Growing a Healthy UE4 Ecosystem | Unreal Fest Europe 2019 | Unreal Engine

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>>Valentin Galea: I am Valentin. I have been working in the video game industry for more than ten years now, out of which four at Splash Damage in London, United Kingdom. Now, Splash Damage has a rich legacy. It started way back in 2001 with Enemy Territory, then Quake Wars Enemy Territory. Brink, you might know, is from that game. Then we switched to Unreal Engine Power Games. We helped a bit with the Batman Arkham games. We had our own free-to-play shooter called Dirty Bomb, and you might know us recently from our collaboration with Microsoft at the Gears of War franchise. What are we going to talk about today? This is a bit of the agenda. We are going to talk about how we structured our themes and Projects, how we set forth creating standards, and most importantly, how we validate those standards. Then we are going to move into compilation, continuing with the unit testing automation, and good stuff like that. Then at the end, we are going to talk about the so-called "Splash Engine," and how do we match that with the latest UE4? Just a bit of a disclaimer -- we are here to share some of our learnings. Some of these are from our AAA Projects, but most of them are from prototypes, or various "secret sauce" game Projects we had, all of our cumulative UE4 experience. Feel free to find some inspiration, agree or disagree with some of the techniques that I am going to show you today. We are about 300 employees, and we are split across multiple ongoing Projects at various stages. Some can be for AAA, some could be prototype, and so on, so forth. Some of these Projects use the Splash Engine, which at its core is just vanilla UE4, plus a couple of our own enhancement fixes, and stuff like that. We are going to cover this a bit later on. How do we start setting the foundation over games, starting with the game modules, the project layout? We have a master Perforce server that allows us to do nice merges within the projects. That is the root of it. Then we have, let us say, Project A again, which follows a straightforward structure. There is a couple of documentation folders, or the row Assets. Then you might know the traditional UE4 folder structure, the Engine and the game project name the same as the master game project, so in this case, Project A and so on, so forth for other projects. Then we have the Splash Engine, like the master root of Splash Engine. We strive to have multiple game projects, as opposed to one big monolithic catch-all module. Why is that? Because it helps the good architecture, encapsulation. It allow fast iteration; you kind of isolate your changes to -- you are working, let us say, on the weapon, you just touch the weapon module, let us say. That allows faster hot-reload linkage. Also promotes re-use of some of these game modules. Maybe they get so good that you want to use them across. If we take a bit of an x-ray vision in the structure, let us say you have these genetic components, and you have a module called "Runtime," which is the game-facing one, where all the business logic resides. Then you might have testing that allows you to validate this logic. Then you might have Editor-only modules for some enhancements on the UI side of it. Or you might have interface, which is just header files, like glue between multiple game projects. Going a bit into depth, this is kind of well-known; there is the Unreal Build Tool specific file, with some dependencies and some defaults there. Then you have the implementation part, and the interface part, then so on and so forth. This is the traditional view for folder structure. But it still can get a bit hairy to do all of this, so we have a quick way to automate this. It is just a glorified batch file that allows you to say, do you want an Editor module? Do you want a test module? It will create the folder structure for you and put in some sensible defaults. Just a batch file can get a lot of quick wins, easy. All right, so you have this nice folder structure. How do you go about filling it with good code? Well, good code is supposed to follow good coding standards, right? A splash value, one of our core guiding principles is mastery, especially when it comes to C++, and we try to be careful about the way we architect our code. Now, we did not have an established coding standard. There were some attempts at documenting these practices, but they are really scattered around in various documentation places. What is wrong with this approach? They grow big, they grow out of date. It is hard to maintain them. They are usually in a separate location; you have to go out of your way to go, how is this supposed to work? From the code, you are supposed to go in the documentation. Then only the gods of programming get through the coding standard, and who are we kidding, right? Nobody has time to write or read the documentation. You just code, code. At Splash Damage, I pioneered a -- and the guys helped me to have a different approach -- where the standards are actually source code files, so you can actually affect