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thank you to Squarespace for sponsoring this [Music] video I'm in guadalahara in the state of halisco in central Mexico and I'm very excited to be here the region is famous for tequila so this is where tequila is made and it's also famous for the Marchi music so over the next couple days I'm just going to be exploring the city hopefully visiting some tequila distilleries and trying the famous tequila so this Center the historic Center is very much characterized by lots of colonial buildings and plazas and it's just a very very pleasant atmosphere to walk around and just you know soak in the chilled out vibes of the city this is an absolutely gorgeous Cathedral here in the historic Center of guadalahara very much characterized by its two golden spires and it was built over four centuries ago it was built in the early 1500s and it's a very beautiful Spanish Renaissance style they have a really really gorgeous tile work reminds me of little bit of like Barcelona and the gouty architecture but it's so beautiful and you've got a gorgeous gorgeous dome right at the center and I love the way in this Plaza there's lots of little stools selling food food and drinks which is great and you know I might get myself something try something very local and traditional from here this Plaza that I'm in now is called Plaza the Aras it's considered to be you know the most traditional Mexican Plaza here in guadalahara and you've got the Cathedral on one side and then you've got this gorgeous Government Palace on the other side again very very beautiful Colonial architecture and then you've got this really cool thing in the middle which I guess you know maybe sometimes Mari bands play people just chilling out it's very very nice very much chilled out Mexican local life I'd say just chilling out on the benches grabbing a bite to eat it is so beautiful here and you know being in these plazas it really does remind me of plazas in Spain and lots of the Spanish bublo most of the architecture around here is from the colonial period when the Spanish obviously were here in [Music] Mexico you have so many local things that you can try here it's hard to know what to get really or what to try well it's a really really hot day and one of the things very typical here in Mexico are AAR fcar which basically is flavored water so there's a place here there's lots of sto selling it and this one has lots of different flavors by the looks of it okay I'm going to get an orchata which is uh sweetened rice milk water wow that's big huh it's so refreshing on a hot day and I think it's kind of fragranced with a bit of nutmeg or cinnamon so it's got that kind of fragrant taste and of course sweetened with sugar no doubt but very very [Music] nice so you see a lot of these guys playing the harmony pan it's called it's got quite a long history in Mexico so it's just very nice cuz you know all around the historic Center they're playing this instrument it's very nice sound [Music] [Music] when I'm not filming videos I'm often working on admin tasks such as my website my website was designed using Squarespace the sponsor of this video Squarespace are an online website design service and they have a variety of templates to choose from you can select what you want your website for so for example if you want to sell something online or you want to start a travel blog Squarespace will then show you the templates that they think best fit your website's purpose they have this amazing website design technology called fluid engine which allows you to do things like drag and drop pictures into your website template change the color scheme or the font so it makes it very easy to build your website even if you have no previous experience making one I'm really happy with how easy it was to build my professional looking website I went for a very straightforward template with drop- down menus along the top to showcase the topics like YouTube videos or Instagram posts so if you need a website for your passion project or your business I really recommend checking out Squarespace it's a free trial and then when you're ready to launch your domain or website you'll get 10% off using my code molini Angelica when you visit slm Angelica [Music] I have come to the biggest Market in guadara it's the Mercado de abastos this is the Central Market it's wholesale mostly this is where trucks come from all around halisco the region you're really going to have a lot of stuff coming in all day so I want to go check out all the fresh produce that they have and try some food of course [Music] look at these gorgeous strawberries lots of berries they're all being packed here of course cuz you know wholesale market so this is where plenty of supermarkets and other restaurants come to buy their fruit and veg plenty of fruit coming from everywhere abroad and also halisco graas oh those things are very typical those spiky things oh that's it theana Ah that's very typical fruit here guanabana it's got little spikes in It looks interesting how many melons there are wo there is literally a pineapple cave in there you cannot come to Mexico and not try the avocados here they are unrivaled super creamy of course guacamole very famous Mexican dip and just look at them beautiful big green avocados absolutely gorgeous another thing that I really really you know reminds me of Mexico the limes and you can see so many of them here cuz of course every time you eat something be it a taco or soup you'll get a plate of cut up liines you know to cut through the spice and you can just see bags and bags of them just look at all these limes wo it is really great when you come somewhere like this because this really gives you an idea of how rich the land is and you can understand the culinary you know Heritage and that richness of Mexico I I really I think it's fantastic come to a market cuz you really understand a lot about the culture everybody saying [Music] hello so this section of the market is basically like the food Hall so you've got lots of little stalls and