Notion Business Dashboard STEP BY STEP: Projects, Todos, OKRs, Meetings.

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Hey all - my video 👋

I'm on about my 4th Notion system, and it's the first business system I've felt super comfortable with. More organized than ever, it's easier to onboard new contractors, and - thank god - it isn't heavy! So, thought I'd share what's working for me.

A few of the main things I'm doing that's helping:

1. Embracing "Key Areas". Breaking down the business into explicit zones, and always talking about all Projects and OKRs in relation to them. This reduces the cognitive load when talking with new hires, temporary contractors, and investors. It's one thing to keep everything organized in your head, it's another for others to track you.

2. Meeting Notes linked to Projects and Key Areas. This has been a godsend. By linking Meetings into Projects and Key Areas, it's so much easier to troubleshoot things when live on a call. Often I'll be trying to remember what was decided on X date - because the meeting is linked, I click in, pull out the tidbit, and am back on track. Before, this involved trudging through months of Apple Notes dredge.

3. OKRs integrated with Projects and Key Areas. I find it insanely helpful to have my OKRs linked into Projects and Key Areas - and have everywhere updated with the latest values as I progress on them. The way my brain works, I want to know that what I'm working on is tied to my goals. This keeps it extremely front of mind.

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Let me know any questions, and if you have any feedback on the video!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/colinplamondon 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
so uh notion um basically like every single project i do every single startup one of the first things that you have to do is figure out like where the hell you're going to organize everything like you could be having your customer you could be having a project somewhere and like often what happens is startups and companies and even just people doing their own projects put everything in 18 different places you don't know where the hell anything is and then like pretty quickly you don't know where anything's going on you have a hard time understanding what's up and all your information stream about everywhere so what we're going to be doing today is kind of going through the system i've been using lately um for kind of acquired applications for kind of like companies i've consulted with and then he's in my personal projects to be able to organize all the information and be able to just kind of create one little nerve center where i can work from where contractors can work from where investors can take a look and kind of poke their heads and see what's going on and in general like everything is in one place and you don't have to worry so much about what goes where so we're actually going to go through setting up a notion set up for myself anyway it's actually in the open so what i'm actually hoping to do is i'll be kind of making this a little bit meta so when you go to the which is my page we're gonna be editing that in real time and then that's gonna be kind of the example of how this stuff works so we're gonna dive in um so i'm gonna switch this up so now we should be on a screen share which we are check that out magic and so what we have here is we have um two things first thing i'm gonna show you this is kind of a public facing page if you're gonna go to the business notion it's what you would see um what it isn't is it doesn't really have um a lot of things that we would need to be able to really manage a project here it doesn't have projects doesn't have to do's and it isn't somewhere i can really work from this is kind of very public facing and that's what we're going to change so what we're going to need to do is first off kind of get a really clear set of goals around the project so we're going to do is we're going to go and create a um project here which is going to be projects and this is a actual database which they call tables and the thing that's like really really cool with this stuff is when you create a project this can link into everything else so like as you're creating to-do's as you're creating like updates to your project whatever the case might be you're actually going to navigate this stuff in like a really really advanced way and it's going to come together so it's pretty usable so in this case we're just going to create a project as a really rough example of this video that we're doing right now um so like a notion business dashboard so we're going to go into projects boom that's what it's going to be called and then we are going to add some of the important um fields here we're going to have kind of what is the business area associated with it's gonna have uh what the linked okrs are it's gonna have um a dri directly responsible individual we can call that a signing because let's not get too freaking fancy here and then um we're going to have kind of meetings associated with it uh we're going to priority and we're going to have status cool so uh we'll just do this really quick so for priority i like to just kind of have this to be a simple drop down and then for the options have some stuff just like really easy just like highest to lowest so we're just going in here we're doing configure options and we have one that says highest cool and then we're going to have one that has his lowest or let's see hi by medium low lowest all right cool and now when we go in and we do configure options we have all the options and like this good great um and next we're going to do status so this is just going to