Our Strength is in Our Weapons | 10.3.21 | 11:00AM

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good morning and welcome to rock springs church we are having a great day here i'm having an especially good morning because i get to hang out my buddy britney good morning how are you wonderful it has been such a good day it really has i woke up in like a really great mood i know i think everyone's in a good mood today yeah because it's not hot outside i'm telling you this is a beautiful day and i'm so excited to be spending my sunday morning right here at rock springs church hey if you're joining us online we are so excited to have you you know brittany we have had so many salvations in our online campus and we've got people watching from all over the country and even all over the world so hey give us a shout out shout out where you're watching from we love our digital campus and we always want to know where you're joining us from and hey if you are new here or you haven't heard we have a new vision statement we do and i love it we have it on some swag right here make heaven bigger by caring better you can go ahead and do your part by clicking the share button right now uh we'll encourage you to share throughout the service as well but then also we're super excited because today we're having baptism oh yeah so if you're getting baptized today go ahead and make your way to the welcome center we'll get you pointed in the right direction and baby dedication happening today don't worry you will have time to go get your babies before it's time to take them up on stage so go ahead and take your kids over to the nursery or rs kids right now oh yeah i'm telling you and hey listen we've had some awesome things like it's a great day today but we've been having fun all weekend our women's ministry did a glow night so fitness night they got a little little sweaty little glossy little glow um but and had a lot of fun fellowshipping with each other like it was a wonderful night for our ladies and um another awesome ladies event that's coming up it seems crazy that we're already talking about this but no christmas is right around the corner and our ladies christmas tea is coming up on december 5th it's only two months december 4th and whoa i mean the christmas decorations are already in the stores in hobby lobby yeah and hobby lobby so you don't want to miss out on that tickets are on sale now they're 20 or you can host a table for free you're going to host a table i think i'm gonna make it like tacky christmas themed i think i'm sitting with you i'm gonna go to goodwill i got a good old tacky sweater yes why not why not um this is like the biggest ladies event so good and you don't want to miss it so be sure to get your tickets because they sell out pretty fast they really do hey something we've got coming up tonight yes tonight in a few hours our choir is going to be putting on a concert up at the cross it's going to be something it's going to be so good it starts at six you can get there as early as 4 30 to set up bring your lawn chairs bring your blankets you can bring a picnic but we'll also be giving away free food to the first 200 people that come so long games long games oh my gosh it's gonna be so much fun so come on out bring your chairs bring your blankets and we're gonna have a really good night tonight it is and hey listen um a little a couple weeks from now i'm gonna be having a good time with a group of folks that i'm technically not invited but you are our student ministry grade six through twelfth are going to be having fuse fest october 27th oh my goodness they have a blast honestly that's probably one of my favorite things of the year cause you get to dress up in costumes they have a costume contest i know i can't they're gonna have worship and you can get here at five and do long games oh yeah services at seven and then they're having an after party so be sure your kids will be here grades 6 through 12 for fuse fest it's going to be so much fun i know i volunteered to chaperone last year and so my friends and i were the three blind mice got to wear some sunglasses all night long so that was fun i'm going to dress up as a teenager thank you sneak in yeah absolutely hey dress up as a teenager and come volunteer for fuse fest that's going to be awesome something we've been talking about here for a while now but we're so excited november 7th the book release for defy the odds i'm so excited and then what two days later is pastor benny's birthday yes it's gonna be awesome a great way to celebrate his birthday i'm telling you that day is gonna be jam-packed full of celebration it's gonna be fun so make sure to bring your family and friends you can get your copy of defy the odds on november 7th you can pre-order you can get it the day of it's going to be an awesome day i mean y'all will be getting it the same week that benny gets i know we don't know what has it yet yeah no one has it getting it early it's going to be fun it is gonna be fun and speaking of fun this friday night october 8th is going to be so much fun oh yeah our volunteers first of all if you volunteer thank you so much we can't do everything here without you and we want to do something fun for them so we're having volunteer night uh this friday october 8th we're gonna have so much fun there's gonna be a live entertainment there's gonna be food so be sure that you rsvp at rocksprings.info we've got something to give you so uh be sure to rsvp and it's gonna be an awesome night i'm telling you i i you told me what the entertainment's gonna be yes i don't know if i can say it out loud but oh my gosh i'm so excited i know it's bear themed who don't love the fair oh who doesn't love a theme listen i gotta get a new outfit for that right yes you should totally should come prepared just fine theme on theme that's gonna be great but hey if you're just now joining us welcome to rock springs church we know you