Grooming The Dog Everyone REFUSED | Difficult Grooming [CC] (rev)

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All right, guys! So this guy is fourteen years old. They contacted me because other groomers will not take him. He has something going on back here. I haven't even really looked at it yet. Yep, there is a... ...can you see that? His...He has a prolapsed colon. The colon comes out of his anus... and um, no other groomer will groom him, so... ...I said I will try. The reason why he is up here is I need to shave these ears... ...I'm gonna take a #7 blade and shave these ears, they're matted. Um... ...but I am not, I am always willing to try something. Especially... ...if people are saying they can't, groom a dog because of a medical condition. Like... Those ears weren't that bad. So I'm going to quickly... ...shave this off. And guys it does stink, it does. Um, I'm having to hold back from gagging... but... is what it is, I might have to go get a piece of gum out of my car. I'm gonna put some gloves on... ...cuz' I am gonna to have to get up in there and then I'm gonna have to disinfect these blades that I'm using by that. Um, I wanna try to cut this hair the best I can... before... ....I get him in the bath so I can really clean it up. So these, this blade that I'm using will definitely be disinfected after. Why are you so itchy, buddy? I'm gonna get you a good bath. I don't have to use gloves very often but there are a few situations where I'm like: I think I'm gonna put some gloves on. They, the vet... ...wanted all of the shots to be up to date, wanted the dog to have a parvo shot ...and the owners was like my dog is fourteen years old, you know. And I get it, I get it, I do. So... I am. * Giggles * Buddy, you're so itchy, huh? Let's scoot you up. Sorry guys I'm trying not to gag... cuz' I know that really bothers people and it's not the look, it's the sme... * gags *'s the smell. Sorry guys. I mean... this dog is in pretty rough shape. It's matted all in here... but... doesn't help that this guy has a medical condition. It's, it's... It has secretions coming out... of... ...the anus. And, you know that's obviously going to cause matting. So we're gonna trim all this... short as we can. I'm sure he is itchy as because he hasn't been groomed... ...cuz' no one would groom him. Come on buddy, you gotta stand up. Okay... I don't like shaving dogs with a #10... ...but... ...when a situation is this bad... gotta do what's best for the dog. I am never... ...going to sit here and let a dog suffer. If they came to me and said: ''Hey my dog needs to be groomed and I can not afford it''... ...then I'm gonna groom it. Kelbee: Mommy? Marybeth: Yeah? Kelbee: Why are you wearing gloves? Marybeth: Because this little guy has a medical condition and its... ...better if I wear gloves. Kelbee: Oh, okay! Marybeth: Yup. Woah, woah, woah, hey, buddy. No need to bite. I'm just trying to help ya', buddy. Okay... I got the back half... ...stripped. Come here, buddy. Buddy, buddy, buddy... You're okay. I have some special shampoo, that I'm gonna use on him...'s a... ...antibacterial, antifungal... ...shampoo. Kelbee: Mommy my tummy hurts. Marybeth: Do you need to go potty? Kelbee: No. Marybeth: Are you gonna puke? Kelbee: No. Marybeth: Okay, are you okay? Kelbee: Yup. Marybeth: Okay. My battery died. I tried to put a fresh battery in before I started recording, but I thought I would have enough but I didn't. Okay, so we're quickly just gonna get all this hair off. We don't have to get every single last bit off, we just wanna get the majority off the matts off. Okay, I'm gonna change the blades, real quick. This table will be disinfected after I'm done. The paw pads are matted. See that in there? I have to get that off. There's something going on with his skin... ...cuz', I mean everywhere I shave... ...he is scratching, it feels good. So, definitely gonna use that special shampoo. I'll show you guys what I'm gonna use, so you guys know for your own dogs. Okay, I'm gonna change to a #30 blade. Good boy! Okay... All right... Mmmh! Yeah, this is gonna have to be shaved. I mean.. is all kinds of matted. Um, but