be i'm just going to pull in the ones that i have from another project and these have worked really well for me and so we're going to have some statuses here so we have like in progress as one of the top ones um because i like to see just kind of when i'm sorting by status i like to see the projects that are in progress at the very top and then on deck and then uh proposed so this would be stuff that maybe like i've kind of drafted i'm getting people's thoughts like when i'm working on a personal project or um there's like a business one that's about to happen i really like to send that around to some people and just get some friends thoughts on it um shoot at the people that i respect and just kind of see if i'm smoking something or if i'm onto something um uh we have draft that's just kind of like just put some thoughts together but not really show it to anyone concept this is often beat just like a one-liner like it'd be really really rough and pretty half-assed and it's just me throwing something out there and it might just be the title of the project and something i kind of hope that i'm gonna fill in later um so then we have concept uh next completed um i like having completed things basically at the bottom because you know yeah you want to be able to see them but it's not really functional to look at stuff that's done um so i prefer having at the end of a list and then canceled similarly that's even more useless to be looking at than completed things um cool super easy so now that we have this project um what we're gonna do is we are going to start breaking stuff down so like what is it that um i want to have in my dashboard this video that we're kind of creating live together here um there's a few different areas the first is going to be um you know projects which we just did we're going to have to do's we're going to have okrs which stands for objectives and key results and this is just a way of measuring progress it's super popular um the god tier ceo andy grove came up with it and um a lot of people way smarter than me think that it's the best thing to do so in general just just use it screw it um we're gonna have meetings and then we're gonna have the business areas or the key areas so um what this area is gonna be kind of what the beam's gonna be for me and you know this is me creating the area that i'm going to be working from um it's going to be a place where i am organizing videos that i'm making like this so there's going to be kind of videos are going to be important um there's going to be posts so there's going to be kind of posts like this um and there's going to be actual development projects so like things where i'm working with developer friends on creating kind of pieces of shared infrastructure that kind of other people can use and just kind of slap into their own businesses so those are going to be three of the major areas so let me go back here into projects and then when i'm thinking about like what are the areas of my business i want to be thinking about like if if there was going to be a couple very clear-cut places where you put all your effort what what what what are those areas so in this case like what one of my goals at a top level is i want to first off i want to make it so that um i'm going to get to like some like very small number of subscribers you know like 100 and q1 2021 okay not setting the world on fire but that'd be cool uh let's get to 50 new emails subscribers who i don't know and then these would be kind of uh two objectives um and then the kind of results to get there would probably be um [Music] you know in my case i would need to have at least one video published a week um go on two three friends's podcast uh let's see then i'll probably just kind of like publish um two articles a month um ask for retweets from friends with uh large followings um and then uh interview people i know that are super successful because that way i can just kind of steal their credibility how awesome will that be um so those would probably be like pretty good for this list um as far as email subscribers um i think that's gonna be um really strong that's going to be the kind of content that i can promote really easily um publishing articles i think that'll also be kind of more along this lines and then for youtube i think this is going to be kind of all she wrote so in this case now i have kind of a couple of very rough goals and now like i'm looking at this i've now set a specific goal that's measurable and there's a specific amount of time that i want to accomplish this end um and then um i want to have an email subscriber list so instead of just having like a list of a bunch of friends i want to have like a list of people that i don't know so if you're watching this by like go add yourself into my list um the uh as i'm going i then want to be creating content so uh youtube video content would be one key area another would be um uh uh written content um i should be scheduling so i'm kind of thinking about this from like kind of a treating this as a business i'd really be thinking about for myself um what are the ways i can guarantee that i'm actually going to follow through on publishing content on youtube on a regular basis um because it's a behavior change for me i'm not doing it already otherwise you know i'd have more than one video on my channel right now so uh to be able to actually like publish video content on an ongoing basis like ideally ideally i'm only going to have to depend on personal discipline um like 25 percent of the time because if it's 80 of the time this is going to be a lot harder so ideally i can actually just like schedule some interviews and schedule some interviews that are kind of guaranteed and