Advanced GTD Dashboard in Notion

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Hello everyone, welcome back to the Keep Productive YouTube channel now today We're very honored to have the likes of Khe Hy is back with us Now Khe is been on this channel here before we've done an interview with him and it was a particularly in-depth interview about how he utilizes Notion and it is pretty an awesome video. So do make sure to check that out. But today's video We're very lucky because he's doing a very specific video about how to design notion for advanced GTD which I know something that I haven't covered here on the channel and something that a lot of people have been asking for because GTD is so useful. They won't be able to blend it inside of notion. So he's gonna be doing a Really useful tutorial in today's video so big thank you to him. He has cohort four of his Notion course out which is going to be available below now. This is really advanced it's quite a Brilliant set of live training as well as webinars and also tons of resources now You can check it out below and include all the details about when cohort four is out But a big thank you for him to coming on and sharing this exclusive tutorial with us here So thank you very much to K he and make sure to check out all of the details below So without further ado, let's roll into today's video Thank You Francesco for the kind introduction hey everyone My name is Kay. He I'm the creator of rad reads a blog and email newsletter and also teach the notion course Supercharge your productivity with notion. You can learn more about it over at notion dot courses today We're gonna walk through an advanced Productivity setup based off of the GTD system or David Allen's timeless getting things done method So without further ado, let's dive right in let us get started What I've done here is I've opened a blank page and we'll start with a table. I always like to style these tables So I'll do a little custom icon action I've got them all loaded in my notion icons folder and we'll use the Thunderbolt and Then I'll just slap on some color just to make it look good So change color and I'll do this hot pink So the first table we're gonna create is a task table Task table an ocean always defaults these two columns. And so this will be a task name and We will go through the standard elements of a task manager, but also a GTD task manager getting things done So I will change this to what is every task manager need. We need a check box. We need to know if it's done So we'll go in that will be a check box and I'll clean it up here. You'll see for formatting I always unwrap the cells so that we get a nice clean line So our second column be standard to do list that will be due date and as you know That will be a date field. So I will go in it's like the date field now we've got nice little date field what else so GTD has a Concept called met for metadata called contexts and context can be person places or a thing. So I'll put in context and Then the context will be this will be a multi selecting of it as a tag. So a person could be My wife my boss Place could be my laptop Oops, that's a thing place could be by home my office and then I throw in two new ones energy states high energy and low energy Alright and so these are different contexts, I'll delete those but they're locked in and then GTD gives us prioritization so we could say a high price high priority And that will be a When I get a checkbox as well, and then lastly just so you could see a numerical field. We'll put in Duration how long we think this task will take and that will be a number field Now you can see I added a few Tasks to this list some contacts due dates, etc Now one thing that's notably missing is there's no project list, right? What? Projects or task lists do these roll up into now I could go in and create a new column here using this plus sign But that will not allow me to slice and dice the data, especially through the lens of getting things done or GTD So what I'm gonna do now is go and create a separate table in this next table Will be called. Let me just fire up our little icons. This next table will be called our project table So here is our flash We'll call this project Table Let me get a table and add a nice little cover this one we'll make we'll change it to yellow So now we have our project table and we're gonna replace this with project name and What we'll do is so if you saw the tasks that I created let me flip back these first ones fall under Personal finance and these are much bigger ones. They're my bucket list. So I'm going to go back to my project table And I'm just going to create two projects personal finance and Bucket list I'll delete this extra row We do not need this column yet And now I'm going to teach you how to create a linked database. This is the magic of notion, which really distinguishes it from Google sheets or other task managers and it's customized abilities. So I'm gonna hit this plus sign and we're gonna go to advanced features So, yep, you've already made it to the big leagues we'll go into relation and we'll select a database so it's gonna ask us what table did you do want to link this to and I'll type in table tasks oops tasks Table and it's this one with a thunderbolt And I hit create relation. So it just gives me this column and an arrow and I'm gonna rename this and say Project oops Tasks and I always put linked just to remind me that that they're coming in. So again, I wrap the text and so Personal finance now. Watch what happens when I click this. This is incredible. Oh, My gosh, it