Grubby | "True Grit" | Warcraft 3 | ORC vs UD | Twisted Meadows

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in my eyes it's not fair to be 50% of match 80% it's almost also win it's not fair to meet Federer on the tennis court people still try until they win this is a competition it's not cooperative Mouse it's not World of Warcraft it's work our three play one-on-one if you meet people that only ever that make as many mistakes is you your wins and losses will be down to chance and you'll never strive to be better well if you get shown every now and then that someone is vastly better than you you can either hate the experience or love it that is a choice if you love it you'll learn from it I'd love to be smashed by Federer nice Tahari end but that's not what we were talking about here we were talking about getting beats in a tennis game let's stay professional I'm a floating head today did you see me versus fly no how was it I bet leap should win that right or did by tease him some things never change Bly still cheese as I'm sure probably nidus jerusaiem correct again he is in fact undead graveyard opening something you are doing good day so Chris I think it's Lord rage fire oh no wait that's fire it's curious he's gonna show up here Curious Case of Benjamin Button who didn't show up and dost thou have no Ruby in town you were right about DK - yes yes DK I'm sure that I think he's here that's what I would do super mind game then he circled back here he's insane thank you for the two years start some heavy upgrades [Music] nice nice free pickup see expanding but I love to see can still win maybe some pendants level two quick Lord watch [Music] she can attack immediately he still sees a lot of what I have [Music] my eyes I have a bowl and fins in my belly let's get stomped level 3 you still sees me with a bow devotion hard let's get the tech upgrade devotions pretty alright is infill level 3 TP again does he still see me he still sees me I to to attack it almost done let's get Farseer level 5 in this wolves there we go stop this is gonna be key waiver it's up to - I need another hero ready that fight started really bad because I had to use heel scroll and he caught me from the side stumps were good though my starting fight was not fantastic stumps are strong so they were gonna be good cuz they're strong I had a lot more where that was coming from and we weren't as good good damage he sees me again with the album we do need more heels [Music] I know she aids on me [Music] I already TP it started so bad for me I didn't have scroll yet either you need to be very willing to TP at ease with this this army needs a healthy set up you could just put a ghoul in here watch you you wanna keep I deliberately didn't say to you guys I think we lost even though we were all thinking it and someone had to say it but I didn't say it because I wanted to actually have a little bit of grit once sometimes it's hard to shake off the ah whatever of the fun day Sunday and Sunday Friday so when it's over I just call it call the time of death this game started off so poorly because he did very well in the beginning and I would say my non-stop harass with level 1 - without actually affecting his acolytes was not fantastic and then the skirmish here was horrible I didn't clear my expansion for far too long and then without an expansion and with FST see that has no healing outside of heal solves and heal scroll it can be so tough to obtain cost efficiency when going up against the undead army then you have no tears 3 no venom no so it was overall quite bad and then at the moment where I said I'm gonna go invest in some heavy upgrades that was my first result to try and salvage the game because I remember playing games with FST see where heavy upgrades on units felt pretty good actually including the two armor upgrades in particular I thought ok let's just make heavy upgrades my mantra back in the game whether it makes sense or not it doesn't because you could have destroyers and they don't care about upgraded guns the second time where I actually thought that maybe we have a chance to come back is when I said let's get TC high-level you still feel like he should have probably be a little bit more aggressive it's easy to say about attacking into my base I feel like it's something that could have worked for him fortunately for me though this did not materialize we sold all of the automatic items maybe yourself because this strategy doesn't rely on the Farseer with strong auto attacks the tanks speed is rather low and although it does help it's better to have more gold for heal scrolls heal Sol's clarity speed scrolls the stuff of macro and spells that's what we went for week 2 adds an expansion even slower than he had one but with some feral spirits harassed some Weaver it's still despite all my rationalizations I was still surprised when this fight didn't go horribly quiver ins are easy and the thing is nobody expects the French Revolution even the Spanish revolution our Inquisition normally where this get wept and killed easily but that becomes less easy when you've got a massive 0 to upgraded grunt raider army in front of it suddenly there's too much and then stomp prevents focus fire on stomp prevents focus fire on all the wyverns and whatever nova and impale damage hits them can then be attempted to be mitigated with heal scroll I like spooky fan as much as I like Red Bull both of them are random players with good stats good grit and some special parts of their place now I wonder who this is I like him who is spoke - I noticed you built her 60-foot farm before you bought heel scroll was that intentional of course being able to pump 260 has big implications on your army size keep in mind the ten food is heroes twelve food is peons so any fifty army food has only 28 food of army when we say he has a 50 food army we mean 28 food worth of army so when you get 10 extra food from 50 to 60 that's more than 33% extra army that's worth more than a heal scroll that heals maybe 10% or 15% of the health of your units the damage to utility that there's extra units offer you don't necessarily want to pump 260 but you want to be able to go to 60 if fecal matter hits the fan I don't think so rec round I don't think it's TGW ggw it's a Russian player a Britisher spoke he finished Starbuck but Starbuck was a night F player wasn't he or wait he was Erick in Starcraft 2 he was under door 9 self in worker 3 why would you think it's Starbuck I played a lot with Starbuck and Starcraft 2 by the way Thank You Kyle for the donation much appreciate it thank you for this up rum / and Nola torque hiccups you look really in shape today I love the stream yes I feel very light today like I'm just a head [Music] [Music]
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 22,105
Rating: 4.8990827 out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, grit, orc, undead, ud, rambo, action, strat, strategy, reforged, farseer, thrall, tauren, etc, chieftain
Id: v8KKLm2pQPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 25sec (1945 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2019
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