easy to do um and those could be like a wide range of people another could be discussions with people i just find interesting um and the third could be actually interviewing um other people i find interesting like i've been reading a lot about venice like i'm just super into venetian history i think merchant republics are awesome and i think there's like a lot of lessons from how these merchant families came together to work together and have kind of a common good in terms of what the state would provide to help everyone's commerce work better but they were still competing i think there's like a lot of interesting things about how we can learn from the history of oligarchic republics like venice for how we actually organize ourselves politically and in communities online so from that like there's a lot of really obscure books about venice i've been reading i think it'd be super sweet to interview uh some historians who wrote those books so um i think from an interview like a scheduling scheduling interview standpoint if i can if i can schedule one interview at least every other week and then that's in my calendar i'm totally guaranteed to follow through on that like i'm not gonna be like it'd be such a douche thing to like schedule an interview and not show up so if i can schedule an interview every other week then if i'm looking back to my goal of scheduling of publishing one video a week eight by end of quarter then uh that will get me halfway there so uh let's see uh so i'm gonna have this be a key area it's just kind of skeleton interviews and just kind of doing that on an ongoing basis there's gonna be a lot of to-do that are gonna come from that um let's see uh we have the video content we have the written content um we then have email newsletter so i think this would be trying to think about doing this in a more systematic way because like right now i have like a sub stack link but it's not like a real sub stack it's just like a place where i emailed some friends like some posts and stuff um and um this would be kind of trying to translate that into something that's maybe it's like a weekly touch point interesting links some things i did um things i think are kind of cool so like let's start an email newsletter and have that be another key area um and then um finally i guess it would be a building out um from just a content standpoint like i really like the idea of um capturing content that i already have like in my case like i've actually captured like when i was between like 18 20 and 22 or something um 32 now uh i was writing down like every single quote that struck me in a book i would write down and it was really there's nothing kind of almost mesmerizing for me personally by like going back and going through these like 80 pages of quotes and notes that that i captured when i was going through this really formative time and i was just like learning about the history of entrepreneurship and like oh my god there's a thing called finance and like going through the experience of like learning all these things and everything was absolutely new all the time and then finding those quotes it was a really powerful experience for me so because i still have that in a document called notes and quotes um i think it'd be kind of cool to just put that online and maybe start publishing that so i guess like i'll just kind of take that as an area publishing um notes and quotes um yeah actually like you know but that the problem with is this would be a bad key area so you know if if we were talking and then i was advising you on growth or we were talking about like how we would structure something like you suggested that i'd like oh good idea but no um in this case i can say it to myself you know good idea no uh because the problem was saying some like publishing notes and quotes is that this is a time limited thing the key areas of your business are places where you're gonna be doing the same on this area for months maybe even years and yeah like you might decide eventually that some key area is low value and it's like less valuable than other places okay cool it you move it around you kill that one you spin up a new one all good but like there's no reason to start up a key area that is going to be time limited so this is like not a really great way of capturing that i think this is more um publishing um it's like publishing personal interest essentially so it's kind of like personal interests uh published yeah publishing personal interest and that's going to be basically notes and quotes slash books kind of stuff we can just kind of put it there um and um i like that i like that for this because this is this is if this was a business area like to give you an idea of which ones i have for um an acquired application um there's um cac ltv and instrumentation that's one key area there that's where i'm like looking at what is the relationship between cost of acquisition nltv and then making sure there's the instrumentation the product um to be able to kind of measure those things in a clean way another is user acquisition um kind of managing the paid ads around that the content creation pipelines the contractors involved with it a third is email marketing you tell me look at the other screen right have that open uh email marketing uh another would be kind of onboarding invitations upsells increasing mrr uh physical book or physical product sales customer service option stability so in that case you can kind of just like without even knowing that the specifics of the business um those are things that are generally not going to be changing in an ongoing basis they're always going to be really important to the business and if i were to wake up every day and allocate a