Grilled - Breaking Bad S2 Episode 2 Reaction

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is that better what would they know well what would they know about you know about my desk moving I mean like they can't answer me so high excuse me it's just too high for you I wanted them to be involved in the the setup of the Breaking Bad episode two not Shogun sad I miss Shogun I'm a Scottish man who can't roll his arms really yeah try actually be serious no that's be serious you can do being serious I think you can do it I can't do it what are you doing show me show me but don't spit on me what do you mean show me what you're doing with your mouth but I don't know that's the problem I don't know you can't even blame the brace cuz he was like this before he got it yeah like this yeah this is a weird intro Breaking Bad welcome back to Breaking why you s it's not a shun you like Breaking Bad I do I love breaking bad but I I am enjoying Shogun far too much the problem yes see if Breaking Bad was currently in syndication so it was like coming out every week uhhuh probably feel the same about breaking bad yeah it's funny that you take a toy away from from a child and that's when they want to play with it how you calling me a child I feel like I can't look at you because I've got these massive Hoops in and every time I turn my head it gets stuck there and it hurts so I'm like sitting like this apparently we're swanning it today I'm sitting like this make up on your [ __ ] earrings I might do God that's impressive you do as well I'm just going to leave it ow I my mic I spend all day cleaning the OV I was going to say what have you been up to today spent all day cing in the oven it's finger cut the [ __ ] out my finger we got an invite to something quite special that in London in London everything is in London and when you stay in Glasgow that's a pain in the H but anyway if you don't stay in Glasgow like we obviously don't stay in Glasgow we don't even stay in Glasgow but we stay in Scotland so to travel from Scotland to London is a pain but yeah we got like a really really cool opportunity from Netflix and we can't tell you but I'm telling you I'm doing that YouTuber thing where it's like I've got something special and I can't tell you but I want to talk about it there we go it's cool I mean it's not allowed to talk about n not allowed to say what it is but in a couple of weeks time just know that our Shogun episode will be slightly delayed and it's nothing to do with Shogun but I'm really sad about this because shun's going to be toay might not be if can get your ass out of bed in the morning I don't do mornings you don't do anything just lazy yeah I play a lot of Final Fantasy 7 at the moment that's what I I do do do do so I was I was cleaning the oven right and like full disclosure that oven ain't been clean about 5 years that oven hasn't been cleaned since probably long before we not the inside I mean like the the inside of the glass on the oven because like it it gives more flavor or something I don't anyway so I'm clean the inside of the oven the glass and Jesus Christ what a nightmare I know see see see I hav been Googling what's what's hack life hack clean oven easier and see if I see one more person recommending vinegar and baking soda I'm going to lose my marbles doesn't work no it doesn't I'll try that I would know cuz I used to clean ovens what do you do what oven how do you clean them I get like a ton of bleach leave it for oh yeah bleach going to do you leave the bleach on for ages and then you get scratchy thing and you just scratch it all away drink like a I bet like one of the you know the metal Brill pads uhuh I bet that that would be bad for the glass though I kind of would a bad scratch glass so basically I was cooking laser blade on it to be like and I slice up my finger I was cooking the other day and it's one of those bakes where like you can't open the oven well like a cake well pretty much yeah and I was like you know if this was clean I might actually be able to see what my cakes are doing and whether or not they need you know saving or not but you know it was in God's hands what did you do about it then no you didn't no I just just winded about it and then I opened and I was like they're perfect they were perfect right well Rock Cakes sure I've gotten into bacon lately but uh because we're going to an event in a couple of weeks time I need to stop baking cuz I'm going to get fat going to get fat what I just asking was that your plan e ew that's fat shame me they don't ever fat shame me just cuz I'm the fat one in this relationship go fast anyways we are back with Breaking Bad episod don't don't fat sh and don't fist your Bros What's happen sometimes you are really bad everybody we're watching Bad you guys don't see it but like sometimes he's so annoying so annoying to work with now you know how I feel well I'm trying to sit and watch a perfectly good tele Vision show and you're like but what the aliens are going to come and get them and it's like this is a medieval Japan show why would there