had a choice about where you were gonna spend your sunday morning so we're honored you chose to spend it right here with us i know we always give everyone a ton of information but you can keep up with everything that's going on at rock springs by downloading the rock springs app you can go to the app store and just keep up with rock springs that way we want to make sure you are in the know today's sermon is so good it's called our strength is in our weapons let me tell you i'm excited to listen to it for a third time i love it it's gonna be awesome but hey we are so excited to have you join us here today wherever you're watching us from whether you're right up the road here in milner joining us online we are so honored you chose to spend your sunday morning here with us we love you we're praying for you and wherever you're joining us from let's get started [Applause] well good morning everybody it's so good to see you isn't it good to be together you look great we're going to worship jesus together thank you for joining us online he's alive today so so good to us he's the god of the impossible and the practical who could carry that kind of weight it was [Music] [Music] all my failures i [Music] [Music] out of the darkness into your glorious death [Music] is [Music] [Music] and now you're freedom jesus into your glorious day [Music] into your glorious day [Music] we're alive in jesus [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] thank you for your freedom jesus [Music] again [Music] your oh is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i need you [Music] oh [Music] oh god i is [Music] is [Music] [Music] come on sing this out come on [Music] makes me [Music] makes me wanna change [Music] is is symphony to my ears [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] holy water on my skin [Music] holy water [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the dark tried to hide you and steal your way [Music] the enemy fought you he tried but he lost [Music] you cannot be stopped [Music] [Music] the weight of [Music] [Music] our fears [Music] you cannot be starved [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] as we do [Music] jesus the battle is [Music] there's nothing that can stop our god there's nothing that can stop there's nothing that can stop our god there is nothing there [Music] is nothing that can stop there's nothing that can stop our god there's nothing that can stop by god there is nothing there is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] praise the lord praise the lord you may be seated we're so thrilled that you're here today with us if you're visiting with us you're our special guest we're delighted that you would choose of all the churches you chose to visit with us today and we're so grateful for that uh if you're worshiping with us online i just ask you to do one thing just be faithful to share you know uh they sent me some numbers after the eight o'clock service and they said pastor online 17 people prayed to receive christ his personal savior so somebody shared with those people so your sharing can be significant in someone's eternity now at this time during the service we worship with our giving online uh you can text to give you can download the church app to give you can mail it in because of your faithfulness to give at rock springs christian academy we was able this week to institute and cut the ribbon on our smart lab and what i mean by this this will help the students at rock springs christian academy with technology help them as we go into the 21st century to be on the cutting edge prepare them for college and it's because of generosity of people just like you so thank you for being so faithful yes you can clap [Applause] now let me say something many of you watching don't go here to church you go somewhere else to church i'm preaching this week in kingsland georgia i don't think i've ever been to kingsland georgia but i'm going down there to a great church so i do all we can to help other churches i want to challenge you if you're watching online if you're a member of another church don't give to us you say that doesn't make sense pastor yes it does you give to your church don't give to us because see i believe in the capital c church uh you give to your church wherever that church may be let's stand to her feet boy what a good-looking group what a good-looking group i am so glad that you're here we've had a tremendous day thus far and it's only going to get better and again thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here today let's pray jesus bless the gift and the giver as we go out the doors there'll be ushers god and i always give and other people can give today too but some will give electronically some will mail it in some will bring it by the church but bless people as they give and i pray this prayer in christ's name amen [Music] amen we just invite you to continue to worship with us this morning [Music] we worship come on sing with me you go before i know that you've even gone to win my home you come back [Music] [Music] yes you think you work did you go before i knew that you've even [Music] and leads [Music] all i did was stay come on sing this to him so much [Music] [Music] [Music] if [Music] [Music] did is is [Music] is is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] put me back again [Music] [Music] [Music] to put me back together [Music] [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you are there [Music] [Music] yuri [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes you are oh yes you are [Music] [Applause] i just want to say thank you lord who needs to say thank you this morning please come on just let it pour out of your heart to him today just let it pour out of your heart when you look at those battles he fought for you [Music] when you look at those victories that he won on your behalf when it looked like there wasn't any way and he came