links to all the tasks I created and you see I added the metadata Sim similarly if I went in here Oh once again, so now I'm creating a hierarchy I'm gonna role tasks up into a project I bet I'm gonna do that at the task table level and don't worry about the tables because we're gonna then merge them into a dashboard, so if you see here I have a new column and it tells me what task is this relate what project is this related to? Okay personal finance so as you know the first couple are personal finance and Then I can also copy them down and the last three surf in South Africa those are bucket lists These are things I'd want to do in my lifetime at some point and then I'll roll these down So again if I flip back to my other list on my projects You see that it's linked. They're hidden it. They're all hidden here, but you'd see their lengths Let me unwrap it actually so you can see it. They're all they're all linked to the right categories Next we're gonna go in and create our first page so we had two tables but now we're gonna create a page and this page is going to be our GTD dashboard Once again, let me add a little icon the icon that I'm gonna pick this time, I like I got a nice little Where is that box cube? So will be our GTD dashboard what color you guys feeling right now? we'll do a Nice little Red GTD dashboard, so now I have a blank page and I'm going to create my first link database So, what would we want to look for? We would want to see our tasks that are due soon So I'm gonna create a header Too soon do a little formatting To make it a nice pop with a nice purple background I'm gonna widen this out and go to small text to give us more viewer and a lot of data here I'm gonna create my first linked database. These are in my course. I teach my three favorite word's Create link database and what that does is it lets us grab a table And so see here, we have task table and right away. Boom. Oh Dang, it just drops in all the information from our prior table now this is a lot and you can think of this as a mirror to our current table So what I'm gonna do here first is I'm gonna think about okay do soon So we want to look at all of the tasks that are due soon So that will mean a filter that will be our first filter. So our first filter will be due date is Within The next week now look at that It pulls up those two now since this is a dashboard view we might want not to see all These columns. So what I can do is go in and look at the properties And let's say we'll ditch contacts Will keep done will keep due date will ignore duration will ignore this and we do want to see what project this is in so we'll pop this in here and then you see it's linked to our Personal finance. So this is our first our first dashboard that says That that basically tells us which tasks are due within the next week. We could then duplicate this so I'll duplicate this and then I'll say Which tasks are high energy So you might feel you might be a morning person and you wake up and you want to see your your high energy tasks So I'll duplicate this view just so that I don't have to do all the Column organization again, but now I'm gonna want to go in and Change my filters, right? So instead of filtering by due date Let me erase that so you could see what that looks like instead of doing by due date. I will filter By let's see filter by Context and now it's gonna give me the options for my context Give me all of my high energy tasks. And so Research surfing in South Africa is a high energy test that's off of my bucket list So that's something that I might want to consider. So these are two ways to to organize your views Now let's talk about inboxes. So let's say that I want to add tasks we'd also go to our dashboard and so here I'll again go and actually, you can do ctrl shift age command chef H and here, I'm gonna Recreate the data link database again And so again, I'll go to test table now one of the things about GTD is that once you assign a task I'm sorry, once you assign it a project to a task it Gets out of your inbox so that enables what GTD folks will call quick capture and so what we want to do is to create a methodology for adding our tasks And then having them removed from our inbox So the first thing I'm going to do is again go to properties I want our project to be second will keep context will keep we actually don't need done because a new task will always be Marked as undone And then we'll keep due date. I'm gonna hide duration just for for cleanliness. Okay, so here is our Here are our lists of Tasks, but again, you see these all have been assigned to projects already. So once again, I'll create a filter that says Do not show me tasks Where the project related to project is Not empty right so it's been assigned something so project is not empty so Oops Okay, only sure I'm sorry only show me things where project is empty You can hide it if it's not empty. And so let's say added a new task I'm on my finances. Let's say I need to update YNAB subscription Okay, and then I want to Let's see pay my utility bill okay, these are two tasks and You'll see that once I put in let's give this one a due date Once I put in a project, by the way, it's my same two projects Oh boom disappears now it didn't disappear into It didn't disappear into the ether just disappeared it just was hidden from this view and it's still with the right project So once again, this is a personal finance project And there you go. That is how you create an inbox Now the real magic in GTD is the ability for it to resurface the Important projects in your life and they this happens