the build by messing up with the coding standard. Because it is like source code, it means it can participate in code reviews, and I will talk about this. It has a system for easy reference and searching. Going into a bit more detail -- there are just two main files; a .h file which shows the more architectural layout of your classes, and a C++ file, a .cpp file, which deals with more in-depth C++ rules. They sit on the game side code. Recently we open-sourced them, so you can check them for yourself in GitHub and see if you agree or disagree with some of the choices we made there. This is a bird's eye view of the standard; I hope everyone can read it. Going a bit into detail, you can see there is a combination of these islands of heavily-commented areas, and islands of actual source code that show you a bit of how you should architecture stuff. Then it is either UE4 guidelines -- in this case, you see there are some various tidbits about how you should structure your U-classes, or it can be about how you should write the actual C++ code. In this case, it is something about how you should use good rules for your destructor. Going back, you see there is this nice tag system. Everything inside square brackets is used for quick reference or searching, or referring to that particular piece of code. In this case, [class.virtual] refers to the rules about how you should structure or combine together the overrides for virtual methods. Or in this case, the ecs.gc refers to the portion of the rules that are supposed to guide you about how you should structure your objects, like you should defer them with pointers and stuff like that, through UProperties. Or how you should combine together, in our opinion the replicative variables through the replicated functions, and so on and so forth. Now, the best usage of this is through code reviews. This is a screen shot from Perforce's own code review tool called "Perforce form", and this is me telling someone you should use the class.member definition. The good rule about this is, it takes pressure a bit from the code reviews; it is not me dictating to the guy because I know better. It is because we all agreed to follow these common rules, right, so it is easier, and everybody knows what we are talking about when I am saying func.arg.readability or something. The standard itself is continuously evolved like that through code reviews. Normally you would send your piece of code to one or two colleagues; a change in the standard, you would send to the whole team, and if you get enough up votes, that makes the new standard. Now, a funny unintended consequence was that the member, because the real classes, it was, like, how we structure Character Classes, turns out you can actually instantiate the coding standard Actor in a scene, and add a Static Mesh to him. I think in this case he is preparing to fly away, maybe he saw some dodgy code, or something. All right, so equally important -- content standards. Why is that? Because poor practices lead to poor results, right? They will compound over time, you will lose productivity. You will have huge cook times, deployment times. Also, the UE4 Editor is relatively easy to modify to kind of add productivity enhancements to it. The ground rule we follow starts with naming. If you have good naming, everything else follows nicely. Every Asset follows kind of the structure. There is a base name, and then a prefix. This already leads to less confusion, better searchability. The Prefix spot just uses initials from the class name. If it is a Static Mesh, it will be SM. If it is Skeletal, it will be SK, and so on, so forth. Here is a couple of examples of how we encourage people to name their Assets. You see the nice prefix, like T for Texture, and a bunch of suffixes to make it more clear. Now another type of Assets are Blueprints, and these are kind of content code, so they follow the same idea as a coding standard. They live on the game content side, and they are just basically nicely laid-out Blueprints with nicely-formatted parts, and lots of good comments and tool tips, showcasing the techniques that we want to follow. In order to further drive this a bit, we have some validation, and the best use case for this validation was that it forced people to comment out their Blueprints. All right, so we have this content stuff, but how do you go about validating and making sure that they are actually followed? This happens primarily in the CI, in the build form. You either get validated after you submit, or more complex checks doing nightly builds. Primarily there are three ways we validate; the naming I showed you, the Blueprints, and more general Asset validation. The naming validation is just a small Editor commandlet that kind of uses that initials rule to see if you have Texture, it should be T, and a couple of manual whitelisted exceptions. Also, more importantly, we disallow naming stuff like "Test" or "Error" or "Warning," because you do not want to go into logs and be confused. An interesting thing that goes a long way of helping with this is that we intercepted the way you do new Materials, new stuff in the Editor. Here