Guessing People’s Incomes in London

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I think you might earn 40K higher higher higher 100K 80k no more today I'm in Kensington and Chelsea one of the richest boroughs in London and I'm going to be trying to guess people's income through asking a series of questions this video was inspired by Sean Reservoir so I'll definitely link his channel in the description below let's get into it so what is your name and what is your age goodness and I'm 25. so the first question is what is your highest level of Education integrated Masters okay and what did you study chemistry at Imperial Imperial okay the second question is what is the most recent expensive purchase you've made what are we classifying as expensive most expensive purchase the most recent I guess my car how much was that if you don't mind me asking also I used to share it with my siblings and I just purchased it off them so I already owned like a third of it and then I paid maybe like 2 700 for the rest that's quite a good deal yeah right yeah and then the final question is what is your next goal in life past my accounting qualification I've got three years to do it but I've got 16 exams to do 16 in three years yeah okay well alongside working so I'm gonna try and guess how much your salary is okay so you mentioned accounting so maybe like 40K uh so I'm on 32 32 yeah and then I get a very decent benefits package well thank you so much my name is champicos and I'm 24. so the first question is how many hours a week do you work um around 60 60 hours a week yeah that's a lot how many hours a day is that roughly it's like 10 11 hours 10 11 hours yeah 12 roughly something like that on average like of 11 hours next question is what is the most expensive thing you own uh oh wow um a Brunello cuccinelli jacket can I ask how much that is uh around two and a half thousand so quite expensive taste yeah exactly has money brought you happiness uh I mean you can do a lot of stuff but I wouldn't say brings you happiness it just easier to do a lot of things that you like but it's not primarily the thing that it's gonna make you happy so to answer your question not really okay all right so I think you might earn 100k a bit less a bit less yeah 90k I'll be down 80k yeah roughly yeah and what can I ask what you do for a living I just started a new job with a bank and I also have sales in my punch company okay so we have a company in Greece we produce human products so that's another source of my income nice well thank you for your time thank you thank you thank you guys so what is your name and what is your age Leonard and I'm 32. what is your highest level of Education master's degree and what did you study Hospitality management and real estate development which university did you go to Florida International University second question is what is your most expensive purchase recently uh probably these Balenciaga sneakers uh there were 995 US Dollars and then the last question is how many hours a week do you want about 50 50 that is a lot so I'm going to take a guess now I'm gonna guess around 80k no more 110k yeah exactly oh wow yeah 110. wow and can I ask what you do I'm a director of food and beverage at a hotel that's right through the beverage Hotel so like management yeah wow thank you so much for your time thank you thank you Janae 33. uh Jamie 33. yeah J and J J what is your highest level of Education uh you go I have a University degree yeah yeah uh a levels yeah that was what did you study at University Contour fashion Contour fashion okay and what is the most expensive thing you've bought recently good oh I'm seeing some Harrod's bags here there's there's wine maybe always wine is the most expensive thing um I don't know actually no I mean we kind of calmed it down after moving house [Laughter] probably a bottle of wine somewhere celebrating the house move there we go so yeah yeah Battle of champagne or something maybe yeah and the third question is how many hours do you work a week happy at 40. oh my yeah yeah actual job yeah 40 40 actual job yeah so you have some like side hustles side hustles other side as well yeah I'm just gonna guess a combined total maybe like hundred and Thirty combined uh no not great higher higher higher 160. yeah yeah maybe yeah but yeah yeah give or take yeah [Laughter] yeah yeah oh yeah yeah give or take yeah yeah so can I ask what you guys do for a living yeah of course sure I'm an EA yeah what is that it's executive assistant okay yeah uh software developer oh me too actually oh cool nice so if you guys are also planning on becoming software Engineers like myself and Jamie I suggest you have a look at the sponsor of today's video brilliant so brilliant is an online learning platform which allows you to learn interactively through thousands of Hands-On lessons and with exclusive content added monthly you'll find that there's so much to learn on brilliant from complex numbers and maps to cryptocurrency in computer science and even Quantum objects in physics also 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hustle that's the long story company is my job nice so nice meeting you guys yeah you too as well yeah my name is Ben um I'm 25 years old what is the most expensive thing that you've purchased recently I I have to say the iPad Pro okay that it was quite expensive how much was that I bought it in Spain because in Spain it was like a thousand Euros yeah the next question is what is your highest level of Education I'm currently studying studying in the at University and then the last question is do you think money can buy you happiness no definitely cannot buy your happiness but come help you to achieve it you know in some ways like here in London especially like a lot of people is struggling so it's not buying the happiness at all but I think it's helping you so much is pushing you in that direction you know okay so I'm gonna say guess now I see you're wearing a really nice suit [Music] um um I'm gonna say around 40K a bit less yeah 30k 35 35k okay yeah that's my income and what do you do now I'm working in retail for Massimo Duty yeah um I'm doing my own stuff as a photographer but it's something really random like it's not giving me an income it's like some events or something like that so yeah okay nice well thank you for your time thank you all right so that is it for today's video I hope you guys enjoyed watching this was a bit of a scary video for me to film because I'm not quite used to doing these Street type interview videos but if you guys enjoyed let me know down in the comments below and maybe I'll do some more in the future but yeah I really enjoyed filming this video and getting out my comfort zone talking to strangers in public so I am planning on doing some more of these in future and also a big thanks to brilliant for sponsoring this video
Channel: Alex Liu
Views: 551,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Street interviews, London, Income, Public, Interview, Money, Public interview, Guessing people’s income, Guessing income
Id: 5a4_kZf5R4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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