Gordon Ramsay Double Bone Grilled Pork Chop Recipe

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I'm going to show you our grilled double bone-in pork chop [Music] so starting with this beauty we're gonna salt and pepper both sides and get just a light brush oil on there evenly coat it instead of using the Chara Grill that we typically use in Hell's Kitchen I'm going to show you how to do it on a stove top grill plate which is a little more conducive for home use so we're going to get the crisscross marks on both sides of the pork chop kind of seal that flavor in and start to render down that fat cap for this garnish we're going to use bacon lardons Brussels sprouts and a little bit of apple cider to deglaze so in a medium hot pan you want to start with your bacon lardons you really want to render some of that fat out of there I can see from here that I'm starting to get just a little bit of white on the bottom of that pork which lets me know that it's okay to flip it to the next side so basically to get those cross marks perfect you want to start any of your proteins on the grill Corning at two o'clock and then you flip it to point at ten o'clock and that's going to give you a perfect diamond shaped pattern back to the lardons you want to turn the heat down a bit because you really want to slowly get that fat to render out of the bacon once I start to see that white fat go away and get a little bit crispy I know it's time to put my Brussels sprouts in I like to start with the cut side down so you get some nice color on that open presentation side these Brussels sprouts have been quickly blanched prior to going into the pan that's going to help take the bite off so it doesn't feel like you're biting into a small head of raw cabbage I can start to see again some of that color coming up over that double bone so I'm gonna be able to flip it to the other side now and like I said you go at ten and two you're always gonna have that perfect diamond that you're looking for still going to need some more time but this is what you're looking for is a little bit of color on your Brussels sprouts so I want to flip these now I'm going to put about two ounces of apple cider into the pan and let that reduce down before mounting it with butter so it's good it tilted away from you in the event that it splashes up I'm gonna just make this really natural sweet and savory sauce for the Brussels sprouts now I can get the final hash onto my pork I'm going to hit this top side with a little bit of a wet Cajun rub this is just gonna give a little bit of smoky heat to the pork chop it's going to pair really well with the bacon and apple cider and the Redwine Demi it's being served with and now that I have that other side crossed off to I'll get it on to a sizzle plate so I want to get just a little bit more of that rub and then recipes in the link below in the description and now get it into the oven it's a thick pork chop that's gonna take even though it's been on the grill for about five minutes it's gonna take another 10 to 12 minutes to finish in the oven and in the meantime we're gonna hit this with just a touch more apple cider and then mount it with butter that butter is going to help to glaze the Brussels sprouts and give it a nice Sheen and bind that apple cider along with the bacon fat pull this garnish all the way together and we can set this aside so now I'm going to check on the pork chop all right yeah and that's ready to go you're gonna have a little bit of push back so you would treat it just like a steak one way to do it is using your hand as a point of reference so all the way down where it's soft mid-rare medium to well I'm going to allow that to rest and I'll start plating in the meantime before we slice we're serving a sweet potato puree there'll be more information for you in the link below in the description so then we're going to want to show off that little char that we got on our skin side up Brussels sprouts and get our bacon in there as well and then we're going to slice our pork chop and I'm going to slice this out three more times and take that little bit of fat cap off where you get our bone side down then we're able to fan out the meat of the pork chop and Hell's Kitchen we finish with a Redwine Demi so you pour that over the cut meat and then we put our chicharrón dust it with smoked paprika a little wipe down before we present it and this is our grilled pork chop in Hell's Kitchen delicious hey guys if this video made you hungry we have more recipes on our YouTube channel check it out click subscribe and get cooking [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Gordon Ramsay Hell's Kitchen
Views: 10,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, grilled pork chop, double bone-in pork chop, pork chop recipe, juicy and flavorful, grilling tips, cooking tips, cooking tutorial, pork meat, foodie, food lovers, recipe video, cooking video, kitchen tips, culinary arts, cooking techniques.
Id: z2SLIvP1NnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 13sec (313 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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