romanian accent you must totally forgive them for until you totally forgive them you will be in chains release them and you will be released it was the hardest thing i've ever had to do almost certainly the hardest thing you will ever have to do i said joseph i can't he said you can and you must you see total forgiveness means setting your enemy free that you will kiss goodbye vindication vengeance for those who wanted to hurt you maybe destroy you and then you pray for them and when you pray for them you don't just bow your head and say heavenly father i just commit them to you because you're hoping god will kill them that is not what jesus meant he said bless your enemy pray for them and you pray for them to be blessed and you mean it you say rt i could never do that look look i understand this is going right against nature the most natural thing in the world is to want your enemy hurt punished the way we're made and now jesus comes along and says you bless them you pray for them you say well you don't know what i've been through rt listen if you have suffered more than anyone else in this county if you suffered more than anyone else in the state of georgia and it could be proved you may say well you've no idea what it's been like for me maybe you were abused as a child maybe your wife your husband was unfaithful maybe you've been mistreated from racial prejudice i've preached this in south africa let me tell you something you have no idea how black people suffer in south africa and many african-americans in georgia many of us white people we don't care we don't worry about it no idea how hurt they are these are christians who cry out god have mercy on me doesn't anybody care it's like in james chapter 5 do you realize 2 000 years ago the issue was not black and white the issue was rich and poor and the the poor didn't think god noticed that how the white middle-class christians treated them and god says i have heard you my little book we've never been this way before takes the view that america is under judgment part of the reasons racism part because of legalized abortions part because of same-sex marriage partly because of liberalism in churches and we're all facing it the way forward is to forgive and if it can be proved that you have suffered more than anybody the angels have a word for you you ready for this congratulations you have a promise of blessing that the person next to you doesn't have because they haven't suffered like you have the person in front of you they don't have the promise you've got because they haven't suffered like you have and instead of feeling sorry for yourself because of what you've been through if you could realize that one day i promise you you'll say it was the best thing that ever happened to me what louise and i went through in london you can put me under a lie detector i can tell you it was the best thing that ever happened to us but only if you come to the place you forgive them totally set them free now i doubt not if i ask for a show of hands how many of you have forgiven hands would go up i believe you and you would mean that but i want to make a deal proposition with you if in the next 20 minutes i were able to show you that you haven't totally forgiven after all would you then do it so before we finish you'll have decision time and you can decide if you want to do it question how do you know you've totally forgiven proof number one you don't tell anybody what they did to you tell god psalm 142 verse 2. poor you complain out to the lord but you can't tell anybody else how do we know that joseph did that oh listen when joseph could not control himself he said to the everybody there everybody leave the room everybody out cabinet aides 11 brothers you 11 brothers you stay the rest out they don't know why interpreter says i guess i go out and now behind closed doors joseph speaks to them in hebrew or whatever language they spoke and says to the eleven brothers i'm joseph they're speechless but why did he make everybody leave it's because he's going to persuade those 11 brothers to go back to canaan bring jacob and all the family a total of 65 people to come and live in egypt and he wants to make sure that nobody in egypt ever finds out what they had done to their prime minister you see joseph knew he was popular how was he ever they loved him he wanted joseph wanted to make sure everybody loved his brothers and so he would never let it be known what these brothers were going to do to him behind closed doors it was a secret the proof you've totally forgiven you don't tell anybody what they did that's joseph that's what led him to where he got it could be that i'm speaking to someone today for all i know you could be the next president you could be the next billy graham you could be the next governor of georgia but at the moment god can't use you because you're still angry still wanting to prove yourself you want to vindicate yourself joseph nobody what they had done to him there are two exceptions one you need to tell one other person for therapeutic reasons tell your pastor tell someone they won't tell i told joseph's own other reason you can tell it a lady came into my vestry one day in london and said they have found my rapist and they want me to go to court and testify against him i said well you must oh dr kendall you've taught me to forgive and i've forgiven him i was glad to hear that i said i think it's wonderful but and i believe you but this is different a crime must be told it wasn't personal this is different what's the real reason we tell they heard us we're on the phone tell them oh here's what they did to me why would you tell it i can tell you you can't bear the thought that these people would be admired you can't bear the thought that people will like them anymore you want to make sure everybody knows what they did to you how would you like it if god told what he knew about you what if they were flashed on this screen your name what god knows about you i can tell you if god did it to me we need more than two screens we need screens all over this place but guess what you will never know because as far as the east is from the west so far our transgressions removed from us the blood of jesus christ washes away all sin and you will never know but when i tell somebody what you've done i violate the principle and god doesn't