day to focusing on just one of those areas i'd be really successful that day and there'd be some value created for the business in the same way when i'm just trying to get more disciplined about creating my own content i think this is a pretty decent start so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to create these as the key areas and let's rock it out now this is of course a little bit weird because like this is going to be like literally on the so like if we go over here i have this notion set up to just like straight up publish um so even though i do this setup for a lot of um professional private projects i haven't done this for a public one but i think i think it'll be cool so let's just give it a go um okay so now i'm just gonna switch over to a different window and then we're gonna edit over here on the left and we're gonna use this over here as some notes so um within this i'm now just going to create a key area of youtube video content and then we're going to create a key area of publishing written content and then a key area of scheduling interviews and then a key area of email newsletters and i'm doing an extra bracket there cool key area publishing personal interests um and those are going to be the areas okay so um live walkthroughs this is going to be kind of an area here which will actually be so this will link to the video once it's up um and then these were some notes i had for this meeting or not for this meeting for this project so i'm just going to kill this i'm going to move it into the project hello oh i hit it cool there we go yep these are my rough notes and now we're going to go and we're going to create this first area of youtube video content and the reason that we're going to have all this content whether it's like a project or a video everything is going to be in databases is it's going to make it so that as we go through in notion and we create our key areas our key areas will always be up to date with useful actual information so it's really at our fingertips to kind of see the information we want to do so in this case if i do i'm just gonna do a link to the database and it's gonna be project um and that's this one excellent excellent accident so uh i'm gonna have to refresh so now we're doing is we have a view of this and the thing though is that right now this is showing everything so if we had 10 more projects this would show all 10 of them and we only want to be seeing the projects that are related to this key area of youtube video content so in this case i'm just going to be going in and drum roll i'm going to create a relation uh we're gonna create we're gonna go and create the list of key areas okay and this is gonna be a table and we copy it youtube video content publishing written content scheduling interviews email newsletter publishing personal interest and then what's going to happen is that now when we go back here we're going to be able to create a relation between projects and key areas what that's going to do is it's going to let us filter by what key area want to be seeing and that's going to really help us keep a lot more organized so the first thing we have to do is we have to we have to make it so this column is a relation and we make it related to a key area boom done score and then uh this video was this is i mean a video you're watching it it's a video so that's there and then uh this is me in this case um i don't really need to see if you guys sign any field date very much because it's like literally me publishing content so um i'm just going to create a go with properties and turn that off because i don't care cool um so now what we're going to do is if we had another thing for like under publishing personal interests um like uh publish right first post about why you about um venice okay so this might be a here then this would be a post and this would be publishing personal interest and it also be like you know publishing written content so i can relate this to both of these key areas um and then next i might want to do something like um publish um first publish uh 10 uh five notes and quotes items with a mini essay about each and that'd be maybe it's like picking out some of the ones that kind of matter the most to me personally and just kind of you know just sharing some stuff i think it's kind of cool there so that'd be very much uh personal interest um and now what's gonna happen though is when we go and we filter this we're within the youtube video content so i'm gonna add a filter now and just to kind of go through that a little bit slower so coming down into properties going to filter and then go into key area and it contains publishing her youtube video content okay now whenever we visit youtube video content we're only seeing the projects related to this progress great so then uh similarly if i go into uh publishing personal interest um even though we created a key area back here as like a little table let's give it a little thing have a look at my emoji um the whole purpose of this database is just to make it so we can link stuff like the way notion works is that you have a big gap between pages and databases so in general anything that you do that's repeating over and over again you really want that to be on a table because that we're going to link things together and it's going to be very very easy to find your work so uh let's go into publishing personal interest and here this is just a normal page so there's there's no way for notion to know that this is actually related to that key area um this is just text right now so we actually do have the link does so i'm just going to create link database and again uh uh taboos are not to-do's it's uh key areas cool and then we're