under a review function which you could think about it as a butler who basically serves you a Project list and says, hey you need to check on the tasks on this list So we're gonna do now is create. We're gonna actually go back to our We're gonna go back to our project table and we're gonna build in this review function So I'm going to delete this useless column And so what we'll do now is we're gonna create a few date related columns. So the first one will be last review and The date will go and that will be a date field And then the next one will be Review frequency And that will be a number so the number of days to review And then We'll start with that. So let's say so this is a manual day. So let's say I last reviewed my Finances on April 1st. Today's a 20th and let's say a last reviewed in my bucket list today Yesterday, ok, so those are two dates and let's say we want to review you know Personal finance is something you want to review once a week. So we'll put in 7 bucket lists might be every 60 days These are longer term if you're familiar with Eisenhower matrix, it's important but not urgent So now we want to do is we'll create our first date formula So I'm actually not gonna create a date but I'm gonna create a formula and this formula I'm going to rename it is called next review this is a dynamic formula that changes and So I'll readjust the column and I click in here and it asked me to define a formula so I know That the formula that we want to use is called date add. So I type in date and you'll see it these are caps So here's date ad and here's the formula it takes a date. So we're gonna use the last review as the date a number We're gonna use review frequency So seven and sixty and then text which we type in and it tells you what are you adding? Are you adding days months years? We're adding days. So watch this so we're gonna go date add and Then it pulls up our variables here. So oops, let me just do that again date and It pulls up our variables last review And then I'll put in a comma and then the days to review review frequency and Then I put in a comma and then I type in days remember caps specific close the parentheses hit command enter or this done button and You see so we we last reviewed This project on April 8th And April first and so seven days later is April 8th We last reviewed this one on April 19th. So last one add two months, June 19 So now we're gonna do a test and what we're gonna basically say remember today is the 20th. So if today's date is greater Than the next review date then the task is overdue. So watch this again The tag is overdue and Again, I go advanced. It's a formula and I'll say It's basically very simple. It's next review or I'm sorry today's date, which is a formula called now So today's date. Oh, I'm just Yep, so you see now type in now and it shows us the syntax here is today's great dater greater Dater then next review and I hit enter and boom you'll see it's overdue. So now what we can do is we'll go back to our dashboard and We'll add Another columnist to it below here so I'll duplicate this and then this is requires review And I'll hit enter my three favorite word's create link database you love you're gonna love these words by the end of this project Absurd, yeah, this will actually be our project stable So pulls up our project. Oh, look at that. Look at that and so what we do here is we're gonna again clean up our rows and By doing that I go into properties, I want to keep all the review I Don't need To know if it's over actually I don't need to know if it's overdue because we've already done it and I'm gonna hide my tasks so So look what we have Here we can say we could actually even hide here's another way to hide it. I double tap there I go to hide so basically last review Next review those are two columns here. And now with the filter. I'm going to say only show me Columns, I'm sorry projects We're overdue is checked. And as we saw over do is is checked because Today is the 20th and this is April 8th So let's say go in here and I look at the tasks and I think about it. That's what that was the Butler example I was giving you So I go out there and then let's say ok I'm gonna say I'm gonna go into this field and today is the 20th and I reviewed it Watch what happens watch what happens boom? Disappears so I can go on with my day. So there you have it. You have a Let's recap. You've got you start with a task table where you have your standard task management lists Test management fields, then you head over to a project table? Where the project table has the overarching projects it creates the hierarchy and this is a linked database and then you create a dashboard which has an inbox which filters off of project table and as a review Table which filters off of if it's overdue which uses some date formulas and then it has a bunch of filters And these would be called called perspectives. So that is the full overview of our GTD dashboard Alright I'm back I hope you enjoyed that tutorial and you can see how the review function Is the secret sauce of the GTE metric if you'd like to learn more about notion check out notion Courses and you can follow my tutorials over at my youtube channel down in the comments below
Channel: Keep Productive
Views: 325,354
Rating: 4.9600868 out of 5
Keywords: keep productive, keep productive notion,, gtd, getting things done, gtd notion,, gtd, david allen, productive gtd, khe hy, radreads, rad,, apps, gtd apps, gtd tips, gtd takeaways
Id: r6hUkChpwWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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