through out of his great love for you just let gratitude pour from your heart today because when i thought i lost me you knew where i left me you reintroduce me to your lover [Music] you are the defeat [Music] amen we're so grateful [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] good morning no matter which campus you're in we're delighted to have you worshiping jesus with us today it's been a great day thus far this afternoon is going to be wonderful uh we're going to have uh activities at the cross we're going to have some games and they're going to be food and uh just a good time it begins about 4 30. then it's six o'clock the choir is going to sing it's a choir concert up at that 120-foot cross and at the base of it we'll be baptizing people and it's just going to be a wonderful wonderful time i believe god's going to give us great weather and we want you to be a part of it about a year and a half ago i would say i started working on something it's called defy the odds defy the odds and you said pastor benny it's your book yes it comes out november the 7th but this is not even a copy this is just the back and the cover this is another book inside but uh you can get one of the first copies we get them here on november the 7th if you pre-order you may even get it before i get it what's it about pastor it's about my life how it's defied the odds it's about how a church a church in a town of a population of 600 people milner georgia with a zip code e-i-e-i-o has eight or nine thousand members how how that church has defied the odds [Applause] it's about how individuals have defied the odds and better than that folks it's about how you can defy the odds in your life it's that practical you say well pastor i i sure want to get one well it's dtobook.com and you can have one of the very first copies uh i want you to stand i want you to stand today i want to i want to share two verses of scripture and i want to share something that god's placed on my heart that i know that the lord placed on my heart in second corinthians chapter 10 paul writing to the corinthian church said these words he said for though we walk in the flesh our war is not in the flesh this is not a humanly battle it's not a human it's not a humanly fleshly battle paul said i want you to understand something for the weapons of our warfare they're not carnal they're not human weapons [Music] but they are mighty they're mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds look here i didn't have time to say this in the other services ephesians 4 and 27 says neither give place to the devil the word place if you research it it means a geographical location it's talking about one army taking ground from another army the enemy takes ground from us he takes ground and what happens ladies and gentlemen after he takes ground it becomes a stronghold in our life and instead of us controlling it that stronghold controls us but god said i've got some good news i've got some weapons for you i've got some good news i've got some weapons for you that's going to deal with the strongholds in your life let's pray jesus i love you i pray that you will speak to us and through us in the eons of time you knew the needs in the eons of time you knew who would be here today so hide us in the cross of calvary that people might see jesus and for all you do we're going to praise you for i pray this prayer in jesus name amen you may be seated i want to take a few moments and i want to talk to you about our strength is in our weapons our strength is in our weapons several months ago there's a college that i'd spoken quite a bit for through the years it was it's in south carolina columbia international university and the president called me and he said benny you've been so faithful to speak to the young people at our school and uh i want to do something for you i said what is that he said i want to take you on a bear hunt i said a bear hunt he said we're going to go up on the canadian border we're going to go up in northern maine but we're just as close to canada you can walk a mile and you're in canada we're going on a bear hunt and i said that'd be neat it'd be neat to to be on a bear hunt i said i want to do that that's so exciting and then i went to bed and i started thinking about now a bear is a predator i'm not a hunter i'm really not i just don't understand getting out of a warm bed to get into a cold tree i'm just not a hunter but i i thought i'm really a bear as a predator what if the bear comes after me who's to say the bear couldn't crawl up in the tree and get me and i just i didn't sleep much i began to think about it and so i got up the next morning there's a man in our church and he's a he is a devout hunter and i went to his home and i told him what i was faced with he said i'll tell you what you need i've got what you need i said watch that he said you need a 30 ounce six he said benny a 30 all six will kill everything in north america and he said you need a 30 all six that's the gun i said okay that's the gun for me and he said now let's go down to the range you and i are going to go down to the range and he said we're going to shoot and so i went down and he had the targets down there and i would shoot the targets he would say that's good that's good but he would take those binoculars and i would always ask one question i said i really could care less about the bull's-eye or not but here's what i want to know where i hit would that kill the bear he said benny that would kill the bear that would kill the bear i said okay can i take this gun home with me he said well you i don't know you don't need to be out shooting i said no no i'm not going to be out shooting i just want to familiarize myself with a gun i just want to zero that scope in i just want to be able i want to be very familiar i want this gun to just be very familiar to me can i can i take it with me easy you take it and so at night i would sit