like it total forgiveness you don't tell anybody what they did proof number two you don't let them be afraid of you you see these these brothers are scared to death and they are before the prime minister they've been found out they're scared to death funny thing is that's the way joseph used to hope they'd feel but he's a new man now you know what he says to them come close to me come close to me he just wanted to love all them they couldn't believe it you see when you've totally forgiven your enemy you put them at ease or your wife of your husband sometimes the wife and husband play this game keep the other guessing keep the other nervous wife says to the husband when he says something he shouldn't she says i will remember that and sure enough two days later she quotes it back why why do that the bible says love keeps no record of wrongs 1 corinthians 13 verse 5. why do we keep records to prove we've paid why do we keep a record of wrong oh tuck it away i'm going to use it or just wait for the moment do you realize your marriage could be healed by sundown today if both of you will stop pointing the finger you don't tell what they did you don't let them be afraid of you you don't even want them to feel guilty listen to this but you believe it i'm your brother whom you sold into egypt do not be distressed or angry with yourselves because of what you did imagine this have you ever said to somebody well i forgive you for what you've done but you better feel bad about it what if they don't would you like some secret information on how to have a major triumph of grace before god it's better than getting a secret in wall street you ready for this forgive them when they're not sorry anybody can forgive when they say oh i wish i'm so sorry wait forget it even the godfather of the mafia can forgive when you're sorry what gets you is that they're not sorry oh here's what's even harder when they don't know what they've done see that really gets your goat a little advice here too i i'm giving you free stuff here just remember this is free stuff when the service is over don't walk across the auditorium and go up to somebody and say well in the light of our teach sermon i forgive you they're going to say for what oh you know no i don't you do i don't well you should you see what that really riles you up you wanted to fight you got it total forgiveness not only when they're not sorry but when they don't even know what they've done jesus on the cross there's your example father forgive them they don't know what they're doing that's the way to get major victory before god and the angels forgive them it's easy to forgive them when they're sorry and they know it's not easy to forgive them when they don't know and they're not sorry and don't expect them to change a week later because you start blessing them in prayer they might not ever change two years from now 10 years from now he's still doing but this is where the anointing kicks in you see god knows and when you're praying for them don't be surprised if it's a member of your church somebody important godly person oh the godly oh they can be mean as you can be yeah godly people yeah well at least they want you to think they're godly you've heard the poem living with the saints above oh that will be glory living with a sage below well that's another story you don't tell what they did you don't let them be nervous around you you don't let them feel guilty you pray for them even when they don't know what they've done and fourth you let them save face do you know what that means you let them save face it's an oriental expression they know about it in korea hong kong china japan instead of rubbing their nose in it you act like you don't even know what they did or better still give them a way out where you justify what they did make them look good see joseph he says to them you didn't do it god did it what you can imagine asher says to naphtali naf did i hear him say god did it judah says to god get did i hear him say god did it we didn't do it and joseph says that's exactly right god did it we shouldn't be surprised 400 years ago god said to abraham your seed will be coming up out of egypt somebody had to get here first and joseph looked over all 12 of us and said um joseph you go first that's all i just got here first is to preserve lives this is what god did you see these brothers can't believe their luck that the very man they were going to kill now is used of god god moves in a mysterious way his wonders to perform living in total forgiveness is the best way to live reason number five you protect them from their darkest secret what's their dark secrets what if joseph had said to those brothers look everything i've said up to now uh i meant but i will ask one thing of you you have to go back to your dad old jacob and tell him the truth how you took my coat of many colors off my back and dipped it in blood and you deceived our father you got to go back and tell him they would rather die didn't have to do that joseph knew that it's so beautiful you i didn't read the whole passage because of time read it when you get home joseph writes the script for them when they go back to canaan they are not allowed to tell that they don't ever have to tell their dad god is like that look we've all got skeletons in the closet we've all done things we wish we hadn't done and god's not wanting to yank the skeleton out and embarrass you in front of everybody no he lets us all save face he remembers that we are dust a gracious god and joseph would not let them tell it another proof you've forgiven is that you pray for them you pray for them and you don't just say god bless you but in a perfunctory way 17 years later jacob died and the brothers come panicking to joseph and said please forgive us for what we did because they think now that jacob died joseph's just been waiting for 17 years to get at the brothers it turns out he still felt the same way he had forgiven them i put it like this total forgiveness is a life sentence you have to keep doing it as long as you live it's like your physician gives you a tablet and says you'll have to take this the rest of your life total forgiveness you got to keep doing it you just don't do it for two days you got to do it every day from now on and don't expect them to change once in a while you hear of that that's good when