GSM/GPRS based GPS Tracker using Blynk with Calling & SMS features

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in this video we're gonna make our own GPS tracker using GSM module that means it doesn't require any Wi-Fi connection at all it will work from any corner of the world and you will be able to track this project life using your blinker and a platform on a smartphone and well we do have two emergency if we just build in this project so we do have many things in one single project in one single video so let's get started so for making this project you require a key to what we call module which is an ESP three-two based board but it do have GSM model built in if you're not familiar with this board that kindly works out my getting started video on it if these and must check out board so to wash it out after that will require a new 6m gps model to get the location and a battery to power of the project using these three components you can easily make a live tracking device but as I said earlier I have provided two features for emergency situation so will require these all components as well so for making this part are given to connect all the components in this manner now to make this project more compact and sturdy I designed my own custom PCB for this project and after that I give its order to GLC PCB for ordering your own PCB you just need to upload the Gerber file select the color masking if you want and pay for your order within 10 days I got the delivery of the PCBs at my home safely so try out GLC PCB to get your own customized PCB delivered at your home now if you want the exact same PCB which and using then hey I'm giving away free PCB with every tech SMS merchandise order so just hang on to take a SMS dot-coms less merchandise choose your favorite merge select the project name whose PCP you want and place the order so with this you not only get the favorite merchandise but you will also get the PCB of your favorite project absolutely free ok so after getting the PCB I sold it out all the components on it after shouldering all the components the project looks something like this compact and easy to carry now let's first configure a blink application so open a blink application on a smartphone now if you don't have blink application already installed then go ahead and click the link in the description to download it after opening the app click on new project from your project name I will name it as GPS tracker after that selected device as ESP 3 2 dev board and choose the connection type as GSM just click on create project okay so one authentication token will be sent to your registered email id which will require at the time of programming so right now just click on OK now tap on the screen and add the widget called map ok now tap on the map widget to configure it here we'll be sending the data on the virtual pin v-0 so will assign the input of this map widget as v-0 that's it click on OK so here on the map we will be able to visualize the current location but other than this location we do have more data coming from the device so we'll display that data as well so the tap on the screen and add the widget called value display ok so just tap on the widget now this widget will display the value of latitude soil right has latitude and assign the pin as virtual pin v1 great we'll add one more value display and configure it for longitude so it's data is coming from virtual pin v2 great we will add one more value display and we'll assign it for speed this data will be coming from virtual pin v3 one more value display now this is for direction so I will write as direction and it's data is coming on virtual pin v4 and the last but not the lace I will add one more value display and this will be for number of satellites I'll just write satellites and it's data is coming on virtual pin v5 so this much data will be getting from the project ok so yeah this was all about the bling configuration now we are just left with the last part of the project and that's the coding so this is the code for a GPS tracker project make sure you already have ESP 3 - borz packages installed on an arduino ide if not then kindly watch our bliss video in which i have shown the complete process of it after that you need to have all these libraries installed on your ID no if you don't have any of this then I have mentioned the respective links so just download it and install it now I will let you know what changes you have to make inside the code so first of all in case you're using the emergency feature of this project then provide your mobile number on which you want to get call or SMS and provide the message which you want to send on the given number after that you have to provide the APN of your network provider in my case I'm using the Vodafone SIM card whose APN is w w w just Google about the APN of your network provider and you will easily get that after that you have to enter the authentication token also a blink project which you must have got on a register email ID thus copy it and paste it here that said this is all you need to change inside the code now just select the board as ESP through to our module select the right comport and hit the upload button make sure you upload the code on the board without making any connection with it okay so the code is successfully uploaded now if I power up this board using the switch as you can see it don't get powered up it's because of its built-in power management I see here we have to press this button once to power up the module ok so the LED on the board started blinking now just insert this module inside the PCB after some time the LED on the GPS module should also start blinking which indicates that the module got connected with the satellites but in my case it is not blinking it's because GPS generally don't works indoor so just take out the project in some open space and the LED on the GPS module will start blinking so now our project is ready for some actions now let's open up the blink app on your phone and observe the data just click on the play button to run this project amazing we are getting all the data on the app and via even getting the exact location on the map widget but this is not interesting let's test in the real world so what I will do I'll just put my smart phone turned on and let's take this project on a long ride I'll put this project inside my scooter and now let's enjoy other life as you can see and getting the data with almost accurate figures maybe at speed or direction [Music] this project is working completely fine now we are just left with exploring the emergence it features so I provided two emergency features to this project one is to send SMS and one is to make phone calls now this imagine one scenario that you have this project and you are stuck in some emergency situation okay and the person on the other side is not monitoring you or maybe he is not acting on your on the blink application maybe is busy with some work okay and you want to let him know the location so what you will do I will press this button and it will immediately make a call to that person or to that resistant number okay now this call is just to notify that person that hey I am in some emergency situation do check the blink application and track my location okay so this is the feature to notify that person via phone call now this phone call doesn't support the voice data transfer as it don't have the speaker and mic and build well it should be an amazing project to make our own phone for you know just calling purpose to let me know in the comments okay so the next feature is about sending SMS now this V call that scenario again but this time the portion of the other side is not having proper internet connection okay maybe his internet connection is down in that case you can just press this button and it will send the latitude and longitude of your current location to that person via SMS okay so by using the data of latitude and longitude that person can track you using some other phone which have the internet connectivity okay so by that phone he will come to know that you are stuck in this position and he or she may be easily come to rescue you or you come to your location at the time of emergency okay so these were two features which I have you know embedded in this project to let me know in the comments are this feature useful according to you or not do let me know your thoughts in the comments so yeah this was all about the project this was all about the video do give a like to this video if you really enjoyed this project if you really loved this project and do support me on patreon if you really appreciate my world that's it about the video subscribe my channel if you haven't and now just wait for mine I couldn't explore and share with me techie SMS [Music]
Channel: techiesms
Views: 87,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gps tracker, track anything, car gps tracker, make gps tracker, blynk app map widget, diy gps tracker, portable gps tracker, Ttgo tcall, gps tracker arduino, gps tracker gsm gprs, gps tracker using Ttgo tcall, gsm module, neo6m gps, gps tracker diy
Id: ps1m6bWwvEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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