be Ali alens are coming you know what he said to me the other day and he said it in such a like I was annoyed about this by the way it's like okay we had an issue with Shogun episode three where there was I was trying turn over here y hi what's wrong so basically he was trying to do something and he ended up turning our headphones off so then it was like mid joke and I was really angry cuz I was like I wanted to hear the joke you know and I missed it because of you and then he's like well if you wouldn't shut up but I'm trying to watch this and I'm like that is so lit know what I says I said I said I was turning up because I couldn't hear it over you but yeah you're the one that blows the mic how every single session that's all right someone's going to say in the comment section that there's a weird vibe between those two in that video listen I'm just saying listen here mother you can't keep saying the f word who's the one that's clean in the oven if you wish to watch this on edited with us you can head on over to su. or head on over to the patreon the link is in the description it's after midnight Lord Sav me someone said they want God to stop being a comedian but God is a woman I believe God is a woman wait who's humping out here maybe it's a ND donkey I should I call it nden donkeys oh no maybe it's one of them things you go on the train tracks ooh I do like those I always wanted to be on one of those oh mpede centipede they're so hard to get right no it's a caterpillar it's not centipede that's bullets we're such idiots that is that is that 445 shells I don't know I feel like this is humping yeah I mean it's a very rhythmic compage I don't know if they're 445s I have no idea oh is I'm sorry but no one goes that fast for that long wait that's the car that they drove away on see Captain Cook and that's a dead body that really really bad is going to happen in this episode y oh man that looked like a uh uh Russian caliber AK-47 caliber you would know I guess mhm Tuco Salamanca for those of you who are not with us this morning we raided his headquarters also his last know address even the little den of inequity keeps for his meth hag girlfriend a the big man himself smelled is coming so study the face study the file get a big old raging hard on at the idea of catching this piece I like that they put his head perfectly on the thinking exact same thing yeah I'd say he is a prime suspect in The Disappearance of our dearly missed Crazy Eight hats over your heart for that dirt ball it must have must have been must been him killed crazy we've been watching too much traitors we're looking into everyone's personalities now it's one of tuo's henchmen street name noo found him tucked in the junkyard along with tuco's own brother-in-law are they supposed to just walk around like with a a dead body picture in an office like that why not seems a bit OT anyone would see the photos they're on my website hilarious don't big juicy bloody fingerprint to Senor Tuco Christmas came early the Sher household that is provided we find this guy I mean that was lucky that that's who that fingerprint belonged to hell was that Jesus say we going to find this guy do you want to find this guy yes are we going to find this guy L damn it give me a hell yet America hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah shuts the door and he's like God these people are crazy he we ain't going to fight him this Sky we called last night it's Walt he's missing just disappeared from the house no one's heard from him since yeah you don't think he holler if you need me he's not got it in him all right thanks a lot man hey yeah after episode 1 he did try but he has definitely not gone away to die I wonder if they'll ever find that um note that he made remember the video note yeah true like what ever happened to that on the camera mhm didn't it get run over you'd feel so concerned for them you know like he's got cancer and been acting weird and yeah he's just disappeared like you would literally think he's digging his own grave basically oh no come on nobody does that well they obviously do it's in a TV show no I bet people do do that but like please don't you said do do that well it's like the uh keys in the visor like no one does that you got that many key rings on it not going to sit there hey it's uh Hey Tim really appreciate you Spar if your day off no worries oh what about height and weight uh 511 um most recently about 170 um 165 that that's what I weigh I I guess uh he weighs a little less that's fine that's close enough good so much for her to go through just now go anything that might help us um tattoos um no not really no not really or no is that the list of medications yes I wrote them all down and there's no drug interactions none that are listed um I called his doctor so no has he been depressed he's got cancer I would think so yeah I asked him what was wrong he said I don't know where to begin in um then he just walked out of the room out of the bathroom I was in the tub I was taking a bath and when I came out about 10 minutes later he