around the house and i would fool with that gun and i would work with that gun and i would take the scope and i would look through the scope and i would go out in the yard and i would look through the scope and i'd go back to his house and i'd shoot the targets and i'd shoot the targets and i'd shoot the targets and finally i said to him i'm going i'm going to to canada but i don't want to use the guns they've got in canada can i take this gun i want this gun i'll take it through the airport i'll do whatever is necessary but but i need this gun because i am so familiar with this gun he said you can take it so i get to canada canadian border and they say before we let the preacher out in the woods before we put him in a stand 20 feet in the air but before we put him out there by himself he's got to shoot the targets i said gladly let's go down let's get the targets i zeroed that scope in bam they said bullseye bullseye one guy said the preacher can shoot and i'll tell you by the time i got up in that stand listen closely by the time i got up in that stand this is how i felt go ahead make my day how i felt bear if you pop out it's a sad day for you i can tell you that now wait same guy a few months before scared to death but what made the difference it was the weapon it was familiarizing myself with a weapon for the weapons of our warfare see folks we've got some weapons but most of us are not aware of the weapons and we're in no way familiar with the weapon but we're ready for the enemy when we familiarize ourselves with the weapon now let me hasten to say we have an enemy first peter 5 and 8 says be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour ephesians 6 and 12 says for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against rulers of darkness against spiritual wickedness in high places i want to report to you we have an enemy our enemy is the devil now let me describe him to you a little bit first of all he's a liar he's a liar john 8 44 says he's a liar and the father of all liars and he'll lie to you about yourself he'll lie to you about others he'll lie to you about god because you've got to understand he is a liar and he's the father of all liars not only is he a liar but he's a thief john 10 and 10 says he's come to steal kill and destroy let me tell you what the enemy wants to do he wants to steal your joy he wants to steal your peace he wants to steal your happiness he wants to steal your purpose he wants to steal your outlook on life he's come ladies and gentlemen he's a liar but i want to report to you he's also a thief i'll tell you something else about him he's a destroyer he's a destroyer get go back to john 10 and 10. he's come to steal kill and destroy he wants to destroy your health he wants to destroy your hope he wants to destroy your home he wants to destroy your happiness he wants to destroy your house of worship a.w tozer said this i need now to give a warning that warning is simply that a spirit-filled church is the target of the enemy and folks i want to hasten to say this is a spirit-filled church [Music] [Applause] tozer said he knows the potential of a spirit-filled church wait he knows there'll be people in that baptismal pool in a spirit-filled church he knows young people's lives will be changed in the spirit-filled church he knows we'll be going to a cross and people will be getting baptized in a spirit-filled church [Applause] he knows the potential of a spirit-filled church and that the focus of such a church is the exaltation of jesus christ which the devil hates with a passion now understand something folks first corinthians 14 and 33 says this for god is not the author of confusion for god is not the author of confusion but of peace as in all churches of the saints think about this so look at the confusion in our land mask or no mask and people break fellowship over masks or no mask and we break fellowship over mask or no mask i want to report to you god is not the author of confusion god is not the author of confusion god help us folks why would we break relationship and fellowship with somebody over mask or no mask that's a tactic and a tool of the enemy [Music] while i'm rolling i'll just keep on vaccination [Applause] or no vaccination wait wait wait all i'm trying to say and we would break fellowship with somebody whether they've been vaccinated or whether they have not been vaccinated folks that's crippled too high for crutches now let me hasten to say i don't think we need to be mandating something [Music] god's made us free but here's all i'm trying to say god help us to not have conflict god help us to not have discord over whether or not somebody has been vaccinated or somebody has not been vaccinated folks what we ought to entrust people is that people are going to get on their knees seek the lord and they're going to do what's best for them [Applause] we have an enemy and all he wants to do ladies and gentlemen is cause confusion hey and i'm gonna make while i'm on a good roll look here look here you want to tell me somebody's a leader you want to tell me a man or a woman is a leader a real leader does not divide people a real leader brings people together [Applause] if our only point is dividing people god help us leadership is about bringing people together for a common interest and a common goal that's bigger than all of us i don't know what i'm into this morning but anyway [Applause] but i started thinking about let's get back to the 30 ounce six the 30 is the caliber of the bullet but the six it was introduced to the united states military in 1906. here's all i want to do i'm going to move pretty fast problem is you're only one i'm going to move pretty fast but i want to give you six weapons that we have that are so important there's six weapons ladies and gentlemen because you're in a battle you're in a battle look here how many of you would say pastor you're so right right today i have a problem no no