everybody here is basically having their lunch and you got all the traditional dishes on off for here so I'm going to find somewhere to try something very very typical of the region oh there's so many places to choose from I don't know where to go I mean it's great cuz you can just sit around the little you know stools and watch the cooking being done so it's pretty cool lots of meat being grilled tortillas being grilled o wow I chose this place and what they do here is they specialize in a very very traditional dish in the state of halisco which is a bira bira is a goat stew and it's cooked with lots of Mexican spices very very popular lots of people here eating it very much you'll see that kind of fusion here between Mexican ingredients and the influence of the Spanish cuz they're the ones that you know brought over all the live stock wow look at that muchas gracias so this is a very straightforward dish really so they give you of course always put a bit of extra spice on it oh it's oh it's okay so she sent me this one's a good one so I'll just put oh put a little bit of the sauce on it I don't want to go too much into it and then it's too spicy okay right okay I got to be I to be careful cuz I don't want it to be too spicy oh wow that is absolutely fantastic the richness of the actual soup the actual liquid is so beautiful M oh my gosh and the goat meat is so tender and so flavorsome never thought it was going to be as tasty as this honestly oh oh can say no oh wow look at that okay oh gracias okay he's giving me a taco to try inside he says there's gordita look at that look at this Taco W oh my God delicious wow so he just gave me a bit of this to try this is what they call here Cheo oh my gosh and that's what goes into the soup and that meat is absolutely I'm not going to lie it's absolutely stunning so succulent and so tasty wow what I realized being in Mexico is that everybody is obsessed with cocaa like literally every meal they're drinking Coke so I just got myself a Coke because why not do as the Mexicans do hey oh it's all so tasty it's so [Music] good [Music] so this is the region of tequila so as soon as you leave guadalahara you are out in the fields and you just have rows and rows of agave Agave is the plant which makes tequila and look at it it's just incredible it's just a sea of green all of this Countryside is spotted with tequila distilleries where they make it and they show you you know they give you a tour and show you the production methods and you get to try it so I'm going to head to one that's very close to here this is one of the tequila distilleries that you have here called gav deoro so I'm about to do a tour and see how tequila is produced How It's Made try some of the Tequilas that they have here and it's so beautiful these distilleries honestly they're like old school arendas they're so Grand tequila is made using just the Blue Agave this is the perfect climate and soil for this kind of uh Agave to grow and flourish so that's an example of it now and he's actually cutting the leaves and getting it prepared and it's only that bit at the end which is kind of like a looks like a pineapple that is what's going to go and be cooked and processed [Music] okay so we are now in the part where they cook the Agave after it's being cut and then they're using wood to heat up the water and basically steam the agave and then once that's done they're putting it in here and you've got this huge huge volcanic rock which looks very cool that's basically going around and crushing all of the Agave to get that juice out all of that sweet juice and then all of that's being drained into the middle for the next process which is the fermentation process wow this is where the fermentation of the agab juice happens underground so all of the juices are basically coming down the pipes and being poured into the barrels the fermentation happens naturally so it's a naturally occurring yeast in the Agave juice and doing it this way with the wooden barrels is much more artial than the steel ones so it very much affects the flavors but yeah it's just very cool to see it happening I mean the only heat they rely on is just the natural heat from the environment from the Sun okay so this is where the distillation happens so you've got the juices that will be running through the pipes and they will be in these copper containers again the use of copper containers is very artial not steel um and then you've got the heating process using the wood steam again and you know that will get the alcohol the ethanol into these wooden barrels and then it's mixed with distilled water because it can only be you can only sell tequila up to 55% of strength okay next stage after distillation let's see wow this is pretty cool loads and loads of barrels it's very cool down here temperature drops a lot wow it's like a little cave with Lo of barrels everywhere wow the smell it's so Smoky M wow this looks absolutely incredible it's like an underground cave loads of wooden barrels this is where you have the Aging of the extra ano tequila you got loads and loads of wooden barrels and you know it could be aged for up to 5 years and that's what really gives the extra ano tequila which I'm going to try more of the kind of Woody sweet flavors it's pretty cool like seeing all this it reminds me of Charlie the Chocolate Factory only it's not chocolate it's alcohol which is arguably better okay so now for the fun part I get to try several of the Tequilas that they make here the five class that exist are Blanco Andra even though you see this first one transparent this is not aanco this is a Hoven a Hoven tequila is a tequila that is less than 2 months inside of a burel or you grab the white tequila and you mix it with another tequila that was aged before you drink this tequila you have to take oxygen through your nose you hold your bread drink the tequila when the tequila touches your stomach all of the air exhale slowly through your mouth we never exhale through our nose because when we exhale through our nose most of the alcohols go directly to our