was gone that's so difficult cuz like if you were to say like oh where do I begin that's like the weight of the world on your shoulders you know um Walt's cell phone rang he uh he pulled it out looked at it and didn't answer it but then a short time after he wandered out of the bathroom I mean couldn't that be uh important right I mean it's definitely suspicious I mean that is important anything else you can think of anything else um probably just someone from Microsoft for and his computers broke I checked with every hospital within 50 miles every police station every morg so no I really don't I don't have anything else I was imagine pH in the like my husband there the expert okay come on Skylight can you blame her given her situation I think this is good enough to start gives us plenty to work on Mrs White thank you Walter thank you I mean she's done the right thing he's technically a hostage and he's missing so that cell phone call she's talking about I ran it and never happened no record of it second cell phone let's go burner oh there is he just shouldn't have got so paranoid like nothing happened idiot mind you someone on drugs paranoid no think tole would have bounced if it wasn't for Jesse and Walt or do you think that it was Jesse and Walt that made him go away cuz he probably thinks if his entire crew has been lifted he probably thinks they've ratted on him yeah I reckon so I think that this is the only course that he thinks he has to do as the right one sounds like those two are having a good [Laughter] time that's like funnily enough a really big fear of mine yeah getting stuck in a trunk and then like the Eminem song Someone Like put you in the water you know I don't want to be like her in the stand song da that's who it was D yeah she was the singer but was she not I thought she was also the girlfriend in the I think she might have been yeah it's been so long since I've seen her no airon in the boot in the drunk I understand ouch get away from me a ow I that work out for you st in here I hope I like a mother twoo that way you have to clean it up poor Jesse doesn't get treated very nicely does he no Jesse is the best character get up they didn't do nothing they didn't do nothing they did nothing they didn't do anything so this is why I don't want to live so close to the desert because someone might just want to take me out suddenly I'm sure it happens on a daily I just bury you in the desert and that's that on a horse with no name can we just talk about these can we just have a Nicea like don't you want any of your awesome drugs can still make them oh my God that was so adorable well as far as she's concerned he is missing like I can't imagine like the pain of someone you love actually going missing like that it's the taco place that they do the drug [Music] deals oh she talking to her sister again at least well you know in times of extreme hardship the only people you can rely on is your family or at least that's what all the like cards say that's what they tell you that's what they tell you I don't think he'll hurt himself I mean he just doesn't strike me as the type nah he would do anything anything crazy or like good math you know it's sad though like literally in the first episode he was like if he didn't mess up who was going to be dead I just find it bewildering that didn't believe the Marie there is a time and a place Marie I know I know you Marie like Gand why are you not going to like a a a what do they call them Xerox or something it sounds like a drug I'm sure Xerox is like the place that they go to get photo copies done I don't know just somewhere that does portal copies well if you've got enough in you can do it yourself yeah but I mean you can give them it and they'll just REM off like thousands of them in a Wy oh evidence in the dry and [Music] tidy oh yuck I don't want to get buried with some ants my God he just kidnapped them to watch a movie together with an old man yeah [Music] just wanted to take him and see his grandpa she's so awkward oh my God he's watching his programs oh my God he's got to be Bell look he is ready to ring that thing you can ring [Music] my ring my B oh see he is a nice guy he's looking after his dad I guess empty your pockets what is it is try to F you for your pocket lint uhoh oh yeah there's uh some meth some l meth thought your name was Heisenberg Walter harw white did you actually think a name as cool as that was legit well I mean it is legit it was a physicist that worked on the Manhattan Project but it's very German Heisenberg I think it was a German I think it was I think he was an ex Nazi scientist I like doing business with a family man there's always a lot of collateral I was going to say you do know that they're just going to kill you now to or at least try to what's wrong with that just cuz I don't want babies roaming about no kiss I knew I knew it was coming I knew it was can I trust you oh yes yes absolutely you did all this just to ask ask that question you can't trust him now it is interesting then so he's obviously skipped town and collected