I am creating a cubemap Texture, and it already creates a nice initial for this, right; I can only concentrate on the name, taking out the guess work. This already leads to good practices. Another interesting thing we did, we disallowed random imports of data, so you should not import your stuff from the Desktop, then you would send it to the recycle bin, and they are, like, oh, what was that master source Asset? You should put them in the raw folder in Source Control, and only import from there. That is a more important rule we follow. Blueprints validation -- again, a small Editor commandlet, just checks if there are some tool tips, if you have at least one common node, if you did not name your names like "New Function," or "New Item," whatever. We did not go too much in-depth with this. If you have the chance, you should try Epic's own Blueprint compiler, which is way more complex. Maybe you can leverage it to check more complex rules. More general Asset validation, like everything from your textures, models, physical Assets and stuff like that. This is done under CI on the build machines, and primarily checks for missing or bad references, and arguably stuff that could hurt you during cook times. Also importantly, it disallows referencing stuff from developer or test folders, because a lot of people kind of do their small experiments in their own personal space, and then they forget about this, and then they just link it into production, and that leads to a lot of problems. We disallowed this, and we catch it early. We found an interesting kind of system to allow this. We actually leveraged the cooking process. Literally, we cook everything by elevating the warnings as errors, so anything that would sweep under the carpet that you will disregard, now it is immediately an error so you get a chance to fix it immediately. Obviously there are some caveats here; this might not scale well for all of the big ongoing projects when you cook all, and all your Assets could take days. That is why it is important to have this as early as possible in your prototype stage. If you start doing this in production, it is a bit too late. But I still advocate for it, and if you do it later in the stages, you should look into other ways, maybe leveraging the Asset registry to kind of walk the dependency and see the problems there. But still, this got us very big benefits, the CookAll. I am going to show you how it tied in with pre-commit. All right, so let us move into actual compilation, obviously how that plays an important factor here, right? Either you cook or you compile or you build lighting. We kind of discovered a rule of thumb is, the more hardware threads you have, the best, obviously to a point. 8 to 16 is really nice, 16 to 32. But after the point it kind of plateaus; there is no longer a benefit investing in faster hardware. We also experimented with distributed compilation. You can either use off-the-shelf solution like Incredibuild, which are very easy to use, but that are relatively expensive, so you need to budget for them. We also tried Fastbuild, which is an open source alternative. You can find the integrations on GitHub, although the onus is on you to maintain it better. I keep talking about the CI system, the Build Farm. There are actually several Build Farms, depending on the projects. If you are a prototype, you only get one machine. If you are a full production project, you might get 30 machines -- your own mini cloud. Interesting here, like the best kind of configuration we had is the AMD Threadripper, the first generation. We did not look into the second yet. That is a good bang for your buck. It does a full rebuild in 4.21 in under 15 minutes. What do we use to orchestrate all this? Primarily, we use TeamCity, but lately we started using Jenkins as well. That is why it is important to use the so-called architecture code, because we want to be independent of the orchestrator. Why? Because in the past, we were too ad-hoc with this, and it did not scale. For example, too tightly, everything was like in TeamCity, so good luck moving it out. Too specific for a project -- if you have another project, you need to do everything from scratch. Good luck if it breaks and try to debug locally. That is why now we are leveraging Epic's own BuildGraph system. What is BuildGraph? BuildGraph is just an alternative to the traditional batch file scripts that do your cooking and deployment. It is just an XML-based infrastructure scripts. This allowed us to have good re-use, like if you condense all your major operations into a set of codified scripts, that promotes standardization and good use. Also, another interesting thing we did, we unified all the calling paths, so everything uses BuildGraph. Like Epic itself uses it, but they did not do this, and we went a step further. No matter if you have Visual Studio on the command line -- on the Build Farm, everything uses the same system, so if you modify a flag, it will get modified once, not in 10 places. It is quite powerful out of the box. Epic provides a couple of good examples. They use it to distribute, I think, the Engine itself, so if you