Grumman Tiger | Flying the pattern

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foreign [Music] set flaps are up Fort Lauderdale executive information November 20500 executive clearance tiger eight one one five eight number eight one one five eight executive Claire Clarence I got information November and I would like close traffic tiger 158. number eight one one five eight Roger I'll put it down just to be advised uh depending on traffic local may tell you they are not able to accommodate okay sir I'm right 1158 contact ground for taxi autograph thanks take one phobia if not we'll go to Pump It Out check the ground tiger eight one one five eight ready taxi with November at uh Quebec figuring almost five eight second round one one fourth here at one zero would you like one zero down for a Niner uh say the ones again one one four zero at one zero I'll take nine seconds two months of eight no problem Runway Niner taxi via Echo and uh you stay at the November correct yep I got November via Echo to Runway nine tiger eight one one five eight thanks I could have ground up seven underneath the birds there like take care Fox across the maintenance door seven minutes welcome back to another video it's loan so I figured why not get up in the airplane and uh do some touch and goes I think it's going to be a little sporty up there when's uh out of the south at 14 3000 surface winds are only 10 knots but executive ground over a six-year-old fell to office step out of the airplane for uh three seconds something fell out of the airport we gotta pick it up no problem report back in the aircraft please you're welcome they're all around we're gonna go to the run-up area over here and I went on Amazon and bought this uh this new boom thing cause mine fell off somewhere or broke or something and I got new uh you know ear muff things so sounded pretty clear all right let's do a run-up [Music] we've been into 360 Obstetrics and traffic's not factor for you okay or switch over to Tower run up is complete we're going to stay in the pattern do some Landings three um start my currency over even though I'm current could always be more proficient free takeoff sorry to complete that's the frequency my email we're good you're five five right yeah are you going to IFR or VFR 1158 turn the left Center left down one three row one Niner clip for takeoff we're waiting on a clear takeoff we'll enter the left down for one tree second one five eight remember five five round with this landing at the airport fuel pumps on um the green finals clear number five five Bravo you're number two rowing nine or clear to land pretty much a direct crosswind all right make sure full Ridge fuel pumps on [Applause] we'll Advance the power forward takeoff power set [Applause] ailerons are gonna go into the wind airspeed's alive cages look good there's rotation speed put the nose into the window or climbing that VY [Applause] executive power November uh 7393 at Alpha Ready for takeoff uniform this thing is off its track no number one um all right we'll extend that when you call the base established all right it's 1 000 feet in the downwind [Applause] coming a1158 turn base Runway one three cleared two land clear land once three tiger one five eight thank you nobody around hello uh Global eight five Delta holding for Lima Runway nine are ready to go 35 Delta Executive tire roster one two three finals good [Applause] there's an airplane on the runway in front of me he's no Factor [Applause] you're gonna take a uniform continue to turn to the right Northwest there's Northwest for uh Bravo turn right ground point seven five and advisor what you'd like to do you want to go back to VA fire to the latest Mountain rival 355 Bravo contact ground point seven five interesting Kremlin one five I turn uh right one able ground point seven five she'll get you back to the runway if you want thank you ground point seven five what's up Mary how you doing Happy New Year Happy New Year all right not good ground tiger 158 is clear one tree of Charlie I'd like to go back to the runway second 150 for my monthly at Alpha Taxi via Bravo Alpha what are your intentious on departure Bravo Alpha to one tree at Alpha and we like to stay in the pattern tiger one five eight thank you thank you um I'm not sure what that was but it appears to be fixed so Tower tiger 158 one tree at Alpha Ready thank everyone five eight Executive tire make the left traffic Runway one three at Alpha cleared for takeoff one trade Alpha clear for takeoff making less traffic tiger one five eight all right make sure according to Miami starting to do for so long um trim is good wind is right down the runway here [Applause] that's beautiful gauges look good and the green Air speeds alive heels are to the floor there's rotation speed [Music] all the power after reaching a thousand grab an eight one one five eight uh I will call your base turn all right you call the base start going five minutes on November 865 there we go number eight six five three uniform executive terrorism what's going on Travis Landing Runway nine this engine runs pretty rich I like to lean it out when appropriate although we can slow it up here brother and he did that right turn Northwest on please tiger one five eight Zach Cameroon 352 turn right okay turning to mile final for Runway one three she told me to get ready to 352 today airspeed's good gauges are good nobody outside one two three one one five eight Runway one three cleared two landfill stop texting back we're gonna Land one tree tiger one five eight all right so we're a little high that's okay November do you have a good day all right everything's good yeah very success by three uniform Runway one three four length line up and wait holder you want three line up on eight eight two five three four five three uniforms for Runway nine better from an eight one one five eight unable Bravo Two turn right up my ground point seven five please right at Mike over the ground it's like all right Follow the yellow brick road my check right examiner appreciated that Adam me four five three uniforms just kidding around tiger one five eight clear one tree at Mike I'd like to go back to one tree one five eight executive ground roaming one third opposite via Bravo alpha bravo Alpha to one tree at Alpha tiger one five eight I got Miley Cyrus playing in my ear right now that's gotta go all right here's one tree at Alpha free takeoff is done make sure and fuel pump to go we'll switch over to Tower again sure final for Runway nine it'll be a short uh it'll be a short right base flying airplanes so much fun guys sometimes very peaceful number one two one hotel Charlie secretary wants to sell it to stand there there's other airplanes not that one that says everyone Hotel Charlie your instructions are to enter the runway one three left downwind one one three get America all right Charlie Charlie tighten up your down when trapped departing eastbound a caravan rotating Midfield now tighten it up Passover the numbers of Runway uh two seven that are above a thousand number one Charlie Charlie Christian over one hotel Charlie turnbase continuing about for Runway one three one to one hotel Charlie turning base for three programming 81158 Runway one three at Alpha lineup waitress turned into two mile final weight one tree at Alpha tiger one five eight een key LP you said you wanted to circle the one three [Music] [Applause] [Music] you should understand [Applause] [Music] pictures [Music] [Applause] okay let's down for nine we'll uh extend you call the baseball one five eight let me start approach Runway nine are clear to land traps assessed on a two and a half mile final he'll be circling North for right base for Runway one three keep it in close please I'll keep it inside Runway not clearly [Music] [Applause] [Music] Plus anything and November 016 form you can turn it direct to the numbers Place traffic on a three mile final for Runway nine year number one for the field now Runway one three clear to land one six seven nine what's your direction numbers on a mile right base for Runway one three well guys thanks for coming along I'm now current uh to take passengers for another 90 days that was cool got to do a short approach fly at fxc which is always an adventure tiger 158 behind the Cherokee continue back Bravo Echo Bravo Echo Quebec behind the Cherokee um at fxc it's always a learning experience so thinking about doing something cool something different of course safe but maybe going on across countries and uh doing a little podcast action don't you guys think about that all right see you guys [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Grumman Greaser
Views: 1,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pilot, FXE, Florida, Flying
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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