them as opposed to kidnapp them he's paranoid hit my place of business this morning there you go see you two haven't been talking right why would they be they're earning a fortune picked up my whole crew top to bottom everybody except Gonzo it's weird right maybe Gonzo is the rat last two days I couldn't get Gonzo on the phone he's been acting all pouty on account of noos he definitely the rat explain to me I mean Gonzo is armless that's it my fault that that little did not know his place is that rhetorical or you know technically as a boss it is your fault that that little [ __ ] did not in fact know his place I knew last night they were going to come and try and bust me Gonzo he went snitch to the cops that son of a so Gonzo dying is what freaked him out I see Gonzo I'm going to go I'm going to sh I'm going to stop his hi for heav bag every child my GNA be like a legend myself you never never trust the people that you love oh I think our drugs are having a bad effect on this guy I I think he's just a bit heartbroken so Gonzo betrayed him plan to iano like future tense what don't tell them I'm very sorry to hear that that's disappointing yes yes very yeah I Wast him to you shut up I was going to say Jessie shut up God I need to get high I need to get good and high I told you it's always after the eyeballs chees no it's uh it's killer definitely killer but that's that should be enough though that Wy just took the poisoning I came up with this great idea Mexico Mexico I think Mexico's been done before we'll set you up in a super lab we'll do nothing but cook 24/7 I have a family you just seen them Toco I I have a a wife and family then maybe you shouldn't be in the drug business you know how it rolls exactly just get another one just uproot my life like that yeah man I mean me neither oh shut up Jesse I know Jesse what Badger I'll tell you something youo you've never tried nothing like it come on Jesse push him to sniff that one bump you'll be flying high for days lick it lick that finger and I been working up don't oversell it KS like a 12 gauge when it comes on don't over sell it Jesse he's got a secret ingredient oh shut up Jesse he's into it ingredient chili powder you should have said cheese you said it stinks a cheese CH po oh for Jesse Blue Magic this is money you keep cooking this Iber well done Jesse just cuz you want to be a part of something straighten my eyeball again tighty clean the Mano out from between your ears no I need him to go I need him very very badly there's my laob assistant he's my partner and if he doesn't go I don't go a I'll tell you this my cousins are driving up here right now to smuggle us back down and they're going to be here by Sunset and you're going to be on that truck or you're going to be dead all right okay this is my life now better hope they got room in the trunk what else to thean guess what Jesse your mouth just scrooges again H know again God's sakes and that's why you didn't get that job as a sales associate he was ready to sniff his finger CH shake you got a bun in the oven I got my sh you need me okay okay bye sweetie I'll see you later all right bye oh Walter Jr has got it so rough lately oh no I think the very fact they haven't found him yet V well at least he's not been found dead somebody would have smelled something no for [ __ ] sake there's got to be something some detail that we haven't picked up on what about the second cell phone oh what we can't just ignore a potential God's sake sis come on what what are you talking about H should have said something though I know stop lying to her the call you said Walt got before he disappeared there's no record of it with the phone company uh no incoming no drop calls nothing but his phone r I heard it oh all right well then if that's the case he must have a second phone oh God it just looks like he's run away with another woman why is that always what you go to you're very I'm a lady no Hank you can't just bring up secret cell phone and then drop it what what does it mean what was the cell phone he was using to contact his drug dealer okay then let's assume there's a second cell phone so what what is you have having an affair it's a it's our women thing that's what we go to what about the marijuana he's not on on pot anymore that's what you think chemotherapy and marijuana go together like like apple pie in Chevrolet maybe he's addicted to the pot and he owes his drug dealer a lot of money Marie that's not don't get hooked ont that how do you know you didn't even know he had a second cell phone Jesus M that's not nice have to question this drun person he may know something and this is where it begins starts putting his sights on Jesse then grasp when all you've got straws start grasping that's the thing about Marie though I don't like her usually but see when it comes down to it she's like come on so uh I'm actually hoping to talk to Jesse about my brother-in-law Walter White he taught your son uh chemistry in high school oh Mr White yes I remember him oh that's cute it's my understanding that he and Jesse they've