want to get started, there is some good information there. We modified it quite a lot ourselves. The most we got out of it was like preparing the Editor binaries to send out to the team. Again, a nice bird's eye view. If we go in closer, you see it has documentation. It can include other scripts. It has a bunch of variables that you can set up and configure. Pretty much the core idea is these agent nodes that can run commands, and the commands can be various compilation things. I am building some cook dependencies here, like the crash reporter, or it can be just various general commands like zip and zip move files, delete file, stuff like that. You unify everything in this one recipe, rather than having a bunch of batch files everywhere. Let us talk about pre-commit. In my opinion, I would not work on another project that does not have this system. A bit of context before -- so generally, we follow the "trunk-based development," which means there is one main line for each project. We split off only for major releases. That means that everyone collaborates nicely. There is one place of [Inaudible] there is less overhead, faster iteration. But the downside is, breakages have big impact, because if you break something, the whole main line dies. Your traditional workflow would be, you code for a bit, you hopefully view your changes, then it goes to the main line. Only then you have the validation from the build machines. Now a better system is the following: You start coding like usual, you view but then you kind of go sideways and you do a personal type of validation. Was this validation successful? If no, you have this nice chance that now you just return to the user saying, you goofed something, went bad, so you have a chance to fix it. If you do it successful, only then you submit to the main line. Then it gets picked up by the more general validation. Effectively there are two systems working here. There is a frontend that the coders use, and there is the backend, what the build machine does. The frontend is just a glorified tool that allows you to indirectly submit or do kind of personal builds. You can do an off-the-shelf solution; if you are using TeamCity, Jet Brains provides a Visual Studio plugin for this. If you are using Jenkins, their support out of the box for pre-commit, but only on Git. Or if you have a small tools division, you can try to write your own. Either if you try to write your own or get it off-the-shelf, it basically looks like this -- two main choices. At the top you choose what you want to check against, and at the bottom you see in the yellow, they only submit this if the test was successful. That means that on the backend, it is just a nice, personal build system. Obviously the more configuration you put, the better it is because you have better chances to know that you did not break anything. But at the same time, you might have more stress on the Build Farm. It is a nice balance, you have to be careful there. In order to help with this, we came up with a reasonable kind of infrastructure for this, whereby to kind of cut down on the compilation time when you pre-commit this. The idea is, you rebuild kind of overnight all the participating configurations. Then throughout the day, you just incrementally build, using this kind of cache that you have on the build machine. For example, I want to test the Editor, I want to test the game on PC, and then the game on another platform, let us say PS4. Normally, to build this from scratch to know that everything did not get affected. It will take, let us say, even two hours on the fastest machine. I do this overnight, I leave the Object files there. Then every day a new developer participates with his changes, and he will do a non-unit incremental build, and that kind of cuts it down to three platforms, you can check them in 15 minutes. Obviously, it depends on the extent of your changes, if you modified the Engine .h, then you are paying for it. But still, it is quite good. The takeaway here is, this was a major productivity booster for us. We experimented with the project for year and a half, I think, and now we are spreading it, we are evangelizing to the rest of the projects in the company. Obviously it is not a silver bullet solution, but still, it helps quite a lot. Let us continue more on this theme of automation and testing, and how can we help, creating a good system that helps the developers. Still into the commit territory, it is because we are using Perforce, and you have history, it is nice to have a lot of info there. But nobody wants to write so much stuff every single time. We did a couple of tools that help the developer in this regard, like adding tags, links to your JIRA or title and description. It kind of looks like this, it is just a glorified UI that allows you to kind of take the guesswork and just concentrate on description, tagging, and adding whoever buddied your code. On the other side, what happens when you want to validate this commit? You want to make sure, again in Perforce, that they follow this formatting. Interestingly enough, we experimented with time of day; for example, we were cutting