going to do a filter for key area contains um oh i did that wrong because we need to make this a this needs to be a table four projects i get key areas instead that's where everything was messed up then we have projects and now we go into filter and now that we're actually cranking now we go into key area and it's going to be publishing personal interest okay cool and now we only see this and again like i'm just going to hide that assignee one and then that's going to be a little bit cleaner cool um so from here um where we are is that like we we are we have an area over here where we kind of are starting to have the different areas that we're gonna be working in um but let me just make this a little bit larger and then make this um yep cool and now uh we're gonna start having priority and status so in this case youtube video content like i have this is a status of um in progress i mean i'm literally filming it right now cool um and then youtube video content i'm gonna to do like a another video maybe on breaking down into breaking business into key areas um that'd be another video um this one's always the highest that'd be kind of medium and that's an okay idea it's not great um and then another would be um on um a friend of mine faraz ahmad who does uh a retro app here that's like super cool and he's setting this up so i want to do a video helping him set up his stuff so uh uh organizing or uh setting up bras notion i think that's gonna be a cool video because it also helps me leach off his audience suite um and then that's a concept and then this is a concept and then kind of as i go i'm just going to kind of add more and more into this next i'm going to have meetings and so the reason i like having meetings is whenever i have a call with someone and kind of a topic comes up um i like taking notes and this is actually like uh taking notes uh-huh thing you can do when you aren't leaving the meeting um so like i find that like just having like as close to verbatim notes as possible is really really powerful because um like i'll be i'll be talking with someone about um an idea for one of these or i might be talking with faraz and we're just kind of jamming on different product ideas over text and then like something comes up where we talk about like a video idea we talk about can i deal with like how we could collaborate if i don't have somewhere to paste that into pretty much right away like it's gone it's it doesn't exist anymore so i really want to make it so that that is not going to die out so what i would do is i would then kind of put that into meeting notes so what i'm going to do is just kind of very similar to what we did before and then i'm just going to call this whole area working in public and then i'm going to create another table or meeting notes and then i'm going to give this a icon um because really like i mean like add icons it's like it seriously makes um a lot easier to um see what's going on um okay so now we're gonna have a meeting notes and like let's say it was like i was um meeting with like fraus about um talking about organizing like retro or kind of like helping get set with marketing analytics or something cool so we'd have um sensors colin and then this is then going to be related to video so when we go into like the the we're going to link this into the key areas and we're gonna see that this is gonna be tied to youtube video content cool and so now when we go into youtube video content and then we say meeting notes uh drumroll yep meeting notes cool now we're going to be able to do a filter on this for the planning zone of youtube video content cool so now when we're here like we can really just see everything at a glance and it's kind of nice and tight so um uh this video is kind of probably starting to get a bit long so what i'm going to start doing now is i'm just going to kind of capture with the objective for just this single area is and then that'll kind of give like a decent a decent structure for this and then i'll probably do another video um the next time i do a big notion cleanup so um when we were talking before about goals it's that one of my main ones here is getting to 100 youtube subscribers in q1 2021 so what i'm going to do now is i'm just going to set up a okrs area and you guessed it this is a table so uh let's see here we have a okrs area and then we are going to have a name of 100 subscribers cool and then um this is going to be either an objective or a key result the difference is that like an objective is kind of the high level kind of gnarly goal that you'd be really excited if you hit it and a key result is like a very specific very measurable thing where if all your key results get accomplished you're pretty much guaranteed to have accomplished the objective and even if you miss a couple excuse me even if you miss a couple of the key results you're still very likely to edit so this is going to be an objective this is going to be tied to the um drum roll uh it's going to be tied to the key areas there we go and we're going to call it's curious and this is an objective and this is going to be a youtube one next we're gonna have um uh the uh goal here one video published a week eight by end of quarter and then this is a key result i'll also tie the youtube video content and key result and then two to three is just kind of a crappy thing like just pick a number like right that's just that was a very limp thing before like two to three no it should be three or it should be four or it should be five like you know just pick a number and try to hold yourself to it and then ask for reaches from friends with large followings um i think this might be um get um you know um what would be a reasonable amount