right today hold it up yeah now if it's seated right beside you keep it up now look somebody's back in the back doing this i don't know [Applause] so pastor what are my weapons weapon number one your weapon is the person of jesus see i'm no match for the devil and you're no match for the devil but jesus is a match for the devil the bible says this it says therefore if any man be in christ so i'm in christ ii corinthians 5 and 17 says i'm in christ and colossians 1 27 says christ is in me folks it doesn't get better than that i'm in christ and christ is in me that's wonderful folks that's why we can say romans 8 and 37 we're more than conquerors through him that loved us that's why we can say first john 4 4 greater is he that's in us than he that's in the world that's why we can say first corinthians 15 and 57 but thanks be to god which gives us the victory through our lord jesus christ christ is in us and we are in christ watch one of our weapons it's when you tell yourself i've got jesus and jesus has got me i've got jesus and jesus has got me [Music] let me tell you this weapon number two it's the word of god the precious word of god did you know the bible says i mean it says that the bible is a weapon hebrews 4 and 12 says that the word of god is quick and powerful and it's sharper than any two-edged sword you remember in matthew chapter 4 when the enemy came against jesus what did he take three times you read it he quoted the book of deuteronomy he realized his weapon was the word of god i'm going to be real practical the scripture that you memorize is the scripture you will utilize the scripture you memorize is the scripture you will utilize so if you said i've got an error an area in my life in which i struggle let me say something there's so much bad in the best of us and there's so much good in the worst of us it hardly behooves any of us to talk about the rest of us so we've all we've all got an area in my case it's area us it's area us that's you say well man he's memorized a lot of scripture i see now he has a lot of problems you're right you're exactly right i have a lot of struggles and barbara said amen a lot of struggles but look if i struggled if we struggled with uh pornography i'd memorize job three and one that says i've made a covenant with my eyes if it was lust then i'd memorize james 1 15. i'd put it on my on my mirror i'd put it on my refrigerator i'd put it on my phone that says then when lust hath conceived it bringeth forth sin and when sin is finished it bringeth forth death always remember lust will kill things in relationships if you said pastor it's it's worry with me i'm just a worrywart well worries kinda like a rocking chair it'll give you something to do but it won't take anywhere worry won't empty tomorrow of its sorrow it will empty today of its strength if it's worry i'd memorize philippians 4 verse 6 and 7 don't worry about anything but pray about everything if it was a fear in this day is there's so much fear i'd say ii timothy 1 7 god's not given me the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of sound mind if if it was greed the wealthiest man who ever lived solomon said in ecclesiastes 5 and 10 he that love of silver shall not be satisfied nor he that loveth abundance with increase this is also vanity if it was i'm trying to please people i'd memorize proverbs 29 and 25 where it says the fear of man is a snare i don't know what the secret to success is but i'll tell you the secret to failure that's trying to please everybody what's one of those weapons that we need to grab here's all i'm trying to say we need to grab the person of jesus we need to grab the precious word of god we need to grab the power of the holy spirit the power of the holy spirit did you know the bible says in isaiah 59 19 it says when the enemy shall come in like a flood the spirit shall lift up a standard against him this this is not complicated i want you to know something when you become a believer you have the power of the holy spirit inside of you and the more of your life that you surrender unto him the more of his power you have in your life the more of your life that you surrender unto him the more power you have in your life you said pastor it's it's not that elementary yes it is luke 11 13 says if ye then be an evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your father in heaven give the holy spirit to them that ask him unless there is within us that which is above us will soon yield to that which is around us let me give you a fourth weapon to grab it's the power of expressing thanks i never noticed this till this week i'd never noticed this till this week look what i want to look right there can we put it right there i want it big look what god said to israel because thou serve us not the lord thy god look you don't serve with joyfulness and with gladness of heart for the abundance of all things god said listen because you don't live a life of gratitude israel some things are going to happen hey this is all i'm going to say i'm not a prophet i'm not the son of a prophet i wonder perhaps are some of the things going on in our land today for that very reason because as americans we have become so calloused to the blessings of god and the goodness of god [Applause] look what the next verse says therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which the lord shall send against thee if you study the scripture the syrians and the babylonians took them over but god said because you didn't serve me with a gladness of heart i want you to understand something there's power in expressing thanks to god there's power in expressing things to god jack hinton was preaching in tobago at a leper colony jack kenton said every night i was preaching in that leper colony and a lady would walk in seated right there and she would take her seat and she would turn it in the opposite direction and he said i thought you heifer he said i was leading