off the commits after 5:00 PM to discourage commit and run, so let a bit of time to test. Or most importantly, you do not want to put fire up on fire, so if the build is broken, nobody can submit unless you have a special BuildFix token. This is how it kind of looks to the user, like Perforce shows you this nice dialog saying that I did a couple of action rules, but the last one was not safe, the build was broken at the time. You are not the fixer, you cannot submit. This is another kind of nice way to kind of gauge and make sure people follow nice procedures. Now the black sheep of game Dev -- unit testing. Everybody loves it, but not that many people use it. Now Epic themselves, they have a good framework, so there is good stuff to start and use already. We enhanced it a bit. We followed a given-when-then structure. Of course we have separate coding standards for this test as well, to show you how to write. Because that in Visual Studio is very easy to, how should I write my unit test? Oh, I do not know, I will just bring the unit test standard. I will kind of look a bit, and then I will get an idea. They integrated with our orchestrator, like for TeamCity, and also we did a bit of setup and tear-down support, like you can create programmatically as small World, you can spawn Actors in it, and then it will automatically be destroyed. Let us take a nice little example of how would you write a unit in the Splash Damage framework. You start by having a couple of syntactic sugar macros, to kind of have your flags, your namings, groupings, stuff like that. Then you are ready to just start writing the unit testing, like one line with the nice name. Then you can concentrate on the logic. For example, given that the Character has an attached Actor, when you set the Team ID on this parent Character, then you expect that the child Actor has the same Team ID, so you would test for that. In a couple of quick operations, you just have a unit test, and hopefully you will write more and more of these. We also experimented with the functional testing, which this is a bit more involved. It needs some special setup in the Editor, like some specially-crafted levels, with Blueprint Actors in them. They live on the content side. They follow Epic's own conventions, but they are not network-capable, so depending on your needs, they might not be so useful. We did not go into too much detail, but now there is a new system, starting with 420, I think, called Gauntlet, which allows to kind of have various functional scenarios in the client-server architecture. Check this out if you are so inclined. Now if you are writing tests, and like I showed you earlier, you have this nice separation between the run-time, the gameplay logic and the test, obviously the test module, you need to test the actual internal logic implementation. But at the same time you want to access this private data, but only from the test, not from the rest of the other modules, so other games. You do not want to leak the implementation details. Our solution was to piggyback on those module API things, if you are familiar with this, if you write your game modules, and then to interact with them, you have these decorators, like modular name, API. We added a new one, which has "test." For example, if I have a player run-rime component, and somewhere deep in his implementation there is this camera target component, when I declared this, I used the Player Test API. Then in the equivalent player Test module, when I want to test something about this camera target component, I just get it for free. I can just interact with it. There is just a bit of magic you need to do in the C-shot file in a builder finish, and saying, I want to use -- this is just the Boolean flag -- you say I want to use this thing, and you have it. In this way, it is nicely encapsulated, no other game modules can access this. You still are nicely contained. This is an example over a couple of tests running on TeamCity, and they are all okay. This is just like, you need the log that the testing framework produces. You just need to kind of map it to what TeamCity needs. Now this was covered very nicely in a previous talk yesterday, but it is quite an interesting way of automating your workflow. The Unreal Game Sync that is used to distribute the game binaries, so you want to have a nice controlled system where you distribute binaries across. This is especially useful if you want to have this concept of last known good, rather than always working on the tip, like on the latest. Latest can be broken, even with all the test, let us say it is broken, so you want to send out the last known good to someone, either a QA, or some automated system marked as good. This is very useful for non-programmers. We did a couple of modifications to this Unreal Game Sync, like again, we kind of leveraged the BuildGraph, and we had more control on it, how you prepare the zip binaries, you insert crash report into it and so on and so forth, and then you send it out. But largely, it follows what the Unreal Game Sync does out of the box, so I recommend using this system. I guess the takeaway here is, you