Grown Ups 2: Cliff Jumping Scene (ADAM SANDLER HD CLIP)

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You're sure you want to do this, big man? No shame in backing down. -Really? -Come on! Come on. It's a lifelong shame. You're finally doing Suicide 35. It's a big day. What are you scared of, man? You're the "rope from the tree, triple flip, bird-crush" guy. I'm not scared of this. In the past, I did it before. But I'll do it right now. Sure. Sure. Go ahead. Do it. Do it. But the thing is this, I just... I ate about 45 minutes ago. What did you eat? I had chicken chow mein. Chicken chow mein? When did... We were with you the whole time! Yeah. You didn't see it? They had it at Kmart. -They have chicken chow... -Get out of here. -It's good there. Yeah. -It's very good. What do I hear right now? Look at this. Beers on ice. Hot ladies everywhere. This is how we used to do it. -This is how I still do it, buddy. -He does still do it that way. Well, you should stop. This is Kappa Eta Sigma property. So you might want to quit perving on our ladies and get back to your trailer homes. Okay, easy there, Abercrombie. I think it's... I think we've been around a little longer than you. Been swimming here since we were eight years old, so you can calm down a little bit. I'm sure it was the bomb! Cranking your Al Jolson tunes on your transistor radio. But it's the 21st century now. And Thicky-Thick and the Flabby Bunch should never take their shirts off again. -That hurts. -Okay, I guess I'm Thicky-Thick. Yeah, well, I don't like being in the Flabby Bunch, either. Boom! That just happened. I haven't been around this many arrogant white college kids since Eminem played Duke. There it goes. And then... Boom! That just happened. How was that? At least we got into college, skinny Danny Glover. -Long handjob. -That's Rock, Paper, Scissors. I think it's over. -Hey, hey, hey! -What, what, what? What? And a little extra right there. Hey, fellows, that was a good handshake. We got a good one, too. It goes like this. -Okay, here we go. -How you doing, sir? Nice to see you. Very good, sir. -Beautiful day. -Yeah, at least we're not stuck in some crap town like this, hanging up drywall for the rest of our lives. Bay-oom! Hanging drywall? First of all, I'll have you know that I own pretty much the greatest auto body shop in town, all right? This guy works for the cable company. Free cable for life. What? Over here, you know Higgins? That's right, he works part-time down at the go-kart track. So he was highballing you with the drywall. Boom! This just got real. -Real stupid? What happened? -Something's real. -Yeah... -Dougie, Dougie... Are you guys as wasted as us? Hells, yeah! All the time! Yo, we're gonna let you guys continue your Klan meeting in a minute. He's just gonna jump off of here, and then we'll leave. I can't permit that. I can't permit it! Can't permit it. You guys have ruined our celebration by being here. Look at my hands, huh? They're shaking, I'm so mad. Yeah, look, my brother's shaking. -That was a cool move. -Now, listen to me. I'm gonna kick this kid's ass. But I need, like, 11 to 15 minutes to stretch out, okay? I got to stretch. It's overlooked. No, I understand. I can't fight these kids. I'm skinny Danny Glover. Guys, this guy's doing 11 flips behind you for some unknown reason. We got kids, we can't afford to do this. Buddy, dude, you don't have to do that last flip. Don't, like, get hurt. We'll come back another time. You will come back never! This is Kappa Eta Sigma property! Dude, why are you acting so crazy? Did Betty White just call you crazy? -Did he just call you Betty White? -Betty White? That's pretty funny. We've got a situation! You know what? Hey, guys? Guys? -Hey, what's up, guys? -Let's get out of here. Listen, it's nice to meet everybody. -We're gonna take off, but let's do this again. -Take care, guys. -Enjoy yourself. -Not that way. Is there an elevator? That way. Come on, are you serious? You gonna make us jump? Naked. Asshole. You guys are losers. Don't worry, it gets bigger. That poor old lady! I'm paralyzed! I'm in so much pain! Mama! No! I was inside you! I can't believe nobody's even scared of a black guy anymore! Damn you, Obama! What the hell just happened? I saw my dad's dick.
Channel: Scene City
Views: 1,824,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie clips, clips, movie scenes, movies, hd clips, scenes, clip, movie clip, hd movie clip, movie scene, hd movie scene, movie, film scenes, film clips, film clip, film scene, hd film scene, hd film clip, hd scene, adam sandler, adam sandler comedy, adam ander movies, hd comedy, kevin james, david spade, chris rock, comedy scene, comedy movie, buddy comedy, hd comedy movie, grown ups, grown ups 2
Id: RxRwo4AnNyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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