Grubby | Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne | NE v HU - PotM Mass Hunts with 3x Starfall - Echo Isles

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we're all on a timer just like sevens I mean actually when you think about it we are all sevens this is another cheats at wisp location one see this is a normal map where you don't have that many locations like that this is another one I think maybe this one this one so many places of course it doesn't work against footmen this is an anti orc strategy strategy eruption or so nice central ahee diverse voices a loon now workers don't benefit from the backpack upgrade [Music] he's going for us or is he our sacred groves being desecrated oh this guy's micros to get did so much damage I don't think I sell to be this time I think is going one vase his name is mr. expansion but he lied he's growing one base which is the perfect response against mass huntresses leading the way spread here 20 yo thanks man uh yeah double guard tower good still no expansion that's good to know but now he might leading the way I am trust in my command so he wants to expand after all Oh wrong cancel our small losses I was going to cancel one way [Music] we are poised to strike make it shine I shall not fear Trustin like trust in my leading the way how long does it take 45 seconds I needed units yesterday actually useful we are poised to strike trust in my command I am vigilant moral understand already trust in my command very defensive starfall positioning but I didn't really have any other choice so there you go 45 seconds of my pleasure man thank you Safford hi sorry being invaded the final fight also move move soon I just hope my marksmanship finishes yes let's go I might as well use it right away nice okay okay to the death I can't be unhappy with triple star forecasts in one game can you make a wisp sound of course it's one of my specialties victory or death greetings friend at least I was very close I mean I guess it kind of was I think I had a winning opportunity at his expansion if I star fold two slots closer all guard towers would have gone down and I could kill the townhall faster and yeah I think I had a really good chance to win this game actually which is kind of cool cuz he went double guard tower and I was like ah it's gonna be hard to break and he he played it well he got his rifle cast there it took the expansion as soon as he had enough army to hold it that's actually really pleased with that game no I did endeth off the press wrap yeah the problem was I was running into his towers but hunts cannot kill rifles if you don't run in so you kind of have to run to your death that's why the Starfall had to be two slots closer but I misjudged the maximum range of starpha it's just to give you a little bit of extra healing the Firelord isn't a week late game hero but can be used to buffer early attacks his lava spawn after getting 15 hits will split in two
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 53,806
Rating: 4.8487139 out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Khaldor, KendricSwissh, Back2Warcraft, ToD
Id: LfIkdRuI7kU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2017
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