um onto youtube posted twitter uh so if i this it might be like kind of like two different tweets announcing a youtube video i kind of like this okay so this would be like like that's not a crazy number because i feel like it's like if i'm like if i'm like if i could have like i i have like a lot of followers on twitter but hey i like enough that like if i get like a few people retweeting it i might be able to get like 1000 or 1500 impressions like not send the world on fire but it's like not zero but then if like very occasionally like maybe once a quarter or something will get up to like 10 000 and that's like often because it got retweeted by a few people um or got a bunch of likes um so i think like 5 000 on something that is um announcing youtube video that'd be like a really good um driver of this um where uh where three retweets were driven with three retweets you asked for one so that's kind of a good way just kind of holding myself accountable to the to the numbers so um then uh what do we do from here now what we do is we have the key results we have that and now we're just going to relate these so we're going to say the parent objective because one of the really cool things you can do with a notion is you can set up these like basically recursive um um properties so like sync both ways this makes it so that when you have like a structure to it so you kind of have like a a child and a parent and in this case these key three key results they're kind of underneath the objective and we really want to model that appropriately so if we're looking at one of these cute results we can go through it just like that so um we're going to create a new one here parent objective and then we are going to tie this to youtube and then here you see now that we created this as a parent objective now there's this relation so now we have child kr's cool and then finally we are going to have a column for project this is going to be a relation to projects and uh this will be um oh this would be one of them i mean this is this is a video and this is trying to get like hey if you're watching this hey thanks for getting this far be hit subscribe so i can get this number up yo um and so any projects i have that are related um to these um uh to these okrs are then related and one of the advantages of this is that one thing i really like to be able to do when i'm planning is i can just be looking at this and i can be looking at this key result and like let's say that i'm just looking at this as a view for youtube video content so now instead of looking at all the content i'm going to create a view which is only going to show the stuff that's related to it so now i'm just looking at this youtube video content and um i can be looking at like which of these key results don't have um which of these key results do not have any projects associated with them because it's like if this is empty right then like clearly i need to come up with some project idea that's going to work um so like you know go on three friends's youtube podcast channels by indiviur so this will be um something uh first video on this will be one for there and i'm gonna need to be able to get kind of like two or three more um that are along those lines um and then that'll help me hit that and even if it's you know like some of them it's gonna be like kind of also small channels like this is such like a true like i'm like not like shooting for the moon here like i'm like very very small so any like anyone that has any amount of audience at all like i'm going to be super excited and super grateful to go on them um because it's just so much greater than my existing reach so um by having this okr set up like this um we're really able to go and plan and we're able to look at like where we light where are we heavy and then where do we need to come up with more project ideas um so now um if we go back to our key area of youtube video content and let's just give this a nice little icon uh we're gonna have to get it all right this will do for now um then what we'll do here is finally we'll have our table that is a linked database and this is for key errors for okay ours uh let's try that again and this is for link or this is for uh uh okay one more time yeah cool and now we only want to show the okrs that have a relation to the key area of youtube video content which all they all do right now but that won't always be the case and now this is like actually like pretty damn good like the only thing that's really left is going to be creating kind of to-do's and um that's going to be something that can be like super super basic at first and uh we'll just kind of like throw something together here and um we'll have a some statuses and i like to have blocked at the top and then i like to have in progress and then on deck and then backlog and then complete and then cancel okay um and then we're just going to make it so we can relate these to projects and let me give you an emoji all right cool and then we have our projects and then we're gonna have um our our projects and then we're gonna have a relation for um uh not okrs but for key areas and then we're gonna have priority highest high medium low lowest cool and now when i go back into my area for um uh youtube video content the last thing here is going to be creating my linked database uh to-do's and now um when i'm like looking at kind of these projects um in the case of um the project kind of accomplished this when i'm looking at each of these each of these will be linked to to-do's so uh one of the first things i do whenever i create a new project is i go and i link it to to do's and then um in this case this project is breaking business into the key areas then what i