um stayed in touch really yeah huh K like why that would be so odd I know he really tried to motivate him he was one of the few teachers who cared a Jesse's not answering either phone number I have for him and no one seems to be home at his house and why do you think my son and Mr White would be in touch cuz they were they were talking I don't necessarily I I just uh cuz we're clutching at the straws I'm uh with the Drug Enforcement Administration oh my God is my son in trouble no is just looking for Walt I do not care what your son may or may not have done wrong I just want to find my brother-in-law I'm sorry I would like to help you but I have not seen my son in over a month I don't expect to see him anytime soon has no point given the number AC cross that she has because he probably has it anyway is Jesse still driving the uh 89 Chevy mty Carlo as far as you know if he had spent half as much time and money on his education as he has on on that ridiculous bouncing car that makes me even sadder though that if his car gets completely messed up I know cuz that's his pride and joy specifically I want to know if the car has got a low Jack it's one of those jag off low rid or on B it's got a good shot that it is if so can you go ahead and give me a fix on it thanks buddy oh I'm just we're just getting too close to finding out stuff you know I know I just wish he would stay away and that looks so tasty here's the problem right you can't go after him because he's got a bell you know so it's not as if you could stand up and be like Po did I not already tell you how moronic that was whatever man at least I tried something he almost work too he was about to sniff his finger Jesse how was I supposed to know you were chauffeuring too to my doorstep well at least he wants you alive well that is like uh yeah hopefully he wasn't paying any attention to that information he hasn't changed his eyes he might ring the bell though and be like not this channel can he [Music] talk T you should have taken the Bell off of him I attached should not just balancing their piously we need a plan okay oh he's on fire just SP rushing man Jesse your plans are not good no I'll go first I don't think you should bum rush him crack him over the head with something the Bell throw the bell at him fly swore you're as good as checked out already okay you should be like all sacrificial jumping on a grenade yo how are you still alive Jesse my is not the priority here because I'm going to be dead soon anyway Al so work that's your point yeah uh yeah I do think Walt needs to be the one that comes up with sign because Jesse will just jump in for up a bullet and be like at least I did something yeah what you done is you got a shot at least it's cooking for us all though like that's really kind as all am I getting some put it on your finger Rush up to him and stick up his nose sticking his bum don't much like the taste of jelly pee that much has been established so you can convince him to booty bump booty bump eat we got a long ride ahead of us what's he going to do man food stick it in his food do you think just a little bit B chili pee on the go and sit you're looking a little weak Heisenberg I don't want you to go belly up before we get there that's so nice he's made my wrap I really want wraps but i' got no chicken burrito that's he's doing it he's doing it he's doing it yeah and he's done you would know though if someone touched your wrap oh come on you be like that's not how I did that uhoh oh my God yeah there's a difference between a white guy rapping your burrito in a Mexican take it easy the I will feed you I eat first that's the deal uhoh oh my God he's trying to save you oh what oh bless him I get it I get it I get it oh yeah greedy old bastard no don't give it to him no no no oh my my God you better eat every Bine of that why do I feel like he knows M oh my God as in like what's he called Tuco who him yeah oh you think Tuco knows yeah I think he knows oh the Flies all over it what' you do that for good man God I don't know why I'm so happy because he doesn't deserve to die you know oh my God what if he like feeds it to him he's like you yeah I don't I don't know no he doesn't he loves him fting at w you know him like you know as his dad right I'm assuming what took his dad yeah I think so like he must know when he's just kind of like pointing that something is wrong you know Jesus Christ I'm so glad I didn't show that I was kind of looking away anyway like no cows come on man you just got to get that in his schn did he not just use it all the I don't know if it was all oh my God he he's just going to kill him a he he's going to kill him cuz he's so like on drugs do you want just like me with my dog that's whole guy don't even tell me that you're hungry don't go there this is me with my [Laughter] dog come on smart what do you think he's trying to tell you are you mad doging them deal what you don't like them one day I me yes they don't like you uhoh what's on the TV no why do I like them you don't trust them wonder why a he's crazy he's an old