the thing is that they weren't able to get the dog groomed... ...and so... will grow out, and we'll do it next time. Easy, buddy. They wanted a teddy bear cut, but guys I gotta do what's best for the dog, and ya'll can say: ''Oh you need to do want the owner wants'' Guys they understand the dogs medical conditions Can you see a little, boy? Do you wanna be able to see? Hang on, buddy. Hang on, boy. Okay... Hi, nice to see you again. Huh? You can see! You can see now! I'm gonna get him in the bath, we're gonna do the nails after. Kelbee: Mommy, can I see? Marybeth: I'm just talking to the dog. Kelbee: Can I see? Marybeth: See! Kelbee: He can see now! Marybeth: He can see now. So with his... ...back end condition... ...I am going to cleaning that first... ...just get it soaking, so we can get it cleaned up a little better. Come here, boy. That's not gonna work. Take my gloves off. Ugh, jeez! I'll pick that up later with another glove. Get this going... No, get down, you're okay. I'm just gonna do a little preliminary... know pre-bath... ...just to get all the skin wet and stuff. Get the eyes started soaking. This one has some pretty bad... ...gunk in it. Okay... So I am going to use... ...this is a... ...these are chubbs bars. C-h-u-b-b-s * Spelling it out * They're soap bars but they're for dogs. They're made for dogs, they're not cheap they're like... ...$6-7 each... ...but for really greasy... ...dogs, um they're fantastic! So I'm just gonna lather this up some... ...and then just... ...lather him up. Okay, so I'm just gonna rinse this off of him. That is just to remove any... ...grease, dirt any of that stuff. Okay... I'm just very gently going to clean back here. She said there's some secretions... I wanna get all of that off... ...let that... ...get cleaned. Okay... I'm gonna take the special shampoo... ...this is what I use, it's Micohexidine, it's... ...miconazole, which is a anti fungus and then the chlorhexidine is a anti-bacterial. So, this has to sit on the skin... ...for ten minutes. So... ...I'm just going to... ...get this all over him. ...and hopefully... ...this will kill any yeast, it will kill any bacterial that's on the actual skin... ...make it more a hygienic place for his... know... ...stuff to be out. You guys can get this on Amazon you can get it on..., any of the pet supply stores that I use. Ryan's pet supply... ...Groomer's Choice are both good. Okay, so I'm just gonna put that back there. Um... ...and I'm gonna let that sit on him and while I let that sit on him, I'm just gonna stand here and wait. Then we'll come back and we'll rinse him off, then we'll get him in the dryer and then we'll get him finished up when he is all dry. All right guys, it's been around ten minutes, so we're just going to... ...switch this over, rinse him off and... ...get him drying. Buddy, you gotta get down. Okay, I'm gonna take this. Come here boy. Get this gunk out of his eyes. This gunk and this stuff. Okay... obviously I can't do anal glands. Um... ...well..., cuz' I'm just afraid that I might injure him. So, no anal glands, I'm gonna dry him off... ...and then we'll get him drying. Huh, boy? You already look ten times better. Do you know that? You already look ten times better! So... Now this guy, I am going to give a towel to sit on... ...because I don't want his colon... directly touching that metal. You're okay, buddy. All right guys, we're gonna get this little guy finished. He has been so good epically with... ...his medical condition. So I have a #10 here. Come here, buddy. Kelbee: * Excited * * Incomprehensible talk! * Marybeth: What?! 😯 Kelbee: * Incomprehensible talk * Marybeth: What?! 😯 Marybeth: No way! 