would need to do for this is this would be a video where i'd be um talking about how to go about breaking a business into key areas examples for app for an acquired app um a new sas startup uh consulting startup uh or her consulting business in each case talking through how we would go about breaking up the key areas what is a good one what is a bad one why uh organizing a business like this makes it easier to think about cool so in this case i would need to write rough script or a 2m video or create a 2n video audio recording about the topic get feedback from friends cool and then um this now needs to be filtered to be related to the project that we're in right now which is breaking a business great and then this also is a is here within here on youtube video content cool and now we can look through [Music] our to-do's and we can just filter this by a key area of youtube video content great so where we are now kind of compared where we were i'm at the beginning of this video is we now actually have a set of um pretty useful things so we can go through and we can look at our key areas and then each of these key areas is then linked into meeting notes into okrs into projects and into to do's we can go and we can kind of just like browse meeting notes by a specific area we can look at okrs and kind of like have some measurable objectives and now we could also have um current value um right now my number right here is one so hopefully i can get this number up um it doesn't kind of like halfway accounts might i think my dad's the only subscriber right now check that out and so uh this right now is zero but it's gonna be one once this is done uh this is at zero and then uh does that zero slash zero and so i'll be able to measure my progress against this very cleanly and then i'm gonna have a due date of when i want to have this accomplished by and this case i said end of the quarter so that would be march 31st um and um when i'm going through to-do's they're also all kind of tied to this so um this isn't as fleshed out as it is for kind of once like the system is fully in flight but hopefully you can kind of imagine how if you were able to kind of go in and look at um your key areas of your business and be able to really easily just kind of bounce around see like what are all the meeting notes that have happened about this see what projects are in flight what the priority is and then critically as you're onboarding new people as you're bringing new people into your business um you're able to kind of just show them this and uh let me switch it here we go hey um as you're as you're kind of going through your business you're able to bring new people online and they will be able to instantly see what's going on in every area and it enforces a lot of transparency it makes it so that for like a lot of communication challenges that you have at doing a startup they're going to be lessened because you're not going to have the same information siloing if you have a culture where everyone is sharing their notes in public where people are communicating written objectives and then actually talking about success or failure in a way that isn't you know negative for the individual but just a reality that happened how do we fix it or celebrate it if it went well um that's a big deal like that really makes it so that for a lot of the things whether you have people that are playing favorites and hiding information that doesn't happen if you adopt a system like this and then also just for your own purposes i i think it's really easy to focus a day on a key area and then try to make sure that one is going or better yet you can kind of think about each of these key areas in terms of delegation like is this a key area that you yourself are leading or is it a key area that you're delegating to someone specific and now you're changing it so they're kind of continuing with the form of the system they're kind of maintaining the approach to the notion and then you're able to just pop into that key area see the meetings that they're taking part in and maybe even like watch some of the zoom recordings of the meetings that seem particularly interesting right now you don't have to be everywhere at once you don't have to be rushing from meeting to meeting as much because everything is transparent and in the open you now have the ability um to um you have the ability to be in a lot more places at once because you don't have to actually be in those places you can trust you can just pop your head in afterwards and check the recording so um this approach which worked really really well for me i hope it works well for you i'll do some more videos about this in the future please uh you know if you got this far in the video leave a comment just say what up uh if you also got this far go to and uh sign up on the list of people and also subscribe to this channel um let me know which parts of this were confusing which parts of this you'd like me to expand on if there's elements of this that you think wouldn't work for you or that seem heavy um let me know because this is stuff that i'm kind of like actively iterating on and this is probably the fourth or fifth version of kind of my notion system and this is definitely working heads and bounds better than anything else that i've used in the past um but it's also changing every few weeks so love the feedback let me know how this video was let me know if you got this far and thanks time for watching cheers
Channel: Honor and Profit
Views: 3,027
Rating: 4.9354839 out of 5
Id: xLhPMhWbE_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 56sec (2876 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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