Guardians of The Galaxy Vol 1 - Memorable Moments Part 1

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] drop it now hey cumin no no problem at all man's ninja turtle you better stop poking what is my name my name is Peter quill okay hey you know what there's another name you might know me by star-lord man legendary outlaw guys [Music] meet Murray look I'm gonna be totally honest with you I forgot you're here well but we're yeah now boy I feel really bad about this but I'm not gonna tell you that blew up on Tara these boys of mine wanted to eat yeah they never tasted he turned before we're Ravagers we got a car yeah and that code is steal from everybody you have always been soft on him Jory only what I've been soft on look at this guy you believe they call us criminals when he's assaulting us with that haircut where's your wife oh man what a blast a breather look how it takes it so cool it's not cool to get help walk by yourself you little gargoyle earth don't drink that water you idiot that's disgusting OOP we're gonna be rich mr. quid broker the orb I'm sorry mr. quill I surely am but I want no part of this transaction if Rodan you have the bearing of a man of honor [Music] quit smiling ad it's supposed to be a professional I live for the simple things like how much this is gonna hurt [Music] star Prince star-lord oh sorry Lord Ronan is destroying sin Darian outposts throughout the gallic least a statement from the Kree Empire saying that they condemn his actions now I have other matters to attend to cybernetic experiments on a lower life-form from Terra raised from youth by a band of mercenaries called the ravagers led by yondu transport all four to kill Oh what's your read cool what's a raccoon it's what you are stupid iron so what what's the war I have no words for an honour list fee yeah we know who you are who said that well that's just as fascinating as the first 89 times you told me that thank me big blue bastard take those headphones off that's mine those belong an impound MacDonald feeling blue Swede 1973 that song belongs to me [Music] [Music] [Music] he's got a rap let's make something clear this one here's our booty you wanna get there you go through a horse accurately we go through you [Music] they cut down to the showers it'll be easier to clean up the blood down to dare the destroyer you know why the Congress he slaughtered them where they stood and he left your words mean nothing to me hey mr. Zach from a smoking huh rage a girl stabbed me with a fork didn't like me skipping out on or something and ricean Oscar Marion tentacles needles for teeth I think I'm seriously interested that's when you slicing his throat nice nice a strong seen this right you know what that is yeah everyone knows no I like your knife I'm keeping it of course my favorite night my friend rocket here has escaped 22 prisons oh we're getting out four billion units what [ __ ] four of us asleep for the danger awake for the money as for a frickin usual boy you you alienated my favorite daughter girl returned to me again empty and bathe the starways in your blood I need his prosthetic leg just like yeah God knows I don't need a rest I'm not gonna be juice the security bands to control their ins and outs I need one leave it to me on the wall back there is a black panel blinky yellow light you see it they that watch now I definitely need it how are we supposed to do that well supposedly these bald bodies find you attractive look it's 20 feet up in the air and it's in the middle of the most heavily-guarded part of the prison it's impossible to get up there so figure it out so you definitely need to get that last well we can just get it first and improvise [Applause] drop the device immediately and retreat to yourself or we will open fire [Music] [Music] good luck it's internally wired I'll figure something out [Music] man who was slain with the rascal Berrien one time [Music] oh I was just kidding about the leg I just need these two things what though I thought it'd be funny well the body have to agree with the walking thesaurus on that one do not ever call me at the source I'm gonna die surrounded by the biggest idiots in the galaxy literal metaphors are gonna go over his head nothing goes over my head my reflexes are too fast those are some big guns recognize this animal we brought some over a flame to those children's he turned off the artificial gravity [Music] I told you I had a plan that was a pretty good plan yeah there it is give my ship mr. Milano the orange and blue one over in the corner wait what that bastard did you put it back keep the Milano closeby go go [Music] what are you a TV you're an imbecile that's a bomb a bomb and you leave it lying around yo razor Rick what are you doing you can't take apart my ship without asking me well if you want to blow up moons no one's blowing up moons you just want to try trusting me a little bit and how much do you trust me I trust you a lot more if you told me what this was he'll destroy us all just you murderous princess I am NACA principal that means more money for the three of us you got issues quilt oh she has no idea wellthey sent necrocraft every corner of the court no but we are cleansers I can show you but first you gonna tell me what this orb is the high-end community is no the high-end community is of any chop-chop [Music] we where he headed in rodent there are no regulations hundreds of years ago the tivan group sent workers in to mine the organic matter well I come from a planet Outlaws Billy the Kid Bonnie and Clyde John Stamos my father didn't stress diplomacy danos why would you risk your life for this my mother gave it to you or you can dance I do not dance teaches an entire city full of people with sticks up their butts that dancing who put the sticks up their lives what no that's just his cruise the phrase [Music] [Applause] I know who you are [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Legend69
Views: 4,561,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guardians of The Galaxy Vol 1, Memorable Moments Part 1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 20 2019
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