it happens but don't count on it because that's the free ticket to your anointing and so you just keep it up as long as you live the people that i've had to forgive many many many years ago i still pray for them and bless them they're still alive they have no idea it's the best thing that ever happened to me and then you blessed them you see joseph at the end they were the 11 brothers thought soon as the jacob died it would all be over oh no he said i will bless you i will care for you it lasted all night it was real it was real and when you can pray for them and mean it when i was at westminster chapel i led the singing because in those days that was the way they do it in britain we changed a little bit later on we had music groups for 20 years i led the worship and we were singing with him praise my soul the king of heaven by the way you know i charge extra when i sing keep that in mind sir that was the joke do you know what while i was singing that sim song and all the congregation and just enjoying it in comes a woman from the back of the church walks down to the sixth row from the back over to the middle and sits down while we're singing that woman has done incalculable emotional damage to one of our children when i saw her i could hardly stand it i i mouth the words and then i had to read the scripture and another hymn they didn't know i was struggling then i had to pray the pastoral prayer how i got through it's a miracle what saved me was time to take up the offering i sit down the deacon comes welcomes the visitors gives the notices says the morning offering will be received it gave me about five minutes just to sit there and think and something happened i didn't expect it never happened since or before holy spirit began to talk i don't say this is verbatim but it's sure close something like this rt uh you want to see revival in westminster chapel is that true yes lord yes lord uh how much do you want to see revive oh a lot which would you rather have revival or for me to send judgment on that woman out there revival good pray for that woman lord i pray for that woman he said rt that's not good enough i want you to ask me to bless her bless her say it again bless her say it again bless her do you mean that yup and what if i take you seriously you ask me to bless her and i answer your prayer and i bless her well lord you wouldn't do that would you but that is the point and i began to i started saying bless her bless her bless her because i knew it was what i had to do i couldn't have preached the rest i could not have preached that morning if i hadn't done this and you know what god did answer my prayer he blessed that woman right now as i speak she thrives in london i have not decided whether when i get to heaven i will go up to her and say i know why god blessed you people they do they ask how come you've written all these books they think it's my brain they think it's my education wrong absolutely wrong it's living a life of total forgiveness when i started practicing this by the way i even got an enemy's prayer list yeah i got so blessed by praying for that woman i thought how else can i get more i thought of some people that hate me i wrote them down i got it's now five on the list five nobody here on it yet [Music] [Applause] i'm finished but we made a deal or i did i don't know if you did i ask when we come to decision time if you're ready to forgive if you haven't here's the deal it is decision time one minute from now 60 seconds from now you can look at your watch 60 seconds i'm going to ask you not yet if you're ready to forgive to stand up you say in front of all these people well they'll know i've had a problem well they will but is that more important to you than what god thinks don't look around and see who else stands you might be the only one because god is looking at you 30 seconds to go don't stand unless by standing you're prepared to say i will not tell what they did you said rt i've already done it it's too late don't do it anymore don't let them be afraid of you let them save face protect them from their darkest secret and you accept you're gonna have to pray for them from now on and bless them five four three two one if you're ready to forgive stand to your feet right now [Music] anyone else don't miss the moment seek the lord while he may be found call upon him while he is near he's near today one more thing if you really mean it i'm going to ask you to leave your seat and come down to the front i want to pray with you come quickly come quickly [Music] while you're coming let me say what you've just done is the easy part the hard part will be an hour from now and you think i can't believe i did that tomorrow morning over a cup of coffee you think what came over me so look we haven't prayed yet you can still get out of it we're going to pray i'm not going to look and see who's praying this is not between you and me let's put to you and god for some here maybe quite a few for all i know most important decision you've made in your whole life say next to your conversion i'm going to lead you in a prayer [Music] we're going to enter into a covenant it makes it very serious so think twice you get out of it when you enter into a covenant do you realize in the bible a covenant was so serious they shed blood yeah but the blood has already been shed two 000 years ago we're under the blood of jesus we're under the cross [Music] you ready lift your hands up about like this repeat after me lord jesus christ i need you i want you i'm sorry for my sins wash my sins away by your blood i'm sorry for my unforgiveness i forgive them i ask you to forgive them i bless them i set them free i set them free i set them free come holy spirit i welcome you thank you for your patience with me cleanse me by your blood in jesus name amen
Channel: Rock Springs Church
Views: 1,100
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: rt kendall, dr. rt kendall, Rock Springs Church, rock springs, rockspringslive, rockspringschurch, RS_Macon, RS_Branch, benny_tate, Benny Tate, Dr. Benny Tate, Pastor Benny Tate, Milner GA, Rocksprings Church, Rock Springs Worship, Rocksprings Worship, rs_college
Id: jyEVaUqn67g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 31sec (2431 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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