want to invest in automation. It brings very nice wins later on. But do it, if possible, early in the lifetime of a project, even, if possible, even in a prototype. Do not leave it all the way into full production, because the project will have too much inertia. You can still add some stuff, but it will be harder. Okay, what about Splash Engine? In our work, we try to extract and re-use the stuff we do in Unreal Engine. This is pretty much just things that become kind of game-agnostic, enhancements and fixes to the Engine, or we have some nice UI component library, some audio on a nice event system that kind of decouples the listeners from the broadcasters, so they do not need to know from each other, asyncing of tasks. Some small rendering features, tech-art utilities, and so on and so forth. That is the kind of collection that makes Splash Engine together. The majority get seeded from Splash Engine, and integration happens in two ways; either "downstream," I call it, when you want to merge the latest UE4 happenings in the Engine, and then in the projects. Or the other way, like a project gets such a cool feature that you want to bubble it up to the Engine, and then to all other projects. If we take a closer look again, this is our Perforce from previously. We have just a collection of the drops that we get from Epic. This is Splash Engine, and this is where the actual game projects live. Then the Epic drops is just a flat collection of whatever you download from Epic. Splash Engine has an interesting format, though. There is this clean branch, I am going to show how this works in a second. There is the main line, and then there are various staging areas for every particular project we have. In order to understand this better, let us take a merge scenario. I want to update the particular game project to the latest UE4 version. Again, you start with this structure, then you take from the latest drop, you copy across into this clean branch, and this gives you nice incremental [Inaudible]. Only after this, you merge across into the main line of Splash Engine, and this is the chance to kind of fix any conflicts, or fix up plugins, for example. We sometimes use Wwise for audio, or Houdini, so this is your chance to bring those up to date as well. Now in the meantime, Project A evolved at its own pace, right? It is time to bring the latest developments of project A into the staging area, which is kind of abandoned since the last integrate. After you have done that, you are free to separately do this merge from main line, which is now latest UE4, into the staging area. You can work here in nice isolation, solving conflicts as you go. Hopefully you do it fast enough so Project A does not evolve too much, because you cannot stop the development, you cannot just say, oh guys, I am going to merge now, do not do any more work. You work in this staging area, and this allows us -- I think the fastest we did was, like, two weeks. After you completed the merge in the staging area, then you are free to move it out and merge into the actual game project itself. Hopefully, it did not evolve too much, that you might have some last-minute conflicts. But there are not that many. The bulk of the work you already did. You see the takeaway here, this system kind of allows us to have nice, quick integrations; decouples the integration work from the main Dev work. But it needs to kind of -- you have to be careful, because having a structure like this needs some dedicated resources, otherwise it kind of atrophies. We have a small tech sharing group that kind of takes care of this, and tries to always have this ready, like for example, that main line, all that stages, they need to have their own build machines and stuff. All right, so we are nearing the end of the talk, so I am going to leave you with a nice kind of cautionary tale. We did the 4.21 integration following all of this recipe, so we ate our own dog food. We did pre-commit all our tests run, everything was nice. We gave ourself a pat on the back. Then when the game project was ready, we asked the guys to continue their work. Then they open the Editor and then they found out that every single Static Mesh got turned into one triangle, which is the best optimization ever. But because nobody figured to actually, after the merge, test the actual level. I guess the takeaway here is, no automation system would save you from having good due diligence. But I think this is the best combination; having a nice plan that you follow, and then complement that with a nice automation system that catches errors as you go. With that, that is it. Thank you very much for the opportunity. This is Splash Damage; check our website and GitHub. [Applause] ♫ Unreal logo music ♫
Channel: Unreal Engine
Views: 4,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UE4, Game Dev, Unreal Engine, Prague, Unreal Fest Europe, Game Engine, Unreal, Unreal Fest, UE Fest, Game Development, Epic Games
Id: CXhYFwurKL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 30sec (2250 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2019
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