😯 Kelbee: * Incomprehensible talk * Easy, buddy. It's itching so much that you're loosing your footing. Can you turn this way? Come here, buddy. Buddy...'re okay. Come here. This is about to grow into... Kelbee: Mommy when can I have... Kelbee: ...mommy I really want a brother. Marybeth: Yeah, it doesn't just happen like that Kelbee, sorry. Real life, guys. Right? Okay... Come here, buddy. Buddy! Buddy, buddy, buddy. I'm trying to do that so you can see a little better. Okay... Kelbee: Mommy, I'm going to teach my cousin, Kenzee to be nice! Marybeth: That's a good thing. Kelbee: Yup! Marybeth: Yeah. Marybeth: That's a good thing to teach somebody. Kelbee: Because * incomprehensible * always be sneaky. Marybeth: Yeah? Kelbee: And now this time he be nice! Marybeth: How does that make you feel? Kelbee: He helped * Incomprehensible * Marybeth: He did?! Kelbee: Yup. Marybeth: He was nice and he helped somebody? Kelbee: Yup! Kelbee: He was * Incomprehensible * Kelbee: But it was NOT * incomprehensible * Marybeth: Yeah? Kelbee: Mommy I can't find the remote?! Marybeth: Hm, I don't know. Kelbee: * Talking about that she's gonna look under her blanket * Marybeth: That's probably a good place to look. Kelbee: Nope, it's not under the blanket. Marybeth: Um, could it be in your shopping basket? Marybeth: Shopping cart. Kelbee: It is! Marybeth: Mhmm... Kelbee: It is! Marybeth: See! Marybeth: I knew you could find it. Marybeth: Not too loud, okay? Kelbee: Okay, mom. Marybeth: Thank you. * Tv goes on * Marybeth: Okay, that's too loud. Kelbee: Mommy they're going on a vacation. Marybeth: Yeah just like we did! Kelbee: They with a baby! Marybeth: Yeah? Kelbee: Yeah. I'm gonna get my thinning shears and I'm just gonna thin this top a little bit.. blend this. Kelbee: See!? Marybeth: I see! Kelbee: Wait? They found out * Incomprehensible * Buddy! Kelbee: What does he eat? Kelbee: And he found out how just like we did! Marybeth They did!? Kelbee: Yup he did! I'm gonna get a #7 and I'm gonna back blade this neck a little bit. Blend that... ...a little better. Kelbee: It's time for them to go to sleep. Marybeth: Yeah? Kelbee: Yup. Kelbee: It's morning. Kelbee: And now it's * Incomprehensible *, mom. Marybeth: Yeah, what are they gonna do? Kelbee: I don't know? Marybeth: You don't know? Kelbee: Just watch and see. Marybeth: That's what's mommy says, huh? Marybeth: Watch and see. * Kelbee talking about the kid show * You're so old, buddy. * Kelbee talking about the kid show * Marybeth: Yeah? That would be fun. * Kelbee talking about the kid show * All right guys...'s almost as good as it's gonna get. That's about as good as it's gonna get. Brush his tail out some And I am gonna get a #10... ...and just... So here's is what I'm gonna do... ...I'm gonna put some ointments on the base of his tail because it's really inflamed it looks really raw. Left handed. Put it on my left hand, I'm gonna take... of these. So if you guys see the wish list down below... ...this is what the anti... ...antibiotic ointment look like. We put.. ...try to put at least five in each bag. Um, these hold... ...quite a bit, and they can double as chap stick and that type of thing. So that's quite a bit. So I'm just gonna take it and I'm just gonna put it back here. That will just provide... ...a little bit of a... perfective barrier. Okay, I'm gonna get him a... ...bandanna. And he... all done. Jeez! Okay, there we go. I got him all done. There he is. So... well, I'm gonna trim this a little bit. I want him to have some tail but I don't want it to be ...getting caught in the... ...stool or the... ...goop that's coming out his.... ...rear. So all right guys... ...that is it, like I said... Kelbee: Can we go home? Marybeth: Almost, okay? ...I do put that towel on there so he is not sitting directly on the metal. The wish lists are down below and I'll see you guys next time.
Channel: Rover's Makeover Dog Grooming
Views: 11,264,430
Rating: 4.9005218 out of 5
Keywords: Rovers Makeover Dog Grooming, Rovers Makeover OKC, Rovers Makeover, Sav Ur Fur Bathing System, difficult grooming, grooming difficult dogs, medical grooming dog, dog with medical problems, Grooming The Dog Everyone REFUSED, rovers makeover dog grooming - oklahoma city, matted dog hair removal, massive undercoat removal, rovers makeover matting, dog grooming, dog, rovers butt dog, butt dog rovers, rovers refused dog, rovers dog refused, refused dog rovers, matted dog
Id: jpT3z6DFSQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 10sec (3010 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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