brain and that's what we get drunk faster you don't shot it no no good an example breathe P drink and then EXO through your mouth okay simple as that wow okay what you're going to do with you're going to grab a slice of green apple and what you're going to do it you're going to bite the Sip maybe half not that much chew it for a few seconds but don't swallow after those few seconds of chewing then breathe again through your nose hold drink the rest of the tequila with the Apple that you bit drink it and then exhale through your mouth very ni nice it actually kind of gets rid of the burning in the in the in the stomach a little bit so in London you know well when I remember when we used to go clubbing you used to have tequila and then you used to I think lick salt and uh the the lemon or the lime when the Spanish came here to Mexico in the old days the natives they didn't have medicine they took the shot of tequila and then they got the piece of lime to numb down to bring down the alcohol flavor down because tequila was already born but the quality was really bad I'm not saying it's wrong to do do it but I don't recommend it like an example bars or restaurant because it's common that the waiters or the same restaurant they're selling you refilled bottles if you chew the lme you're not going to know if you're actually drinking tequila or sugar cane alcohol that would just add added colors or something like that okay this definitely tastes a lot better than the tequila I used to shot in my University days the last tequila that I'm going to offer you of cavalo is the extra an extra ano an extrao tequ is considered after 3 years it's the last class so it could be 3 four 5 6 7 or 8 years old something like that K in Cabo we live it for 5 years anos and extranos pair really good with any dessert today you're going to be doing it with dark chocolate this dark chocolate it's at 70% Cacao is the correct Darkness for the uh to balance out those greenness of this tequila you can say like the most common smells are caramel vanilla yeah like I'm almost getting sweets I think that's my favorite one that's definitely much sweeter much much sweeter it's a little more sweeter you know this is really nice I would actually drink this like after dinner no joke I I would never ever have thought that ever the world of tequila is incredibly complex incredibly scientific and also very fun and something that I've really enjoyed exploring and now I feel like my ideas of tequila have come a long way from back in the days really salute [Music] salute a visit to the tequila region would not be complete of course without visiting the P the tequila this is the town of tequila and it is really cute it's just a really humble small characterized by its cathedral in the main plaza and it is just very kind of small town Mexico life which is just really just nice to experience you know very different to guad ladaa which is a big city with lots of people oh my God it's so nice around here honestly what a nice town all old school tequila buildings gandas look how old school this looks oh if you wanted to get drunk on tequila then tequila the town is the perfect place to come cuz it's lined of all these little makeshift bars with lots of tequila on offer it's great really isn't it oh you got so many booze trucks here everybody's pretty drunk on tequila on those buses this is a little Market the Mercado here in the PUO tequila they sell lots of food so you've got a lot of stalls that are doing traditional food see what takes my [Music] fancy okay so I have gone for what's called Baraka tacos which is something I've really wanted to try since coming here Bara it's like a meat beef and it's really nicely kind of cooked very very slowly for a long amount of time so it becomes incredibly tender like shredded pieces of meat put some onions on the top little bit of coriander give it that kind of freshness oh [Music] pante absolutely beautiful really really tender meat and so juicy and flavorsome first time of trying barura this style of taco and it is just like wow does not disappoint at all that might be my favorite style of [Music] taco [Music] [Music] interesting music [Music] [Applause] hey you're going to get lots of places like this in the tequila region and they're basically all selling what you call garito which is a very traditional cocktail here in the halisco region with tequila grapefruit soda lime juice so I'm going to try it cuz you got to try cantaritos when you come here [Music] some wow okay oh okay that's a massive wow [Music] that's the canito very not as alcoholic as I thought it would taste which is good there are some people that clearly have had a lot of cantaritos today so they're in a very good mood I guess that's what tequila does to you isn't it [Music] cheers I've had an awesome time exploring the tequila region and I can see why you know it's so famous and you have to come here because you know it's all about tequila there's a lot of Heritage here people take a lot of pride in it and at the end of the day it's an alcohol which makes you very very [Music] [Music] happy I've had had an absolutely fantastic time in guadalahara and one of the last things I wanted to do was catch a mariachi show here in the historic Center so I'm at the plaza the Maria and there's lots of them singing it's absolutely incredible this is where the marachi music was born so it's just super cultural to actually see it [Music] live [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] for [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: Malini Angelica
Views: 114,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #guadalajaramexico, #guadalajaramexicovlog, #guadalajaramexicohistory, #tequilajalisco, #tequilajaliscocantaritos, #tequilajaliscoquehacer, #guadalajaramexicotour, #guadalajaramexicofood, #guadalajaramexicomariachi, #guadalajaramexicotravel, #travelvlog
Id: o5ZT3YDeVD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 24sec (1584 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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