man to come on he's there there's clearly some dementia he's he's not Lucid he's going to listen to him over you buddy you got to figure it out Toco got to figure it out they do something to you oh my god something that you don't like did you Bel ask the old what did you do to my deal nothing nothing my deal is not lie I don't know I swear I don't know I no I I maybe change the channel I I did change the channel yeah you know he was watching one of those um those uh Talent novels you know with all those ripe Honeys on it you know he was really into it I told you not to change the channel man you know dude needs his eye candy that's it I don't think he believed you Jesse is that it nope is that it de oh did they change your mamitas oh God no I don't that was that oh look at the death oh no that old man's going to get you killed stupid Bell what did I tell you grab the Bell [Music] it's just like a smile oh my God why is it always Jessie it needen to this is where the WWE mov coming please leave him alone Jesse didn't even do anything leave Jesse alone Jesus I don't want to die no tell me what you did you better lie on the spot oh what is that you he told him the truth because you're an insane degenerate piece of Filth B Rush up yes come on wall you got to get in there oh he's got a gun oh my God but does he have the balls you got to take the shot I don't have a shot I don't have a shot I thought he was going to had a scope on him oh God Sho him in the butt oh my god oh [Music] J oh my God finish him off wal double tap make him back as a zombie if you don't that's why you don't carry around that gun Toco yeah yeah get your own B Jesse can you do it who's going to do it though they both got guns Jesse will do it no no Jesse he's so young do it wal oh that was I don't know what's worse they could just make some of that acid stuff and pour it in again you know just I just leave them you never leave them alive the keys go oh for God's sakes oh oh for God's sakes just get away from the car take the gun the gun's got your prince on it wall I mean beyond that it would it would be useful to have a gun that's that right they've got a gun well is that Hank no I reckon it's his oh the Mexican yeah the bloody Mexicans I mean I'm assuming it's Mexicans but they could just be going to mexic he he did say it was Mexicans but why is the car bouncing oh my God not good not good I just turned around you left the gun in the car it's oh my God God oh my God oh my God Han could get shot oh my Lord get the get a gun you've got a gun right Jesse Pinkman hard man to find not a Jessie man you know who this guy is you know what he looks like he's on your board it's like holy sh where's your gun Hank where's your gun well you found him and you didn't think you were going to oh my God if Hank gets shot this is Walter's fault oh no no oh there you go oh my God that's why the car shagged oh my God Hank oh my God his car and everything luckily tickle doesn't know how to shoot that thing none of them know how to shoot no no you're right there the shagun car oh my God Hank's got nothing Hank's got nothing that's so distracting that's so funny come on H take the shot n wait for it there you go yes what a shot I say to you no one shagging that quickly you were the one that said it was shagging anyway well yeah until I said not that quickly but does that not mean that like there's going to be a full investigation no oh my God I mean Hank W see them Hank what oh my God bury yourself in the sad we were never here what are you doing I got to go got to go Jesse oh my God sorry about your car dude what a shot though beautiful absolutely beauti beautiful oh I think the Hydraulics are gone no oh guy dad's not happy ding ding ding what's going on there I love that so much I love that we got like a an echo on it just said at the end as well that was a brilliant episode that was so so good ah goodness me I want to know what the Bloody Dog was doing halfway through though did you know I hear him no I don't I I've got a anti- dog filter on my headphones oh okay he was like running around the living room and he was like do and I was like this is very distracting oh Hank you're getting one step closer or are you you're just getting closer to Jessie well is interesting to be like there is the connection there between Walt and Jesse and tule yep is Walt going to just go back home and say that you got a spa rich treat and everything is good now because to to is dead so he has no reason to stay away but he better get his story straight yeah I feel like something's going to go down s's going to go down how you getting out of this one what there's only one way to find out in the next episode yeah thank you so much for watching love you guys as always and we'll see you all in the next episode bye bye-bye
Channel: Suzy & Steejo
Views: 10,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mZdl6gZxmP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 32sec (2732 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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