worship and i thought the audacity just turned you back on me and he said the last night i said i'm going to do something different tonight i'm going to take selections does there somebody have a song selection he said she turned around when i looked at her leprosy had eaten her ears off when i looked at her leprosy had eaten her nose off when i looked at her her eyes were sucking and she raised her hand but she only had one finger because leprosy had eaten the others off and she said i have a selection can we sing count your blessings jack said i ran out from underneath the tent and the pastor came out with me and he said jack you'll never sing that song again will you and jack said oh i'll sing it again but i'll never sing it again in the same way count your blessings name them one by one count your many blessings it may surprise us what the lord has done [Applause] there's another weapon i want to give you it's prayer and fasting it's prayer and fasting i wish i had more time to camp here in daniel 10 daniel had prayed and fasted for 10 days i mean for 21 days excuse me he did a 10-day fast too but he had prayed and fasted for 21 days he was asking god for something and he got i'm sure discouraged just like we do pray and nothing happens and finally the angel comes to daniel and says daniel i want you to know something the very first day you prayed god heard you and we wanted to give you the answer but the demonic powers of hell fought against it and michael the war angel had to come and fight the demonic powers of hell there was a warfare going on in the heavenlies but you kept praying daniel and god responded here's all i want to say and i'll move to the last point don't you give up you just keep praying you just keep praying you pray for that child you pray for that situation there's a warfare going on god heard it may take a little time for the answer to come but don't quit praying because it's a weapon against the enemy now let me give you the last point i'm done if you get finished before i do just slip out the last weapon is a persistent spirit a persistent spirit anybody that knows me knows i'm a football fan boy this is my sermon [Applause] what a great game yesterday tennessee put it on missouri now listen there was an old football coach that was probably overlooked because he was in the state of alabama where bear bryant coached his name was coach jordan the stadium is named after him but coach jordan suge jordan was probably overlooked but he was a great coach and he had a assistant one time and he said to that assistant he said we got to get the right type of player at auburn he said yes we do he said to that assistant he said you know there's the player you knock him down and he stays down and the assistant said we don't want him do we coach jared and coach jared said no we don't want him he said but you know there's the player that you knock him down he gets back up you knock him down he gets back up you knock him down and he stays down and the coach said we don't want him and then coach jordan said listen son he said there's the player you knock him down he gets back up knock him down he gets back up knock him down he gets back up knock him he said wait he said coach that's the guy we want and the coach said no no no we want the guy who's knocking him down here's all i'm trying to say either way persistent space now i want to show you something the enemy i'm almost done the enemy comes after jesus in matthew chapter four and look here the enemy says jesus you've fasted 40 days and 40 nights why don't you turn these stones into oh charlie's rose sam said yes lord you know but why don't you turn them into oh charlie rose and jesus looked at him get this folks he said man should not live by bread alone where did that come from pastor right out of the book of deuteronomy and then the enemy he didn't stop there he is cause he's persistent the enemy won't stop there the enemy takes him up to the pinnacle of the temple 450 feet the highest point looking over the kidron valley and he says to him why don't you just jump down because the bible says that the angels have charged concerning you and jesus again quoted deuteronomy and he said you can't tempt the lord thy god and then the devil says let's go up to this mountain and the devil says look all this i'll give you if you worship me and jesus looked at him and said deuteronomy says thou shall worship the lord thy god and him only shalt thou serve what i'm trying to say do you see that persistent spirit that persistent spirit you say pastor what's the end of the story i'm so glad you asked then the devil leaveth him and behold the angels came and ministered unto him how did he overcome he just had that persistent spirit persistence is what got the snail on the ark it's just saying i'm not going to give up i'm not going to quit i'm not going to give up god still got something for me god still got something for me god still got something for our marriage god still got something for our ministry god still got something for our life god still hey listen if you've got a pulse god still got a plan [Music] if you've got a pulse god still got a plan so don't you give up one verse second corinthians 4 and 4 [Music] and whom the god of this world i'm going to ask you something why is the g not capitalized [Music] because the god of this world is not yahweh the god of this world is satan the god of this world has blinded people's minds [Music] and many of you are listening to me today and he's blinded your mind some say there is no god and he's blinded your mind some say i could never live it and you can't it's god living through you but nevertheless he's blinded your mind some say pastor it's it's the sinful pleasures of life that i don't want to give up i know and he's blinded your mind with those sinful pleasures some say pastor [Music] i'll do it later but let me ask you this [Music] what if there's not a later [Music] you can pray for me tomorrow i wish you would [Music] i get close to people and there's a lady in our church there's one day difference between us her birthday was november the 8th of 64. she was born and i was born on november 9th and barbara and i are very close to her [Music] and tomorrow i preach her vehicle what if there's not a leader but he blinds our minds and people say i've done too much i've been too bad preacher and he blinds our minds with that and some say i'm too good i'm better than so and so but what does that really matter [Music] we're going to stand before god for our own record not so-and-so's and the enemy blinds our mind but there is hope lest the light of the glorious gospel of christ and here's the glorious gospel of christ that god loves you and that god sent his son to die on a cross for your sin and all you have to do is to accept jesus christ [Applause] that's the greatest news i know every head's bowed and every eye's closed pastor i'm here today and i don't know that i'm right with god i know you won't call my name i will not i know you will not embarrass me i will not but i don't know that my heart's right with christ pastor and i just pastor i i'm afraid that the enemy's blinded my eyes he's blinded my eyes and i know brother benny you won't call my name but i just ask you pastor would you pray for me and i sure will friend i'd be honored to if you would like for me to pray for you today right where you're at with no one moving pastor benny i want you to pray for me just slip your hand in the air just slip your hand up i see those hands i see those hands i see those hands i see those hands i see those hands i see those hands i see those hands now listen closely [Music] if you raised your hand if you're watching online you're in one of our campuses but i want to ask you to pray this prayer with me repeat this simple prayer with me right in the confides in solitude of right where you're at repeat after me lord jesus i'm a sinner but god i am so sorry for my sin i believe that you died on the cross for my sin and i confess them to you right now come into my heart lord come into my life and forgive me [Music] now thank you god for forgiving me thank you for coming into my life thank you for saving me if you prayed that prayer with me just hold your hand up where i can see it just hold it up this is great this is great this is great this is great just keep your hand up just keep your hand up just keep your hand up if you would do that i would i would so appreciate it just keep your head down if you just keep your hand up for just a moment just a moment now look if you're watching online pastor i prayed that prayer with you with that device that you're watching on i want you to respond with four words i prayed that prayer it's not for us it's for you it's for your peace it's for your consolation it's for your affirmation i prayed that prayer so take that device and simply say i prayed that prayer you'll be so glad you did how many would say with every head bowed pastor this message was for me today hold your hand up real high hands up hands up real high let's everybody stand let everybody stand let's every person stand every person's gonna stand look here this is a prayer i've prayed a thousand times god to the best of my ability i'm emptying myself to you would you fill me today with you to the best of my ability i'm emptying myself of all the rotten things about me would you feel me today with you today perhaps you'd say pastor i need to pray that prayer also as we sing we invite you to come what a powerful reminder this morning of how god gives us weapons uh in order for us to fight our battles against our enemy we i i pray that the message was encouraging to you this morning and most of all if you prayed that prayer with pastor benny accepted christ as your savior i want to just congratulate you and say that's the best decision you'll ever make in your life your life will never be the same we're so very proud of you we do ask i want to echo what pastor benny just said just simply comment below i prayed that prayer just four words comment below i prayed that prayer one of our chat hosts will connect with you pray with you and encourage you in your new walk with the lord if you're watching this on demand or after we've been loud you can go to rocksprings.info and click i prayed that prayer but again congratulations i asked the most wonderful decision you'll ever make in your life online campus thank you for joining us week in week out we so appreciate you let me pray for you this morning jesus i love you god thank you for each person that's that's been a part of our worship service this morning and god i thank you for those who gave their heart and life to you made that decision asked christ into their hearts god that is the greatest decision any of us will ever make god i encourage i should encourage them in their new want with you and we thank you for each of those decisions god continue to use the ministries of rock springs church to add men women boys and girls add souls to your kingdom and we'll give you glory for all you continue to do i ask you these things in jesus name amen amen well again thank you so much for being with us this morning we do ask you if you'd be so kind to share hit the share button uh we pray it'd be a blessing to your friends and family and if you're new or need prayer or want to become a member of our church you can simply go to rocksprings.info you can find all the information there that will help you to to do those things stay connected on our social media platforms and folks we can't wait to see you here next sunday god bless you
Channel: Rock Springs Church
Views: 534
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ycjA_bwh48Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 28sec (4648 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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